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Intelligence: What does it mean?
It can be defined as the capacity to acquire knowledge, the ability to think and reason in the
abstract, and the capability for problem solving. The capacity to acquire knowledge has been
called as aptitude. Intelligence can be measured through the lens of measurement.
Intelligence: One Trait or Many?
- Guilfords Structure of Intellect (SOI)
Intelligence depends on what we are thinking, our mental operation, and the product of
these operations.
- Guilfords Theory of Multiple Intelligences
The most conceptions of intelligences were to narrow and should be broadened beyond
the confines of schools.
- Sternbergs Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Including processing components; the link between intelligence and the environment;
and a mechanism for modifying intelligence through experience.
Intelligence: Nature vs. Nurture
The extreme nature position assert that intelligence is solely determined by genetics while
nurture proponent emphasize the influences of environment. Most expert believe that an
individuals intelligence is influenced by both.
- Instructional adaptation for differences in ability
Flexible time in requirement
Increased instructional support
Strategy instruction
Peer tutoring and cooperative learning
Ability grouping
Ability Grouping
- Types of ability grouping
Divides students at a certain grade into levels, such as medium, and low,
Allows teacher to work with small number of students within a single class.
Joplin Plan,
Mixes for example second-, third-, and fourth- grade students in the same reading
Occurs when students of different abilities are separated by classes or curriculum.


Socio-Economic Status (SES)

The influence of SES on Learning
Socio-Economic (SES) is a term that encompasses the parents income, occupation, and level
of education. It strongly influences students attitudes, values, background experiences and
school success.

It refers to the attitudes, values, customs, and behavior pattern that characterize a social group.
It refers students ancestry or membership in group in which members continue to identify
themselves with the nation from which they or their ancestor came.
Culture and Schooling
We should examine the relationship between culture and each of the following:
- Attitudes and values
- Adults-child interaction
- Classroom organization
- School communication
Culturally Responsive Teaching
It refers to acknowledge cultural diversity in classroom and accommodates this diversity in
instruction. It does this in three important ways:
- By recognizing and accepting student diversity, it communicate that all students are
welcome and values as human being.
- By building on students cultural background, culturally responsive teaching
communicates positive message about the students home cultures.
- By being responsive to different student learning style, culturally responsive teaching
builds on students strength and uses these to help students learn.

Gender Differences
Different Treatment of Boys and Girls
Gender differences in terms of aptitude or intelligence are minor and are primarily caused by
differential treatment of boys and girls. Teachers can minimize the negative effects of gender
differences by treating boys and girls equally in the classroom and by actively combating
negative sexual stereotypes in their teaching.

Learning Styles
It refers to students preferred ways of learning.
Field Dependence/Independence
It refers to the ability of an individual to identify relevant information in a complex and
potentially confusing background.
Impulsive and Reflective Learners
Impulsive students are those that work quickly but make errors, while reflective students
analyzed and deliberate before answering.


Learning Styles: Implications for Teacher

- Different learning styles suggest need to vary teachers instruction.
- Students are indeed different and helps teacher become more sensitive to differences in
students behavior.

At-Risk Students
At risk students are those in danger of failing to complete their education with the skills
necessary to survive in a modern technological society.
- Characteristics of at-risk students
Background Factors
Low SES Minority
Inner city English as a second language
Male Divorced families

Educational Problems
High dropout rate High rates of drug use
Lower grades Management problem
Retention in grade Low self-esteem
Low achievement High criminal activity rates
Less involvement in Low test score
extracurricular activities Lack of interest in school
Low motivation Hugh suspension rates
Poor attendance

- Effective instruction for at-risk students

Characteristics Description
Greater structure and Cause expectations need to be clearly laid out, and
support assignment need to be designed to encourage
Active teaching Teacher need to carry the content to student personally
through interactive teaching
Instruction emphasizing Interactive teaching with high questioning levels invites
students engagement students to participate in lessons
More frequent feedback Students progress should be monitored frequently
through questions, quizzes, and assignment
Smaller steps with more Content should be broken down inti smaller step and
redundancy students mastery should be ensured before moving next
Higher success rates Classroom questions, quizzes, and assignment should
be designed to maximize opportunities for success
High expectations Teacher should assume that all students can learn and
emphasize higher order thinking in all classes

