Pierce Sarah - 003 Classroom Environment Philosophy 1

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I plan to teach Secondary English Language Arts. I hope to create a community in my classroom
where all students feel welcomed and valued. I also hope to create community with my fellow
teachers so that students are able to see the interdisciplinary nature of different subjects; that they
arent distinct but rather work together to create well-rounded knowledge of the world we live in.
As far as disruptive behavior goes, Id like to create an environment of respect, where students
understand that disrupting the classroom affects not only their own learning but also my teaching
and the education of other students. In response to disruptions in the classroom, I would not want
to take away from that students learning, so I would choose to first move them to an isolated
area in the room and would ask them to explain to me why they were being disruptive and what
we should do about it at the end of class. If disruptions are ongoing and affecting the learning
environment for other students, I would probably have to remove the student from the classroom,
but would strive to understand the root of the issue, and whether anything is going on in their
personal life that is causing the change in behavior. Ultimately, my classroom will consist of
respect, collaboration, and passion for learning.

My Beliefs
1) I believe that every student has potential.

In my classroom, even troublemakers will be valued, and I will try to understand who they are.
Even students who dont make good grades and dont seem to care have the ability to do well. I
will strive to make sure those students know that they have potential, and I will try my best to
motivate them. I recently viewed a video in which the teacher used a troublesome students
desire for attention in a positive way, making him the class greeter. I will look for similar
innovative ways to make my students feel valued and to channel their negative tendencies into
positive outcomes.

2) I believe that every student should be given the opportunity to make their voice heard.

I will provide opportunities in class for students to express themselves in a variety of ways.
There will be different types of writing and journaling assignments, discussions about topics
relevant to their lives, presentations that utilize different types of media, and multiple chances for
free choice of presentation. Not only should students have the opportunity to share, but they
should be able to do it in different ways and to explore their own beliefs in different forms.

3) I believe that progress should always be recognized.

Progress, no matter how small, is important. Students who are at a lower level than they should
be but who make improvements throughout the course of the year should be recognized for their
hard work. Even when students dont do well on a paper or an exam, I will use these as teaching
moments and learning opportunities so that students can continue to improve.
4) I believe that school should be a safe place for all students.

I will show students that I care about their personal lives and make them aware that my door is
always open if they need to talk about anything non-school-related. I will be aware of any issues
that I notice between students and try to get to the root of any problems I notice in a way that
promotes equality and security.

5) I believe that students need structure as well as space for creativity.

I will give students assignments that guide their process, but not their thinking. I will allow them
the space to create on things like projects and presentations. I hope to plan different types of
lessons so that eventually all students have enjoyed a lesson or class meeting because it spoke to
their interests.

Parent Letter
Dear Parent/Guardian:

Welcome to Ms. Pierces English Language Arts class! I am thrilled to have your student join me
this semester as we explore various texts and work to become more effective readers and writers.
I believe that all my students have the potential to be successful, and I hope to be a part of
helping them realize that and use it to their advantage.

This year in English, we will be discovering new worlds, meeting characters from all different
walks of life, engaging with many different cultures and backgrounds, and connecting with what
we read through personal expression. Students will have the opportunity to complete periodic
journal entries about what we read; express themselves through narratives, argumentative essays,
and poetry; and represent what they learn through visual or digital creations. I believe that
technology can play a huge role in education, and my classroom will integrate it into our lessons
as much as possible. Students will have opportunities to use technology themselves for certain
assignments, and the goal will be to become active learners in the world of English.

As a huge proponent of each students individual success, I will need your help in joining my
team and providing support for your student:
I encourage all parents/guardians to attend our Open House at the beginning of the school
year to come meet your students teachers and see where they will be learning;
I reserve the right to ask for a conference with parents/guardians at any time should your
student experience difficulty in my class;
My door is always open, so please contact me for extra support, help for your student
outside of the classroom, or additional supports for your family unrelated to school. I will
do my best to provide for any needs you or your students may have, or to direct you to
the correct channels to seek assistance;
I ask that you encourage your student as much as possible to take responsibility for their
own education. While I am happy to provide help for struggling students, I believe
students should own their education and seek help when they need it. I will always listen
and give students a voice, so please encourage your student to come to me at any time.

I am looking forward to a great year, and I know that as a team, we can help our students be
successful. Please remember that open communication is key, and feel free to contact me at any
time through email (ms.pierce@teacher.org), office phone (XXX-XXX-XXXX) or cell phone
(XXX-XXX-XXXX). Thank you in advance for your support and I look forward to meeting you.

Ms. Sarah Pierce

My future classroom is not set in stone. I do not know where Ill be teaching, what grade level
Ill have, or who my students will be. But no matter what my future classroom looks like, the
environment that I envision is one of respect, collaboration, and a value and passion for
education. Mutual respect is extremely important in keeping a well-structured and productive
classroom, and I plan to do my best to not only receive respect, but also show it to my students.
Collaboration among teachers and students is extremely important in creating a classroom in
which students feel ownership over their own education. In addition, cooperation among teachers
can create disciplinary literacy and expand the education of students and their appreciation for
My classroom environment philosophy has really expanded over the course of the semester. My
fieldwork experience has shown me a few things I know I dont want my classroom to look like.
It was really helpful to see a classroom in person and learn through observation what I might do
differently in my own future classroom. I think it is helpful to make a plan like this, but I know it
is always subject to change as I learn more about my own beliefs as a teacher and gain more
experience in an actual classroom setting.

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