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BAA Fire Risk Assessment Form

Name of Person Signature
Conducting Assessment Signed on original
Contact Telephone No. and email
To be completed by Assessor

Name of Company
Responsible for this Area
Name of Responsible Person

Persons consulted
Date of Assessment Provisional Review Date
Fire Risk Assessment Scoring A B C D E
Risk of Items that Means of Management Testing &
Ignition may Burn Escape Control Maintenance
Insert Risk Assessment Section Scores here 0 0 0 0 0
Scores at these levels or higher must be reported to a Fire Risk 5 5 5 5 5
Assessment Co-ordinator immediately.
Residual Risk (Circle one only) where Medium is Low Medium High
recorded the Fire Safety Manager and Business Unit
Fireboard should be advised.

Procedure for assessor.

1. Complete the Fire Risk Assessment Form.
Local Action Process

2. Forward this form and Action Plan to the Fire Risk Assessment Co-ordinator for your business unit.
Raise any specific issues with your co-ordinator as first line of reference.

Procedure for Fire Risk Assessment Co-ordinator.

1. Complete Action plan
2. Classify overall risk.
3. Store a copy on the Group 5 Fire Safety Governance Drive
4. Add actions to the business unit MRS plan and/or risk register.
5. Where necessary escalate to level 2 with a Fire Safety Advisor.
6. Retain a copy of this FRA within the Business Units Life Safety Cabinet

Overall Fire Risk Assessment Classification for this Fire Zones

Adjoining Fire Zone(s) Above Adjoining Fire Zone(s) Below Adjoining Fire Zone(s) Same Level
Fire Risk Co-

Zone Classification Zone Classificatio Zone Classification


I have reviewed this Fire Risk Assessment and consider that the overall fire risk assessment classification for this area is (circle
To be completed by

one only):
Name of Person Print Name Signature Date:
Classifying Assessment
General Information
Question Please delete items that are not applicable and apply additional information as required

G1. Use of Premises

G2. Persons who may use the premises

Floor space factors

G3. Staff groups that require additional consideration (persons with

G4. Details of construction

G5. Details of internal linings

G6. Approximate floor area m per floor or total floor area m

G7. Number of floors

G8. Number of stairs
G9. Hours of operation
G10. Users of the associated space and further information relating to the

G11 Areas not included within this fire risk assessment but have been
subject to an independent FRA,
G12 Smoke ventilation

G13 Emergency Lighting

G14 Smoke Curtains/Fire Shutters

G15 Fire Hose reels

G16 Dry Risers

G17 Fire Fighting Access

G18 Fire loss experience

G19 Other relevant information: Have previous risk assessments been
revised or reviewed as part of this fire risk assessment?
Section A - What can start a fire? (ignition hazards)
Question Advice Yes or No? Score Significant Findings Further
and other observations and notes Action
A1. Is there any evidence of illicit smoking? Smoking is not allowed airside. No evidence of illicit 0 Yes = 10
smoking should be present. No = 0
N/A = 0

A2. Are there any processes machinery or equipment Check for Lifts, lighting, advertising and RCD power 0 Yes = 10
in the area that generate heat? sockets may be present. The light units should be free No = 0
from dust, have no obvious discoloration/distortion and N/A = 0
be free from damage. The lights should be working
correctly. RCD's should show no obvious signs of
damage and the lift should have no obvious faults.

A3. Is this equipment clean and well managed? Is it clean and free from dust? Are any ventilation 0 Yes = 0 No
covers free from obstruction? Is it working normally, = 10 N/A =
does it sound ok? Proper maintenance and cleaning 0
regimes should be in place. Need to conduct a visual
inspection based on readily accessible areas.
A4. Are there a lot of electrical extension leads and Extension leads and multi-point adaptors should only 0 Yes = 10
multi-plugs in the area? be used for a temporary period and must be of an No = 0
approved type. They should be no longer than 1.5M N/A = 0
and not pose a slip and trip hazard. They are not to be
used in main thoroughfares

A5. Are fixed heating installations subject to regular Are fixed heaters provided or is heating provided 0 Yes = 0
maintenance? through dedicated conditioned air system via floor No = 10
binnacles or AC wall units. All binacles or AC Units N/A = 0
have horizontal fire dampers to maintain
compartmentation managed through the statutory
inspection regime.

