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Sun Blade 150 Workstations

Differences Between the

Original and the
Refresh Systems

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

4150 Network Circle
Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.

Part No. 990-1219-10

June 2003, Revision 01

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Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh
Systems 1
Features 2
Specifications 3
Motherboard 5
Chassis 5
Standard Configurations 5
FRUs 6
Operating Environments and Patches 7
Documentation Sets 9

ii Sun Blade 150 Workstation: Differences Between the First Release and the Refreshed System July 2003
Sun Blade 150 Workstations:
Differences Between the Original
and the Refresh Systems

This document describes the differences between the Sun Blade 150 workstation as it
was originally released and the Refresh system. Significant changes are discussed
from a service or service-training perspective. Also mentioned are key features that
have not changed.

Note All information is subject to change.

This document compares the following aspects of the original and the Sun Blade 150
Refresh workstations:
Features on page 2
Specifications on page 3
CPU on page 4
Motherboard on page 5
Chassis on page 5
Standard Configurations on page 5
FRUs on page 6
Operating Environments and Patches on page 7
OBP on page 8
Documentation Sets on page 9

Table 1 compares the primary features of the original Sun Blade 150 workstation and
the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system.

TABLE 1 Comparison of Features1

Feature Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstation

CPU 550 MHz or 650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi 550 MHz or 650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi
(Phantom) with 512 Kbyte internal cache, (Phantom) with 512 Kbyte internal cache,
heatsink, and fan heatsink, and fan
Power supply 250 watt 250 watt
Hard drive 40 GB 7,200 RPM with ATA6680 interface; 80 GB 7,200 RPM with ATA6680 interface;
additional hard drive optional additional hard drive optional
Riser board 3 PCI connectors, 2 power connectors, and 3 PCI connectors, 2 power connectors, and
EMI shielding EMI shielding
Removable media 1.44 MB manual-eject diskette drive 1.44 MB manual-eject diskette drive
Optional 48x CD-ROM or 16x DVD-ROM Optional 48x CD-RW or 16x DVD-ROM
drives drives2
Smart card reader II (SCR 443); reads cards Smart card reader II (SCR 443); reads cards
inserted either side up inserted either side up
PCI card Three long 33 MHz, 32-bit connectors for Three long 33 MHz, 32-bit connectors for
expansion both long and short PCI cards; total both long and short PCI cards; total
maximum power consumption of 50 watt maximum power consumption of 50 watt
Serial port One One
Parallel port One One
Ethernet 10 Mbit/100 Mbit per second; 100 Mb link- 10 Mbit/100 Mbit per second; 100 Mb link-
status LED visible inside the case for status LED visible inside the case for
debugging debugging
Supported DIMMs 128 MB, 256 MB, 512 MB 256 MB, 512 MB, 1 GB
Thermal Automatic shutdown when temperatures
management above specification are detected. CPU fan
operation is checked during OpenBoot
PROM probe sequence.

1. Boldface indicates items that differ between the original Sun Blade 150 workstation and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system.
2. Removable media for the Sun Blade 150 Refresh are compatible with and may be used in the original Sun Blade 150 system.

2 Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems July 2003
The Sun Blade 150 Refresh system has the same specifications as the original Sun
Blade 150 workstation. These specifications are listed in Table 2 and Table 3.

TABLE 2 Dimensional, Environmental, Acoustic, and Vibration Specifications

Specification Value

Height 4.6 inches (11.68 cm)
Width 18 inches (45.70 cm)
Depth 17.6 inches (44.60 cm)
Weight (approximate 26.9 lb. (12.2 kg)
Environment While Operating
Temperature 41 to 95 F (5 to 35 C)
Humidity 10% to 90% RH (noncondensing, 27 C maximum wet
Altitude 10,000 ft. (3 km)
Environment While Not Operating
Temperature -40 to 150 F (-40 to 65 C)
Humidity 93% RH (noncondensing, 38 C maximum wet bulb)
Altitude 40,000 ft. (12 km)
Acoustic Range
Operating <42 dba to 55 dba
Idle <37 dba to 48 dba
Operating Vibration
IEC 60068-2-64 Specification 0.001G^2/Hz random, 5 to 500 Hz (0.70Grms), 60 min.
dwell per axis, 3 axes
IEC 60068-2-6 Specification 0.25G/1.5mm flat spectrum swept-sine, 5 to 500 Hz, 5
sweep cycles per axis, 3 axes

Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems 3
TABLE 3 Electrical Specifications

Input/Output Regulation Minimum Current Maximum Current

AC Input - 47 to 63 Hz, 90 to 132 VAC or 180 to 264 VAC

(5.0 Amps (rms) maximum)
DC Output - 250 Watts (maximum)
+12 VDC 5% 0.2 7.7

+5 VDC +5%, -3% 1.0 16.5

+3.3 VDC +5%, -3% 0.0 20.7

-12 VDC 10% 0.0 0.6

+5 VSB 5% 0.0 0.1

+5 VSB is a standby voltage that is always present when AC line voltage is present.