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Students with Exceptionalities

Roles of the Regular Classroom Teacher
Students with exceptionalities need special help to reach their full potential in classroom.
Teachers assist students with exceptionalities by helping to identify those needing special help,
modifying instruction to meet their unique need, and fostering their acceptance by other

Public Law 94-142

It was designed to ensure that an appropriate, free educational program would be provided for
all students with exceptionalities.
- Least restrictive environment is an educational setting designed for an exceptional
childs problems and need that offers the most effective environment in which that child
can learn.
- Mainstreaming is an attempt to integrate students with exceptionalities into the regular
life and classroom of a school.
- Individualized Education Program (IEP) is an individually prescribed educational
plan designed for students with exceptionalities.

Students with Learning Problem

- Mildly handicapped students learn well enough to remain in the regular classroom but
need special help to benefit from this placement.
- Mentally retarded or intellectual handicapped students have below-average intellectual
functioning and some impairment in adaptive behaviors.
- A learning disability is a disorder that interferes with learning and is often associated
with the use and encoding of language.
- Behavioral disorder involves serious, persistent, and age-inappropriate behaviors that
interfere with normal social development or functioning in the classroom.
- Cross-categorical approaches to teaching exceptional children treat mild learning
handicaps as basically similar and approach them using the same instructional strategies.

Physical Impairment
Visual Handicaps
It interfere with many crucial processes in the classroom such as reading, writing, and taking
notes from the chalkboard.
Hearing Impairment
It is divided into two major categories:
- Hard hearing which requires the wearing of a hearing aid.
- Deaf, which involves loss of use of auditory speech.


Communication Disorders
- Speech disorder involves problems in producing understandable speech.
Articulation problem, which involves difficulties in the production of certain sound.
Stuttering, which involves the repetition of the first sound of a word.
Voice disorder, which involves problems with the larynx or air passageways in the
nose or mouth.
- Language disorder are more serious and involves fundamental problems in understanding
or producing language.
Seldom speaking even during play
Using few words or very short sentences
Over relying on gesture to communicate

Students who are Gifted and Talented

Gifted and talented students are those at the upper end of ability continuum who need
supplement help to realize their potential.
It refers to the ability to create original and divergent product in the solution of some problem.

Identifying Students Who Are Gifted and Talented

- Likes to work alone
- Imaginative, enjoys pretending
- Highly verbal and flexible in thinking
- Persistent, stay with a task
- Goes beyond assignment
- Often bored with routine tasks
- Sometime impulsive with little interest in details

Program for the Gifted

Enrichment Options Acceleration Options
Independent study and Early admission to kindergarten
independent project and first grade
Learning centers Grade skipping
Field trips Subject skipping
Saturday program Credit by exam
Summer program College courses in high school
Mentors and mentorships Correspondence courses
Stimulations and games Early admission to college
Small-group investigations
Academic competitions


Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in the Regular Classroom

- Collaborative Consultation
Consulting teacher model is an expert teacher assist the classroom teacher in meeting the
needs of mainstreamed exceptional children. The consulting teacher can perform
valuable functions:
Assist in collecting appropriate assessment information
Compile, organize, and maintain students records
Propose alternative instructional strategies and help classroom teacher implement
- Effective Teaching for Mainstreaming
It uses the same principles of effective use of time, supportive environment, and high
success rates that work with regular students.
- The Regular Education Initiative
It proposes to use existing special education resources to deliver any additional
instructional help in the regular classroom.
- Mainstream Assistance Teams
It brings special education into the classroom to assist the teacher in planning and
implementing instruction to meet the needs of mainstreamed students.
- Strategy Training
It is most promising approaches to help mildly handicapped students learn.
- Computer and Students with Exceptionalities
It can be a valuable aid in teaching students with exceptionalities but same caveats
regarding mainstreaming again apply.
- Strategies for Social integration and Growth
Cooperative and peer tutoring are two instructional strategies that foster interaction
between regular and handicapped students.

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