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Power Factor

Power Factor

Power Factor

Basic electrical circuits

Resistive - PF : Unity
Inductive - PF : Lagging
Capacitive - PF : Leading

Power Factor

Resistive circuits

Power Factor Resistive Circuit

When an alternating voltage is applied in an electrical circuit

with only resistance, the voltage wave and current wave pass
through the Zero at the same instant

120 V
R 60

In this circuit the current is

I = V/R = 120/ 60 = 2 Amps

The power dissipated in the resistor is

P = i x R = 2 x 60 = 240 Watts (or) VxI = 120 X 2 = 240 Watts

Power Factor Resistive Circuit

If we plot the instantaneous values or use an oscilloscope to

capture the wave forms, we will get ,

Then we say that ,

 Voltage & Current are in phase
 Irrespective of the direction of e & i the power curve given by product
of e & i is always positive.

Power Factor

The inductances and capacitances in AC circuits,

cause the point at which the voltage wave passes
through zero, to differ from the point at which the
current wave passes through zero.

Power Factor

Inductive circuits

Power Factor Inductive Circuit

Consider a simple AC circuit with a pure inductive load:

120 V
L 160 mH

In this circuit, the inductive reactance is 2**f*L = 60.28

Current through the circuit is 120/60.28 =1.99 Amps

If we plot the instantaneous values or use an oscilloscope to

capture the wave forms, we will get

Power Factor


360 degrees

 Current wave LAGS behind the Voltage wave by 90 Deg

 The Power curve within one cycle of current alternates two times
between positive & negative, with Zero effective value
 i.e p= e*I =0
 To conclude, in a pure inductive circuit,
Current Lags behind the voltage by 90 Deg
Power dissipated in the pure inductance is zero

Power Factor

Capacitive circuits

Power Factor Capacitive Circuit

Consider a simple AC circuit with a pure capacitive load:

120 V 100
C microfarads

 In this circuit, the capacitive reactance is 1/ 2**f*c = 26.5

 Current through the circuit is 120/26.5 = 4.52 Amps
 If we plot the instantaneous values or use an oscilloscope to
capture the wave forms, we will get

Power Factor Capacitive Circuit


360 degrees

 Current wave LEADS the Voltage wave by 90 Deg

 The Power curve within one cycle of current alternates two times
between positive & negative, with Zero effective value
 i.e p= e*I =0
 To conclude, in a pure Capacitive circuit,
Current Leads the voltage by 90 Deg
Power dissipated in the pure capacitance is zero
Power Factor

Combined circuits

Power Factor Combined Circuit

Consider a circuit with resistance, inductance & capacitance

connected across an AC source



We will consider three conditions ,
Case 1: When XL=XC, the circuit becomes
Since XL=XC
a pure resistive circuit, and the parameters VC Z=R
can be shown in a phasor diagram as ,
Note that voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor
are in phase and angular displacement between them is zero

Power Factor Combined Circuit

Case 2: When XC>XL, the circuit VL

becomes a capacitive circuit, and I

the parameters can be shown in a

phasor diagram as , VC-VL V=IZ

Note that

1. Voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor are in
phase and the angular displacement between the is zero
2. Combined effect of resistance & resultant reactance is known as
Impedance Z and is given by Z = Sq.rt (R+(XL- XC)
3. Combined effect of resistance & resultant reactance is known as
Impedance Z and is given by Z = Sq.rt (R+(XL- XC)
4. Considering CCW rotation (normal in Elect. Eng), the current vector
Leads the voltage vector by an angle

Power Factor Combined Circuit

Case 3: When XL>XC, the circuit VL

becomes an inductive circuit, (most of VL-Vc V=IZ=I*sqrt(R2+(XL-XC)2
electrical equipments fall in this I
category) and the parameters can be VR=IR
shown in a phasor diagram as,
Note that

1. Voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor are in
phase and the angular displacement between them is zero
2. The angular displacement between the current and the total applied
voltage is
3. Considering CCW rotation, the current vector Lags behind the
voltage vector by an angle

Power Factor Combined Circuit

The wave form of the voltage, current and power will be..

Voltage Current



It is to be observed that .

 The power curve is positive wherever the voltage & current are either
positive or negative
 The power curve is negative wherever either the voltage or current is
 The net power is the sum of positive and negative parts in a full cycle
 The negative part increases with increase of the angle
Power Factor Comparison

Comparing the four wave forms

Resistive Inductive

Capacitive Combined

Voltage Current



Power Factor Definitions

The power dissipating capacity of a circuit is maximum when the angle

between the voltage and current , is Zero

The power dissipating capacity of a circuit is minimum (Zero) when the

angle between the voltage and current, is 90 Deg.

The power dissipating capacity of a circuits depends directly on a factor

which is the Cosine of the angle

This factor which decides the power dissipating capacity of a circuit is

known as the Power Factor of the circuit, and is known as power
factor angle or Impedance phase angle

Power Factor Definitions

The power dissipated in a circuit determined by the power factor is the

TRUE or ACTIVE power and is measured in Watts, kW or MW, and is
denoted by letter P

When the current phasor is in phase with voltage phasor, cosine of the
PF angle is maximum - 1, then the circuit is UPF circuit (DC circuit)

When the current phasor lags behind the voltage phasor, then the PF is
said to be lagging - Motors, transformers etc

When the current phasor leads the voltage phasor, then the power
factor is said to be leading - Capacitors, Synchronous condensers

Power Factor Definitions

We have so far seen that reactive loads such as inductors &

Capacitors dissipate zero power, yet the fact that they drop voltage
and draw current gives the deceptive impression that they actually DO
dissipate power

This Deceptive Power is called Reactive Power and is measured in

terms of Volt-Ampere, Reactive VAR, KVAR or MVAR, and is denoted
by letter Q

The combination of reactive power and true power is called Apparent

power, and it is the product of a circuit's voltage and current, without
reference to phase angle. The Apparent power is measured in terms of
Volt Ampere, i.e. VA, KVA or MVA and is denoted by letter S

Power Factor Power equations

There are several power equations relating the three types of power to
resistance, reactance, and impedance (all using scalar quantities):

Power Factor Power Triangle

The three types of Power

 True, Reactive and Apparent

 Relates to each other in trigonometric form
 We call this, the Power Triangle

Power Factor
Power Factor - Effects
 Very low power factor lagging or leading causes,
- high current for a given power and voltage
- Increased IR losses & IZ drop
- KVAR load and hence KVA demand increases for a given kW power

 If the power factor is low on lag side, the terminal voltage of

source reduces
- In the case of Alternators, this calls for increased excitation

 If the power factor is on Lead side, the terminal voltage of the

source increases
- In alternators, the AVR looses control
- Increase in voltage causes further swing of PF to lead side
- this vicious effect might cause the machine to trip on over voltage

Power Factor
Power Factor How to improve
 Rated pf of alternators is 0.8 lag and it is safe to operate at this pf since
the current will also be rated value at the rated power output.

 Some times it is necessary to operate the machine at pf more than 0.8


 PF can be improved by compensating reactive power by adding more

capacitive loads

Power Factor

Questions ??

Power Factor


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