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TPACK Template

Subject Geometry

Grade Level 5th

Learning Objective
Classification and subdividing
5.12 The student will classify

a. Angles as right, acute, obtuse, or straight and

b. Triangles as right, acute, obtuse, equilateral,
scalene, and isosceles
Online Activity In this unit, students will be introduced to different types
of angles such as right, acute, obtuse, and straight angle.
They will also be able to classify the triangle as right, acute,
obtuse as well as equilateral and isosceles by being able to
measure angles using a protractor online.

Before the online lesson starts, students will be asked to

have a pen and notebook to take notes. The lesson will
start by students being asked what they think an angle is.
Theyll also be asked to define what a triangle is. They can
type their responses/comments on the voice thread or if
via a live video, theyll type their responses. After their
responses, the teacher will then give the proper definition
of the two geometric terminologies namely an angle and
triangle. An angle, in this case, is formed by two rays called
sides, sharing a common endpoint/corner called a vertex.
Students will also be told that a protractor is a
mathematical geometric tool thats used to measure sizes
of angles. Therefore, its hard to tell the measure of an
angle unless one uses a protractor. The teacher will then
show a picture of a protractor or if a live video, a
protractor will be shown to students.
Different types of angles will be introduced, the likes of
right, acute, obtuse, equilateral, among others. Drawings
of pictures of each of them plus their angles and many
other characteristic features such as a right angle being
exactly ninety degrees, acute angle being smaller than a

right angle, etc. will be shown/told to students. An Acute

angle can be ten degrees, 45 degrees, or 89 degrees, etc.,
so long as its measure is less than ninety degrees. An
equilateral angle has all sides equal like its angles. The
most common equilateral triangle is one that measures
sixty degrees each of the angles.
Students may/may not be familiar with them. The teacher
will have a writing tab whereby s/he will be able to sketch
the different types of angles and features and explain
through as students are able to see what is being discussed
about and take notes. For instance, right-angle measures
ninety degrees whereas an obtuse measure more than a
right angle. Therefore, 120 degrees can be considered as
such. Straight angle measures 180 degrees. A straight
angle can be viewed as a straight line. More characteristics
will be provided in the thread/live video lesson. Students
will also be allowed to ask questions during the lesson.
After the lesson, students will be asked to head to specific
web-page whereby theyll be able to practice what
theyve learned. However, before they independently
measure the angles, record their answers, and justify
them, the teacher will do the first problem, so that
students are able to see and know whats expected of
them, besides measuring. They will be provided with
different angle measures by default and they will be able
to rotate the protractor into position and write down what
they found as their angle measurement. Additionally, they
must tell whether the angle is acute, obtuse, right angle,
equilateral, or acute.
They will need to justify their answers. for example, if the
angle is acute, what makes it so? A possible answer could
be that its less than ninety degrees, etc.! Also, theyll be
able to check their answers before going to the next
Technology Measuring angles simulation web-page

computer that is accessible to the internet

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