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Braz. J. Food Technol., v. 12, n. 3, p. 220-229, jul./set.

DOI: 10.4260/BJFT2009800900016

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity

of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
Composio qumica e atividade de sequestro do radical
livre de plen apcola de Apis mellifera da Regio Sul do Brasil

Autores | Authors
Bee pollen is an agglomerate of pollen grains from various botanical sources,
Solange Teresinha CARPES which are collected by the bees and mixed with nectar and secretion from the
Universidade Tecnolgica Federal do hypopharyngeal glands such as -glycosidase enzymes. Bee pollen has a complex
Paran (UTFPR) chemical composition constituted of carbohydrates, proteins, aminoacids, vitamins
Via do Conhecimento, Km 01
CEP 85503-390 and minerals, and is considered a good nutritional source, beneficial to health,
Pato Branco/PR - Brasil particularly because of the presence of phenolic compounds with antioxidant
e-mail: activity. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the nutritional composition
and antioxidant activity of the bee pollen produced in the Southern region of Brazil.
Gerson Barreto MOURO The content of humidity, water activity, protein, total sugars, reducing sugars, crude
Severino Matias de ALENCAR fiber, lipids and minerals, as well as the content of total phenolic compounds,
Universidade de So Paulo (USP) flavonoids, and antioxidant activity by the DPPH free radical scavenging method
Escola Superior de Agricultura (2,2 diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl) were determined. The mean contents of humidity,
Luiz de Queiroz (ESALQ)
Departamento de Agroindstria, Alimentos protein and reducing sugars were 4.19, 20.47 and 48%, respectively, and the
e Nutrio predominant minerals were phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
Piracicaba/SP -Brasil The contents of phenolic compounds and total flavonoids were 30.46 8.22 mg
of GAE.g1 pollen and 8.92 5.5 mg of quercetin.g1 pollen, respectively. High
scavenging activities were found for the free radical DPPH, with EC50 (minimum
concentration required for the antioxidant to reduce the initial concentration of the
Maria Lcia MASSON
DPPH by 50%) values that ranged from 810 to 4690 g.mL1. The bee pollen of
Universidade Federal do Paran (UFPR)
Programa de Ps-Graduao em Santa Catarina showed high antioxidant activity probably due to the high content
Tecnologia de Alimentos of phenolic compounds present in pollen.
Curitiba/PR - Brasil
e-mail: Key words: Bee pollen; Phenolic compounds; Flavonoids; Antioxidant activity;
Autor Correspondente | Corresponding Author

Recebido | Received: 23/09/2008

Aprovado | Approved: 22/07/2009 Resumo

O plen apcola possui uma composio qumica complexa constituda por

carboidratos, protenas, aminocidos, vitaminas e minerais, sendo considerada
uma boa fonte nutricional com benefcios para a sade, principalmente pela
presena de compostos fenlicos com atividade antioxidante. Portanto, o objetivo
deste estudo foi avaliar a composio nutricional e a atividade antioxidante do
plen apcola produzido na regio sul do Brasil. Foram determinados o teor
de umidade, atividade de gua, protena, acares totais, acares redutores,
fibra bruta, lipdeos e minerais, alm do teor de compostos fenlicos totais,
flavonoides e a atividade antioxidante pelo mtodo de sequestro do radical livre
DPPH (2,2 difenil-1-picril hidrazil). Os teores mdios de umidade, protena e
acares redutores foram de 4,19, 20,47 e 48%, respectivamente, e os minerais
predominantes foram o fsforo, potssio, clcio e magnsio. Os teores de
compostos fenlicos e flavonoides totais foram de 30,46 8,22 mg de EAG.g1
plen (EAG: equivalentes de cido glico) e 8,92 5,5 mg de quercetina.g1 plen,
respectivamente. Foram encontradas altas atividades de sequestro para o radical
livre DPPH, com valores de EC50 que variaram de 810a 4690 mg.mL1. O plen
apcola de Santa Catarina apresentou alta atividade antioxidante provavelmente
em funo do alto teor de compostos fenlicos presentes nesse plen.
Palavras-chave: Plen apcola; Compostos fenlicos; Flavonides;
Atividade antioxidante; DPPH; EC50.

