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How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

How I Made $1,000,000

Reselling Software

By Luther Landro

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Earnings & Income Disclaimer














How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2: The Big Picture. ......................................................................................................................... 14
Chapter 3: The Software Marketplace ........................................................................................................ 22
Chapter 4: Where To Find Product Ideas .................................................................................................... 27
Chapter 5: Where To Get Software ............................................................................................................ 31
Chapter 6: How To Package Your Product .................................................................................................. 36
Chapter 7: Your Digital Delivery System ..................................................................................................... 41
Chapter 8: How To Sell Your System........................................................................................................... 45
Chapter 9: How To Drive Traffic To Your Offer ........................................................................................... 65
Chapter 10: How To Grow To A Million Dollars And Beyond ..................................................................... 71
Chapter 11: Case Studies, And How To Partner With Me .......................................................................... 73

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 1: Introduction

So Who The Heck Am I

And Why Should You Listen To Me?
My name is Luther Landro, and let me start by saying thank you for picking
up a copy of this book. Inside this guide you will find a complete brain
dump of everything I have learned over the past 5 years reselling software
products over the internet.

This is not meant to be some get rich quick scheme, or magic 3 step
formula to make you rich.


I am writing this guide to tell you the truth about selling software products
online. All the pros, all the cons, all of the tricks and tactics that have
worked for me, as well as all of the failures and ideas that didnt.

Last year, I took in over $1 million dollars in sales from Warrior Plus selling
software products to consultants and internet marketers:

This screen is only showing sales from the Warrior Plus Platform. This
screen does not include:

Sales Ive made on JVZoo, Clickbank and other networks

Affiliate sales generated by promoting other products to my customer

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Coaching fees I have collected from customers ($2,500 minimum

from each)
Recurring payments from my membership (currently over 200
members at $97/month each)
Sales of products in the health/fitness niche

Bottom line: I am currently making well into 7 figures a year selling

digital products online.

Now Im not saying this to brag, I am telling you this so you take this guide
seriously. It has taken me 5 years to build my business to this level, and I
have made countless mistakes along the way.

I was lucky enough to have a mentor when I started out who has also
become something of a silent partner in my business. This mentor (Colin
Kowalski if you are curious) guided me through my first few product
launches, and still writes most of my sales copy. I was lucky to have met
Colin, without his guidance I never would have even attempted to sell my
own products online, and I certainly would have never been able to grow it
beyond 7 figures per year.

This Guide Is Meant To Be Your Mentor.

I am peeling back the curtain and giving you an inside look at my online
business. Everything from how I come up with product ideas, where I find
products to sell, to how I write compelling sales copy and generate traffic to
my offers.

Following this guide to the letter you will be able to duplicate my success
and build a business of your own.

So Why Sell Or Resell Software?

I have sold a number of different products over the years. eBooks, video
training, software, supplements, coaching packages

Yet NOTHING is easier and more profitable to sell than software.

Software can solve problems at the push of a button.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Need your website to rank higher in Google? Theres a plugin than can do it
for you.

Need sales leads for your business? Theres software that can scrape the
best lead sources online.

Need a professional looking website for your restaurant? There is a

WordPress theme that builds it in minutes.

Software is the promise of instant (or near instant) results.

Think about it: If you had a problem that you needed to solve, would you
rather buy an ebook that tells you how to solve it, or a push button software
that solves it for you?

On April 15th would you rather buy a few books on taxes and attempt to fill
out IRS forms yourself?


Buy TurboTax and have the software does 90% of the work for you?

When you decide to sell software, you are giving yourself an edge over
marketers who sell information products. Selling software, is like selling an
instant solution to a customers problem.

As you will learn in the copywriting section of this guide, writing a sales
page for software is far and away easier than writing a sales page for an
information product. This brings us to one of the most important lessons in
selling software products:

Build Your Software Business

Around Demonstration.
There is no greater sales tool than a powerful demonstration.

Infomercials have been using this sales tactic for YEARS banking billions of
dollars through direct TV sales.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Take a look at this old school infomercial (the one that made Billy Mays

10 seconds into this infomercial, pitchman Billy Mays uses the power of
demonstration to sell the product OxyClean.

Big bowel full of dirty water and clothes

One scoop of the product and everything is clean!

Heres another example:

Notice in the first 10 seconds, they are demonstrating the products main

Wet table, spill on the floor

Two swipes of Sham Wow and your problem is solved!

If you go through any direct marketing TV ad, you will see that in most
cases they are using live demonstrations to sell their products. This is the
very same principle I have used to build my software business.

We will dig into this more as we go, for now remember these two big

1. Pick products that sell themselves through demonstration

2. Use demonstrations in your sales pitch.

If you get nothing else from this guide, take these two principles to heart.

Why Now Is The Best Time To Get Into The Software Business (And How
Anyone Can Do It For Cheap)

If youre an old timer like me, you might remember a time before all these
smart phones and Facebook.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Building software was a chore You had to dig through highly technical
manuals or hire one of the few engineers who specialized in software
development. Often it would take a team of people to build simple products
because everything had to be made virtually from scratch.

Once you built your software you had to distribute it That meant floppy
disks, or CDs in a cardboard box and retailers to put your boxes on their

Selling to consumers was usually done through mail order and magazines

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Selling to businesses and enterprise meant in person meetings. In some

cases, you even had to sell the business the computer to run your software,
along with all the back end database servers and support systems to get
them up and running.

A lot has changed since those the arcane days of the 90s

Software is cheap to create and, as you will learn in this guide, even
free in most cases.
You do NOT need distributors, retail stores, or floppy disks
(everything is delivered digitally over the internet)
You do NOT need a merchant account or credit card machine to
process payments (everything is handled by PayPal, Stripe, and a
number of online payment processors)
You do NOT need to do any sales presentations, telephone sales calls,
or phone support (everything can be sold via online video and

This is the greatest time to start your own business whether you decide to
sell software or not.

Step 1 To Building a Million-Dollar

Software Business: Get Excited!
Mindset is everything in business

Your ambition your drive your HUNGER to make this work

The people around you can FEEL it

Your passion for your business comes through in your sales letters. It can
be heard in your voice when demonstrating your products over video or

It comes across in emails to potential affiliates and JV partners.

There is no greater indicator for success than a persons drive, and

obsessive passion for what they do.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Now I dont want this book to get all Tony Robbins all over itself, so below I
am going to recommend my personal favorite books and YouTube videos
on the topic of motivation and mindset.

First, some motivational (and educational) YouTube videos that I watch

whenever I am feeling down or at a loss of motivation.

One of the greatest speeches I have ever heard (Steve Jobs):

Tony Robbins interviewing internet marketing legend Frank Kern:

And finally, here are my top book recommendations on motivation.

Note: These are NOT affiliate links, I truly believe in these books and have
re-read them on many occasions:

The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Remember: Building and running a business is a process of learning.

Continuous learning. Let this guide inspire you, let it help you get started.
Just remember to keep pushing forward, and keep learning.

With that said we are ready to get started into the meat and potatoes of this
course. Here is a breakdown of what you will learn in the coming chapters:

Chapter 2: Big picture formula for building a million dollar a year

software business In this chapter I will give you a birds eye view
and tell you each step you will need to take in order to build a 7 figure
business from ground zero. This course assumes you are starting from
How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

scratch and this chapter will outline every step you should expect to
take to get you where you want to go.
Chapter 3: Analyzing the market - In this chapter I talk about who
your customers are, where they can be found, and what marketplaces
you can sell your software on.
Chapter 4: Where to get software ideas - In this chapter I walk you
through my thought process when I come up with and search for
product ideas. Youll learn how to quickly identify the problems and
desires of any market, and where to find a cheap software solution for
that problem.
Chapter 5: Where to get software to Resell - In this chapter youll
learn where to find cheap software solutions that you can resell as
your own. Ill also walk you through the pros and cons of having your
own software made, as well as some white label solutions you can use
to grow your business.
Chapter 6: How to put together a product - There is more to a
product than just the software, and in this chapter Ill show you how
to package your software with other materials to make your offer
more valuable. Youll learn pricing strategies that earn you the most
per sale, as well as the sales funnels that have split tested to earn top
Chapter 7: How to deliver your sales message and product - In this
section I walk you through the software and services I use to run my
business. Everything from web hosts, to memberships, to email
service providers is covered so you can get your business up and
running quickly.
Chapter 8: How to sell your system This section co-written by my
mentor Colin Kowalski. Well show you how to write sales copy that
earns $5 from every visitor on your landing page (considering
Facebook ads can send traffic at under $1 per click, this training is a
gold mine)
Chapter 9: How to drive traffic to your offer - In this section I reveal
my best traffic sources including how to reliably get affiliates, how to
buy ads on facebook, and hidden traffic sources known only by a
handful of marketers.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 10: What to expect A realistic look at what it takes to

build a million dollar software business AND just what you can expect
when you take action.
Chapter 11: Case studies and how to partner with me - In this
section I will give detailed accounts on how Lee Nazal and Eric Dimi
were able to build their business and how you can partner directly
with me to make sure your first launch is as successful as theirs.

And with that lets get started. If you have any questions or comments as
you go through this guide, shoot me an email anytime:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 2: The Big Picture.

