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Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No.

1, April July 2015, pages 1 14

The effect of government expenditures on Indonesia economic

University of Samudra Langsa, Meurandeh Street, Langsa Lama, Aceh Timur, 24418, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,


Article history: The debate on the effect of government expenditure on economic growth has still
Received 17 February 2015 happened in relation to classical groups and Keynesians view. The aim of this
Revised 30 March 2015 study confirms the relationship, with the application of the case in Indonesia. Gov-
Accepted 9 April 2015 ernment expenditures are aggregated, while economic growth is measured by gross
domestic product. With time series design, the secondary data used covers the period
JEL Classification: of 2004 to 2013. At first, the data were analyzed descriptive-graphics, while the
H5, H50 hypothesis testing using t-test. The results obtained indicate that government
spending has a positive and significant influence to economic growth. Thus, spend-
Key words: ing and investment forms by government as a form of fiscal policy must be done
Government Expenditures, with great caution in order to avoid misallocation or inequality in the distribution of
Economic Growth, inter-sector development, given the importance of its role as a pending national
Indonesia. economic growth.

Pengaruh dari pengeluaran pemerintah terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi negara meru-
pakan bahan perdebatan panjang antara pandangan kelompok klasik dan Keynesian.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkonfirmasi hubungan tersebut, dengan penerapan kasus
di Indonesia. Pengeluaran pemerintah bersifat agregat, sementara pertumbuhan eko-
nomi diukur dengan produk domestik bruto. Dengan desain runtut waktu, data se-
kunder yang digunakan mencakup periode dari tahun 2004 sampai 2013. Mula-mula
data dianalisis secara deskriptif-grafis, sementara pengujian hipotesis menggunakan
uji-t. Hasil-hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengeluaran yang dilakukan
pemerintah memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan
ekonomi. Dengan demikian, bentuk-bentuk pengeluaran maupun investasi oleh peme-
rintah sebagai bentuk kebijakan fiskal harus dilakukan dengan penuh kehati-hatian
agar tidak terjadi misalokasi atau ketidakmerataan pendistribusian antarsektor pem-
bangunan, mengingat pentingnya peran yang dimilikinya sebagai pending pertumbu-
han ekonomi nasional.

1. INTRODUCTION the nation, and participation in the establishment of

The success of the economic development in any world order. One measure of economic develop-
country essentially depends on a series of activities ment is economic growth that is the real impact of
that are taking place or continuing to create better the government's development policies which are
condition both simultaneously and consistently. implemented through a series of forms that policy.
Within this framework, it can also spur the eco- In fact, government expenditure is one of the
nomic development for equitable development in government's efforts to realize the hopes of creating
order to improve the welfare of the people fairly prosperity for all the people. In accordance with the
and equitably. This argument is in line with the thought by Keynesian groups, government inter-
objectives of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in vention through this spending will stimulate the
the preamble of the 1945 Constitution, in which, it level of aggregate demand, which in turn, will lead
promotes the general welfare, the intellectual life of to economic growth. Yet, this is in contrast to the

