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Read the story and answer the questions that follow.

Wake up, Aravindan. Its almost 7 oclock.

Yes mother. I will get up in two minutes.
Aravind is six years old. He loves two things in life. Sleeping and playing cricket.
Aravind, wake up. Its almost 7:15.
In two minutes, grandmother, Aravind says sleepily.
His 70 year old grandmother leaves the room. He thinks about his favourite
cricket player - Sachin Tendulkar. Does Sachin like to sleep? Does he find it
difficult to get up in the mornings?

Wake up, Aravind. Its 7: 30. Well be late for school.

Two minutes. Now, get lost! says Aravind.
His younger sister, Ganga, runs away.

Aravind starts thinking about Sachin again. Did people keep waking him up
when he was young? Did . SPLASH.

Aravind opens his eyes. He is soaking wet. He turns around angrily and sees
his father standing next to his bed. He has an empty jug in his hand.

1. The two things Aravind likes to do are:

A. Thinking about Sachin and playing cricket.
B. Thinking about Sachin and sleeping.
C. Playing cricket and sleeping late.
2. What time does Aravinds grandmother wake him up?
A. 7:00 am B. 7:15 am C. 7:30 am
3. Who wakes him up at 7:30?
A. Aravinds elder sister B. Aravinds younger sister C. Aravinds mother
4. How does Aravinds father wake him up?
A. He pours water on Aravind.
B. He shouts at Aravind to get up.
C. He hits Aravind with a jug.
5. The two questions that Aravind wants to ask Sachin are:
A. Do you like to sleep? Do you find it difficult to get up in the mornings?
B. Do you like to sleep? Do people wake you up even now?
C. Do you find it difficult to get up early? Do people wake you up even now?

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