Build a Business, Not a Launch

The Most Important Asset In Your Business Is
Your Relationship With Your Customers
Im always surprised to hear the reasons people give for starting their own
business. Two of my favorites are:

I want to have more free time


I dont want to have a boss

Reality check: I work very hard on my business. In the beginning I put in

12 hour days, 6 days a week, and now I still work a minimum of 8 hours a
day 5-6 days a week. Running a business takes hard work.

Starting a business to have more free time is like having a kid so you will
have more free time.

Sure, over the past 5 years I havent had 1 boss

Ive Had About 20,000 Bosses

Every single one of my customers is my boss. I have to answer their support
requests quickly or they will lose confidence. I have to listen to their
suggestions, ideas, and product recommendations or I will stop growing.

Your business is about serving your customers and clients so they will keep
buying from you.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This Lesson Can Be Applied To ANY Business

So Pay Close Attention
When you treat a customer right, they will be your customer for life.

Ive had customers stick with me for years buying everything I release
without even reading the sales pitch. As soon as I release a new piece of
software they race to the buy button (some even complain that I send them
a letter, they just want to know where to send the money)

I have customers who have been paying me $97/month for over 2 years to
access my private forums, some paying $997/month for over a year to
access my private skype group.

On average, a customer who buys one of my $27 products is worth about

$1,200 to me over their lifetime. This is a number that is steadily increasing
as I introduce higher ticket and recurring billing products.

This is an important point: You do not get rich peddling a $27 or $47
software product. You get rich building a list of loyal, hungry customers.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

By list I dont just mean an email list. There are many other ways I
communicate directly with customers:

Email list (like most marketers)

Direct mail (the most profitable)
Facebook fan pages
Facebook ads (through a custom audience)
Re-targeting ads
Desktop notifications

Every product you launch should be bigger than your previous, simply
because all the customers who bought your previous product will buy the
new one.

This is especially important when you list a product on a marketplace like

Amazon, JVZoo, or Warrior Plus. The more sales you do, the higher you
begin to rank in their best sellers category:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Affiliates who are looking to earn a commission by promoting products will

generally look at these lists to find the best products to promote. Having
your product on this list will generate affiliates organically, (I look at these
lists daily to find products to promote to my customers)

Plan Your Business For The Long Haul

The tactics in this guide can make you quick cash. My two coaching case
studies are great examples, earning 5 figures on their first launch.

Heres the reality: You will have a few products that bomb. Everyone

Ive had products that barely make my investment back even when
promoting it to my previous customers. There are so many factors that
come into play when you are releasing a product:

Timing: Are other marketers launching the same week and will steal
all your thunder?
Alternatives: Is there a better product on the market that is
Technical glitches: Marketplaces can crash, emails can go
undelivered, PayPal accounts can freeze, all jamming up launches
Your product simply isnt a hit: All the planning and market
research in the world cannot guarantee your product will be a hit. It
can certainly put the odds in your favor, but it will never work EVERY

Ive had products that I thought were a sure win fail miserably. At the
same time, Ive had products that I thought were going to be a dud do over
6 figures in a few short weeks. You can never fully predict the outcome of
your launch until you actually send it some traffic.

Heres the bottom line: If you launch 10 products over the next year

Expect 3 of them to totally bomb

Expect 4 of them to do a decent amount of sales and generate steady


How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Expect 2 of them to be a big success and earn you 6 figures.

Expect 1 of them to be a monster that sells successfully for years and

converts on cold traffic.

Go into this business intending to launch 10 products in a row regardless of

whether or not each one fails or is a big success. Too many times people
give up after a failure, or even worse they stop working as hard after they
have a big success.

Slow and steady wins the race.

Keep your eye on the prize: 7 figures a year selling software.

Ground Zero To 7-Figure Sales Formula.

Here is a birds eye view of how I would build my business from scratch if I
had to do it all over again. I will go into more specific details of each step in
future chapters, for right now lets just get the big picture:

First, we need to build an email list of prospects who need our software.
This will allow us to survey the list to get product ideas, provide initial sales
for our first launch, and allow us to promote affiliate products to establish
joint venture relationships.

Your first software product (maybe even more than your first) should be
given away free in exchange for an email opt-in. You can still list your
product on affiliate market places like JVZoo and Warrior Plus, but I would
also recommend posting them in online forums.

In this guide I am going to be focusing on the consulting and business

opportunity niches. As you will learn there has been a boom in the
consulting industry, with thousands of consultants around the world
running their own business by providing solutions to local business owners.

Where do they get these solutions? Thats where we come in

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

In this niche there are hundreds of online forums where consultants go to

learn their craft. Here is a list of some of my favorites:

Warrior Forum:

Digital Point:
Profit Hackers:
Wicked Fire:
Pro Blogger:
SEO Chat:
High Rankings Forum:

Forum posts, banner ads, and Facebook ads can be used to drive traffic to
landing pages giving your software away for free in order to build your first
batch of email leads.

Ill go into details on ad platforms and how to build landing pages in the
respective chapters.

Once you have a list, start promoting affiliate products that are similar to
products you will develop in the future. This will earn money, and it will
establish a relationship with the product vendor. These relationships are
crucial when you launch your product affiliates are much more likely to
promote your product if you have promoted them in the past.

One of the ways I build my list quickly is by giving away free stuff on a
vendors thank you page. Most product vendors will agree to this they add
a link to your opt in page on their products thank you page, and in
exchange you promote their product to your list.

This way, ALL of a vendors customers will see your offer, and many will opt
in to receive your give away. This is by far the fastest, and easiest way to
build an email list. (Plus everyone who opts in will be a proven buyer)

Once you have a sizeable email list (a list that can generate 25 or more
affiliate sales when you mail it) AND relationships with a handful of
affiliate partners, its time to launch your first product.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Mailing your list, and having the support of affiliates will boost your first
product up the sales charts of whatever network you launch on. This will
attract the interest of more affiliates, and even a product of the day/best
seller mention by the network itself.

This snowballs quickly The more sales you generate, the more affiliates it
attracts, which in turn generates even more sales.

Want To Short Cut This Entire Process?

Fastest way to get started: Joint Venture (JV) partnership.

When you have a software product that solves an urgent problem in the
market place, one that can provide a powerful demonstration of this
solution over video or webinar You have a lot of leverage.

For many affiliates and vendors, a good product is hard to find. Most focus
on producing information products which are harder to sell and easy for
competitors to duplicate. They have lists, they have affiliate relationships,
they have clout in the market place, but are having a hard time to find new
products to sell.

Partnering with vendors like this can be a win/win scenario for both of you.
You provide a hot product that sells itself though demonstration, they
provide the initial leads, affiliate promotions, name recognition, and boost
in the marketplace.

In most cases JV partnerships are a 50/50 split deal. You as the product
creator get 50% of the net revenue generated, as does the partner. The most
important thing in a partnership is to make sure YOU get the leads, even if
it means taking a smaller percentage of the net revenue.

Partnering with the right JV can generate thousands of sales on your first
product which will build your email list with buyers overnight, and open the
doors to affiliate relationships. This can be easily parlayed into future
launches either on your own or with new JV partnerships.

I regularly partner with product creators, and have even opened up a

partnership program where I even to develop the product for you. More on
that in chapter 11.
How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Key takeaways in this chapter:

Focus on a larger business with multiple products over time

Some products will bomb, some will be a success. Stay consistent.
Build an email list giving products away for free before your first
Build affiliate relationships ahead of time by promoting affiliate
Use a JV partnership to jump start your business
Continue to build your customer list through multiple launches

In the next chapter we will take a look at the various marketplaces where
you will be selling your software, and get a picture of your ideal customer.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 3: The Software Marketplace

Consumer Software Is A Race to Zero

Apps and software have been in a bit of a gold rush period in the past few
years with thousands of apps being submitted to app stores per day. The
majority of these apps focus on selling to consumers, with low price (mostly
free) products that focus on entertainment.

The consumer market for apps has become a race to zero, with lower
quality software being released at lower and lower prices. It has gotten so
bad, that most game developers rely on whats called the freemium model
give your software away for free and hope that advertising will pay your
bills. In most cases, these developers require thousands of downloads just
to break even.

This has happened before in the entertainment software industry the

great video game crash of 1983. You can read about this event on Wikipedia
(great lesson in economics):

Basically, a flood of video games entered the market trying to capitalize on

the video game boom. The quality of these products dropped, as did the
prices as developers competed with each other to get rich in the video game

The result Loss of consumer confidence that led to the video game market
going from $3.2 BILLION dollars in 1983, to only $100 million by 1985 (a
97% drop).

You see this happening today in the consumer app market. Entertainment,
games, music, and social media dominate the app market with low prices
and tons of competition.

I bring this point up not to dissuade you from the software business, but to
dissuade you from the consumer software business.
How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This book is about selling to businesses. In pretentious consulting terms, I

am talking about B2B (business to business) selling, as opposed to B2C
(business to consumer).