* Corresponding author, email address: 1

Nurlina: The effect of government

ideas of Adam Smith who argued that Laissez-Faire ports, are all referred to as Aggregate Expenditure.
system in the government is considered to have no The components of the aggregate expenditure are
concern with the need to join or to intervene and let in the form of economic growth.
the free market system that encourages the creation In this sense above, it appears that government
of prosperity of a nation (Ogundipe & Oluwatobi spending has an effect on determining economic
2013; Folster & Henrekson 2001). growth rates. This evidence is supported by the
Both of the above views are often debated by economic theory of the three sectors of the econo-
academics, while the evidence by the research has my and open economy (Wu, 1995; Zhang 2009). In
not reached to the whole conclusion. For example, this case, economic growth is defined as growth in
the study by Gregorious and Ghosh (2007) found economic activity that leads to the goods and ser-
that countries with large government expenditure vices produced in the community increases (Sukir-
levels tend to experience higher economic growth. no 2011). In such a situation, a series of policies
Loizides and Vamvoukas (2005), Alexiou (2009), as held by the government is necessary because the
well as Alshahrani and Alsadiq (2014) also found firm economic growth can be achieved in each pe-
evidence to support the argument that government riod. Expenditure which is a form of fiscal policy is
spending can stimulate economic growth of the owned by the government to influence economic
country concerned. The results of these studies activity (Maipita 2012).
support the idea Keynes that form of government Indonesia's economic growth over the past few
intervention is needed to create economic growth years has recorded a positive growth. This is as in
in the country, the next one will improve the wel- the report released by the Indonesian government
fare of its people. through related ministries that is the Ministry of
However, the empirical evidence by a number Economy. It is obvious that the positive economic
of other researchers provides another fact. For ex- growth and stable is the purpose of government
ample, Al-Shatti (2014) found that public spending policies. As based on the social accounting system
by the government failed to encourage economic data Indonesia in 2005 and 2008, the result of simula-
growth in Jordan. Similarly, the results of a study tion by Maipita (2012) provides a generalization that
by Folster and Henrekson (1999) in a number of government expenditure has a positive impact on
countries also show evidence such as by Al-Yousif macroeconomic performance. When using the data
(2000) in Saudi Arabia, as well as Ogundipe and period 1993-2003, for example, Sodik (2007) found in
Oluwatobi (2013) in Nigeria. They found that total the aggregate government expenditure significant
government expenditure seems to have a negative effect on regional economic growth in Indonesia.
effect on economic growth. The argument empha- Alfirman and Sutriono (2006) also found that gov-
sizes that it supports the failure by Keynesian view ernment expenditure during the period from 1970 to
because sometimes the government spending and 2003 contributed to the growth of national economy.
investment in projects are not productive or they However, Wahyu, Sukarsa and Yuliarmi (2014)
produce public goods that could be produced more cautioned that government spending may also con-
efficiently by the private sector. The fact dealing tribute either directly or indirectly on the income
with irrational activity is considered to produce a gap in the area, which is due to the weakness of the
misallocation of government spending and can distribution of expenditure and infestation alloca-
inhibit the growth of national output. tion evenly across regions. This study uses the In-
A similar fact also occurs in Indonesia, where donesian economic growth measured by Gross
government spending and investment aimed at Domestic Product (GDP). This can be seen in Table
encouraging economic growth. For example, Table 2 showing that Indonesia's GDP growth has fluc-
1 shows that the amount of government expendi- tuated throughout the years 2004 to 2013. When
ture for consumption and investment in the aggre- compared to the value of GDP, it was achieved in
gate during 2004 to 2013 continues to rise each year, 2004 totaled to Rp. 1,506,296.60 to Rp. 2,636,976.00
except for the year 2009. It can be seen when com- in 2013, meaning an increase of Rp. 1130679.4 or
pared to government expenditure in 2004 with the 42.88 percent.
amount of Rp. 430,041.20 billion to Rp. 1,683,011.10 By looking at the development of economic
billion in 2013, representing an increase of Rp. growth that grows with the number of positive and
1252969.9 billion or 74.45 percent. Some compo- it appears that the government expenditure also
nents of government expenditure which includes continues to rise. Thus, it is deemed interesting to
household spending, investment, government con- see how government spending affects the growth of
sumption and investment spending, and net ex- the national economy. This study also aims to con-

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No. 1, April July 2015, pages 1 14

firm the effect of government spending on national Table 1

economic growth which is an implementation of Government Expenditures Year 2010 2013
the Keynesian view. Government Changes
Expenditure (Rp. Billion) Rp %
2. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPO- 2004 430.041,20 - -
THESES 2005 509.632,40 79.591,2 18,51
Classical Concept of Economic Growth 2006 667.128,70 157.496,3 30,90
In view point of classical economists, such as Adam 2007 757.649,90 90.521,2 13,57
Smith, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill, there 2008 985.730,70 228.080,8 30,10
are four factors that affect economic growth such as 2009 937.382,10 (48.348,6) (4,90)
2010 1.126.146,50 188.764,4 20,14
population, capital goods stocks, extensive land
2011 1.202.046,20 75.899,7 6,74
and natural resources as well as the level of tech-
2012 1.548.310,40 346.264,2 28,81
nology. In this point of view, the law of diminish-
2013 1.683.011,10 134.700,7 8,70
ing return with additional results will affect eco- Source: Budget 2004-2013 (Data processed researcher 2014).
nomic growth, which means that economic growth
will not continue (Arpaia & Turrini 2008; Chude & Table 2
Chude 2013). At the outset, when the population GDP at 2000 Constant Prices Year 2010-2013
and natural resources are relatively little excessive, Change
the rate of return on the capital investment tends to Year GDP Value (Rp. Billion)
Rp %
be high, and then the employer will get a big ad- 2004 1.506.296,60 - -
vantage. This will lead to new investment and eco- 2005 1.605.261,80 98.965,2 6,57
nomic growth to materialize. Such circumstances 2006 1.703.422,40 98.160,6 6,11
will not continue to take place. If the population is 2007 1.821.757,70 118.335,3 6,95
already too big, the addition will reduce the level of 2008 1.939.625,90 117.868,2 6,47
economic activity. This is due to the productivity of 2009 2.036.685,50 97.059,6 5,00
2010 2.171.113,50 134.428,0 6,60
each population which has become negative. For
2011 2.322.653,10 151.539,6 6,98
more specific argument, economy will achieve a 2012 2.481.796,70 159.143,6 6,85
very low level of development (Sukirno 2011). 2013 2.636.976,00 155.179,3 6,25
The next is the Neo-classical growth theory Source: BPS 2004 - 2013 (data is processed researcher, 2014)
developed by Solow (1956) for improving the pre-
vious classical theories. It focuses on the discussion instability of economic activity, unemployment,
on the accumulated stock of capital goods and re- price rises (inflation), and the balance of trade and
levance to the satisfaction of the people to save or balance of payments. Every economic policy aims
invest. The significant assumption of the Solow to address these economic problems. The goals of
model is considered to be a constant level of tech- macroeconomic policy can be divided into five as-
nology (no technological progress). The rate of de- pects, namely: (1) to stabilize economic activity; (2)
preciation is considered constant, no foreign trade to reach the level of employment (employment) full
or capital flows in and out, no government sector, without inflation; (3) to avoid the problem of infla-
as well as the rate of population growth (labor) also tion; (4) to create a firm economic growth; and, (5)
considered being constant. To simplify the analysis, to realize the substantiality of the balance of pay-
can be added to the assumption that the entire ments and foreign exchange rates (Putong 2010;
working population, so the number of people equal Sariono et al. 2007).
to the amount of labor (Sukirno 2011; Abdullah et In particular, Keynes argued that the economic
al. 2009). In this theory, the economy is said to be in activity rate is determined by aggregate expendi-
stable equilibrium when the same amount of sav- ture. In general, aggregate expenditure in a particu-
ings with investment needs. Stable equilibrium lar period is less than the aggregate expenditure
state will change if what happen are the saving rate needed to reach the level of full employment. This
changes, changes in the growth rate of technology, situation is due to the investment made by the en-
and the acceleration of technological development trepreneur that is usually lower than the savings to
(Rahardja & Manurung 2005). be made in a full employment economy.
In such instance, Keynes argued the free mar-
Government Role in Economic Growth ket system will not be able to make adjustments
Some of the major problems in economy as always that create full employment (Tcherneva 2008;
be faced by every country are economic growth, Ogundipe & Oluwatobi 2013). To achieve the ne-