The original Sun Blade 150 workstation and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system use
the same CPU module. Table 4 summarizes the CPU characteristics.

TABLE 4 CPUs for the Sun Blade 150 Workstations

CPU Feature Value

Speed and Name 550 MHz or 650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi

Internal cache 512 Kbyte
CPU assembly Three distinct components: CPU,
heatsink with fan, and CPU grounding
FRU strategy 2 FRUs: (1) CPU with CPU grounding
ring, and (2) heatsink with fan and CPU
grounding ring
Upgrade path Cannot upgrade from the 550 MHz
UltraSPARC IIi to the 650 MHz

4 Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems July 2003
The original Sun Blade 150 workstation and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system use
different motherboards. Note the following key motherboard changes:
The Ethernet chip and Ethernet port electronics have been changed for more
robust performance.
A sensor under CPU has circuitry for automatic hardware shutdown when
temperatures above specification are detected.
A monitor prevents the system from booting if the CPU fan is nonoperational as
detected during the OpenBoot PROM probe sequence. In this case, the following
message is displayed:
Warning: CPU fan is not on. CPU may overheat.

Note Requires OpenBoot PROM v 4.10.

The Power Management circuit has been upgraded to provide more reliable
operation. If AC power is lost, the system returns to its previous operating state
(either full-power or low-power mode) when the power is restored.
An upgraded 1394 Firewire interface fuse guarantees compliance with system
temperature specifications.

The Sun Blade 150 Refresh chassis provides improved EMI shielding, notably in the
area around the PCI card slots and riser board. Additionally, the frequency response
of the speaker has been modified to reduce chassis vibration at higher volume levels.

Standard Configurations
The original Sun Blade 150 workstation was released in three configurations:
550 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU, 128 MB memory, 40 GB hard drive, on-board PGX
64 graphics accelerator, CD-ROM drive, marketing part number A41-UPA19C-

Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems 5
650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU, 256 MB memory, 40 GB hard drive, on-board PGX
64 graphics accelerator, CD-ROM drive, marketing part number A41-UTA19C-
650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU, 512 MB memory, 40 GB hard drive, Sun XVR-500
graphics accelerator board, marketing part number A41-UTA19A-512M-DK

The Sun Blade 150 Refresh system is released in the following configurations:
550 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU, 256 MB memory, 80 GB hard drive, on-board
PGX64 graphics accelerator, DVD-ROM drive, marketing part number A41-
650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU, 512 MB memory, 80 GB hard drive, on-board
PGX64 graphics accelerator, DVD-ROM drive, marketing part number A41-

Note All of the configurations above have earned the ENERGY STAR mark.

Table 5 lists the field-replaceable units (FRUs) for both workstations.

Note Sun Blade 150 Refresh FRUs are denoted in bold type and are fully
backward-compatible with the original Sun Blade 150.

TABLE 5 FRUs for the Original Sun Blade 150 and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstations

Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstation

Part Number Description Part Number Description

F375-3088 Motherboard with tray and CPU F375-3152 Motherboard with tray, CPU
grounding ring grounding ring
F370-5202 Heatsink with integral fan and CPU F370-5202 Heatsink with integral fan and CPU
grounding ring grounding ring
F370-5621 Lithium battery (3 v) assembly F370-5621 Lithium battery (3 v) assembly
F375-5268 VGA/serial cable extender kit F375-5268 VGA/serial cable extender kit
F370-4152 48x CD-ROM drive
F370-6143 CD-RW drive

6 Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems July 2003
TABLE 5 FRUs for the Original Sun Blade 150 and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstations

Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstation

Part Number Description Part Number Description

F370-4440 40 GB hard drive F370-5522 80 GB hard drive

F370-4439 16x DVD-ROM drive F370-4439 16x DVD-ROM drive
F370-4149 128 MB SDRAM DIMM
F370-4150 256 MB SDRAM DIMM F370-4150 256 MB SDRAM DIMM
F370-4151 512 MB SDRAM DIMM F370-4151 512 MB SDRAM DIMM
F370-6150 1 GB SDRAM DIMM
F370-4872 250w power supply F370-4872 250w power supply
F370-4207 Chassis fan F370-4207 Chassis fan
F370-4873 Riser board F370-4873 Riser board
F370-4209 Cable kit F370-4209 Cable kit
F370-4210 Power switch F370-4210 Power switch
F370-4211 Diskette drive F370-4211 Diskette drive
F370-4666 Internal smart card reader F370-4666 Internal smart card reader
F370-4293 Speaker F370-6142 Speaker
F527-1037 550 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU with F527-1037 550 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU with
CPU grounding ring CPU grounding ring
F527-1036 650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU with F527-1036 650 MHz UltraSPARC IIi CPU with
CPU grounding ring CPU grounding ring

Operating Environments and Patches

Both the original Sun Blade 150 workstation and the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system
come with preinstalled software consisting of the Solaris operating environment and
additional software applications. Notably, the Sun Blade 150 Refresh system is
delivered with both the Solaris 8 HW 12/02 (PSR1) and Solaris 9 12/02 (S9U2)
operating systems. When customers first configure the system, they choose between
the two environments. The environment not chosen is automatically deleted.