Business Software Is The Real Gold Mine

This chapter is all about markets, understanding the customers you will be
selling too. Many amateurs in business like to start with a PRODUCT and
the go off looking for a MARKET of people to sell to. I believe this is

I have always believed in finding a hungry market to sell to, and then
developing a product based on what that market wants, and is willing to
spend money on. This approach may seem backwards, but its made me
millions over the past few years.

Lets start by looking at the B2B software market as a whole:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This chart from Forbes breaks down revenue earned by app developers in
2015. A few key take aways from this are:

Developers who made apps for enterprise (business) were twice as

likely to earn over $10k per month than developers who made apps
for consumer (43% of enterprise devs vs. 19% of consumer devs)
Only 20% of developers are focused on selling apps to businesses!

Businesses have much more spending power than consumers, and have a
wider set of challenges that can be solved with software and consulting

Businesses need websites, they need leads, they need a social media
presence, they need to rank high in search engines, they need to manage
their clients

And every businesss needs are different. Its very hard to have a one size
fits all solution that solves the same problem for EVERY type of business.

Take websites for example

Restaurants would need a website that can handle menus and reservations;
while a dentist, chiropractor, or other medical professional would need a
website that can handle appointment setting and securely stores patient

Generic software solutions rarely solve all of the problems a specific

business has.

Think about it this way: If you had a headache would you go to the store
and buy a big bottle that says

Or would you buy a specific bottle of medicine for headaches?

Heck youd probably go even further and buy the more expensive headache
medicine that doesnt upset your stomach, calms anxiety, and helps you
sleep better.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

The more specific the problem you solve, the more likely a customer will
choose you over a generic solution (in most cases paying more for your

Businesses Have More Needs And Problems

Than There Are Solutions
Over the past few years there has been a boom in the local business
consulting industry. Companies and individuals have sprung up to provide
businesses with services ranging from social media consulting, SEO, mobile
marketing consulting, to web design and email marketing with every new
technology that comes out, a new crop of consultants emerge to help
businesses utilize it effectively.

These consultants are always on the lookout for new software and solutions
to offer their consulting clients. When they find a solution that their clients
like, they stand to make a lot of money.

This is the market I decided to target: Local consultants who need solutions
for their clients.

Consultants stand to make money with your products and are hungry for
the latest and greatest software solutions that they can offer their own
clients. I have yet to find a more lucrative market - they will pay top dollar
for a solution, and will keep coming back for more.

Right now there are two affiliate networks that cater in part to consultants:
JVZoo and Warrior Plus.

Many of the products in these markets fall under the get rich quick and
make money online niches, but among the noise there are plenty of
legitimate consultants and consulting agencies that are looking for an edge.

The JVZoo and Warrior Plus market is filled with software that consistently
do 5 and 6 figures in sales just by listing there and attracting affiliates. A
simple software solution that a consultant can use for their clients is in
massive demand, and as you will learn about in this guide, there are plenty
of solutions out there that can be bought for cheap, and resold in this
market for a massive profit.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Consumer software is crowded and a race to zero

B2B software is a massive gold mine of opportunity
Business consulting is an exploding profession that needs software
JVZoo and Warrior Plus are massive markets to target consultants
Suggested target market: Sell software to consultants and

In the next chapter, you will learn how to analyze a market and come up
with winning software ideas.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 4: Where To Find Product Ideas

Regardless of what product you sell, or what market you sell too the best
source of product ideas comes from 3 places:

1. Current products already selling to the market

2. Public conversations about products and problems
3. Surveys sent to your market

By far the easiest way to come up with product ideas is to improve upon
what is already selling in the marketplace.

Think about it: If a product is already selling in the market, it clearly

means there is a demand for it. Even better, you can usually copy the
advertising and sales methods that are being used by that product.

Even better if there are multiple products that solving the same problem.

The only thing that needs to be asked is, how can you improve upon the

There are a few ways to improve upon an already existing product:

Build a product that solves the problem easier or faster

This is ideal for software; I will be expanding on this idea in this
Build a product that has additional benefits, or solves more
than one problem Customers only have to buy your product
which solves multiple problems instead of buying multiple products
that only solve one problem each.
Build a product that is cheaper than your competition This
is an easy way to get into business but never works out in the long

One advantage you will find with selling software instead of information
products is you can deliver results on demand as opposed to making the
customer read and follow instructions.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

A fast way to build a software business, is to look for the top selling
information products in a market, and design software that can automate
the process. For example:

One of my top selling products is an eBook on Local SEO. Inside it contains

step by step instructions on how to rank a website to the top of Googles
local results. Its a proven seller, as of this writing generating over $93,000
in sales:

Now lets say you take my eBook and automate each step inside using
software. You would have a product that delivers the same result my book
promises at the push of a button.

You could charge more money than I did for the book, and sell it to the
people who bought my book (Heck Id be more than happy to promote this
software to the buyers of my book for a 50% commission).

Easy money tip: Build software that automates the instructions in the top
selling information products. Then partner with the ebooks creator to sell
to their existing customers.

Public conversations are my next source of product ideas, and in the

consulting market I turn to online forums. The forums I use for consultants
are the same ones I listed before:

Warrior Forum:

Digital Point:
Profit Hackers:
Wicked Fire:
Pro Blogger:
SEO Chat:
High Rankings Forum:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

In these forums members talk about problems they have in their markets,
and review the pros and cons of products that have bought. Many of the
products I have developed came from questions that were asked in these
forums. Questions that are constantly asked by consultants are:

How do I generate leads?

What can I offer X business niche?
How can I automate my sales process?
How do I build a website for clients?
How do I invoice clients?

Any of these questions above (especially the second one) can be answered
with a software product.

The final method of generating product ideas is to survey your customers.

This works well after you have built your initial list, and after you have
launched a few products.

One of the things I do for every customer is to invite them to reply to me.
Immediately after purchasing one of my products that receive an email that
asks them to reply back to me and tell me their biggest challenge in running
their business. Every day my inbox is filled with consultants and new
entrepreneurs pouring their hearts out about every problem they are
facing Problems that can be solved with a new piece of software or an
information product. This has become my biggest source of inspiration for
products, and a great way to interact and stay in touch with my customers.

Going Meta Build Software For

Consultants Clients, Not For Consultants.
One of the biggest questions I get asked by consultants and wannabe
consults is:

What service should I offer clients?

This presents an interesting opportunity: If you find software that can solve
their clients problem, you can sell it to the consultants.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This is a strategy that MANY B2B software companies have adopted over
the years. They build a solution for a specific business, say accounting
software, SEO software, Mobile software

They sell the solution to the business owners who need it, but also sell it to
consultants and agencies that stand to make money selling it to client. In
fact, Most software companies make more money selling it to agencies than
they do selling direct to the end business that uses it.

Here are some examples of companies that sell B2B software, and sell to

Notice they list prices both for customers, and agencies who want to resell
their services.

The idea is simple: Build software that solves a problem for any local
business niche. Instead of selling the solution to the businesses, sell it to the
consultants and agencies who already have them as clients.

There is an old adage that the people who got rich during the gold rush
were not the people digging for gold It was the companies who sold

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Improve on products that are already selling

Build software that automates the top selling info products
Use forums and surveys to find out what your market needs
Sell consultants a solution they can sell to their clients.

In the next chapter we are going to talk about where to get the software that
you will be reselling to consultants.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 5: Where To Get Software

Starting a business selling software can seem intimidating Dont you have
to be a programmer or hire one in order to have products to sell?

In this chapter you will learn that thanks to a revolution in the free
software movement, you do NOT have to be a programmer in order to get
in the software business nor do you even have to create the products you

Creating reliable software is lucrative, but challenging. There are many

programmers available for hire cheaply on elance, odesk, and freelancer.
On average, I have found the cost of developing software from scratch to be
completely reasonable:

~$500 for your average WordPress plugin

~$800 for your average WordPress theme
~$1,200 for your average desktop software

These numbers reflect the average that I, and my colleagues have paid to
develop custom products to sell.

I do NOT recommend having custom software built until you have a few
products under your belt and a sizeable customer list. When you are
regularly earning $10,000+ in sales from your product launches, then it
makes sense to explore custom software.

The main advantage to building custom software from scratch is you can
build it around a problem that your market has. Often times I have
compiled a list of problems and needs from my research on forums, and
gave that list to a programmer and told them to build a solution.

This is a strategy I would recommend as you expand your software

business. When starting out, I recommend starting with GPL solutions.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

How to Buy Software For Cheap And Resell It

The GNU General Public License is a software license used by many
software companies including WordPress, and most vendors of WordPress
based products (in fact, all of my software is released under GPL as well).

You read the actual license here:


To summarize, here are the key points:

You may use the software for any purpose

You may change the software to suit your needs
You may re-distribute the software for free, or at any cost
Your customers must have the same rights

Basically, any software released under the GPL license may be changed and
resold at any price. The only catch is: your customers have the right to do
the same.

This presents us with a great opportunity We can buy GPL licensed

software and sell it to consultants at any price They then have the legal
right to sell it to their clients at any price they choose.

A lot of WordPress software including plugins and themes are released

under GPL.

WordPress requires that any software listed on their directory be licensed

under GPL. This means any software in this directory can be changed,
resold, or otherwise distributed:

WordPress plugins:

WordPress themes:

Many of the most popular marketplaces also require their software to be

license under GPL. My two favorites are:

Creative Market:


How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro


A simple Google search for GPL software can turn up dozens more
software products that include the right to re-sell.

