EHSURVL Lab Exercise 1

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Determination of Pace

Time of Fieldwork Execution: Date Performed:

Weather Conditions: Weather Temperature:

List of Instruments and Equipments: Group Members:

1. Surveyors Tape Measure Group Leader:
2. Markers (Chalk)
3. Range Poles

Class Code: Group Number: Schedule Day and Time:

Prepared By: Instructor:

Engr. Ronwell G. De Leon

References: SURVEYING LAB MANUAL ELEMENTARY SURVEYING: An Introduction to Geomatics

by Juny Pilapil La Putt by Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R. Wolf
Page 2

a. To determine individual pace factor;
b. To measure distance by pacing.

Distances obtained by pacing are sufficiently accurate for many purposes in surveying,
engineering, geology, agriculture, forestry, and military field sketching. Pacing is also used to
detect blunders that may occur in making distance observations by more accurate methods.
Pacing consists of counting the number of steps, or paces, in a required distance. The length of
an individuals pace must be determined first. This is best done by walking with natural steps
back and forth over a level course at least 300 ft long (90 meters), and dividing the known
distance by the average number of steps. For short distances, the length of each pace is
needed, but the number of steps taken per 100 ft is desirable for checking long lines. It is
possible to adjust ones pace to an even 3 ft, but a person of average height finds such a step
tiring if maintained for very long. The length of an individuals pace varies when going uphill or
downhill and changes with age. For long distances, a pocket instrument called a pedometer can
be carried to register the number of paces, or a passometer attached to the body or leg counts
the steps. Some surveyors prefer to count strides, a stride being two paces. Pacing is one of the
most valuable things learned in surveying, since it has practical applications for everybody and
requires no equipment. If the terrain is open and reasonably level, experienced pacers can
measure distances of 100 ft or longer with an accuracy of 1/50 to 1/100 of the distance.

1. Determining Pace Factor.
a. Select a straight and level course and on both ends establish markers at least 90
meters apart. Designate these end points as A and B.
b. Walk over the course at a natural pace or gait starting with either heel or toe over
point A and count the number of paces to reach point B.
c. For succeeding trials, walk from B to A, then A to B, until 5 trials are completed, and
the number of paces recorded accordingly.
d. Refer to the accompanying sample format for the recording of observed field data.


1 AB
2 BA
3 AB
4 BA
5 AB

References: SURVEYING LAB MANUAL ELEMENTARY SURVEYING: An Introduction to Geomatics

by Juny Pilapil La Putt by Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R. Wolf
Page 3

2. Measuring Distance by Pacing.

a. Define or establish the end points of another level course whose length is to be
determined by pacing. Designate these end points as C and D.
b. For the first trial, walk over the course from C to D at a natural pace and record the
number of paces. Then, walk from D to C and again record the number of paces.
c. Repeat the above procedure until all five trials are completed.
d. After the field data is recorded, make an actual taping of the course CD to determine
the taped distance.
e. Refer to the accompanying sample format for the recording of observed field data.

1 CD
2 DC
3 CD
4 DC
5 CD

1. Computing Pace Factor (PF).
a. Get the sum of the number of paces for the five trials performed on course AB then
compute the mean number of paces.
b. Divide the known or taped length of course AB by the mean number of paces for AB
to determine the pace factor.

2. Computing Paced Distance (PD).

a. Get the sum of the number of paces for the five trials performed on course CD and
compute the mean number of paces.
b. Multiply the mean number of paces for CD by the pace factor to obtain the paced

3. Computing Relative Precision (RP).

a. Determine the difference between the taped distance of CD and the paced distance
of CD.
b. Divide the difference by the taped distance of CD and reduce the numerator to unity
to determine the relative precision.

References: SURVEYING LAB MANUAL ELEMENTARY SURVEYING: An Introduction to Geomatics

by Juny Pilapil La Putt by Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R. Wolf
Page 4

Remarks, Hints, and Precautions:

1. The ends of the assigned courses should be marked with either hubs, marking pins, or
by chalk marks if on pavement.
2. Range poles are set or held behind the end points to serve as guides or markers during
actual pacing.
3. A surveyors measuring tape should be used in laying out or in measuring the actual
lengths of courses assigned for pacing.
4. When taping, two measurements should be made for any line and the mean recorded
as its actual length.
5. The length of a single step is termed a pace. It may be measured from heel to heel or
from toe to toe. Also, each two paces or a double step is called a stride.
6. Pacing consists of counting the number of steps in a required distance and is best done
by walking with natural steps.
7. Pacing is used only when approximate results are satisfactory such as for estimating
distances used for sketching and in reconnaissance surveys. Pacing is also used as a
means of checking distances measured by more accurate methods.
8. To keep one on the line while pacing, it is good to fix ones eyes on a distant object on
the range behind the pole, or the pole itself, at the farther end of the line being paced.
9. A partial pace at the end of the line should be figured out to the nearest one-fourth
10. The accepted precision for measuring distance by pacing usually varies from 1/200 to
11. Reject measurements that vary from the mean by more than three percent.
12. If the computed relative precision of the set of measurements is greater than one part
in two hundred, the measurements should be repeated.

Solutions: 1. Pace Factor

References: SURVEYING LAB MANUAL ELEMENTARY SURVEYING: An Introduction to Geomatics

by Juny Pilapil La Putt by Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R. Wolf
Page 5

Solutions: 2. Paced Distance

Solutions: 3. Relative Precision

Conclusion and Learning:

References: SURVEYING LAB MANUAL ELEMENTARY SURVEYING: An Introduction to Geomatics

by Juny Pilapil La Putt by Charles D. Ghilani and Paul R. Wolf

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