Nurlina: The effect of government

cessary conditions for government policies, it can rect the market failures that may in some form (Su-
be distinguished between fiscal policy, monetary kirno 2011: Stiglitz, 1989; Pasour, Jr., 1981). The first
and direct supervision. Fiscal policy is done is not perfect competition, where the markets are
through the setting of government expenditures imperfect and tend to monopoly, the price of which
and receipts. In times of inflation, it is usually in the occurs usually higher and the amount of produc-
form of fiscal policy that will reduce government tion less. The Government is expected to regulate
spending and increase taxes. Conversely, if a se- and improve the welfare of the community that is
rious unemployment, the government tries to in- not reduced. Both are related to public goods (pub-
crease the expenditure and reduce taxes. Thus, lic goods) which has the characteristics of non ex-
monetary policy is conducted by influencing the cludable and non-rivalry. With the nature of public
money supply and interest rates. Direct supervision goods, it can provide rise to the phenomenon of
is done by making the rules (Ogundipe & Oluwa- free riders, ie people will be competing for not pay-
tobi 2013; Manik & Hidayat 2010; Putong 2010). ing in the use of the goods. This system is the pro-
The theory of economic growth by Harrod- vision of such goods which cannot be done by the
Domar explains the requirements that must be met private sector. It must be done by the government.
for an economy can achieve growth or steady The third is the result of a market economy exter-
growth firm in the long run. Harrod-Domar analy- nalities are selfish, so the thought is to minimize
sis uses analogy-analogy, namely: (i) capital goods costs while indirect impacts such as social effects
have reached full capacity; (ii) savings is propor- are not taken into account. Fourth is the failure of
tional to the national income; (iii) the capital-output information, which in some cases people who really
ratio (capital output ratio) fixed value; and, (iv) the need the information cannot be provided by the
economy consists of two sectors. This theory com- private sector, such as the information about
plements Keynes thought, where Keynes uses a weather forecast. Agriculture and marine despe-
short-term perspective, while the Harrod-Domar a rately need weather information, but the private
long-term perspective. Harrod-Domar In the analy- sectors do not provide it. The government should
sis indicated that although in any given year capital provide the weather information.
goods has reached full capacity, the aggregate ex- An ideal economy is perfectly competitive
penditure in the year, namely AE = C + I, will lead where the allocation of resources is derived from
to a capacity of capital goods becomes higher in the voluntary exchange of goods and money at the
next year. In other words, the prevailing invest- market price. This would result in the maximum
ment in the current year will increase the capacity quantity of goods and services of all available re-
of capital goods for the issuing of goods and servic- sources in the economy. The fact is that the market
es in the following year (Wahyu et al. 2014; Hussein is not always present in his form of ideal condition.
and Thirlwall 2000). Market economy is often entwined pollution and
The role of government must be executed in- monopoly along with soaring inflation or unem-
cluding the role of the allocation, distribution role, ployment and in practice also that the distribution
and the role of stabilization (Mangkoesoebroto of income in a laissez-faire society is very uneven.
2009; Suparmoko 2000). The role of allocation is To overcome these weaknesses the government
implemented by the government in which the allo- took an important role in the economy.
cation of economic resources is carried out efficient-
ly, especially in providing goods and services that Government Expenditure
the private sector cannot produce it. The role of the Government expenditure reflects the government's
distribution of the fiscal policy implemented by the fiscal policy (Loizides & Vamvoukas 2008; Jiranya-
government through a state change society so that kul & Brahmasrene 2007). If the government has set
in accordance with the expected distribution of a policy to purchase goods and services, govern-
income through progressive taxation, i.e. the rela- ment expenditures reflect the costs to be incurred
tive tax burden is greater for those who are able by the government to implement the policy. Gov-
and redistribute to the poor. The role of stabiliza- ernment expenditure in real terms can be used as
tion is done through the government's efforts to an indicator of the size of government activities are
make policies aimed at controlling excessive eco- financed by the government spending. The larger
nomic shocks. and more government activities, the greater the
The role of government in economy is required government expenditure is concerned. The propor-
to provide legal system or regulations that cannot tion of government expenditure to national income
be provided by the private sector, as well as to cor- (GDP or GDP) is a measure of the activity of gov-

