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Computer and Information

Systems Manager

Sam Palmer | B4 Workplace Skills | 12-7-17


A computer and Information Systems Manager oversees all the

technological needs for a business or group. He or she is responsible
for planning, maintaining, and managing a computer information
system. This can mean anything from ordering new keyboards for a
company, to organizing an office workspace entirely. You will be hired
to fit all a businesss needs, whether it be super powerful computers, to
touchscreen laptops. The manager is also in charge of making sure all
other information systems specialists are doing their jobs, and should
be taking care of any business associated with leading them. These
managers are a necessity to any educational district, hospital, business,
or government. A good Information Systems Manager is an excellent
leader, an organized person, and a superb computer handler. The field
takes college experience, or an equal amount in the same studies. The
military also offers training and can provide good benefits to make
sure you get your training. This career will last if employers will need
someone to keep up with their computer systems. Computers are here
to say, so why wouldnt this job be here to stay? Demands will be
present for a long time.

An aspiring Computer Information Systems Manager will go to
college or receive military training for the best possible chance of
getting a sturdy career. He or She will study Computer classes that
range from Database Administration, to a normal management course.
A full list includes:

Computer Programming Database Administration

Computer Science Digital Communication
Computer System Information Science
Analysis Information Tech
Networking and Management
Administration Web Page Design

Most places that hire require at least a bachelors degree in fields

that qualify. It is possible to get in purely on experience working in IT,
however, the odds arent as likely. The safest option would be to go to
college, or receive the equivalent through military service. The higher
qualified managers often complete their masters in business
administration. The job returns a lot of satisfaction to those who
participate. Benefits depend on the company you are working for.
Most who retire rate the job a five out of five-satisfaction rating and
would recommend it to those considering it.

Most colleges in Utah offer courses that could help you on your
way. The colleges that have Computer Tech related majors are:

University of Utah Utah State University

Brigham Young Utah Valley University
University Weber State University
Southern Utah

The Computer Industry often pays well, and this field is no
exception. Utah is one of the lowest paying states for this career, which
still isnt bad at all. The Median Pay for a Computer Information
Systems Manager in Utah is $113,140 annually. The average for the
entire country is $131,600, with an entry level salary looking to be
around $60,000 per year. This career often means you dont have a pay
cap, so if you continue to work hard, you could always be improving.

It is very unlikely that you will even start as a Manager, but that
leads to another good factor about this career. From the moment you
start, there is lots of opportunity to work your way up the scale. Going
back and completing more college courses also means that you could
potentially receive an even larger income. I read about some business
offering a large raise to those who went back and earned their masters
in the courses the started in. Advancement is always an option when
you enter this field.

This job will also be around for a long time. Computers are here
to stay, after all, this is the information age. This job will be around if
computers continue to be a requirement for modern offices and

This is the career that I will most likely be working to achieve,
and I am very excited to see all that it has to offer. I will go to college,
and come out with lots of desire to climb the ladder of success. I want
to get hired by a large company that can treat me well, and I can work
for them proudly to the best of my abilities.

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