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The Scope of Marketing

Marketing: typically seen as the task of

creating, promoting, and delivering goods
and services to consumers and businesses.
Demand States and Marketing Tasks
1. Negative demand
A major part of the market dislikes the product and
may even pay a price to avoid itvaccinations, dental
work, and gallbladder operations, for instance.

Employers have a negative demand for ex-convicts and

alcoholics as employees.
The marketing task is to analyze why the market dislikes
the product and whether a marketing program
consisting of product redesign, lower prices, and more
positive promotion can change beliefs and attitudes.
Demand States and Marketing Tasks
2. No demand
Target consumers may be unaware of or
uninterested in the product. Farmers may not
be interested in a new farming method, and
college students may not be interested in
foreign-language courses.
The marketing task is to find ways to connect
the benefits of the product with peoples
natural needs and interests.
The Scope of Marketing cont...
The Decisions
Marketers Make
Consumer Markets
Business Markets
Global Markets
Nonprofit and Governmental Market
Marketing Concepts
and Tools
Defining Marketing management

Core Marketing Concepts

Target Markets and Segmentation
Marketing Concepts
and Tools cont...
Marketing Concepts
and Tools cont...
Marketplace, Marketspace, and Metamarket
Marketers and Prospects
Needs, Wants, and Demands
Product, Offering, and Brand
Value and Satisfaction
Customer value triad
Value = Benefits / Costs = (Functional benefits +
Emotional benefits) /(Monetary costs + Time
costs + Energy costs +Psychic costs)
Exchange and Transactions
Marketing Concepts
and Tools cont...
Relationships and Networks
Relationship marketing
Marketing network
Marketing Channels
Supply Chain
Marketing Concepts
and Tools cont...
Brand competition
Industry competition
Form competition
Generic competition
Marketing environment
Task environment
Broad environment
Marketing Program
Marketing program
Marketing mix
Role of Marketing department in an
Company Orientations
Toward the Marketplace
Production Concept
Product concept
Selling Concept
Marketing Concept
Company Orientations
Toward the Marketplace cont...
Target Market
Customer Needs
Stated needs
Real needs
Unstated needs
Delight needs
Secret need
Company Orientations
Toward the Marketplace cont...
Integrated Marketing
External marketing
Internal marketing
Company Orientations
Toward the Marketplace cont...
Sales decline
Slow growth
Changing buying patterns
Increasing competition
Increasing marketing expenditures
Company Orientations
Toward the Marketplace cont...
Societal Marketing Concept
Cause-related marketing
Trends & Changing
nature of marketing
Brand manufacturers
Store-based retailers
Trends & Changing
nature of marketing
Company responses and adjustments
Global and local
Trends & Changing
nature of marketing
Marketer Responses and Adjustments
Customer relationship marketing
Integrated marketing communications
Customer lifetime value
Customer share
Target marketing
Customer database
Channels as partners
Every employee a marketer
Model-based decision making
Gathering information & analyzing
macro environment
Marketing information system: People and
procedures for assessing information needs,
developing the needed information, and
helping decision makers to use the
information to generate and validate
actionable customer and market insights.
The Components of a Modern
Marketing Information System
What decisions do you regularly make?
What information do you need to make
these decisions?
What information do you regularly get?
What special studies do you periodically
The Components of a Modern
Marketing Information System cont...
What information would you want that you are not
getting now?
What information would you want daily? Weekly?
Monthly? Yearly?
What magazines and trade reports would you like to
see on a regular basis?
What topics would you like to be kept informed of?
What data analysis programs would you want?
What are the most helpful improvements that could
be made in the present marketing information
Assessing Information needs
Developing needed information (Internal databases,
Marketing intelligence, Marketing research)
Analyzing and using information(For Decision making
eg. CRM, distribution of marketing information)

Decision makers--Marketing managers and other

information users
Marketing environment---(Target markets, Marketing
channels, Competitors, Public, Macroenvironment
Internal Record Systems
The Order-to-Payment Cycle
Sales Information Systems
Databases, Data Warehouses And Data-

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