Pro Tip: Another license that allows full resell rights is the MIT license:

This license also allows any commercial use of the product including resale
at any price.

Another source is private label rights or PLR software. A simple Google

search for PLR software turns up a number of market places where you
can buy re-sell rights for quality desktop and web software for cheap:

Software on these marketplaces usually cost under $100, and there are
entire sections of software that cater to businesses.

I also offer a complete package of software you can resell as your own as a
special discount to buyers of this book.

You can see the offer here:

Profit Hackers members get regular access to new private label rights
software ever week, as well as training, sales materials, and the opportunity
to connect with affiliate (including me).

You can find out more about the membership here:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

One strategy (works especially well with WordPress themes) is to buy up a

large package of themes, bundle them together and sell them for less than
the total cost.

For example, lets say you buy 10 WordPress themes in a variety of offline
niches (restaurants, doctors offices, etc.) at $50 each. Total investment of

Now you sell this pack of 10 themes for $50. This saves your customer $450
over buying them individually.

You would need to sell only 10 copies to break even, anything more would
be pure profit.

Ethical considerations: There is some debate as to whether or not it is

ethical to resell software licensed under GPL. Software developers have a
choice as to whether or not they want to release their software under GPL
or a more restrictive commercial license. If a developer decides to release
under GPL they have made the decision to use a license that legally allows
their customer to resell their work.

As you will learn in the next chapter the software itself is only part of the
package you will be selling to customers. We will be packing our software
into a complete biz-in-a-box solution for consultants including training,
support, and sales materials.

Fact: There are billion dollar companies built around selling and servicing
GPL software.

The company Red Hat for example - sells and supports Linux, a free
operating system licensed under GPL to enterprise customers. Their
revenue in 2014 was $1.534 Billion.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Custom software can be profitable after you have built a customer list
GPL licenses allow you to resell software at any price
Billion dollar companies have been built around selling and
supporting GPL software
The software is only part of a larger package you will sell to your

In the next chapter you will learn how to put together a sales funnel, and
price your product for the market.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 6: How To Package Your


When putting a product together its important to keep your primary

benefit in mind. This is the problem your product solves, the main service it
offers, or the need it fulfills. The next step is asking what can you add to
your product that will help your customer achieve the benefit.

Is your product something a consultant can offer to a client like a niche

WordPress theme? Then how can you make it easier for that consultant to
sell and service his client?

Perhaps sales materials that they can use to get the client sold?

A tutorial video that helps them put the software to use faster?

Maybe an additional piece of software that they can upsell to their client?

Or perhaps you are selling software that scrapes leads for a consultant,
making it easier for them to land new clients. What else can you offer them
that will make it even easier for them to land more clients?

Maybe a set of landing page templates designed to capture leads?

Email templates that they can send out to the leads they scrape to help
them sell them?

A special report on the top offline niches that buy SEO consulting?

The plan at this phase is expand your offer into more than just software.
You are providing a complete solution that delivers a benefit to your
customer. This will allow you to increase the value of your product, increase
its price, and increase the number of items in your sales funnel.

This is a strategy that can be applied to any product or niche. For example,
lets say you have a book you want to sell on weight loss. Your primary
benefit is Helping people lose weight.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This is a BIG and competitive market, with thousands of books all

competing and promising the same benefit: a slimmer waist line.

Applying this strategy, we would ask ourselves: How can I help my

customers achieve the benefit I am promising (Weight loss)?

How about a set of recipe guides so there is no guess work when they plan
their meals?

Or a mobile app that lets them track their food and progress to stay

Or a restaurant guide that tells them what to order in restaurants to stay on

the diet

Or a members-only forum where they can learn from other customers on

what works

Or an DVD workout series so they can get their work outs at home instead
of an expensive Gym membership

The more you can offer your customer, the more your product stands out
amongst your competition.

Think of everything else you can offer them to help them achieve their main
benefit. Sales material? Sales training? Instructional videos they can give to
their client? Graphics? Templates?

Take some time to beef up your product and add more stuff. Once you have
added everything you can possibly add to your product, it is time to develop
your sales funnel.

The best time to convince someone to buy from you is immediately after
they have already bought from you. This is why upsells, downsells, and one
time offers are so powerful.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

I remember a test I did years ago with one of the first software products I
ever released. The test went like this:

Half the buyers were sent directly to a sales letter offering the
software at $97
The other were first sent to a sales letter offering a $7 report, and only
if they bought were they sent to the exact same $97 offer.

The results

205 sales of the product from people who were sent directly to the $97

And 423 sales of the $97 offer for the people who were first asked to spend

I nearly doubled my sales of this offer simply by getting a smaller

commitment out of my prospects first.

The lesson here, is that it is easier to get someone to take action if you do it
in increments. Rather than take your entire package and offer it up as a
single bundle at say $197, it is better to break it up so the customer has to
buy it in pieces.

The front end of your product should contain your main software as well as
any other materials and bonuses that will help you stand out from your
competition. In most of my funnels I include the software I am selling along
with some basic training and a handful of templates to help the customer
put it use with their clients. This is enough for me to position my offer as a
complete business in a box as opposed to just some software.

The first upsell is the offer you make to your customer immediately after
they have purchased your initial product. My strategy is to offer them
additional bonuses that help them achieve the benefit they are after.

Word of caution: NEVER bait and switch your customer. Your customer
should never feel obligated to buy your upsells. After making a purchase
they should feel as if they have everything they need to achieve the benefit
you promised (and you should reassure them of this in the upsell sales

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Your upsell should be designed for the customers who want the results even
faster than you promised in the initial product. Dont make your customer
feel cheated, they should feel excited for having bought your first product
and even more excited at the prospect of getting their desires sooner.

When selling to consultants my first upsell is usually a collection of sales

materials that help them sell the software they just bought to new clients. I
include sales presentations, email templates, call scripts, flyers, video sales
letters, bonus training, and occasionally some additional software.

Another great strategy when selling software bundles is to use additional

bundles in your upsell. For example, if you were selling a 5 pack of
WordPress themes as a front end product, a natural upsell is to buy 10
more at a slightly higher price (this usually works better than just trying to
sell a bundle of 15 WordPress themes all at once).

You can chain as many of these upsells as you like together. In my

experience I rarely go above 3 upsells. At the end of the funnel I always add
a continuity program where the customer can sign up and pay a monthly
fee for access to additional products. You can offer a forum, more products,
past products, or dedicated help in your monthly program (I offer all of
these as part of my profit hackers membership at $97/month).

Your products price will depend on the market and the quality of your
product. My prices are always slightly higher than other products in the
market, I NEVER compete on price, my unique sales positions are always to
provide my customers with more. For front end products I price my
software from $27-$97 this works exceptionally well on JVZoo and Warrior
Plus. Outside of these markets I will price the same package from $197-
$497 when selling over cold traffic and webinars.

The reason for such a difference in price is simple: Warrior Plus and JVZoo
are generally cheap markets. I have had affiliates tell me that a $47 product
was too high ticket for them to promote to their list. I find keeping my
prices from $27-$97 keeps me happy with revenue, but is not too high to
scare away the affiliates who promote me.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

The upsell on your products can be as high as you like (the upsell on this
very ebook was $187 and will be higher when I sell it over webinar). As
long as the affiliates have a cheaper front end offer to promote they will be

Here are the key takeaways from his chapter:

Identify the main benefit your product offers

Add to your product in ways that help the customer achieve the
primary benefit
Break your product up into packages to get smaller commitments
from your customer
NEVER make a customer feel cheated by tricking them into buying
your OTO
Always deliver everything you promise in your front end offer. The
customer should never feel like they HAVE TO buy your upsell.
Price your product from $27-$97 on the front end when selling on
JVZoo or Warrior Plus to attract affiliates.
Increase your price to $197-$497 when selling over webinar and cold

In the next section I am going to show you how to set up a digital delivery
system that runs your business automatically.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 7: Your Digital Delivery System

Once upon a time software was bought through mail order subscriptions, in
retail stores, and over the phone. Nowadays everything can be handled
online right through a simple website. In this chapter I am going to go over
the cheapest, and easiest way to set up your sales funnel online.

Hosting a website has gotten extremely cheap over the years. As of the time
of this writing, HostGator is offering webhosting for as low as $2.78 per
month. Last I checked a cup of coffee at Starbucks was over $4.

When starting out, I recommend using HostGator to host your site:

In order to build your website you generally have 2 choices. You can
program it yourself, or you can use a content management system or CMS.
The most popular CMS by far is WordPress. WordPress started out as a
blogging engine, and has become the goto CMS for businesses. Best of all,
its is completely free and open source.

You can learn about WordPress here:

Hostgator has a built in installer for WordPress that you can use, or you can
install it yourself following the 5 minute setup guide on

Next you are going to need software to create your sales pages, delivery
pages, and members area (If you decide to have a membership). The
software I currently use is optimize press, a WordPress theme that makes
creating sales pages easy.

