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Exercise 1 - Probability: present and future

Choose the correct answer.

1. Are you to see John tomorrow?
2. He left ages ago, so hell by now.
3. I dont think Sarah accept the job offer.
4. Sams not at work today. He be sick.
5. are the meeting will be called off.
6. That candidate definitely win the election. Shes very
7. You can bring a phone with you, but there be a signal.

8. We be eating dinner if you call at 7 oclock.

Future with will / won't

Choose the right verb.

1. They Will won't let you come with him because they hate him.

2. I Will cross the ocean for you.

3. But I Will do it because I am curious.

4. Will he come with us?

5. You Will get a new dress tomorrow.

6. I Will won't go to South Africa. I want to go to China.

7. Will you be at home this afternoon?

8. No, I Will won't. I have a meeting at 4 o'clock.

9. Jim Will won't go to school tomorrow. He's ill.

10. If my parents give me some money, I Will buy clothes.

Structure of future simple

positive negative question

I will (I'll) be there

tomorrow. I won't (will not) be there. Will I be there tomorrow?

you will not, he will not, she

you will, he will, she will, it will not, it will not, we will will you?, will he?, will she?,
will, we will, they will not, they will not will it?, will we?, will they?

Future simple common mistakes

mistakes Correct version Why?

The phone's
~ OK, I'm going to If the action is decided at the moment of speaking,
answer it. Ok I'll answer it. we mostly use will.

I'm sure he is I'm sure When we say what we think or expect, we

going to help you. he will help you. use will.

I probably
won't be there. The
I won't probably be I'll probably be adverbs definitely and probably come beforewon't,
there. there. but after will.

I promise I'm After promise we usually use will, not the 'going
going to help. I promise I'll help. to' future.
I'll call you when When we refer to the future in adverbial clauses,
I'll get to my I'll call you when I we normally use the present simple (after when, as
office. get to my office. soon as and until).

If you will give me If you give me

your address, I'll your address, I'll
send you a send you a When we refer to the future in conditional clauses,
postcard. postcard. we usually use the present simple.

I can't see you next

week I am
I can't see you next returning / am For decisions made in the past and for things we
week I will going to return to have arranged, we use the present continuous or
return to Paris. Paris. the 'going to' future.

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