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Introduction to Primal Craft

Primal Craft is the Modern Traditional Witchcraft of the Draconian Current. It is a path of devotion and
love for the Queen of Witches, Hecate and the Witch Gods Lucifer and Belial. Hecate is Queen of
Heaven, Earth, and Hell; the first Goddess, mother to Lucifer and Belial. The throne of Hecate can be
found beyond Kether and beyond its shadow Thaumiel, in the darkness that reaches into infinity.
However She also manifests at the gate of the Moon, the doorway between Malkuth and Yesod.
Hecates lunar current is how we first approach Her, in a form stepped down from Her stellar form.
Through rites and rituals we offer our love and devotion on the material plane, with rites of possession
the height of worship. As we approach Hecate through the lunar gate, we strengthen our minds and
subtle bodies, opening portals of power within us, Her current flowing through us and accessing for us
the realm of possibilities. Hecate is a liminal Goddess, the Goddess of the Crossroads, and it is at the
crossroads that stands between the worlds, symbolized in Witch Lore by the three crossed staves, that
we encounter Her.


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