You can get a copy of optimize Press here:

The next thing you will need is an email service provider to host your email
list and help you send marketing messages.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Caution: Do not send marketing emails from your own website.

DO NOT send emails from your own website

DO NOT send emails from your own website.

Sorry That bears repeating 3 times

Do not use any software that promises to build your newsletter and send
emails from your WordPress site. The emails you send will end up in the
spam box, I guarantee it.

The reasons for this are complicated and would require an entire book in
itself to explain. To keep things simple, I am going to recommend that you
use Aweber for your marketing emails.

Email service provider:

There are others out there however I recommend Aweber for their ease of
use and deliverability.

Next you will need a payment processor to handle customer payment. I

recommend both PayPal and Stripe as payment processors, both of which
are used by Warrior Plus and JVZoo.



Make sure you use both. On occasion your payment processors will limit
your account. This is especially true if you have a big increase in volume say
during a launch. These limits are almost always temporary and can be lifted
by calling the service and providing additional information or documents.
The trouble is that these limits can happen at any time and disrupt your

This is why I recommend using both so you always have a backup. If one
limits you, you can easily switch to the other until the limit is lifted. This
way your sales will never be interrupted by payment processor problems.
(this also helps shield you from the rare instances that one of the payment

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

processors are down. I can remember more than one occasion that
PayPals service was disrupted).

Throughout this guide I have mentioned the Warrior Plus and JVZoo
marketplaces. You will need an account with both in order to list your
products on them:

Warrior Plus:


As a bonus I recommend also becoming familiar with ClickBank. Clickbank

is an order of magnitude bigger than Warrior Plus and JVZoo, and has a
much more diverse niche of products in their market place. Health, fitness,
and hobby niches dominate this network and if you are selling a product
any of these niches, ClickBank is the way to go:


I have listed a few of my best software offers from JVZoo onto ClickBank
and have done just as many sales on ClickBank as I have on other networks.
It is more difficult to get approved and to get noticed on ClickBank, so I
only recommend putting your most successful and proven products on

That is all you will need to host, sell, and deliver your software products to
hungry customers. As for setting up this infrastructure, I will refer you to
the training provided by each of my recommended services. Most have
complete video guides and help desks that walk you through each step of
setting up your website from scratch.

As a bonus I want to recommend two more services that I use in my

business. These are completely optional and you do not need them to start
launching your own products online.

The first is a membership software program called Digital Access Pass.

Digital Access Pass or DAP integrates with WordPress and allows your
customers to have their own members area, and deliver content on a
recurring monthly basis. This is a must if you want to offer a continuity
program and charge your customers a monthly fee to access your products.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

You can find out more here:

The last thing I will recommend is the forum software I use for Profit
Hackers. Having your own forum will allow you to interact with customers
and get feedback from them regularly. You can also combine this software
with DAP to create a paid forum one that requires a monthly payment for
customers to access.

Forum software Xenforo:

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Recommended hosting:

Recommended CMS:
Software to build your landing pages:
Email marketing service:
PayPal for processing payments:
Stripe for processing payments:
Warrior Plus for Affiliates:
JVZoo for affiliates:
ClickBank For your most successful offers:
Membership software:
Forum software:

In the next chapter, you will learn how to write compelling sales copy that
sells your software.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 8: How To Sell Your System

I want you to look at a screenshot of the top products selling on Warrior

plus at the moment:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This is a list of the top selling products on Warrior Plus at the time of this
writing. As you can see, most have over 1,000 sales and are converting at
over 10%. My offer (towards the bottom because it is a month old) has
visitor value of $4.75 ( I have circled this in red). This means that I am
earning $4.75 for every visitor on my sales page. Notice still, that this is
more than twice the earning of every other top offer in the network.

That offer, is the top seller over the past 30 days in terms of revenue

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Before I start listing my rules for writing sales copy I want you to take a
minute to read the sales letter for this offer:

Notice a few things:

How plain and boring the page is

How few colors I use (Red, black, and yellow)
How few pictures there are
How most of the page is a list of bullets

Remember: This simple page earns more than twice as much in revenue
from every visitor than any of the top products on Warrior Plus (the same is
true for most of my offers on JVZoo as well).

Fancy graphics and flashy videos DO NOT sell products.

Contained in this chapter is a summary of the method I use to write sales

letters that sell thousands of copies of my products.

To start off this section, let me give you some hard and fast rules to follow
when writing sales copy:

Rule 1: Treat your advertising like a salesman. If you were to sell your
product face to face, would you use cute slogans, sing them a jingle, or just
hand them a brochure with fancy graphics? Of course not, and neither
should your advertising. Think of your sales page as a conversation between
you and a prospective customer. You need to capture their interest, win
their trust, prove you can help them, and then ask them for an order. Your
best sales letter will always reflect your best in-person sales pitch.

Rule 2: Use as little design as possible. Focus on readability

Rule 3: Always write two versions of your sales letters and do an A/B split
test to find out which one generates more sales.

Rule 4: When selling software focus on demonstrating the software and its
benefits (and pick software products that are easy to demonstrate)

Rule 5: Keep it simple and just sell the damn thing.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Here is my 11 step process for creating a compelling and high converting

sales letter:

Step 1: Write down all the features of your product. Features, are the
specifics of what your product actually does. Go through each part of your
product and break them down to their lowest feature.

Its easy to do this for software, a potential list of features for a software
product are:

A WordPress Plugin Than installs in 2 minutes

Scrapes leads from
Submits your site to blogs to create backlinks
Start/pause/stop buttons that allow you to control its action
Outputs into CSV To save your work

Features are WHAT your product does.

Step 2: Take each feature and list out the benefits of that feature. Repeat
this process a few levels deep to find the core benefits of your product.

Let me use a car as an example. A list of features for a new car might be as

Remote start
Heated seats
Automatic transmission
300 horse power engine
40 miles per gallon of gasoline.

In this step, we are going to add benefits to this list as follows:

Remote start
o Benefit: Car is warmed up before you get in
Heated seats
o Benefit: So you are warm in your car
Automatic transmission
o Dont have to worry about shifting gears while in traffic

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

The next step is to dig deeper and ask What is the benefit of the benefit?

Lets take the feature of heated seats, the direct benefit of which is that it
keeps your butt warm. How can we dig deeper into this

What is the benefit of a seat the keeps you warm?

As a man buying the car, perhaps the benefit of a warm seat is that my wife
(or mistress) will be more comfortable in the car. Lets dig deeper What is
the benefit to making my wife and or mistress more comfortable in the car?
Ultimately it comes down to sex.

Imagine a man walks into a car dealership and there are two salesmen that
try to sell him a car. The first one just rattles off the list of features the car
has. Remote start, heated seats, automatic transmission. Like a good
salesman he touches on the benefits of these features In the winter your
car will be warm by the time you get in!

Now imagine a second salesman, one who understand the idea of digging
deep and finding the deeper benefit in his products. He takes the man out
onto the lot, he starts the car remotely opens the door for his prospect and
has him sit inside to feel the heated seats for himself (once again, the
power of demonstration).

Next the salesman paints a vivid picture: Imagine, you are walking your
hot date back your car after an expensive dinner. You open the door for her,
and the first thing she feels is the warmth of the seat radiating up her legs.

Digging deep allowed us to connect the feature of auto start and heated
seats to sex. When you are selling your products, you need to go a few levels
deep to find the real and unique benefit that each of the features your
product has.

Step 3: Turn your master list of features and benefits into a list of bullets.

At this point you should have a large list of product features with a list of
the benefits that each feature provides. The next step is to turn this list into
a list of mini-headlines. Most of these headlines will become bullets for
your sales letter, the best ones will become sub-headlines to break up your

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

sales copy and the best, most unique one will become the headline for your

When crafting these bullets you want to focus on a feature and stack as
many benefits as you can on top of it. I am going to be using this sales letter
as an example:

The product this letter is selling is an information product on how to sell

desktop notifications to business owners. One of the features of this
product, is that you can use free software to service clients. And so we need
to ask ourselves, what are the benefits of free software.

Feature: Use free software to service clients

Main benefit: No need to spend any money!

For an amateur salesman that would be enough. A decent headline for this
feature is:

Free Software Allows You to Service Clients With $0 Out of Pocket!

A decent start, but lets dig deeper into the benefits of free software. What is
the benefit of not having to spend money?

More money to spend on other things

Less risk getting started
Can start this business without anyone finding out

That last benefit was crucial: The average person who buys business
opportunity products usually has a significant other that thinks they are
crazy and does not like it when they spend money on their business ideas.

So the ability to use free software to start their business means that they
can do it without their significant other finding out. Lets go even deeper
What is the benefit of being able to start a business without their
wife/husband finding out? Well, they would be able to surprise their
significant other when they finally are successful.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Combining these benefits, the bullet I came up with was:

How you can discreetly start this business for $0 out of pocket
using free software (Oscars wife didnt even know he started consulting
until she saw that first $997 deposit into their joint account. Imagine her
surprise when he took her out to a fancy dinner at his new clients
restaurant with the meal completely on the house!)

