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Day 1 Monday- Lower Body

Exercise for lower body extremely refers to the part of the body from the hip to the toes. It
includes the hip, knee, and ankle joints, and the bones of the thigh, leg, and foot.

Full Squats and Partials-Five sets of full ass-to-grass squats immediately followed by parallel
squats means double duty on the biggest mass-gaining move of all, and can be done with heavy
weight to pack on the size. 15-20 minutes. morning.

Day 2 Tuesday- Core Body

Broadly considered to be the torso. Functional movements are highly dependent on this
part of the body.

Knee Fold Tuck- Sit tall, hands on the floor, knees bent, squeezing a playground ball between
them. Lift knees so shins are about parallel to the floor; extend arms. Pull knees toward
shoulders, keeping upper still. 15-20 minutes

Climbing Rope- Sit with legs extended. Feet turned out in V position, toes pointed. Contract
core muscles and roll spine into a C-curve. Lift arms and move them as if you were climbing a
rope. Twist slightly with each reach. 15-20 minutes

Side Balance Crunch- Begin with left knee and left hand in the floor, right arm straight up.
Extend right leg so your body forms a straight line. Pull right knee toward torso knee. Straighten
arm and leg. Repeat 10 times.

Day 3 Wednesday- Upper Body

Higher relation to physical position, wealth and rank. The part of a shoe above the sole,
covering the upper surface of the foot.

Do Warm Up- Jumping Jacks, running in place and knee ups. 15-20 minutes.

Standing Towel Pull Up- Grab your towel, stand up, and bend your knees, squatting slightly.
Put the towel above your head and pull tightly on the both ends of it. Keeping a tight grip, slowly
pull down and bring the towel to your collarbone, then raise it back up again. Repeat every 2

Day 4 Thursday- Lower Body

Squats meets Pyramid- It is a 5 sets of 5 reps, 3 pyramid set with increasing weight. After that,
1 single 20-reps squat set for 15-20 minutes .
Day 5 Friday- Core Body
Circle Plank- Start in plank position with abs tight. Pull right knee in and circle it clockwise,
then counter-clockwise. Keep the rest of your body stationary. Repeat 10 times then switch legs.

Sliding Pike- Begin in plank on an uncarpeted floor, hands under shoulders and a towel under
feet. With legs toward hands into a pike position- your feet should slide easily. Hold for one
count, then return to start. Should be repeat in 10 times.

Oblique Reach- Sit with knees bent and feet on floor. Straighten right leg. Roll spine into a C-
curve. Place left hand behind head and extend right arm. Twist body to the left, roll back a bit
more (and hold for one count), then come up. Do five reps, then switch sides. Repeat 10 times.

Day 6 Saturday- Upper Body

Do Warm Up- Jumping Jacks, running in place and knee ups. 15-20 minutes.

Upper Bells- Stand with feet shoulder- width apart, knees slightly bent. Place fingers behind
head and bring right elbow toward right hip, then left elbow toward left hip. (30 reps per side)

Goal-Post Press- Extend arms out to shoulder height, elbows bent 90 degrees, palms forward.
Raise arms over head, then lower to start. (30 reps)

Day 7 Sunday- Relaxation

Breathe Deeply
Be Present
Reach Out
Tune in to your body
Laugh out Loud
Crank up the Tunes
Get Moving

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