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

1 Introduction the reducing power of the antioxidant is assessed, which

Bee pollen has been used for many years in both becomes oxidized when it donates an electron, and
traditional medicine and supplementary nutrition, as well for this reason does not detect pro-oxidant substances
as in alternative diets, mainly due to its nutritional proper- (BRAND-WILLIAMS etal., 1995).
ties and health benefits (SERRA BONVEH and ESCOL Bee pollen production is a recent activity in Brazil,
JORD, 1997; ISLA etal., 2001; KROYER and HEGEDUS, having begun in the late 1980s. However, the country
2001; ALMEIDA-MURADIAN et al., 2005). Its nutritional has the potential of being a large world producer of high
composition consists of proteins, lipids, sugars, fibers, quality pollen, particularly because of the great diversity
mineral salts (calcium, chlorine, copper, iron, magnesium, of tropical flora and the resistance of the Apis mellifera
iodine, molybdenum, selenium, strontium, stannum, boron, in to diseases of bees. Therefore, the aim of this study
fluoride, vanadium, chromium, phosphorus, potassium, was to assess the nutritional composition and DPPH
sulfur, aluminum, iron, manganese, and zinc), aminoacids scavenging activity of the bee pollen produced in the
and vitamins (A, B, C, D, E) (WESH and MARSTON, 1983; Southern region of Brazil, by bees of the Africanized
MARCHINI etal., 2006). A.mellifera species.
In addition to this, pollen also has high contents
of polyphenolic substances, chiefly flavonoids with anti- 2 Material and methods
oxidant (KROYER and HEGEDUS, 2001; CAMPOS etal.,
2003) and antimicrobial activity (GARCA et al., 2001; 2.1 Bee pollen samples
BASIM etal., 2006). During the last decade, interest in Thirty-six dehydrated bee pollen samples were
the study of phenolic compounds has increased greatly, collected by beekeepers from different locations in the
mainly due to the antioxidant capacity of these substances Southern region of Brazil, sixteen being from the State of
in scavenging free radicals that are harmful to human Paran, ten from the State of Santa Catarina and ten from
health (DORMAN etal., 2003). The antioxidant activity of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, during the period from
phenolic compounds depends on the chemical structure 2005 to 2006. After collection, the bee pollens were sent
and can be determined by the action of the molecule to the laboratory and each sample was separately crushed
as reducing agents (speed of free radical inactivation, in commercial blender, homogenized and stored between
reactivity with other antioxidants and metal chelating 12 to 15 C in freezer for later analysis.
potential). In vitro trials have demonstrated that some
flavonoids have greater antioxidant activity than vitamins
2.2 Ethanolic pollen extract preparation (EPE)
et al., 2007). Epidemiologic studies have also demon- The ethanolic pollen extracts used for determining
strated positive correlation between the increase in the contents of total phenolic compounds, total flavonoids
phenolic compound consumption with antioxidant action and antioxidant activity were prepared by extracting two
(JAVANMARDI et al., 2003) and reduction of the risk of grams of crushed pollen in 15 mL of ethanol (70%) in a
cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer water bath at 70 C, for 30 min. Next the samples were
(RICE-EVANS and MILLER, 1994; COOK and SAMMAN, filtered and stored in tubes with a screw-on cap, at 5 C
1996). (PARK, 1998).
The biological properties of phenolic compounds
are related to the activity that each phenol exercises in 2.3 Water activity (Aw)
a certain medium, and the chemical structure of flavo- Water activity was determined at 22 C, using a
noids favors antioxidant action. The high capacity of the PawKit water activity meter (Decagon), in accordance
phenolic constituents to neutralize the species reactive to with the methodology described by AOAC (2000) (Water
oxygen are strongly associated with their structure, such Activity method 32.004-32.009).
as conjugated double bonds and number of hydroxyls
in the aromatic ring of flavonoids and cinnamic acid
2.4 Moisture, protein content, crude
derivatives (CAMPOS etal., 1997). The radical DPPH is
fibers, lipids, ash and sugar content
widely used to test the free radical scavenger capacity
in apicultural products such as, pollen (CAMPOS etal., The humidity content was determined in an oven at
2003; SILVA etal., 2006; LEJA etal., 2007), propolis (LU 60 C, until a constant weight of previously crushed 2g
etal., 2003; KUMAZAWA etal., 2004) and honey (MEDA pollen dry basis sample was obtained method 935.29
etal., 2005). The antioxidant activity using the stable free of AOAC (1997). Total nitrogen was determined by the
radical DPPH is based on the transfer of electrons from Kjeldahl method from a 0.7 g crushed pollen sample, using
an antioxidant compound to a free radical, DPPH which, a factor of 6.25 for conversion into protein beside method
when it is reduced, loses its purple coloring. Thus, only 991.20 of AOAC (1997). Crude fibers were quantified by