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No. 1, April July 2015, pages 1 14

ernment in an economy (Arpaia & Turrini 2008; (change) the money supply in the economy or a
Loizides & Vamvoukas 2005). change in interest rates. They have intent to influ-
Government expenditure is part of fiscal policy ence the aggregate expenditure. Supply side poli-
(Mangkoesoebroto 2009; Sitaniapessy 2013) which cies aimed at increasing the efficiency of the com-
is a government action to regulate the course of the panies that can offer their goods at a cheaper price
economy by determining the amount of revenue or with better quality. One of the supply side poli-
and government spending each year is reflected in cies is a policy of income (income policy), i.e. gov-
the Budget documents for national and local to the ernment measures aimed at controlling the de-
area or region. The objective of fiscal policy is to mands of increase in labor income. This objective is
stabilize prices, the level of output and employ- carried out to prevent excessive increase in reve-
ment and spur economic growth. Based on the nue.
identification of components of the state budget in The development model of the development of
mind, the government expenditure is allocated to government expenditure is developed by Rostow
several types of expenditure, namely the central and Musgrave linking government spending
government expenditure, transfers to local and growth to the stage of economic development
suspension. Central government expenditures in- (Chude & Chude 2013; Rahardja & Manurung 2008;
clude personnel expenses, shopping goods, capital Al-Shatti 2014). In the early stages of economic de-
expenditures, interest payments, subsidies, grants velopment, the percentage of total government
expenditure, social assistance, and other expendi- investment is to a great investment because at this
tures. The transfer to the area includes the balance stage the government should provide the infra-
funds, as well as the special autonomy fund and structure. At the intermediate stage, the govern-
adjustments. ment investment is still needed to avoid market
The majority of government expenditure is to failure caused by private investment has been
finance the administration of the government and greater. At the economic level further, government
government officials, finance education and health activity switches in the form of expenditures for
care systems, finance shopping for the armed social activities.
forces, and finance various types of infrastructure Wagner's Law, next, states that in an economy,
are important in development are some of the im- where per capita income increases, relative gov-
portant areas of government funded (Sukirno ernment spending will increase. According to
2011). When related to government expenditure, Wagner, why it leads to the greater role of govern-
some forms of government-run economic policies ment is that it is due to the government that should
are fiscal policy, monetary policy, and the policy of regulate relations arising in society, law, education,
the supply side (Putong 2010; Nawawi & Irawan recreation, culture and so on (Mangkoesoebroto
2010; Sukirno 2011; Maipita 2012). 2009; Loizides & Vamvoukas 2005; Samudram et al.
Fiscal policy includes the steps of the govern- 2009). Wagners legal weakness is because the law
ment to make changes in taxation and government is that it not based on a theory regarding the selec-
spending with a view to influencing aggregate tion of public goods. Wagner based his views with
spending in the economy. Through fiscal policy on the organic theory of the government (organic
aggregate expenditure will be increased and this theory of the state), which considers the govern-
step will increase the national revenues and level of ment as an individual who is free to act, regardless
employment. This tax reduction will increase the of other community members. Wagner's Law can
ability of people to buy goods and services and will be formulated as the ratio of government expendi-
increase the aggregate expenditure. Then, the ag- ture per capita (PKPP) with income per capita
gregate expenditure can be further improved by (KDP), which is the value of GDP per population.
increasing government spending on goods and Peacock and Wiseman theory bases itself on a
services that are needed. In times of inflation or view that the government is always trying to in-
economic activities, they have reached the level of crease expenditure, while people do not like to pay
full employment and rising prices that has been greater taxes to finance the government expendi-
growing rapidly. Otherwise, they have prevailed, ture. According to this argument, the people have a
the increased taxes and reduced government ex- tolerance level of taxation, namely the degree to
penditure. which the public can understand the magnitude of
Monetary policy includes government meas- the tax levy required by the government to finance
ures implemented by the Central Bank (in Indone- government spending (Rowley & Tollison, 1994;
sian Central Bank is Bank Indonesia) to affect Bagdigen & Cetintas 2003; Basri & Subri 2005).