A6. Are any portable heating devices used in the area? The use of portable heaters and domestic fan heaters 0 Yes = 20
is not recommended. Oil filled radiators are preferred. No = 0
Must be in a position away from combustible material N/A = 0
and have terminal approval for operationa. All devices
must comply to electrical PAT testing. Where larger
space heating is installed it will be subject to an
additional risk assessment undertaken by terminal
A7. Can someone set a fire in the area (arson) without Is CCTV evident? Are there frequent Security checks 0 Yes = 10
being seen? and is access controlled? Is housekeeping good and is No = 0
there an absence of unnecessary fire load in close N/A = 0
proximity to the premises or available for ignition by
A8. Are there any cooking activities and units such as Look for any sources and check that they have 0 Yes =20
microwaves, stoves and toasters present? maintenance stickers. No = 0
N/A = 0

A9. Are there any other potential ignition sources other Look for any other sources throughout the area 0 Yes =20
than those identified above? No = 0
N/A = 0

Scoring: Any individual score of 2 must be 0-5 6-14 15-20
addressed immediately
0-3 4-6 7-10 0
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Section B - What can burn? (fuel and oxygen/fire loading hazards)
Question Advice Yes or No? Score Significant Findings Further
and other observations and notes Action
B1. Are there any highly flammable substances liquids Only quantities for the day's work should be available 0 Yes = 20
or gasses in the area other than small quantities of in the workplace. Substances need to be stored in No = 0
aerosols? closed containers. Unused material should be N/A = 0
removed to an approved store.

B2. Is the storage of these substances well managed? There should be a good cleaning and stock control 0 Yes = 0
regimes in place. No = 10
N/A = 0

B3. Is any combustible waste stored in the area? Rubbish and combustible waste should be kept to a 0 Yes = 10
minimum. Look for overflowing bins, general waste and No = 0
cleaners waste. This should not be present in any N/A = 0
significant volume.

B4. Are there 'easy' chairs or soft furnishings present BAA Compliant furniture will be present. Check for any 0 Yes = 10
that are damaged or do not comply with the threadbare / damaged furniture that may present a fire No = 0
furnishing regulations? risk. N/A = 0

B5. Are there any combustible materials in close Look for sources of ignition identified in Section A and 0 Yes = 10
proximity to any ignition sources? (Identified in check for combustible materials (Paper, rubbish, etc.) No = 0
Section A) N/A = 0

B6. Are there any banners or displays in public areas Check for posters, temporary signage. Check for 0 Yes = 10
which if ignited could spread a fire? anything the area user may have added. Check No = 0
Retail/Tenant signage. N/A = 0

B7. Does the premises have any form of air Air conditioning could be provided through dedicated 0 Yes = 10
conditioning, air handling or ventilation system conditioned air system via floor binnacles or AC unit No = 0
that could provide additional air/oxygen to a fire? ducting. All binacles should have horizontal fire N/A = 0
dampers to maintain compartmentation managed
through the statutory inspection regime.

B8. Are there any other potential combustible sources Look for any other sources throughout the area 0 Yes = 20
other than those identified above? No = 0
N/A = 0





A full investigation of the design of HVAC systems Total

is outside the scope of this fire risk assessment.
Installation would have been in accord with
Building Regulations and met the BFSP.

Scoring: Any individual score of 2 must be 0-4 5-9 10-14

addressed immediately
0-3 4-6 7-10 0
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Section C - Escape (safe egress time)
Question Advice Yes or No? Score Significant Findings Further
and other observations and notes Action

C1. Are means of escape provided for all occupants in Means of escape is a continuous and unobstructed path of travel from 0 Yes = 0
the area including those with special needs? any point in the zone to a place of safety. The principle evacuation No = 10
strategy is one of horizontal evacuation into neighbouring zones. N/A = 0
Note down the total number of exits for (normal passenger migration
routes) and for (BOH corridoors) if applicable. Record the Primary exit
widths total in metres.