Braz. J. Food Technol., v. 12, n. 3, p. 220-229, jul./set. 2009 221

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

gravimetry from two grams of crushed and defatted pollen, hydroxyanisole) and -tocoferol were assessed at the final
in accordance with the methodology described by AOAC concentration of 90 mg.mL1. The decrease in absorbance
(1997) (fibers method 991.43). Total lipids were determined at 517 was determined in a spectrophotometer (UV-Vis
by gravimetry from the extract of 2 g of crushed pollen Mini 1240, Shimadzu Co.), after 100 min of reaction. A tube
with petroleum ether, in a Soxhlet apparatus, for approxi- containing 3.5 mL of ethanol and 0.3 mL of 0.3 mM DPPH
mately 4 h (FOLCH et al., 1957). Ash was determined was used as negative control. The blank sample was
by gravimetry, after incineration to a constant weight in made by adding 3.3 mL of ethanol and 0.5 mL of the EPE.
a furnace at 550 C (ash method 942.05) (AOAC, 1997). The antioxidant activity was expressed in terms of EC50
Total sugar and reducing sugar contents were determined (minimum concentration required for the antioxidant to
spectrophotmetrically at 510nm, in accordance with the reduce the initial concentration of the DPPH by 50%). The
Somogyi-Nelson method (SOMOGYI, 1945). All analyses lower the EC50 value, the greater the antioxidant capacity
were performed in triplicate and dry basis. of the compounds present in the EPE. The EC50 values
were calculated by means of a linear regression between
2.5 Mineral content the concentration in g.mL1 (axis of the abscissas) and
the mean percentage of antioxidant activity, (ordinal axis),
The minerals Fe, Ca, Zn, K, Na, Cu, Mg and Mn according to the formula described by Mensor etal. (2001)
were determined after incineration of 1.5 g of pollen at (Equation 1).
550 C, until a constant weight was obtained. Next, the
ash was solubilized with 25 mL of HNO3 50%, heated in a %AA = 100 - { [( Abs sample Abs blank) X 100] / Abs control} (1)
water bath for 30 min, filtered and the minerals determined
by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (Varian Model 2.8 Statistical analysis
Spectra AA 100 & 200). The phosphorus content was
determined by an spectrophotometer (Shimadzu model The students-t test was used to compare the anti-
UV-Vis 1601 PC) (AOAC, 2000) (method 986.11). oxidant activity with the positive controls and the Tukey
test to assess the differences between the means at a
level of p < 0.05, by means of SAS V9 (2004) software.
2.6 Total phenolic and flavonoid contents
All the values represented the mean of three repetitions
Total content of polyphenols in the EPE was deter- with the standard deviation (n = 3) and the coefficient of
mined by the colorimetric method of Folin-Ciocalteau variation (CV).
(SINGLETON etal., 1999) by mixing an aliquot of 0.5 mL
of the EPE (1:25) with 2.5 mL of Folin-Ciocalteau reagent 3 Results and discussion
diluted to 1:10 and 2.0 mL of 4% Na2CO3. The absorbance The bee pollen samples from the Southern region
was measured at 740 nm after two hours of incubation in of Brazil demonstrated a homogeneous nutritional
the dark at ambient temperature. The results of the total composition, with the exception of the humidity content,
phenolic contents were expressed as gallic acid equiva- which presented a coefficient of variation of over 40%
lents (mg GAE.g1 bee pollen dry basis). (Table1).
The content of total flavonoids in the EPE was The humidity content ranged from 1.69 to 7.84%,
determined in accordance with the method described by and 47% of the samples were outside of the Brazilian
Park etal. (1995), with some modifications. An aliquot of legislation that allows the sale of pollen with a maximum
0.5 mL of the EPE (1:10) was mixed with 4.3 mL of 80% humidity content of 4% (BRASIL, 2001). Among the three
ethanol, 0.1mL of 10% Al(NO3)3 and 0.1 mL of 1 M potas- states analyzed, the pollen from Paran (PR samples)
sium acetate. After 40 min at ambient temperature, the was one with the highest number of specimens, 50% of
absorbance was measured at 415 nm in a spectrophotom- which had contents above the limit set by the legislation
eter (UV-Vis Mini 1240, Shimadzu Co.). The total quantity (Table 1).
of flavonoids was calculated as quercetin equivalents The mean water activity of the samples was
(mgquercetin/g bee pollen dry basis). 0.380.04, which was characteristic of dehydrated foods
and recommended for good storage stability (Table 1).
2.7 Free radical-scavenger activity The water activity could favor microbiological contami-
The antioxidant activity of the compounds present in nation, particularly by fungi and yeasts. Pollen is highly
the EPE was determined by means of DPPH (2,2 diphenyl- hygroscopic, and is therefore affected by environmental
1-picryl-hydrazyl) free radical scavenger capacity. An conditions.
aliquot of 0.5 mL of the EPE solution was placed in a test The total protein content ranged from 15.04 to
tube containing 3 mL of absolute ethanol and 0.3 mL of 27.69%, and the protein contents of the samples from the
the 0.5 mM DPPH ethanolic solution. The standard solu- State of Santa Catarina (SC) differed statistically from those
tions of BHT (butylated hydroxyl-toluene), BHA (butylated of the States of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) and Paran (PR)

Braz. J. Food Technol., v. 12, n. 3, p. 220-229, jul./set. 2009 222

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

Table 1. Nutrient composition of bee pollen samples.