Nurlina: The effect of government

Expenditure addition
Expenditure reduction

National Income
Figure 1
The function of Government Expenditures on National Income
Source: Sukirno 2011.

Building the Hypothesis: The Effect of Govern- The government is as indicated by the function
ment expenditure on Indonesia Economic Growth G. In the following period, for example, the unem-
The economic growth describes or measures the ployment is very bad, and then to overcome it,
achievement of the development of an economy government does more expenditure as much as in
(Wahyu et al. 2014; Mangkoesoebroto 2009). In a G1. This step transfer function G upward. When
real economic activity, economic growth means the the economy has experienced a problem of infla-
fiscal development of goods and services existing tion, the government tries to reduce expenditures
in a country such as increasing the production of and changes indicated by the movement of the ex-
industrial goods, infrastructure development, in- penditure function of government from G to G2.
creasing the number of schools, the production of The concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
the service sectors, and production of capital goods is a concept that is considered more appropriate
(Al-Shatti 2014; Chude & Chude 2013). However, measure for the economic growth compared with
by using various types of production data, it is very other concepts of national income (Ogundipe &
difficult to give an overview of the economic Oluwatobi 2013; Arpaia & Turrini 2008). As such,
growth that has been achieved. Therefore, to de- GDP can be interpreted as the value of goods and
scribe an idea of the economic growth achieved in a services produced in the country in a given year. In
certain country, the size always used is the real addition to GDP, it is also known as the term Gross
national income growth rates. National Product (GNP) that is a concept that has
The government expenditure reflects govern- meaning in conjunction with GDP but predicting
ment policy. If the government has set a policy to the types of income are slightly different (Putong
purchase goods and services, government expendi- 2010; Loizides & Vamvoukas 2005). In the GNP, the
tures reflect the costs to be incurred by the gov- value of goods and services were counted in the
ernment to implement policies (Maipita 2012; Al- national income is just the goods and services pro-
shahrani & Alsadiq 2014). Government expenditure duced by the factors of production are owned by
in real terms can be used as an indicator of the size nationals of countries that national income is calcu-
of government activities which are financed by the lated. By looking at the differences, it can be formu-
government expenditure. Thus, the larger and lated nature of the relationship between the two,
more government activities, the greater the gov- that GDP is the difference between GNP and PFN-
ernment expenditure is concerned. The proportion LN. PFN-LN is net factor income from abroad; or
of government expenditure to national income is a income of the factors of production received from
measure of the activity of government in an econ- abroad minus income production factors are paid
omy (Sitaniapessy 2013; Samudram et al. 2009). abroad (Sukirno 2011; Putong 2010).
Some determinants of government expenditure Furthermore, the study related to the effect of
can be projected tax that is received; economic ob- the increase or decline in aggregate expenditure on
jectives to be achieved; and, political and security the level of economic growth can be conducted
considerations (Manik & Hidayat 2010; Rahardja & through multiplier analysis. Government multiplier
Manurung 2008). The function of government ex- is a number of multipliers that indicate how much
penditure to national income is also an indicator of output will go up or down if there is an increase or
economic growth, according Sukirno (2011) in decrease in the government budget expenditure
which it can be expressed in Figure 1. (Hartono 2006; Suparmoko 2013). For example, the

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No. 1, April July 2015, pages 1 14




270 D
270 1.575 2.210
Gross Domestic Products (Triliun Rupiah)

Figure 2
The Effect of Government Expenditure Change on GDP
Source: Hartono (2006).

effect of the change up or down, the government Operational Definition and Measurement of Va-
expenditure is to the level of economic growth with riables
GDP indicators which are shown in Figure 2. This study analyzes the relationship of two va-
Figure 2 shows an example of the multiplier ef- riables, i.e. the dependent variable and the inde-
fect of government by using graphs. If the govern- pendent variables. The dependent variable is eco-
ment expenditure increases to Rp 430 trillion that is nomic growth, while the value of government ex-
above the line C + I, the aggregate expenditure in- penditure an independent variable.
creases to Rp 1,013 trillion to line C + I + G Point, The operational definition of government ex-
the output of new balance is achieved when the line penditure is the amount of government expendi-
is exactly the same expenditure to gross domestic ture in providing goods and services that are
product that is Rp. 2,210 Trillion. Thus, the multip- needed in the economy as summarized in state
lier process, the increase in government expendi- spending. The value of expenditure or spending
ture will increase the national income equally. As a state as stated in the summary Budget during the
result of these circumstances, the multiplier value study period. The size of this variable is expressed
of the investment is equal to the change in the value in units of dollars. Economic growth is operational-
of the multiplier of changes in government expend- ly defined as the value of Gross Domestic Product
iture. (GDP). The size of this variable is also expressed in
Based on the review of arguments and the pre- terms of dollars.
vious literature, the researchers hypothesized that
government expenditure contributed positively to Data Analysis Techniques
the economic growth in Indonesia. Initially, the researchers show descriptively about
macro assumptions used in the preparation of the
3. RESEARCH METHOD national budget throughout the study period. Then,
Research Design the researchers graphically displayed the amount of
This study determines the effect of government government expenditure on the development and
expenditure on economic growth in this case that is economic growth in Indonesia which is indicated
the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This study uses by the value of GDP based on the available data.
time series design. The secondary data were ob- Furthermore, the researchers analyzed the ef-
tained from the data issued by the State Budget fect of government expenditure on economic
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, growth in Indonesia. As this study confirms the
Central Bureau of Statistics, and the National De- relationship between the independent variables to
velopment Planning Agency. Data period is from the dependent variable, the use of a single regres-
2004 through 2013. sion analysis is done (Gujarati & Potter 2010). Mod