C2. Are fire exits routes identified and free from Fire exit routes should be identified by the green and white 'running 0 Yes = 0
obstruction? man', with arrows. Pictograms with additional text signage should No = 20
clearly indicate the direction of travel. Illuminated signage improves N/A = 0
viewing distances. Fire exits routes must never be obstructed.
Obstructions may include furniture, delivered goods or goods awaiting
collection. Also included is anything that could cause a slip. (e.g. water
leak). A procedure should be in place to manage fire exit routes daily
through Fis and security patrols. Assessor to verify.

C3. Is the final exit door operating correctly (this is the Final exit doors must be unlocked when the premises is in use. 0 Yes = 0
last door to the place of safety)? Security locked final exits must release on activation of the fire alarm No = 20
or be fitted with a single action opening device (e.g. push-bar or pad). N/A = 0
If a fire interface door check C&E document to verify door release is

C4. Can fire exit signage be clearly seen from all areas? You should be able to see at least one emergency exit sign from 0 Yes = 0
anywhere within the area. No = 10
N/A = 0
C5. Is a reasonable standard of emergency lighting Self contained emergency lighting maybe provided within the space 0 Yes = 0
provided? and on its evacuation routes. This is tested through the statutory No = 20
inspection regime. Assessor to conduct a visual inspection of N/A = 0
luminaires but no test of illuminance levels or verification of full
compliance to be carried out. Emergency lighting is typically provided
at emergency exits and changing levels.

C6. Is a fire alarm system installed? The area may have combined optical smoke and heat detection that 0 Yes = 0
provides L5 level of detection. This woud be present at high level on No = 10
ceiling tiles and roof voids. There maybe low level detection in all N/A = 0
periphery retail units and in all BOH corridors and toilets for Terminal
Complexes. A Combined PA and Voice alarm system is installed within
Terminal areas or their may be a system of sounders in all other

C7. Are fire alarm call points and break glass units Record if MCPs are located on escape routes. MCPs may not be not 0 Yes = 0
clearly visible? Are Fire Action Notices displayed? be installed on the principle migration routes until the end of a zone. No = 10
Manual Call Points must be mounted in conspicuous positions on fire N/A = 0
exit routes and by the final fire exit door. In public areas MCPs must
be protected by screecher flap covers. In BOH corridors wedges and
simple flaps should be provided. Fire action notices should be up to
date and display 222 / 999 / 0208 759 1212 & assembly point
information as a minimum.

C8. Is the smoke curtain present and in good condition. The boundary between these two areas may be protected by a 0 Yes = 0
passive glass (permanently installed down facing) smoke curtain. Or No = 20
smoke curtains that descend as part of Cause and Effects testing or N/A = 0
on actuation of the fire aalrm. Assessor to visually check that this has
not been damaged.

C9. Is a smoke control system installed? The installed system manages individual retail units and extract smoke 0 Yes = 0
form within the main concourse No = 10
N/A = 0

C10. Are sprinklers installed? Sprinklers will typically be fond in fire engineered Terminals, some 0 Yes = 0
retails stock rooms and BoH store rooms. Check to ensure goods not No = 10
store in close proximity or they have been painted over. N/A = 0

C11 Is kitchen ductwork provided in the area? Within Terminal complexes Kitchen ductowrk will be provided. For 0 Yes = 0
simple kitchens in small buildings, baffle plate hoods may be provided. No = 10
N/A = 0





Scoring: Any individual score of 2 must be 0-6 7-17 18-24
addressed immediately
0-2 3-5 6-10 0
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Section D - Control Measures (risk management)

Management Control
Question Advice Yes or No? Score Significant Findings Further
and other observations and notes Action
D1. Is there an Evacuation Management plan for the A comprehensive plan should be held by the IMT, which 0 Yes = 0
area includes roles and responsibilities. For Terminals this is No = 20
typically held by the service manager team and should N/A = 0
be current for the area.

D2. Is a log kept of those staff who have attended Health & Safety legislation requires all staff to be made 0 Yes = 0
annual fire traing? aware of the fire precautions in the workplace, on No = 20
induction and then annually. The training covers how to N/A = 0
raise the alarm, where to evacuate, principles of
horizontal evacuation and responsibilites for other. There
should be a system in place to review compliance to this
requirement which is monitored through the Terminal
fireboard. Assessor to check current compliance.

