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ENG 002

11HUMSS A2 PT #1



The article is about the style of Martial law 2017 vs. Martial Law 1972. Martial law in the Philippines wherein the
head of the state (such as President and Supreme Court) places an area under the control of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines and its predecessor bodies. Martial law is declared either when there is near-violent civil unrest or in cases of
major natural disasters, however most countries use a different legal construct like "state of emergency".

President Marcos declared martial law over the entire Philippines via Proclamation No. 1081, series of 1972. Such
proclamation falls under the 1935 Constitution which stated that the President, as the Commander-in-Chief of all armed
forces of the Philippines. He suspended the privileges of the writ of habeas corpus or place any part of the Philippines under
martial law, to prevent or suppress lawless violence, invasion, insurrection, or rebellion, or imminent danger thereof, when
the public safety requires it. It causes people of the Philippines to suffer from mass arrest and indefinite detention of Marcos
political enemies. There is no freedom to the people to do and to go wherever they wanted, they cant travel because it is
restricted. Even the rights of every Filipino, the liberty and the property are restricted without any due process. Arrests and
searches were indiscriminately conducted without judicial warrants.

President Rodrigo Duterte issued his declaration of martial law over Mindanao via Proclamation No. 216, series of
2017 under the 1987 Constitution, which limits the Presidents powers to put any part of the Philippines under martial law
and suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, only during cases of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety
requires it. It is different from Marcos Martial Law because no mass arrest and detention of political enemies does not
happened. The right to travel remains inviolable but, except for Marawi people who are force to leave their homes due to the
fierce fighting and not due to Martial Law. The assemblies of local legislative and supreme court are remains functioning.
Even the newspapers, radio station and television is free to open.

In other words, the article says we should not afraid of Marial Law, it is not evil. It is a Constitution that abolished it
instead of just restricting it. Indeed, it is a weapon against rebellion and invasion when public safety requires its use. Our
President Rodrigo Duterte was much really aware on his limitation about Martial Law. He also explain to his State of the
Nation Address (SONA) the reason on why he return Martial Law bacause it is the fastest way to end the rebellion in
Marawi and Mindanao. Martial Law does not grant any power. As his people we should respect his proclamation and
accept it because there is also a good side of him that he think Martial Law is good for the people of Marawi and Mindana,
especially there is a war that causes many people destroy.

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