Nurlina: The effect of government

Table 3
Macro Assumption of the Preparation of the National Budget in 2010 through 2013

Indicators 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Economic growth (% yoy) 4,8 5,7 5,5 6,3 6,0 4,6 6,2 6,5 6,5 6,8
Inflation (% yoy) 7,0 17,1 6,6 6,6 11,1 2,8 6,96 3,79 6,8 4,9
Rupiah Exchange rate 8.900 9.705 9.164 9.14 9.691 10.408 9.087 8.779 9.000 9.300
Interest rate SPN 3 months 7,5 9,1 11,7 8,0 9,3 7,6 6,6 4,8 5,0 5,0
average (%) *)
Crude oil price 36,0 51,8 63,8 72,3 97,0 61,6 79,4 111,5 105,0 100,0
Indonesia (USD/barrel)
Oil Lifting (thousand barrels/ 1,072 0,999 0,959 0,899 0,931 0,944 0,954 0,900 0,930 0,900
Gas Lifting (thousand - - - - - - - - - 1,360
barrels/ day equal to Oil)
*) Before 2011 using interest rate SBI 3 months
Source: State Budget 2004-2013 (Processed data, 2014)

el estimation is as follows: rupiah (IDR / USD); (4) 3-month interest rate SPN
= 0 + + . (1) average (%); (5) Indonesian Crude Price (USD /
Where Y is the dependent variable, namely barrel); (6) the lifting (thousand barrels per day);
economic growth as measured by GDP; Xi is the and, (7) the lifting gas (thousand barrels per day of
independent variable (regressor), i.e. government oil equivalent). Especially, for gas lifting assump-
expenditure ui is a confounding factor stochastic tion, the new one is inserted into the macro as-
(error of the term), and the subscript i symbolizes sumptions used in the preparation of the state
the i. i observation. i measures changes in the budget in 2013. Table 3 shows the fluctuation of the
average value of Y for each change Xi, in the sense macro assumptions in the preparation of the Indo-
that these coefficients give the effect of "direct" or nesian state budget over the period 2004 to 2013.
"net effect" (direct or net effect) of any changes Xi to From Table 3, it can be seen that the hope of gov-
the mean value of Y. ernment revenue and expenditure management in
Before it is used, the research model should so each fiscal year is to create higher economic growth
classical assumption test. The results of scatterplots compared to the previous year, with a lower infla-
graphs, the Durbin-Watson test, and normal PP tion rate, and the rate of absorption of higher loan
plot charts, identified that the model does not have capital through the stimulus rate lower interest.
symptoms heterocedastity, autocorrelation and
normality. Multicollinearity test need not be per- Descriptive Analysis-Graphics
formed for a single regression model. Government Expenditure
In hypothesis testing, as the regression model The economic objective to be achieved is an impor-
is single, the researchers simply used t-test with tant factor in the determination of government ex-
testing the hypothesis at a significance level of 5%. penditure. The government crucial role is vital in
The criterion is that when the value of the coeffi- the economy. Government activities can manipu-
cient t is smaller than 0.05, it means that the hypo- late or organize economic activities in the desired
thesis is proven. The result of hypothesis testing is direction. Indonesian government expenditure al-
combined with R test so they can show the relative location for several years is generally aimed at im-
degree of correlation between the variables ana- proving the infrastructure in order to overcome the
lyzed. This process was assisted data processing problem of unemployment, and economic growth
with SPSS for Windows ver.20. problems. It can be seen from the large allocation of
funds for infrastructure improvements and other
4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION supporting facilities. The development of govern-
Basic Assumption of Macroeconomic Budget ment expenditure from year to year can be seen
Preparation from two sides, namely in terms of numbers, and of
Basic macroeconomic assumption is used in the the growth, Table 1 shows the trend of government
preparation of the state budget such as: (1) growth expenditure during 2004 through 2013 from the
(% year on year/yoy); (2) inflation (% yoy); (3) the amount shown graphically in Figure 3.

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No. 1, April July 2015, pages 1 14



2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 3
Trend of Expenditure of the Government of the Year 2004 2013
Source: Processed data, 2014.