Samples* aW** Humidity Protein % Crude Lipids (%) Ash TS*** RS****
(%) (N x 6.25) fibers (%) (%) (g.100 g1) (g.100 g1)
PR 01 0.3 0.0 a
6.6 0.1a 18.9 0.2b 3.5 0.0a 4.2 0.1a 2.1 0.1a 54.6 2.1a 48.7 2.2a
PR 02 0.3 0.0 a
6.6 0.1a 18.6 0.4b 3.1 0.0a 4.1 0.1a 1.9 0.0a 58.8 0.2a 56.6 0.4a
PR 03 0.4 0.0 a
5.3 0.1a 18.9 0.7b 3.6 0.1a 5.1 0.1a 3.2 0.0a 55.3 0.2a 52.8 0.6a
PR 04 0.4 0.0a 7.8 0.1a 15.0 0.2b 2.7 0.1a 4.9 0.1a 3.1 0.0a 58.6 0.2a 56.3 0.5a
PR 05 0.5 0.0 a
6.3 0.1a 15.4 0.7b 2.5 0.1a 4.7 0.0a 3.2 0.0a 60.3 0.5a 55.9 0.8a
PR 06 0.4 0.0 a
3.3 0.4b 21.7 0.4b 4.8 0.1a 5.2 0.0a 2.5 0.0a 55.2 0.5a 52.6 0.3a
PR 07 0.3 0.0 a
1.9 0.0 c 22.4 0.8b 3.2 0.0a 5.7 0.0a 2.9 0.1a 51.3 0.4a 45.1 0.7a
PR 08 0.4 0.0 a
3.3 0.1b 22.3 0.4b 2.8 0.1a 6.5 0.1a 2.9 0.0a 52.6 0.4a 50.9 0.1a
PR 09 0.4 0.0a 3.1 0.1b 21.5 0.3b 3.0 0.1a 5.4 0.0a 3.9 0.1a 50.8 0.2a 49.5 0.7a
PR 10 0.4 0.0 a
3.1 0.1b 21.8 0.3b 3.9 0.0a 3.7 0.0a 3.7 0.0a 50.3 0.3a 47.0 0.6a
PR 11 0.4 0.0 a
3.0 0.0b 21.9 0.4b 3.9 0.0a 4.2 0.0a 3.8 0.1a 50.1 0.5a 47.6 0.4a
PR 12 0.4 0.0 a
4.4 0.2a 22.5 0.1b 3.9 0.2a 4.9 0.1a 3.8 0.0a 48.7 0.2a 45.1 0.5a
PR 13 0.4 0.0 a
4.6 0.0a 21.8 0.6b 2.8 0.1a 5.7 0.1a 2.9 0.0a 52.2 0.2a 48.7 0.4a
PR 14 0.4 0.0a 1.7 0.0c 20.1 0.2b 3.0 0.1a 6.0 0.0a 2.9 0.0a 50.3 0.5a 48.0 0.2a
PR 15 0.4 0.0 a
3.4 0.2a 20.9 0.3b 3.5 0.0a 5.2 0.0a 3.0 0.1a 50.0 0.6a 48.0 0.6a
PR 16 0.4 0.0 a
5.8 0.7a 21.5 0.1b 3.4 0.1a 5.5 0.0a 2.2 0.0a 50.5 0.0a 47.0 0.0a
SC 01 0.4 0.0 a
2.1 0.2a 22.9 0.4a 3.7 0.0a 4.2 0.0a 3.4 0.0a 48.4 0.5a 44.2 3.7a
SC 02 0.4 0.0a 2.9 0.1a 27.7 0.3a 2.2 0.0a 4.1 0.1a 3.3 0.0a 42.8 0.3a 40.4 1.0a
SC 03 0.4 0.0a 3.8 0.1a 22.6 1.5a 4.0 0.0a 5.4 0.1a 3.1 0.0a 49.7 0.2a 45.9 1.0a
SC 04 0.3 0.0a 3.4 0.2b 20.9 0.7a 3.5 0.1a 5.2 0.0a 3.0 0.1a 55.0 0.4a 50.4 0.2a
SC 05 0.5 0.0 a
4.8 0.1a 22.9 0.8a 3.4 0.1a 5.3 0.0a 2.9 0.0a 53.3 0.47a 50.4 0.6a
SC 06 0.4 0.0 a
4.2 0.6a 24.9 0.2a 2.9 0.0a 4.9 0.1a 2.4 0.1a 52.8 0.2a 50.4 0.7a
SC 07 0.4 0.0a 2.3 0.1b 19.0 0.6a 3.6 0.1a 3.9 0.0a 2.6 0.0a 51.2 0.6a 49.8 0.2a
SC 08 0.4 0.0 a
2.9 0.0b 21.5 0.2a 2.8 0.1a 4.5 0.0a 2.5 0.0a 49.4 0.2a 47.6 0.5a
SC 09 0.4 0.0 a
2.3 0.2b 24.4 0.3a 4.3 0.1a 4.4 0.0a 3.2 0.0a 50.5 0.4a 46.2 0.2a
SC 10 0.4 0.0 a
5.6 0.6a 19.1 1.5b 4.6 0.0a 3.9 0.0a 3.1 0.0a 51.3 0.2a 49.0 0.5a
RS 01 0.4 0.0 a
3.7 0.6b 20.0 0.1b 3.5 0.1a 4.0 0.0a 2.6 0.1a 60.4 0.6a 55.0 0.7a
RS 02 0.4 0.0a 1.9 0.0c 18.9 0.5b 3.5 0.0a 4.6 0.0a 1.9 0.0a 49.4 0.3a 45.4 0.2a
RS 03 0.3 0.0 a
6.9 0.0a 18.2 0.2b 3.4 0.1a 4.9 0.0a 2.9 0.0a 54.2 0.8a 49.0 0.9a
RS 04 0.4 0.0 a
7.3 0.0a 16.4 0.9b 3.2 0.1a 4.2 0.0a 3.0 0.0a 57.7 0.5a 53.0 0.2a
RS 05 0.5 0.0 a
5.1 0.1a 18.5 0.2b 3.9 0.0a 5.6 0.0a 3.0 0.0a 54.7 0.5a 52.2 0.3a
RS 06 0.4 0.0 a
6.7 0.1a 17.1 0.1b 3.1 0.0a 5.0 0.0a 2.9 0.0a 55.0 0.9a 48.4 0.4a
RS 07 0.4 0.0a 3.9 0.1b 19.3 0.1b 3.3 0.1a 4.5 0.1a 3.3 0.0a 41.1 0.4a 38.2 0.7a
RS 08 0.4 0.0 a
5.9 0.0a 19.4 0.0b 3.2 0.0a 4.9 0.0a 2.8 0.1a 46.5 0.6a 41.5 0.8a
RS 09 0.4 0.0 a
2.4 0.1b 19.9 0.1b 4.3 0.0a 5.4 0.1a 2.6 0.1a 51.1 0.4a 50.2 0.8a
RS 10 0.4 0.0 a
4.8 0.0a 18.0 0.1b 3.5 0.1a 5.0 0.1a 2.9 0.0a 51.4 0.2a 48.7 0.3a
Vmx. 0.5 7.8 27.7 4.9 6.5 3.91 60.4 56.6
Vmn. 0.3 1.7 15.0 2.2 3.7 1.90 41.1 38.2
Mean SD 0.4 0.0 4.2 1.7 20.5 2.6 3.4 0.6 4.9 0.7 2.9 0.5 52.1 4.22 48.8 4.2
C.V(%) 10.6 40.6 12. 9 16.5 13.4 16.33 8.09 8.53
* PR: Parana samples, SC: Santa Catarina samples, RS: Rio Grande do Sul samples; ** Water Activity ( 22 C); *** Total Sugar (g.100 g1 drybasis);
**** Reducing Sugars (g.100 g1 drybasis); Means followedby the same letter do not differ statistically by the Tukey test (p < 0.05).

