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Found Sounds Project

Our next project will be what is called a Found Sound Composition. Over the next two weeks, we
will be using the microphones to record sounds heard throughout the school and mixing them into
garage band to create a coherent piece of music.


-You will need to find and record at least 5 sounds to use in your composition

-must be one minute (at least) in duration

-should include varied textures, rhythms, and timbres, and at least one drumbeat loop

-A short paragraph describing your creative choices and the reasons behind them

The goal of this project is to be creative, explore and write great music! Project is due in two weeks

Rubric 5 4 3 2 1
Sounds 5 sounds 4 sounds 3 sounds 2 sounds 1 sound
length 60 seconds + 40-59 seconds 20-39 10-19 none
seconds seconds
Complexity* Widely varied Slightly varied No variance No variance No variance
textures/rhythms textures/rhythms
Explanation* Includes musical Good use of Moderate Vague No
terminology such musical terms (4- use of explanation explanation
as texture, 5 times used) musical
rhythm, and terms (under
dynamics 3 times
extensively (5-6 used)

Complexity: For complexity, I am looking for some varying textures, rhythms, and dynamics, or other
musical concepts we covered in class. What I dont want is a recording of a lawn mower for 30 minutes

Explanation: Write a one paragraph summary of the creative decisions you made when composing your
piece. Use musical terms we discussed in class such as timbre, rhythm, and texture for a well written

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