30,10 28,81



2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


Figure 4
Trend of Government Expenditure Growth 2004 2013

It can be seen graphically the development 2006 reaching to 30.90%.

trend of rising government expenditure, however Based on Figure 4, it can be seen that the
the amount of year to year movement is going up growth of government expenditure in 2009 expe-
and down. General government expenditure is allo- rienced a negative growth in the amount of 4.90%.
cated to two things, namely the central government Based on information obtained through the Minis-
spending and transfers to the regions. Meanwhile, try of Finance website (, this
the central government expenditure allocated by the occurred due to a decrease in revenues primarily
government to three aspects, namely: (1) the devel- from the tax sector and non-tax revenues (non-tax).
opment of infrastructure is driving economic They are from domestic revenue plan in the state
growth; (2) create an atmosphere securely to the budget in 2009 decreased by Rp. 109,312.9 billion or
lives of the people and businesses; and, (3) subsidies. 11.2 percent lower. The decline occurred in tax rev-
Figure 4 shows the highest growth of govern- enue by 1.0 percent and non-tax revenues
ment expenditure occurred in 2012, which in that amounted to 32.0 percent. The fall in tax revenue
year there was an increase high enough for gov- forecast in 2009 to make the tax revenue growth
ernment expenditure from the previous year of was negative for the first time since the Asian eco-
6.74% to 28.81%, or 22.07% with a difference. How- nomic crisis in 1997. This occurred due to the global
ever, when viewed from the achievement, the high- economic crisis and the administration of the fiscal
est growth of government expenditure occurred in stimulus package in 2009.

Nurlina: The effect of government

Rp1.821.757,70 Rp2.171.113,50
Rp1.605.261,80 Rp1.939.625,90

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 5
Trend of GDP Value Year 2004 2013
Source: Processed data, 2014.

6,57 6,95 6,60 6,85

6,11 6,47 6,98 6,25

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 6
Trend GDP Growth Year 2004 2013
Source: Processed data, 2014.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) omy economic activity, weakening capital market,
GDP growth in turn is expected to improve the tight liquidity, a decrease in the volume of trade,
welfare of the community. Various forms of poli- and economic slowdown in many countries. These
cies and measures are chosen and pursued in order conditions affect the development of the domestic
to achieve the goal of economic activity. Over the economy as it relates to the global economy
past ten years, the development of Indonesia's no- through trade and capital flows. The turmoil in the
minal GDP growth has been positive. Based on the capital markets of developed countries has led to
data in Table 2, the trend of Indonesia's GDP dur- changes in the preferences of investors to transfer
ing 2004 to 2013 from the amount are shown graph- funds to the instruments of government investment
ically in Figure 5. in developed countries is considered relatively safe.
Based on Figure 5, it shows graphically that the The pressure does not only cause the turmoil
trend value of Indonesia's GDP continues to rise in in various capital markets of developing countries,
a way that is almost straight. The increase in world but also resulted in increasingly tight liquidity
GDP over the period of the study occurred in 2011 funds in various countries, including Indonesia.
in the amount of 6.89% or nominally Rp. 151,539.6 The slowing rate of the world economy in 2009 has
billion. Overall, the increase in the value of Indone- led to the volume of world trade which has de-
sia's GDP is by an average of 5.78% or nominally by creased at a rate that is quite sharp. After reaching
Rp113.067,9 billion per year. an average expansion of 8.1 per cent over the last 5
In terms of growth, Figure 6 shows the percen- years, in 2008, growth in world trade volume
tage of GDP recorded a fluctuating number, differ- dropped to only 4.1 percent. Thus, the indication of
ent from the value of the GDP in nominal amount. the decline of the volume of world trade is partly
The lowest GDP growth was recorded in 2009 by reflected in a sharp decline in the Baltic Dry Index,
5%. This decrease indicates is indicated a result of which is a barometer of world trade volume. For
the global economic growth in 2009 that was the example, in April of 2009, the IMF predicted the
peak of the global financial crisis marked by a glo- growth rate of trade volume dropped by minus

Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 18, No. 1, April July 2015, pages 1 14

Table 4
Result of Regression Analysis

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1136047.764 48082.588 23.627 .000
EXPD .900 .045 .990 19.866 .000
a. Dependent Variable: GDP
Source: Processed data, 2014.