(Table 1). Higher protein contents of 25.9% have also been high protein content (20.47 2.64%) and reducing sugars
found in bee pollen produced in the Southeast of Australia (48.79 4.16%) and low lipid content found (4.86 0.65%)
(SOMERVILLE and NICOL, 2006). The greatest part of the make pollen and excellent food supplement (Table 1).
nitrogen present in pollen is in the protein fraction, this This result corroborates those of Almeida-Muradian etal.
being the second most abundant group of nutrients, after (2005), who assessed Brazilian pollen samples and found
the carbohydrates. All the samples analyzed presented a content of humidity, proteins, lipids and ash of 7.4, 20,
a protein content of over 8% thus being in accordance 6 and 2.2%, respectively. The high content of reducing
with the Brazilian technical regulation (BRASIL, 2001). The sugars in pollen can be justified by the presence of

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Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

honey or nectar in the fluid that cements the pollen grains The lipid content of the samples (4.86
(STANLEY and LINSKENS, 1974). According Qian etal. 0.65 g.100 g1 dry basis) (Table 1) was similar to that
(2008) the calcium ligand exchange chromatography with described by Somerville (2005), who found a variation
PAD detection was capable of resolving a range of sugars from 0% of lipids for Eucalyptus macrorhyncha pollen and
although as has been observed previously it is difficult to 11.2% for Hypochoeris radicata pollen in the Southeast
get a method which will completely separate all possible of Australia.
sugar structures. The current method separated three The predominant minerals in the samples were
common hexoses and sucrose with good resolution. As phosphorus (6923.63 872.53 mg.kg1 of pollen), followed
well as confirming the identity of fructose, glucose and by potassium (5116.76 528.89 mg.kg1 of pollen), calcium
sucrose in the bee pollen it was possible to tentatively (1031.98 377.51 mg.kg1 of pollen) and magnesium
identify melezitose as a minor component in the bee pollen (754.64 184.17 mg.kg1 of pollen) (Table2). Statistical
from Spain, Israel, China and from Romania. analysis by the Tukey test demonstrated no significant