This is the very first of a long list of bullets on the page I linked too before.
Lets break down each element here

For starters I am emphasizing the word discreetly, because unlike other

opportunities, you can start this business opportunity in secret. No one has
to know you started consulting, which eliminates the risk of
embarrassment. If they fail at this (like they probably have most biz
opportunities, they have bought) they will fail discreetly and no one has to

Next, I underline $0 out of pocket. I carefully chose $0 instead of saying

no money. A dollar sign stands out, when people see it on a sales letter it
usually implies the price they have to pay for something, this is pre-
conditioned. Seeing $0 is more powerful than no money.

The next line Oscars wife didnt even know he started consulting until she
saw that first $997 deposit into their joint account expresses a number of
benefits in a story. The benefit here is that Oscar (the guy I partnered with
on this product) was able to do his business in secret, and surprised his wife
with money.

Notice how that sentence is crafted saw that FIRST $997 deposit this
line implies that there are more deposits to come. into their JOINT
account by saying joint account, I am implying that Oscar and his wife
shared in his surprise success together.

When my prospective customer is reading this, they are generally going to

be imaging themselves in Oscars position, imaging it was them surprising
their wives with a deposit into their bank account.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

The Most Important Graphic on Your Sales Page is

The Image You Paint in Your Prospects Mind
The next line, doubles down on this effect. Notice the word I highlighted:

I start the sentence with the word imagine and highlight it in bold. This is
a command, if the person reading this isnt already picturing it in their
mind, this command makes them do so. The full line is imagine her
surprise when he took her out to a fancy dinner at his new clients
restaurant with the meal completely on the house

This line expresses an even deeper benefit the look of pleasant surprise on
your wifes face. Im basically saying that buying my product will make your
wife surprised and happy. This line makes the prospect picture them taking
their wife to a fancy restaurant implying they will achieve higher
social/class status (yet another benefit). And not just any restaurant A
restaurant that is a client who is giving you the meal on the house for doing
such good work for them which implies a sense of importance.

Now that weve analyzed every part of this bullet, I want you to look at it

How you can discreetly start this business for $0 out of pocket
using free software (Oscars wife didnt even know he started consulting
until she saw that first $997 deposit into their joint account. Imagine her
surprise when he took her out to a fancy dinner at his new clients
restaurant with the meal completely on the house!)

Look at which words are in bold, underlined, or meant to stand out. These
subtle design choices are not fancy; they dont use heavy graphics or even
different colors. They are purely typographical but they get the point across
better than anything an expensive graphic artist could come up with.

This is the amount of thought that goes into every bullet and every headline
I write. This is why my sales letters earn twice as much per visitor than the
vast majority of letters in the market.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Go through the original sales letter (or any of my letters) and you will see
the same pattern. Try to pick out the product features I am talking about,
and then pick out the benefits I am expressing in each one.

Take your time on this step, go through each of your products features and
really dig deep into the benefits of those features.

With the feature Use free software to service clients, I was able to get a list
of benefits including discretion, lack of embarrassment, a happy wife, and
an expensive dinner. Get creative, and spend as much time writing these
mini-headlines and bullets as you can. I will often fill a dozen pages worth
of bullets before I begin to write the actual sales letter for a product. Most of
the time I only use a fraction of what I come up with in this list, but
everyone I use is pure gold.

Step 4: Turn your best bullet into your headline.

The headline is the most important part of your entire sales letter. It is the
sales letter for your sales letter, it must convince your reader to read the
rest of your message. I only begin writing my headline after I have
produced a large list of bullets.

You want to take your best bullet, the one that describes your strongest and
most unique benefit and use it as your headline. Every product you produce
should have a strong benefit that is unique to your market place.

If your product is the first of its kind to solve a specific problem than that is
clearly the benefit that should be used in your headline.

If your product solves a problem that other products solve, what is the
unique benefit to using your product over the competition?

Is your product faster than other products? Your headline should be

focused on this:

Recent tests confirm: {Your Product} is the fastest way to achieve {Primary
Benefit} guaranteed

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Does your product avoid a problem that other products have? Your
headline can focus on the benefit as well as the problem that is manages to

The only fat loss program that helps you lose weight without dieting

The only software that ranks your site in Google without backlinks

The only software that makes banner ads without needing any art talent

One of the easiest ways to write a headline is to chain benefits together in

order to make them unique. In general, I aim for 3 major benefits, at least
one of them unique to your market.

Start your headline with one of these intro templates:

How to {Benefit}

This unusual/weird/strange {Trick/technique/method} that {Benefit}

Who else wants too {Benefit}

Breakthrough research reveals {benefit}

Is this {story element} the key to {benefit}

From here you can chain more benefits using what I call connectors. Some
examples are:

While {benefit}

Even if {objections}

Without {negative benefits}

The formula is to start with one of the intro templates, and use connectors
to add benefits. The following examples will make this clear:

How to lose weight without diet or exercise

even if you have been over weight your entire life

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Who else wants to land big-ticket consulting clients

without cold calling even if you have never consulted before.

This weird banner ad generates leads for your business

while you sleep all without even needing your own website.

I highlighted the intros and connectors in each of these headlines. Another

way to think of this formula is:

Intro + Benefit + Connector + Benefit + Connector + Benefit.

You can chain this as many times as you want. My standard is 3 benefits for
a headline.

Step 5: Create a powerful demonstration

The fastest way to prove that your software (or any product) can deliver the
promised benefit is with a demonstration.

Remember the infomercials I linked you too in chapter 1? Each of them

gave a powerful demonstration of their products benefits within the first 10
seconds of the ad. Your headline makes a bold promise 3 or more benefits
that your prospect needs. Immediately after, you should give a
demonstration of it in action.

Hands down the best way to sell a software product is with a video
demonstration in action. Simply record a screen capture video of you using
your software to get the benefit you promised in your headline.

Does your software scrape sales lead off the internet? Create a 3-minute
video of you using this software to generate a big list of leads.

Does your software help to rank websites in Google? Create a video of you
using this software to rank a new website in Googles results. It may take
time for your software to work, but you can easily record the before and
after rankings a few days later and edit them together in the 3-minute

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Video is not the only way to prove the benefits of your products. For
example, in my sales letter for Google Notifications
( about
half way down the page I demonstrate how desktop notifications work in a
series of images. After scrolling through the page, the visitor has a clear
idea of how this software works, and can clearly see the benefit of using it
(push notifications on their phone).

Whether you use a video or images to demonstrate your product is up to

you, just keep it simple. You dont need hype, graphics, or fancy video
animations to make this work. Just demonstrate what your product does,
and what benefit your customers gets from it.

Step 6: Use hard physical proof.

The next step is to gather any hard proof you have of your products

Does your product help customers build their email lists? Get screen shots
of your Aweber account with thousands of leads you have collected using
your software.

Weight loss product: before and after pictures of people who used your
product to lose weight are a powerful form of proof.

SEO product: screenshots of your Google analytics account showing an

increase in traffic after you used your product.

Any make money product: Screen shots of bank accounts, PayPal accounts,
checks, or other hard proof that you were able to generate real money using
the methods you are teaching.

Gather hard proof for every benefit you can. Do you have a product that
helps to sell consulting clients on a service? Get a screen shot of emails
from clients who responded to you. Anything to make the benefits appear
more real, and tangible to your prospects.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Step 7: Gather testimonials and social proof.

Social proof is an important element in persuading customers that your

product can deliver on its promised benefits. The best testimonials come
from people who put your product to use and achieved the benefits it

Before you launch your product you should give it away to a handful of
trial customers with the exception that they will report back to you with
their results. This is easy once you have a customer list, you can simply give
the product to your best customers and know they will give it a real try and
report back on their results.

If you are new to the business, giving your products away on public forums
and generate a ton of interest, and provide you will all the testimonials you
could ever need. That is assuming your product can actually deliver what
you are promising.

Ive listed forums before in the chapter on market research, but a simple
Google search can turn up public forums in any niche where you can post
free versions of your product in exchange for honest feedback. If you are
following this guide to the letter and selling products to offline consultants,
feel free to reach out to me and post your product on my forum Profit
Hackers. Ill even give your product a shot and give you a testimonial as
long as it can deliver the benefits you promise.

Step 8: Give your customers a reason to buy now.

There are always two sales you must make every time you are selling a

1. You must sell your prospect on buying your product

2. You must sell your prospect on buying your product NOW

Have you ever seen an ad for something Maybe on TV, maybe window
shopping in a store, maybe online or in Amazons recommended product
section Decided that you will buy that product, just not the moment you
saw the ad?

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Maybe you added the product to a wish list or added it to a list of things I
will buy when I get a raise?

I imagine there have been dozens of products you have been sold on in the
past month, products you had every intention to buy tomorrow, or
sometime in the future only to never return to the ad and make the

Listen: Most people like to procrastinate when it comes to making

decisions. The decision to buy something is no different.

Your sales copy may be convincing enough to completely sell someone on

buying your product. In that moment, they are 100% committed to buying
your software Just not right now.

Think about it: Its rare that people will read your ad at the most
convenient time to buy. Maybe they are at work, or relaxing on the couch,
or on the bus ride home reading your ad on their phone. Sure they want to
buy, but taking the time to pull out their credit card, and fill out a checkout
page is something they will try to procrastinate and push off into the future.

What happens when this prospect, who is completely sold on your product
decides to wait?