D3. Is a log kept of those staff who have attended IMT There is a system in place to review compliance to this 0 Yes = 0
fire training? requirement which is monitored through the Terminal No = 20
fireboard. Assessor to check current compliance. N/A = 0

D4 Has a fire evacuation desktop been conducted in A planned desktop should take place every 12 months. 0 Yes = 0
the last 12 months or an actual evacuation taken Assessor to confirm through SM No = 20
place? N/A = 0
D5 Is housekeeping in the area well managed? Look for rubbish build up, paper and boxes poorly stored. 0 Yes = 0
Look for dust and general untidiness. Check behind No = 20
cupboards and in electrical cupboards. Check for N/A = 0
flammable liquids not stored appropriately.

D6 Are fire safety signs displayed appropriately? Is signage visible to reflect hazards e.g. electrical 0 Yes = 0
supplies. Signage should be visible to reflect No = 20
extinguishers and their use. Fire Action notices should be N/A = 0
prominent and displayed near help points. No Smoking
D7 Is the building multi occupied and have significant Where there is joint occupancy of a building significant 0 Yes = 0
findings from other areas been entered within this findings should be shared between all parties as the risk No = 20
FRA? from one to the other may not be captured and could N/A = 0
ultimately influence the level of risk. check if any
significant findings have been reported to the terminal
D8 Are fire safety conditions imposed upon both Upon induction contractors should be informed of the 0 Yes = 0
internal and external contractors? evacuation procedures and any permit controls in place No = 20
to manage works. Assessor to challenge any contractor N/A = 0
found on site to veriy.
Scoring: Any individual scoring 10 or above, 4-7 8-12
must be addressed immediately
0-3 4-6 7-10 0
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Section E - Testing and Maintenance Control Measures (risk management)

Question Advice Yes or No? Score Significant Findings

and other observations and notes Further
E1 Are all internal fire compartment or internal doors Where doors are designed to form a barrier to fire and 0 Yes = 0
on fire exit routes labelled as a 'Fire Door' smoke, they must carry a blue & white notice showing No = 10
the condition in which they should be left. (e.g.. Fire Door N/A = 0
- Keep Shut)

E2 Are the self-closers on the fire door operating A self closer is a device which is designed to ensure a 0 Yes = 0
correctly? door shuts properly after use. Some doors are held open No = 10
and release on activation of the fire alarm. N/A = 0

E3 Is the fire door and frame fit for purpose when the Does the door fit the frame well? Is the glass intact? Are 0 Yes = 0
door is closed? the brushes in place all around the door (this is to stop No = 10
smoke)? Are there any holes in the door? N/A = 0

E4 Consider the construction of the location you are Look for penetrations where cables pass through 0 Yes =
assessing. Are there any penetrations and how compartment walls, particularly in plantrooms. 10 No =
might this contribute to the spread of a fire? 0 N/A =

E5 Is the fire alarm tested (Manual Call Points) as part All areas should be tested on a frequent basis 0 Yes = 0
of a scheduled programme by FIs? No = 10
N/A = 0

E6 Is the fire alarm serviced/maintained by a A competent party should be appointed to undertake 0 Yes = 0
competent person? servicing of the fire alarm system. No = 40
N/A = 0

E7 Are all fire extinguishers and hose reels serviced Equipment should be inspected every 12 months and 0 Yes = 0
and tested? have a label showing the date of inspection. No = 20
N/A = 0

E8 Are smoke extract/management fans serviced and A single smoke reservoir may be provided for the area, or 0 Yes = 0
maintained as per design? individual extract within retail units. To maintain a clear No = 80
layer in the concourse the system should be subject to N/A = 0
periodic maintenance.