Table 2. Mineral content of bee pollen samples.*

Samples** Ca Cu Fe P Mg Mn K Na Zn
PR 01 1035.3 15.5 139.5 7345.5 763.4 73.3 5727.4 206.5 53.1
8.2a 0.8a 0.6a 75.1a 20.4a 3.6a 268.6a 7.7a 1.2a,b
PR 02 1036.3 15.6 145.1 7364.3 785.5 75.4 5419.7 212.9 54.5
20.0a 0.8a 3.4a 259.9a 41.4a 4.7a 439.2a 18.9a 0.7a,b
PR 03 1515.7 11.4 76.8 7277.3 946.9 43.6 4820.4 459.4 46.2
64.1a 2.3a 2.7a 361.9a 99.5a 4.2a 295.3a 22.1a 5.9b
PR 04 1195.8 14.2 120.5 7328.0 831.9 64.1 5322.5 292.9 51.3
6.2a 1.1a 3.0a 269.9a 42.5a 2.6a 48.6a 9.5a 1.2a,b
PR 05 1249.3 13.7 114.1 7323.5 854.8 61.0 5187.5 321.7 50.6
22.6a 1.5a 1.3a 21.7a 62.8a 0.6a 43.9a 0.8a 0.7a,b
PR 06 1320.3 13.1 103.8 7309.9 877.9 56.2 5110.1 358.0 49.4
24.4a 0.6a 8.5a 227.4a 41.5a 0.6a 80.4a 17.8a 8.8b
PR 07 1195.8 14.2 120.5 7329.0 831.9 64.1 5322.5 292.9 51.3
55.7a 0.3a 3.1a 253.6a 36.5a 1.4a 80.9a 7.8a 2.0a,b
PR 08 1123.6 10.4 57.5 6132.7 714.4 97.5 5645.7 73.5 61.2
127.0a 0.9a 1.5a 217.8a 3.5a 3.1a 198.4a 1.8b 0.9a
PR 09 1213.2 12.5 93.9 6923.9 808.1 72.6 5359.4 241.5 53.9
52.2a 0.5a 1.1a 86.7a 0.8a 0.5a 80.9a 0.8a 0.3a,b
PR 10 1177.5 12.4 90.6 6795.2 784.8 78.1 5442.5 202.6 55.5
6.8a 0.1a 3.7a 37.7a 15.4a 1.9a 10.9a 1.1a 0.8a,b
PR 11 975.1 9.8 68.6 6404.6 738.3 83.3 5318.0 19.7 48.7
50.4a 0.3a 6.7a 217.4a 23.1a 7.3a 231.6a 4.4c 2.2b
PR 12 860.3 9.2 38.6 5724.1 463.3 51.5 3722.5 161.8 43.0
88.7a 0.9a 3.8a 447.2a 7.8a 6.5a 237.3a 8.8a 2.2b
PR 13 1764.6 11.5 58.2 7155.5 1095.9 63.7 6363.7 231.1 55.2
89.8a 1.6a 6.5a 78.2a 32.5a 4.2a 24.7a 63.0a 4.7a,b
PR 14 1383.4 10.3 66.9 8865.3 924.3 129.4 5586.8 106.8 53.7
11.0a 0.6a 2.1a 229.9a 10.2a 5.0a 33.8a 9.1a 2.2a,b
PR 15 628.1 8.2 34.6 6609.5 713.4 98.9 5516.8 42.7 42.7
35.7a 0.1a 0.8a 240.3a 12.2a 1.8a 159.6a 4.6b 4.2a,b
PR 16 1190.6 10.8 57.6 7748.2 953.6 63.5 6274.0 221.66 53.9
47.7a 0.6a 0.7a 47.3a 36.5a 0.6a 78.7a 0.6a 1.7a,b
SC 01 938.3 13.3 103.3 5872.4 536.0 50.2 4556.3 202.5 55.6
62.4a 1.4a 2.3a 235.7a 32.0a 3.0a 297.3a,b 22.4a 4.6b
SC 02 1388.8 9.3 71.2 8769.4 1039.5 25.3 5136.0 636.4 42.4
69.1a 0.5a 2.5a 149.0a 111.0a 1.5a 428.8a,b 87.5a 1.7b
* mg.kg1 of bee pollen dry basis; ** PR: Parana samples; SC: Santa Catarina samples; RS: Rio Grande do Sul samples; Means followed by the
same letter do not differ statistically by the Tukey test (p < 0.05).

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Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