The forget about it. They forget about you. Something else just as shiny
catches their attention, and takes the money out of their wallet that was
rightfully yours.

Once a prospect is sold on your product, you must convince them to take
action NOW and not put it off.

The easiest way to do this: Scarcity.

You need to create a sense of urgency in your costumer, that they will miss
out on something if they dont take action now.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

There are a handful of tactics you can use to create a sense of scarcity in
your products:

Limit your launch: Only make your product available for a limited
Limit your price: Increase your price after a set period of time
Use sales events: Lower your price at set intervals
Limit bonuses: Add bonuses to your products that are only available
for a limited amount of time, or to the first X number of buyers.

By limiting your product, you create a sense of urgency in your customers.

No longer can they procrastinate; they must take action or they will miss
out. That is exactly what we are trying to create:

Fear of missing out.

The fear of missing out must be stronger than your prospects desire to

Word of caution: Be true to your word. If you promise to raise your

products price at a certain date, do it. Scarcity only works if it is believable,
and you have a track record of following through on your threats.

You can cycle this strategy as well. Re-release old products every few
months, or drop the price back down to the original level during limited
sales events. This keeps your products selling in an evergreen fashion, but
also takes advantage of scarcity.

Step 9: Guarantee your product.

No matter how much your prospect needs the benefits you are promising,
and no matter how much you prove that you can deliver the goods,
customers will always be skeptical. They have been sold before They have
bought products and been disappointed in the results.

There will always be a voice of disbelief in your customers mind.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

They are willing to part with their hard earned cash for the chance to
achieve the benefit you are promising. Let me emphasize the word
CHANCE in that least sentence. Your customer takes a risk in buying your

By buying from you, your customer takes the risk that he will not receive
the benefit he was promised for the money he has to give you.

Think about it: you are some stranger over the internet. You are
promising him the answer to a problem he has probably struggled with for
a long time. He is skeptical, and rightfully so.

By offering your customers a guarantee, the ability to get his money back is
he is not satisfied, you help to remove the risk.

Now I offer a 60 day no questions asked guarantee. If at any point, up to 60

days after purchase they are unhappy, didnt get the results they were
promised, or even if they got the results but still want their money back I
will give it to them.

This offer, puts all the risk on me instead of the customer.

Think about it: I am risking getting ripped off. A customer could in

theory get the benefit I am promising them and still get a refund (this
almost never happens and my overall refund rate remains below 10%).

By taking on this risk as a vendor, I relive my customer of all their risk.

Step 10: Close your sales letter with a strong call to action.

Once you have sold your prospect on the benefits of your product, you have
used scarcity to sell him on taking action now, and you have removed all his
risk with a solid guarantee, its time to close him, and get them to take

You must specifically tell the customer what to do in your close. Tell them
Click on the yellow button below, enter your PayPal or credit card
information on the next page then click pay

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

If you are using a sales video instead of a letter, go through your checkout
page in the video so your customer knows what to expect when they click
the buy button. This has increased my sales by as much as 30% on
Clickbank, which has a slightly more confusing checkout page than PayPal.

Take a look at my Desktop Notification page again and read the close that I

Notice the paragraph that starts Heres what to do now

Notice I use a big yellow button with a thick red border to make the whole
thing stand out.

Notice the text link below the buy button that says Click here to get your
copy of this guide

Pro tip: Adding this text link below the buy button has increased the sales
of EVERY letter I have ever split tested it on. Take this advice to the bank.

Make your buy link clear. Do not clutter it with graphics. Do not making it
confusing with too many different options. Notice that there are no other
graphics near my buy buttons, they stick out like a sore thumb against the
white background and dark plain text above and below it. There is no
question what the reader needs to do in order to buy my product.

Step 11: Use an FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section to overcome


What objections will people have to your product?

Keep a list of questions and objections people tell you in your support desk,
and answer them. For every person that takes the time to ask, there are at
least 10 people who had the same question and just left your page and
didnt take the time to reach out to you.

The end of your letter should have an FAQ section that answers the most
common questions and objections that you get about your product.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Once you have completed the 11 steps above, you will have everything you
need to create a winning sales letter. Here is a breakdown, from top to
bottom on how I organize most of my sales letters:

Headline Use the Intro, benefit, connector formula you learned earlier.

Letter intro - If you have X problem, then you need to read this
letter/report (Remind the prospect of his problem)

Product demonstration Immediately after the introduction you want

to add your product demonstration. Whether in picture or video format.

Proof of benefits Testimonials, proof screen shots, income proof,

before and after photos, etc.

Bullet points all of the other mini-headlines you wrote in step 3 in a

bulleted list format.

Your offer this is where you list everything in your product and tell
them the price.

Scarcity/reason to buy now after listing your price you talk about
your limiting factors (limited release, price increase soon) to create scarcity.

Your guarantee Next you outline your guarantee to remove the

customers risk

Strong close after guaranteeing the sale, use your close and put your
buy button

FAQs Close your letter with a list of frequently asked questions and a
second buy button at the bottom.

I again refer you to my last sales letter to get an example of this format and

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Design tips:

Focus on readability. The page should be easy on the eyes to read.

Use no more than 4 colors on your page (Not including images). I
tend to stick with Black (for the text), Red (To make text stand out),
Yellow (for highlighting), and White (background).
Keep your page width at no more than 800 pixels (this helps with
readability regardless of screen size)
Use a san-serif font for headlines, and a serif font for the body copy.
This is the way most newspapers are type faced because it is easier on
the eyes. Here is an explanation between the two:
Use a high contrast font color. I always use black text on a white
background, avoid using light colors on light backgrounds and dark
colors on dark backgrounds.
Never use reverse type. Always use a dark font with a light
background, and never the other way around.
Use a font size of 14px or greater (I use 18px on most of my pages)
Do not use all caps for more than a single word. Ex: THIS IS NOT
VERY PLESANT ON THE EYES. This Sentence Is Much Easier To
Use no more than 3 sentences per paragraph
Use a sub-headline to break up your page every 5-6 paragraphs
(summarize key points in your sub headlines for people who skim
your letters)
Match the design style that your audience is used to reading.
Newspaper ads should look like article in that newspaper, ads on
blogs should look like a blog post, etc.

Upsell video and sales letters:

I use a very simple formula for all of my upsell sales copy.

Step 1: Congratulate them and reinforce their buying decision.

Step 2: Tell them they already have everything they need by buying your
first offer (no bait and switch)

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Step 3: Tell them this is for people who want to move faster and get

Step 4: Present your offer including everything that is in your upsell


Step 5: Present your killer deal.

Step 6: Make it one time offer or super scarce. Remind the customers that
they will never see the upsell offer again, and if they pass they will not be
able to get access to it.

Above all, keep your upsell pitch short, to the point, and do not bait and
switch your customers. Never make them feel obligated to buy your upsell,
always reinforce their previous purchase.

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Keep design simple

Spend most of your time writing the features and benefits of your
Dig deep and find multiple benefits for your features
Create a large list of bullets and mini headlines before you write your
sales copy
Use your best bullet as your headline
Use the Intro + Benefit + Connector formula to craft headlines
Demonstrate your products benefit
Follow my sales letter outline
Do not bait and switch your customers with your upsells.

In the next chapter you will learn how to drive traffic to your offers to
generate sales.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 9: How To Drive Traffic To

Your Offer

In this chapter I am going to give you a whirlwind tour of all of my best

traffic sources for selling software online. The sources I am going to talk
about here are primarily for customers in the consulting and business
opportunity niches, however many of the source (like Facebook ads) can
target customers in nearly any niche you want to enter.

Here are the primary traffic sources I use for my software business, ranked
from the easiest/highest ROI to the hardest/lowest ROI

1. Your house list

2. Strategic partnerships
3. Affiliate promotions
4. Affiliate networks
5. Paid Advertising

Source 1: Your house list

Your house list is the email list you build from past product launches, free
giveaways, or squeeze pages. These are customers you already have an
established relationship with, they have bought from you before, and they
trust that you can deliver on what you promise. There is no better source of
traffic for your products and you will find that your email promotions will
convert 3-4 times higher than any other traffic source in this guide.

When launching your product, you will want the initial sales to come from
your list. This accomplishes a few things:

Your product will appear higher on the top sellers lists on affiliate
networks which attracts affiliates
Your product will be converting higher because you are promoting to
your best traffic source first.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

To make the most out of your house list email your list hard when you
launch a new product. I generally email my list a minimum of 2-3 times per
day for an entire week when I launch something new. Each email provides
tips, tricks, and customer case studies that are related to the product I am
promoting. As long as you include this valuable content in your emails you
will never get complaints from subscribers about emailing too much.

Tips on launch timing to get the most out of your launch and house list:

Tuesdays and Thursdays generally have the best open and click rates
on emails
8am and 3pm are historically the best time to send promotional
Weekends can be a great launch time for beginners, as there is less
competition from other vendors

Source 2: Strategic partnerships.

Having a partner to help you launch your product can give you an
immediate boost in sales and leads especially if you are just starting out.
Find a partner with a large customer list and affiliate relationships.

You produce a great software product, they produce the traffic both from
their house list and affiliate partners. The right partner could help you earn
6 or even 7 figures on your first launch.