For a list of the additional software applications, see the Sun Blade 150 Getting Started
Guide and the product notes for the workstation under consideration.

Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems 7
Table 6 shows the preinstalled operating environment for each workstation and the
patches that need to be downloaded to fully restore the preinstalled operating
environment. The patches are shown at their minimum required version level.

Note Always install the most recent version of a patch. Patches are available at:

TABLE 6 Solaris Operating Environments and Patches

Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstation

Solaris 8 HW 2/02 and Patches Solaris 8 HW 12/02 and Patches Solaris 9 12/02 and Patches

108528-15 (Kernel Update 6) 114537-01 (Sun XVR-100) 114538-01 (Sun XVR-100)

110723-05 (ERI Driver) 108576-35 (Sun XVR-500) 112540-08 (Sun XVR-500)
111874-05 (usr/bin/mail) 112564-12 (Sun XVR-1200) 112565-12 (Sun XVR-1000)
111883-07 (Sun GigaSwift Ethernet) 108827-40 (Mozilla) 114555-02 (Sun XVF-122)
110457-05 (Smart Card Terminal) 109147-21 (Mozilla) 112817-06 (Sun GigaSwift
109887-13 (Smart Card Reader) 108921-16 (Mozilla) Ethernet)
108528-15 (Kernel Update 6) 108652-65 (X11 6.4.1 xsun, 114360-01
110723-05 (ERI Driver) Mozilla) (platform/sun4u/cprbootIIi)
108987-12 patchadd and patchrm
(for 108528-18)
111874-06 (usr/bin/mail)

Table 7 shows the OpenBootTM PROM versions for both workstations.

TABLE 7 OpenBoot PROM History

Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Refreshed Sun Blade 150 Workstation

OpenBoot PROM Release Date OpenBoot PROM Release Date

v 4.6.10 July 2002 v 4.10 August 2003

8 Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems July 2003
Documentation Sets
Table 8 lists the documentation for each workstation and the formats in which each
document is distributed. Note that only three documents have been updated for the
Sun Blade 150 Refresh program:
The updated Product Notes document contains all information pertaining to the
Sun Blade 150 Refresh system. This document supplements the Sun Blade 150
Service Manual and Sun Blade 150 Getting Started Guide.
816-7190, Important Safety Information for Sun Hardware Systems, is a Sun-standard
print document that is shipped with all hardware products that have external
connections that customers can manipulate.
816-4779 contains the updated Declaration of Conformity for the Sun Blade 150

TABLE 8 Documentation for the Sun Blade 150 Workstation

Original Sun Blade 150 Workstation Sun Blade 150 Refresh Workstation

Document Part Number Formats Part Number Formats

Setting Up Poster 816-1162 Print, CD, Web 816-1162 Print, CD, Web
Getting Started 816-1161 Print, English-only 816-1161 Print, English-only
Guide Multilingual on CD and Multilingual on CD and
Web1 Web1
Service Manual 816-4379 HTML and PDF on CD2 816-4379 HTML and PDF on CD2
Product Notes 816-1163-10 Web 816-1163-11 Web
Documentation CD 705-0122 CD-ROM 705-0122 CD-ROM
CD insert 818-0122 Print 818-0122 Print
Safety, Compliance 816-4778 Print 816-7190 Print

Safety Compliance 816-4779 Web 816-4779 Web


DIMM Installation 816-5370 Web 816-5370 Web


CD-ROM or DVD- 816-5369 Web 816-5369 Web

ROM and Hard Drive
Installation Guide

1. The translated versions of the Sun Blade 150 Getting Started Guide appear on the Documentation CD and on These doc-
uments are: 816-4216 (French), 816-4217 (German), 816-4218 (Spanish), 816-4219 (Italian), 816-4220 (Swedish), 816-4221 (Japanese),
816-4222 (Korean), 816-4223 (Simplified Chinese), and 816-4224 (Traditional Chinese).
2. The HTML version of the Sun Blade 150 Service Manual, delivered on the Documentation CD, includes links to the ShowMe How
animated remove and replace procedures.

Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems 9
The documents listed in Table 8, including the translations of the Sun Blade 150
Getting Started Guide, can be found at:

Many of the documents are also located at

10 Sun Blade 150 Workstations: Differences Between the Original and the Refresh Systems July 2003

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