E9 Are Dry riser provided and are these serviced and Dry and wet risers should be secured and records 0 Yes = 0
tested? available of maintenance. Six monthly and annual tests No = 20
should take place. N/A = 0

E10 Has all electrical equipment (plugged items) either Check for a sticker on the equipment or power cable 0 Yes = 0
been subject to PAT tested or recently checked for detailing the date of test. In most cases, testing should No = 30
electrical safety? be carried out annually. N/A = 0

E11 Have all Fixed electrical supplies been subject to Check for stickers or contact the Life Safety Manager 0 Yes = 0
maintenance? responsible for that area for confirmation of maintenance. No = 40
N/A = 0

E12 Is kitchen ductwork cleaned? A cleaning regime should be in place for Kitchen extract 0 Yes = 0
ductwork No = 40
N/A = 0

E13 Is the sprinkler system maintained? Maintenance records should be stored within the red 0 Yes = 0
cabinet No = 40
N/A = 0
E14 Is Emergency Lighting maintained? Emergency Lighting maintenance records should be 0 Yes = 0
stored within the red cabinet No = 20
N/A = 0

Scoring: Any individual score of 2 must be 0-5 6-14 15-20
addressed immediately
0-2 3-6 7-10 0
Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk
Action Plan
Section Corrective Actions Required Priority Action Closed
Ref. Owner Date
Fire Risk Assessment Periodic Review Form

Date of Review:

Persons Present:
Name: Signature:

Action Action Completed
Significant Findings Remedial Actions Owner By Date Date

Periodic Review Signed Off (All Actions Complete)

How do I fill in this form?
Before you start, ensure you have read the associated methodology and then ...take a
walk around!
By walking around the area you are about to assess you will gain a better understanding
of the layout of the building and the activates in the area.

The layout is important but so too are the activities that are carried out.
Now go to the Form.
Which questions do I have to answer?
Answer all the questions in all the sections with a YES or NO or NOT APPLICABLE N/A, a
score will be generated automatically if you are using this form online.
Each question is numbered and you will find help below, remember to complete the
comments box for each question regardless of the answer. For the FRA to be suitable and
sufficient additional commentary must be provided..
"Advice" is designed to help you answer the questions more easily
What are significant findings?
Where something is out of line with the advice given, log this in the "Significant Findings"
box. If something is being done well, add this as well.
Not sure?
Ask your business unit Fire Risk Assessment Co-ordinator to help you.
Once you have completed all the questions in all four sections add up the score for
each section and divide them by the number of quedstions and write the total in the
designated box on the front page of the risk assessment form.
Now what?
In the "Referred to" box write the name of the Business Unit Fire Risk Assessment Co-
Follow the "procedure for assessor" as written on the front page in the large box in the
centre of the Fire Risk Assessment Form.
Local Observations

As part of your observations you should inspect the walls, ceilings and floors
(compartmentation/ fire resisting construction) which enclose the area you are
inspecting. If there are any holes in these walls, ceilings or floors and/or if there are any
doors which are missing, damaged or do not close properly, you should note these in
your significant findings and report them to the Risk Assessment Co-ordinator.

What to do when you have completed the form
If you have filled in the Fire Risk Assessment form on paper please sign at date the front
sheet to authenticate the original record copy of the form
If you have filled in this form online (electronically) please insert your full Identify Card
reference number and Hot Stamp number to authenticate the form

Once you have completed your fire risk assessment you should pass a copy of this form
(either paper or electronic depending upon how you have documented your fire risk
assessment) to the Fire Risk Assessment Co-oridnator for your area or Business Unit.

A copy of this Fire Risk Assessment should be kept on fire in the Business Unit to which it
The front cover sheet and action plan should be forwarded to the Competent person
accountable for that area..

