This Signature Writing Assignment Reflective Essay

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Caleb Ferger Signature Writing Assignment Reflective Essay COM 499

This Signature Writing Assignment was required for the completion of my level 400

Cross Cultural Studies Seminar by which we were asked to explain, in three typed pages, how

our experiences on our cross-cultural experience had an impact or changed our perspectives, as

well as, how Carroll has succeeded in preparing us for life beyond a student. In my short time

here at Carroll, I was able to provide this evidence in showing that the classes I have taken,

leading up to my Capstone course, have groomed my communication competence in a way that

will benefit me in being an effective communicator between various cultures.

For instance, I mentioned as the first aspect of the assignment that I was thankful for

classes offered at Carroll such as Intercultural Communication. I had taken Intercultural

Communication in my second semester here at Carroll with Dr. Gordon. Going into the class, I

had some initial expectations, but finished the class with a completely different perspective of

how important communication between cultures actually is, especially within the ever-evolving

globalized economy. In addition to recognizing the importance, it was especially mind-altering

that every culture functions differently regarding their values, beliefs, social norms, and

communication styles.

This idea was further emphasized on my cross-cultural experience as required by

Carrolls general curriculum. For my experience, I decided to go to Michigans Upper Peninsula

where we spent a week immersed in the Ojibwa nation learning about the cultural diversity only

a few hundred miles away. Being immersed in a new culture, from a communication perspective,

allowed me to view the challenges that people of the Ojibwa, as well as other cultures, face even

within the sovereign borders of the United States. From this perspective, it is notable that

although communication barriers may exist on a global scale, the United States, and other
Caleb Ferger Signature Writing Assignment Reflective Essay COM 499

countries, continue to have communication barriers among its own citizens because of cultural

distinctions and ethnic diversity.

As a communication major, it is especially critical to possess the knowledge of how to

assess various cultural and social norms in order to effectively communicate with diverse others.

This signature writing assignment helped to emphasize the impact that Carroll has had on me as

a person, my beliefs, and my overall potency as a communicator in life beyond.

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