The secret to this traffic source: Approach people. Make a list of you dream
partners, people who have sold multiple products successfully in the
marketplace you want to sell your software and reach out to them with a
demo of your software.

The best place to find potential partners is too look at the affiliate
marketplace you want to sell on and contact the top sellers right through
the network.

I offer strategic partnerships to my customers, and you will learn how to

partner directly with me later in this guide.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Source 3: Affiliate promotions.

Affiliate traffic is some of the most valuable traffic you can get to your

Think about it: Someone with a list of subscribers is writing to that list
endorsing your product and selling them on buying it.

The best part about affiliate traffic is you dont have to pay for it until a sale
is made. The standard affiliate commission is 50% for the affiliate, if you
are starting out I recommend increasing that to 75% or even 100% in order
to build your customer list.

One of the greatest assets in your business will be the relationships you
establish with affiliate partners.

The first step in reaching out to affiliates is to have an offer that is attractive
to them. Your product needs to be a good fit for their customer list, and the
sales copy must be converting well.

If you follow everything in this guide from packaging your product

correctly, writing compelling sales copy, and using your house list to drive
initial sales, you should have this part covered.

The next step is to simply reach out to affiliates. The best place to find
affiliates is to look at the top sellers list of the network your product is listed

Top sellers on Warrior Plus:


Top Sellers on JVZoo:

The vendors of the top selling products always make the best affiliates.
When reaching out to potential partners there is one thing you must keep in

You are contacting them to build a relationship

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Sending these vendors a message out of the blue asking to promote your
latest product will not capture their attention and will come across as
needy. Your goal should be to establish a mutually beneficial relationship,
one that will last for years and benefit both parties.

My strategy is simple: I reach out them asking to promote THEIR product


This is based on the strategy you learned in chapter 2. Give away free
products to build an email list, and use that email list to establish
relationships with affiliates.

A few additional tips to help attract affiliates to your offer:

Send them a personal video invitation

Create a special landing page for their customers
Give them a higher than normal affiliate commission
Offer to add a bonus for their buyers
Give them email swipes they can send to their list
Offer to add a link to one of their products on your thank you page

Go out of your way to make promoting your offer a no-brainer for the

Source 4: Affiliate networks

The affiliate networks themselves have ways of driving traffic to your offers.
Notifications are sent out to followers, and many people browse their
marketplace listings every day looking for products.

Warrior Plus and JVZoo also have a product of the day feature that is sent
out if your product is among the top sellers that day. Here are a few tips to
landing product of the day in an affiliate network:

Launch your product on days with little competition (Weekends are

Line up your affiliates, emails, and paid traffic to hit at the same time
on your launch day
Give the network a higher commission (100% if you can)

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Make sure the network can access your product (provide them with a
demo copy)

Source 5: Paid advertising

A rather large portion of my sales come from paid advertising on blogs,

social networks, and forums. Paid advertising is a large topic that deserves
its own book (which I may release if there is enough demand) but here I
will list out my favorite traffic sources.

Each one of these paid traffic sources has successfully generated sales of my
software in the business opportunity and consulting niches:

At the time of this writing I am currently running profitable ads on each of

these networks selling software as described in this book.

All of my advertising is tracked using cpvlab, which you can get below (not
an affiliate link):

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

I recommend only buying traffic for your highest converting offers.

Facebook ads are the easiest place to start, as you can export your email list
and build a targeted audience around this list.

You can learn how to create a custom audience on Facebook here:

Key takeaways from this chapter:

Your house list is your best traffic source

Launch on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Mail at 8am and 3pm
Launch on weekends for less competition
Partnering with a vendor who has a customer list and affiliate
relationships and jump start your business
Establish long term relationships with affiliates
Promote affiliates first, then ask them to promote you
Approach the top sellers in each market place to be your affiliate
Try paid advertising for your highest converting products
Facebooks custom audience is the easiest form of paid traffic

In the next chapter I am going to talk about how to take everything in this
guide and turn it into a million dollar a year business.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 10: How To Grow To A Million

Dollars And Beyond

Congratulations, if you have made it this far you have gone further than
80% of people who invest in this course. Truth is less than half of the
people who buy books get past the first chapter (or a quick skim) and only
half of those actually read the book entirely.

The next step for you is to go to work. No amount of theory or planning will
put money in your pocket, you need to put a product together and get it out
there to the masses.

Building a million dollar business takes work A LOT of work

Let me take you by the hand and give you a realistic glimpse at what it will
take to earn 7 figures in the next year from scratch:

Imagine the moment you finish this book you are committed to getting
started. The first step is to begin building an email list of people who are
interested in the type of software you eventually want to sell.

And so you spend the next month doing just that Giving away software,
reports, or any other products so you can build an initial email list. If you
did commit to this ONE task for the next 30 days, you could easily build a
list of 3,000 or more subscribers who are ready to buy your first release.

Along the way you email this list affiliate offers Earning money into your
bank account while you establish relationships with product vendors who
become your affiliates when you launch your first project.

One month from today you launch your first product. With the list youve
built the affiliate relationships youve built you can easily expect to earn at
lest $5,000 from your first launch. This is a conservative estimate, as you
will see in the next chapter most people earn $15,000 - $30,000 on their
first launch.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Keeping our estimates conservative your second launch, maybe 2 months

later earns you $10,000

Then $20,000 just 2 months later

Then $40,000

Thats on top of the affiliate commissions you are earning by promoting

other products to your list in between launches.

Maybe in 6 months you launch a membership product charging $27 $47

even $97/month to members earning you a steady recurring paycheck
every month.

This business compounds on itself. Every launch adds customers to your

list, every affiliate promotion adds an affiliate to promote you on your next
launch, and every member who joins your membership adds to your
recurring monthly income.

This is a realistic look at what you can expect over the next year.

This is a look at what I have personally built in my business.

This is a look at what many of my coaching students have been building.

All it takes is the commitment to follow the instructions in this guide, and
the work ethic to put time into it every day.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Chapter 11: Case Studies, And How To

Partner With Me

Ive mentioned in this book that there is an easy shortcut to building an

online software business: partner with someone who is established.

For the past year I have offered a private partnership program where I
partner directly with my customers on their product launches.

I help you create your product, write your sales copy, set up your launch,
and attract affiliates.

I also promote your product to my customer list to help you generate that
first boost in sales (On average I have been able to generate $5,000 -
$10,000 in sales from my list alone).

The best part is YOU get to keep all the revenue generate, and YOU get to
keep all the customer leads.

2 of my students have been very successful with this and I wanted to show
you their results from this partnership (as well as following everything in
this guide).

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Lee Nazal joined the partnership program last year for help in launching his
product on Warrior Plus. Within 72 hours he had his product launched, and
earned his first $10,000 in sales. All of this was documented in his
challenge thread on

His launch went on to earn over $30,000 just 3 weeks later:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

Another student, Eric Dimi partnered with me on his 2nd launch on the
Warrior Plus platform. His first launch on his own didnt break $1,000 in
sales. Partnering with me on his second launch (and using everything in
this book) he did over $20,000 in total sales:

His launch went on to do over $20,000 in sales:

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

I want to offer you the opportunity to partner with me on your next product
launch to help jump start your career selling software online.

Here is what you can expect from this partnership:

I will help you come up with the perfect product idea to sell
We will work together to build your product including any software
and training
Youll be guided through my process of creating a compelling sales
letter, and I will have it critiqued and perfected by my copywriter
(and mentor) Colin Kowalski
You will be given step by step instruction in setting up your sales
funnel (which I will double check to make sure everything works)
I will promote your product to my customer list
I will introduce you to affiliates who will promote your offer

By the end of this partnership/coaching program you will have launched

your first successful product.

YOU will keep all the revenue generated from this launch and

YOU will have built a buyers list that you can earn money from forever by
promoting future launches and affiliate offers.

Normally, I charge a $5,000 deposit to participate in this partnership. I

find this to be a fair price considering you get to keep all the revenue from
product sales. This fee also separates the tire kickers from the people who
are ready to commit to this, and will follow through to the end.

HOWEVER, since you have invested in this course, and read it to this point
I want to make you a better offer.

Heres the deal:

I want to offer you a free, no obligation conference call to talk about your
goals and put together a plan for you to follow over the next month.

How I Made $1,000,000 Reselling Software Luther Landro

This call will cost you nothing, $0.

By the end of the call, you will have a game plan to follow that you can use
to launch your first software product. If we decide to work together on a
partnership, I am going to give you a 50% discount on the deposit. It would
only cost you $2,500 to partner with me, AND have your product promoted
to my customer list.

Heres what to do now:

Send me an email at

In the email say I finished your ebook, I am interested in getting on a call.

I will write you back in about 48 hours and we can schedule a time to get on
a call together.

Remember: This is a free call, and by the end of the call you will have a
complete personalized game plan to launch your first product and make it
as successful as possible. Ill also be able to answer any questions you may
have about this business, or marketing in general.

If we decide to partner and work together, you will have the chance to do so
at a 50% discount, with a deposit of only $2,500.

I am looking forward to hearing from you, and hopefully making you my

next success story.


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