Periodic Review of this Fire Risk Assessment

The last page of this form is provided to allow the Fire Risk Assessor to carry out a
periodic review (minimum annually).
This Fire Risk Assessment should be reviewed and updated to reflect any significant
changes in the area to which it relates. Significant changes may include: seasonal or
festive decorations, change in the use of an area, change in key personnel, modification
to the internal layout, etc.
General Notice
Any queries regarding this notice should be referred to your relevant Property Manager.
Date: 7th March 2008 GN 17 /08
Subject: Fire Risk Assessment / Fire Training at Heathrow Airport
It is the responsibility of all employers to ensure that relevant General Notices are brought to
the attention of their staff. However individuals remain responsible for their own actions and
those who are in any doubt should consult their supervisor or manager.
1. Introduction
1.1 This instruction relates to The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 ("the Order").
1.2 The Order introduces new fire safety rules affecting all non-domestic premises in England and Wales
and became law on 1st October 2006.
1.3 The Order makes individual companies responsible for their own fire safety and they will be expected
to carry out a fire risk assessment in relation to their premises and to train their employees in the
appropriate fire procedures as set out in 3.3. Fire safety certificates will no longer be issued by the local
fire authority.
1.4 The Order requires that fire precautions such as fire fighting equipment, fire detection and warning and
conditions relating to emergency routes and exits should be provided and maintained by a responsible
person to reasonably protect relevant persons (which means any person including a responsible
person who is, or may be legally on the premises and any person in the immediate vicinity of the
premises who is at risk from a fire on the premises).
2. Responsibilities of Individual Companies at Heathrow Airport
2.1 It is the responsibility and legal duty of anyone in control of any non-domestic premises to:-
2.1.1 provide sufficient general fire precautions - fire fighting and fire detection, emergency routes and
exits and their maintenance, including measures to reduce the effects of fire. They also include
safety measures to prevent or reduce the risk of fire arising directly from a work process (including
the storage and use of dangerous substances goods or materials) or to reduce its intensity.
Reduction of risks remains the overall objective of the Order to ensure that relevant persons are
safe from fire;
2.1.2 provide measures to reduce the risk of fire and the spread of fire on the premises;
2.1.3 provide means of escape from the premises which can be effectively and safely used; and
2.1.4 undertake a fire risk assessment of the premises in order to identify and assess how fire risks can
be minimized and the necessary precautions to safeguard all those who may be affected by a fire
on the premises. A risk assessment should be reviewed regularly by the responsible person to keep
it up to date, valid and to reflect any significant changes that may have taken place.
2.2 A fire risk assessment must:-
2.2.1 include measures taken or to be taken e.g. training and maintenance consultation and
coordination and any group of persons identified as being especially at risk;
2.2.2 train staff to ensure that they are familiar with risks and understand the concept of reducing and
managing risks;
2.2.3 ensure that the correct equipment and support is available in order to deal effectively with
2.2.4 identify the risk from fire, who may be affected and any control measures necessary to reduce the
risk to its lowest level.
The significant findings from the fire risk assessment must be recorded and provided to any
affected relevant persons
2.3 Fire training must:
2.3.1 be provided to all employees and contract staff when they start working for you, and then on an
annual basis;
2.3.2 contain appropriate information and instruction about the general fire precautions relevant to
your workplace and local area, including:- an overview of the facilities and general fire precautions established by your fire risk
assessment; what to do in the event of a fire; how to raise the alarm; what to do if you hear an alarm; how to contact the emergency services; the location and if appropriate, the use of portable fire extinguishers; the procedures for evacuating your premises including the location of escape routes and
assembly areas.
2.3.3 additional training may be necessary for employees with specific duties in the event of a fire e.g.
fire wardens.
3. Enforcement
The Order is enforced by the Local Fire Authority and failure to provide suitable general fire precautions
could lead to severe penalties which could include fines or in the most serious cases prison terms.
4. Action Required
4.1 Fire Risk Assessments must be carried out every three years or following significant changes to
your accommodation, personnel or processes and sent to Heathrow Airport Limited, Property
4.2 Fire Training must be carried out annually and confirmation must be sent to Heathrow Airport Limited,
Property Department.
5. Advice and Questions
Advice for people responsible for their premises in relation to fire risk assessment is available in the
following Communities and Local Government documents. The documents are available to download at no
cost, from the Communities and Local Government website
Fire safety risk assessment Offices and shops
Fire safety risk assessment Transport premises and facilities.
BAA Fire Risk Assessment documents can be obtained from your Life Safety Manager contact.
Any questions concerning this notice should be referred to your relevant Manager.
Issued on behalf of
the Managing Director.
Full Distribution
Queries relating to this General Notice should be directed to the contact(s) as mentioned in this Notice.
To advise any amendments, additions or deletions to the BAA Heathrow General Notice distribution list
please contact Karen Martin Tel: 020 8745 6036; Fax: 020 8745 6314; email

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