Table 2. Continued...
Samples** Ca Cu Fe P Mg Mn K Na Zn
SC 03 866.7 16.4 115.6 6958.8 558.2 59.4 5270.1 227.7 60.6
75.2a 0.1a 8.1a 69.7a 8.2a 1.4a 135.2a,b 40.0a 0.7a
SC 04 808.8 10.7 35.4 7691.8 799.0 110.7 5348.8 229.7 45.7
19.9a 0.3a 0.5a 8.2a 1.9a 0.6a 72.7a,b 5.0a 0.4b
SC 05 792.9 9.9 48.8 6079.8 544.6 83.0 4976.1 55.4 36.1
7.35a 0.4a 0.3a 125.9a 4.7a 5.0a 78.7a,b 0.7b 0.7b
SC 06 816.0 11.3 35.0 7433.8 818.6 110.9 5347.0 239.6 46.7
19.1a 0.2a 1.1a 48.7a 29.9a 3.2a 284.6a,b 23.6a 0.1b
SC 07 750.8 9.1 49.7 5913.5 534.7 59.3 4762.8 47.0 38.0
22.0a 0.2a 4.8a 86.9a 10.9a 2.1a 110.4a,b 2.7b 0.3b
SC 08 1518.6 10.3 48.5 5921.3 530.3 58.9 4792.0 54.9 38.9
36.2a 0.4a 0.5a 67.2a 6.3a 0.9a 61.1a,b 0.7b 0.8b
SC 09 868.1 13.7 51.3 8224.5 881.3 69.4 5073.3 168.3 49.6
50.0a 0.3a 1.3a 72.6a 6.0a 0.8a 76.0a,b 20.1a 4.8b
SC 10 870.3 8.8 35.9 5868.6 547.9 59.8 4715.3 48.7 37.1
5.5a 0.3a 0.3a 32.1a 26.4a 0.6a 71.0a,b 0.5b 0.1b
RS 01 843.2 12.0 54.4 6134.7 575.9 43.5 5074.9 202.2 48.3
85.0a 3.7a 2.3a 20. 7a 46.9a 3.6a 85.6b 24.6a 7.1b
RS 02 1086.7 14.9 107.6 8456.6 908.9 48.9 5452.5 379.9 66.9
96.2a 0.1a 3.4a 34.61a 36.9a 1.5a 95.5b 27.6a 2.0a
RS 03 291.6 4.5 69.0 6073.2 612.8 26.50 4435.6 12.9 51.5
11.4a 0.2a 1.5a 22.7a 2.4a 1.7b 82.5b 0.6 c 0.3b
RS 04 301.8 4.8 71.6 6128.7 623.0 28.9 4462.8 13.2 51.6
23.6a 0.3a 7.4a 64.7a 6.2a 3.6b 62.9b 1.2c 0.7b
RS 05 2149.2 11.9 27.9 7455.4 1235.1 83.4 5133.1 323.5 55.8
88.8a 0.1a 5.0a 60.9a 21.4a 2.8a 272.4b 66.9a 1.3b
RS 06 540.4 10.0 203.3 6119.9 809.3 24.9 4389.8 262.0 82.1
44.7a 1.1a 15.9a 75.9a 56.6a 2.5b 63.8b 32.8a 3.7a
RS 07 964.2 17.8 101.3 7006.3 695.5 57.5 4898.8 272.1 60.8
25.7a 2.2a 2.5a 91.1a 17.4a 1.1a 221.6b 11.9a 7.1a
RS 08 732.0 7.0 136.9 6932.8 532.5 51.2 4782.7 193.6 40.8
95.7a 0.1a 17.9a 80.4a 8.5a 5.6a 255.2b 32.5a 1.4b
RS 09 726.0 10.8 36.5 5647.9 540.0 18.7 4329.6 72.1 39.1
82.0a 0.6a 1.2a 90.0a 47.5a 1.3b 110.2b 7.1b 2.0b
Vmx. 2149.2 17.8 203.3 8865.3 1235.1 129.4 6363.7 636.4 82.1
Vmn. 291.6 4.5 27.9 5647.9 463.3 18.7 3722.5 12.9 36.1
Mean SD 1031.9 11.4 79.7 6923.6 754.6 64.2 5116.8 202.5 50.6
377.5 2.9 40.3 872.6 184.2 25.5 528.9 136.9 9.2
CV (%) 36.58 26.0 50.6 12.6 24.4 39.7 10.3 67.6 18.3
* mg.kg1 of bee pollen dry basis; ** PR: Parana samples; SC: Santa Catarina samples; RS: Rio Grande do Sul samples; Means followed by the
same letter do not differ statistically by the Tukey test (p < 0.05).

difference between the contents of calcium, copper, growth conditions, such as soil and geographic origin.
iron, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese and sodium According to Stanley and Linskens (1974) there are differ-
in the pollen samples of the South of Brazil. However, for ences in the mineral content of pollen collected by bees
potassium, the samples from the State of Paran (PR) and pollen collected directly from the flower.
presented the highest contents and differed statistically Serra Bonveh and Escol Jord (1997) estab-
from the samples of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) lished parameters for the quality of Spanish bee pollen.
(Table 2). The mean zinc content was 50.63 mg.kg1 of In this study both Fe (39,2 mg.kg1 of bee pollen) and Zn
pollen and the samples from the State of Rio Grande do (33,9 mg.kg1 of bee pollen) present suprass the 15%
Sul (RS) presented the highest contents probably because established for Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).
of differences on the floral origin of pollen and on the plant According to Wesh and Marston (1983) the presence of

Braz. J. Food Technol., v. 12, n. 3, p. 220-229, jul./set. 2009 225

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

zinc, copper, iron and a high rate of potassium/sodium that the contribution of the flavonoids to the total phenolic
make bee pollen an interesting food for diets with a defined compound contents differed considerably as a function
electrolytic balance. of the floral origin, from 4.78% (L. purpureum) to 37.3%
The pollen samples from the South of Brazil (C.angustifolium). Serra Bonveh etal. (2001), determined
present a heterogeneous phenolic content. The total total phenolic compounds and total flavonoids in 11 bee
phenolic compound contents range from 19.28 to pollen samples from Spain. Fifteen compounds were sepa-
48.90mg (mgGAE.g1 of pollen), with a mean value of rated by HPLC and 13 were identified and quantified. The
30.77 8.22mg (Figure 1). Among the samples SC 03, predominant compounds were the flavonoids quercetin
PR 03 and RS 07 had the highest levels of total phenolic and miricetin and trans cinnamic acid.
compounds (48.90, 46.09 and 43.24 mg GAE.g 1 de
The scavenger activity of the free radical DPPH
pollen, respectively). These results were higher than
was expressed in terms of EC 50. Lower values indi-
those presented in bee pollen in the region of Vienna in
cates better antioxidant capacity of the bee pollen
Austria which was found values of 8.2 mg.g1 of phenolic
extracts. The EC50 values for the extracts ranged from
compounds in bee pollen in natura, and was increased
810 60 g.mL1 to 4690 290 g.mL1, with a mean
to 24.6 mg.g1 when the analyses were made from the
ethanolic extract (KROYER and HEGEDUS, 2001). value of 1920130g.mL1 (Figure 2). The pollen from
Santa Catarina (RS) presented the lowest EC50 values,
The total flavonoid contents expressed in quercetin
and consequently the greatest antioxidant activity in terms
equivalents ranged from 2.10 mg to 28.33 mg of mg.g1
of scavenging the free radical DPPH (Figure 2). Each
of pollen (Figure 1). The bee pollen of SC 03 sample
pollen type has its own specific characteristics related to
that showed higher levels of phenolic compounds also
showed the highest level of flavonoids (28.33 mg of the genetics of the floral species and plantations visited
quercetin.g1 bee pollen). Leja etal. (2007) studied the by the bees and may influence in the biological proper-
phenolic constituents (total phenolics, phenylpropanoids, ties. In according Carpes (2008) twenty-two pollen types
flavonoids and antocyanins) and the antioxidant capacity were identified in the 36 bee pollen samples from the
of bee pollen from 12 different species from the region of Southern region of Brazil. With exception of one sample,
Krakow in Poland. In this study, a large variety of phenolic which was classified as monofloral (Asteraceae), all
compounds were found in the analyzed species, and in the other samples of bee pollen presented at least two
the majority of the samples, the antioxidant activity was pollen types and are characterized by the presence
related to the phenylpropanoid content. It was also found of Asteraceae Brassicaceae, Myrtaceae, Arecaceae,

