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An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary review)

1.) What did I learn from the documentary?

I learned how important it is to know our environments status and what is happening to our dearly
mother Earth. I learned on how to be more conscious in my everyday activities that may affect my
surroundings. I learned that if we wanted to have a better and healthier future we must know what is
right and wrong. I learned that in every bad activities that we are doing which is affecting our
environment always have a consequence.

2.) After my analysis, what is my realizations?

Theres this one thing that popped up in my head after reading this question for the documentary
review, that mother Earth is really in a very critical condition. Pollution, disasters and global warming
everywhere. What causes it? Human activities. It is always about those undisciplined human acts. I
realized that if we dont make and do things right, it will be us who will suffer.

3.) What can impart to others?

I can tell them that our world is slowly changing, day by day. That our acts should always be in proper, it
should be a human act. An act that is always right and for the better. An act that is disciplined. I can also
share the things that I know about climate change and other natural phenomenon so that other people
would know how important it is to conserve mother Earth.

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