11.0 percent, a decline compared with the predic- coefficient (R) of 0.991 which implies a relatively
tions made earlier. very strong linkage of the role of Government
However, in 2010, world trade was expected to Spending on Economic growth as measured by
begin to recover with growth reaching 0.6 percent. GDP. The coefficient of determination (R-square) of
Indonesia cannot be separated from the global eco- 0.981 indicates that the role of government expendi-
nomic crisis. Based on the information from Minis- ture variable in explaining the fluctuations of eco-
try of Finance (, the trans- nomic growth is also relatively very large, namely
mission of the global economic crisis to the econo- 98.1%, while the other variables are thought to af-
my of Indonesia was through two pathways, name- fect economic growth harbor only contribute 1.9%.
ly the financial channel and the trade channel. The results of the analysis expands the empiri-
Through the financial channel, the impact of the cal evidence submitted by Gregorious and Ghosh
crisis may occur directly or indirectly. Direct im- (2007), Loizides and Vamvoukas (2005), Alexiou
pacts occur when a bank or financial institution in (2009), as well as Alshahrani and Alsadiq (2014),
Indonesia to buy troubled assets (toxic assets) of the which supports the Keynesian view that states the
issuing company experiencing liquidity problems importance of the role government for develop-
abroad. In addition, the transmission of the crisis ment. In this case, the government through fiscal
through direct financial channel can also occur policy in the form of shopping or spending does a
through the withdrawal of funds by foreign inves- stimulus to encourage growth of the national econ-
tors who have liquidity problems (deleveraging). omy (Ogundipe & Oluwatobi 2013; Folster & He-
Besides through both of the above, the direct nrekson 2001). This result also supports the idea
impact of financial channel can also occur through that the Harrod-Domar government's role in creat-
the action of the transfer of the investment portfolio ing economic growth is not only a short term, but
of high risk to low risk (flight to quality). Mean- also it has a long-term perspective (Wahyu et al.
while, the indirect impact of financial channel 2014; Hussein and Thirlwall 2000).
could occur through the emergence of barriers to Government expenditure reflects government
the availability of financing the economy. Mean- policy, where the proportion expenditure the gov-
while, the impact through the trade channel can ernment against the national income can be the
emerge through weakening exports and imports, size of the role of government in an economy (Sita-
which in turn affect the real sector and raises the niapessy 2013; Samudram et al. 2009). If the gov-
potential credit risk for banks. It also has the poten- ernment has set a policy to purchase goods and
tial to put pressure on Indonesia's balance of pay- services, government expenditures reflect the costs
ments (BOP). to be incurred by the government to implement the
policy. The government spending in real terms can
Hypothesis Testing be used as an indicator of the magnitude of gov-
The proposed hypothesis stated that there was a ernment activities funded by the government ex-
positive and significant effect of government ex- penditure.
penditure on economic growth of the country. The The larger and more government activities, the
single regression analysis in Table 4 shows that the greater the government expenditure is concerned
regression coefficients of the independent variables (Maipita 2012; Alshahrani & Alsadiq 2014). How-
with a significance value of 0.900 t of 0.000 (p ever, expenditure management also needs to be
<0.05). This indicates that the hypothesis proposed offset by revenue management (Tcherneva 2008;
in this study can be proved. Manik & Hidayat 2010). The government, therefore,
Based on Table 5, the relationship between is expected to optimize the revenues from the tax
these two variables is reinforced by a correlation sector, and explore potential revenue from other

Nurlina: The effect of government

sectors; because of the non-tax state revenue is seen 5. CONCLUSION, IMPLICATION, SUGGES-
relatively smaller than the state income tax sector. TION, AND LIMITATIONS
This condition is seen from a review of the data The results of this study provide evidence that dur-
state budget during the period 2004 to 2013. ing 2004 through 2013, government expenditure
The concern arises because the descriptive has a positive and significant effect on economic
analysis showed that graphically (Figure 3), the growth as measured by GDP. Statistical analysis
value of government spending over the period of also shows that there is a very strong correlation
the study continued to rise. But based on the trend between government spending and economic
(Figure 4), the growth of government expenditure growth.
in 2013 decreased by 9.81% compared to that It implies that the role of government expendi-
achieved in 2005. Based on the information from ture is very important, either in the form of routine
the Ministry of Finance website expenditures, public expenditure or other forms of
(, the trend indicated a de- investment, as fiscal policies to encourage the
crease in spending is not because the government is growth of the national economy. However, scrutiny
able to perform the efficiency of spending, but should be taken to avoid misallocation so that the
more due to a decrease in revenue primarily from benefits gained as expected or to prevent the distri-
the tax sector and non-tax revenues (non-tax) which bution of the unequal allocation of expenditure so
makes the tightening of state spending. The decline that there is equity on development sectors that
in revenues is indicated because of the inability of support economic growth.
large-scale industrial sectors meet their tax obliga- The weakness is that this study did not specify
tions due to the economic crisis, where it is known the nature of the relationship between each of the
that the industrial sector is highly vulnerable to components of aggregate government expenditure
global economic turmoil. and economic growth. Future research can be de-
The condition that occurs in government ex- signed to make efforts so that could be explored
penditure has also descriptively unidirectional im- more in-depth how the contribution of each com-
pact on GDP of Indonesia, as evidenced also by the ponent of government expenditure is. For that rea-
results of the regression analysis. Graphically (Fig- son, it can provide a comprehensive understanding
ure 5), the value of Indonesia's GDP over the period of the role of government expenditure both in the
of the study continued to rise following the increase aggregate and partially to the national economic
in the value of government spending. And based growth.
on trend analysis (Figure 6), Indonesia's GDP
growth declined in 2013 amounted to 0.32% com- REFERENCES
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