RS 10
RS 09
RS 08
RS 07
RS 06
RS 05
RS 04
RS 03
RS 02
RS 01
SC 10
SC 09
SC 08
SC 07
SC 06
SC 05
Bee pollen

SC 04
SC 03
SC 02
SC 01
PR 16
PR 15
PR 14 Total flavonoids (mg quercetin.g1)
PR 13
PR 12 Total phenolics (mg GAE*.g1)
PR 11
PR 10 *GAE: Gallic acid equivalent
PR 09
PR 08
PR 07
PR 06
PR 05
PR 04
PR 03
PR 02
PR 01
0 10 20 30 40 50
mg.g1 bee pollen

Figure 1. Total phenolic compounds (mg GAE.g1 bee pollen dry basis), total flavonoids content (mg quercetin/g bee pollen dry
basis). Data are means (n = 3).

Braz. J. Food Technol., v. 12, n. 3, p. 220-229, jul./set. 2009 226

Chemical composition and free radical scavenging activity of Apis mellifera bee pollen from Southern Brazil
CARPES, S. T. et al.

BHT 70
A-tocoferol 30
BHA 50
SC 10
SC 09
SC 08
SC 07
SC 06
SC 05
SC 04
SC 03
SC 02
SC 01
RS 10
RS 09
RS 08
RS 07
Been pollen

RS 06
RS 05
RS 04
RS 03
RS 02
RS 01
RS 16
PR 15
PR 14
PR 13
PR 12
PR 11
PR 10
PR 09
PR 08
PR 07
PR 06
PR 05
PR 04
PR 03
PR 02
PR 01

0 1 x 103 2 x 103 3 x 103 4 x 103 5 x 103

EC 50 g.mL1

Figure 2. Free radical-scavenger activity of the bee pollen. Data are means (n = 3).

Euphorbiaceae, Anacardiaceae, Mimosaceae, Rosaceae, being a good nutritional reserve of proteins, carbohydrates
Leguminosaceae Sapindaceae e Loranthaceae. and minerals, the bee pollen samples from Southern
According to Campos etal. (2003), the antioxidant Brazil are also a good source of phenolic compounds
activity of pollen is largely as a result of the phenolic with antioxidant activity.
compounds and flavonoids that have free radical scav-
enger activity, although other constituents such as, proteins
4 Conclusion
and vitamins may also contribute to this property. These Considering the high protein content, reducing
authors found EC50 values that ranged from 40 to 500 sugars and low lipid content found in bee pollen, make
g.mL1 in pollen samples collected in Portugal and New pollen an excellent food supplement. Each bee pollen
Zealand. The results of antioxidant activities of samples generally contained different polyphenolic, and each of
from the South of Brazil were superior to those found by these compounds possesses differing amounts of antioxi-
Meda etal. (2005), who analyzed 27 samples with different dant activity. Bee pollen from Southern Brazil may supply
geographic origins (eastern, western, south-western and substantial antioxidants, which, in turn, may provide
central parts) of Burkina Faso (an African country) and health-promoting effects to consumers. However, due
found a mean EC50 value of 10.60 7.30 (mg.mL1). As to the diversity and complexity of the bee pollen, further
found by other authors (ALMARAZ-ABARCA etal., 2007) investigations should be performed to evaluate the profile
the mesquite pollen extracts showed antioxidant activity of polyphenolic composition.
related to the flavonol concentration in both the in vitro-
biological system and the in vivo system, even though this References
activity is lower than that showed by vitamin E. ALMARAZ-ABARCA, N.; CAMPOS, M. G.; VILA-REYES, J.
The EC 50 values found for the positive controls A.; JIMNEZ, N. N.; CORRAL, J. H.; GONZLEZ-VALDEZ, L.
BHT, BHA and -tocoferol were 70, 50 and 30 g.mL1, S. Antioxidant activity of polyphenolic extract of monofloral
respectively (Figure 2). However, these substances were honeybee-collected pollen from mesquite (Prosopis juliflora,
used pure and are recognized as antioxidants with high Leguminosae). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis,
free radical scavenger capacity. Therefore, in addition to Rome, v. 20, n. 1, p. 119-124, 2007.

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