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fie) Am) ® aye m Wew. recruitment .guru ores [ID SECTION (A): TECHNICAL |A.25 KVA, 20001200 ¥, ewo winding transformer iteonnected as shown in fi t f voow [] uma T 3 | Mh ul oa VA a conection i ® 2 © a wo 1 'A single phase transformer bas resistance and reartanee of 02 pu and 0.6 pu reapectively. Ite pu voltage rogulutian at 08 pf lagring would be wy oa B) 0.82 (© o62 0.86 Given th fallowing phasor diagrnt of induetion machine, identify ita mode of operation os ¢ bk Mote $ Speed L (A) Matoring >Ne (®) Generating >Ns (C) Motoring Ne ) Gosoruting M, © (MM, oo) Me (AE) 8 Tre ftoing ge show a hari of person, Mich he nese with the type of generator shunt q= flat compound over compound += differential Wo pt oll ri stv ®) pat ql av ot ©) pull gt et ety ©) pA qt¥ ed el fole) 21. A. abbot, 4-pole, de machine has a simplex lap winding with two conductors per slot. The Oe) Nt ptch end bet plik sdopted auld be epecaely 1) 15,13 (B) 19,17 © 19 {D) 23,21 GREET (E)-12 6 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru Q. Booklet Code 22, The alternating voltage (sinwsoidall aernss and eurrent through a cieeuit are represented by (a+ Jb) and (c+ je) respectively, The power in watts is gives by A) ae bd (By bevad (C) aes bd (D) be~aet @ ‘he relation between the resonant frequency f, and the half-power frequencies /; ond f, is w bik hhh © Kash Rast €§) 24. Ima balanced star network the measured resistance between any two terminal ‘The resistance between any two terminals of the equivalent delta network ig (Ay 180: ® 6A © «50 @ 90 im (ES) 25. Kiechofts current law is bused on the law of (A) canservation of energy (8) conservation of charge (©) conservation of momentum (D) conservation of mass In the circuit shown which of the following statements is NOT correct? 10.0 (A) The circuit has a supermesh By =i +6 (©) 20664 +141, 20 Dy ~20601,+2(, -i,)e0 E31 tattecvn shown The wagers 40 risitane ean be pressed a (A) O4E-061 (8) O6E-041 (C) OsB-241 (DO) OG E+241 7 GREET (Ep-12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor AR a) Wew. recruitment .guru eee DD speed:torque charucteristics aro oltsined for a Siphume induction motor. Pick up the correct method of speed eontrel from the options. (out pit constant) r N=N N=0 ¥v £ © control = WF Footed {C) pote etunging with f constant (stati voltaye conten, J canst 29, The name platoof « S-phnse induetion mator reads as, V=400v bps 116A oa 8 ‘The number of poles far which stator winding ix wound w 0 12 © 4 ©) 6 /&) 30, ‘The rotor impedance ofa stip ring induction moter is (01+ j0.6}0/ nh. The resistanco/ph ay to-be inserted into rator to got muxiesim torque at starting should be CO ®) 03a © a O) oa 2) 31, Given the following phasor diagram of caliont pole aynchranous machine, pick up the correct mode af operation (AY eoerator, laguing wt (8) eenerator. up (©) motor, with leading pt (D) motor, with up GREET (E)-12 8 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor 82, ® @® ™ a) om &® @« (p> a Wew. recruitment .guru Q. Booklet Code |D ‘The transfer function of a system is 1 (e+) ‘The impulse respionse of the aystem is yoo BH) eP set @ ette® Dy et-e* Ina thermal power plant, ash is collected in ‘Ay mille (B) hoppers (bunkers 1D) doier ‘The average life of neutrons after they decay is 1A) 1 awe (B) 10 see (100 see (D) 1000 cee ‘The operating time of instantaneous relay is (A) 0.001 see (B) 0.01 ave () Otsce P) Lee For « round wire, the approximate value of fusing current is given by wy Ke wy Ke © Ee o Stringing chart is useful for (A) the design of tower (B) the design of insulator string (©) finding the cag intheconductor _—(D)_finsting the distance between the towers ‘The self GID method ie used to evaluate (A) inductance (B) capacitance (©) inductanee-and capacitance (@D) resistance ‘The velocity of travelling wave through a cable of relative permitivity 86 is (A) 3x 10% mvsee (BY 2x 1 mlsee (C) 5 Wt matsec (D) 10 msec ‘The coefficient of reflection for current wave is wii Be @ -1 mo A relay has a rating of 5 A, 22 sce IDMT and a relay setting of L25% TMS = 0.6. 1 is connected to a supply circuit through a €:T. 4005 ratio, The fault current is 4000 A. The operating curnent of the relay 6258 Br 5A © BA (D) 22a a GREET (Ey-12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor 42, 45, Wew. recruitment .guru @. Booklet Comte A differential amplifier has a difforential yain of 20,000, CMRR = 80 dB, The common made gain te given by aya ® we 2 (D) 250 An amplifier has input power of 2 microwatts, The power gain of the amplifier is 60 dB. ‘The output power will he (A) 2milliwatts (BY Gmienawaex (CO) wate (D) 120 microwatte ‘The voltage gains of the amplifier with and without foudback ate 20 and 100 reepeetively. ‘The pereentage of negative feedback would be (A) 40% 80% © 4% (2) 8% For OPAMP in differential configuration, open loop gain ix 100000, and differentia! input voltage is 2 yr. Power supply for OPAMP is £12¥, Then output voltage will bo w +RV (By = © ov @ 2nVv A Satage ripple counter has Flipfop with propagation delay of 25 nace and pulse width of strobe input 19 nace, Then the maximum operating frequency at which counter operates relinbly is (A) 166TMHz = (By) 176MHz = (©) 12.67 MHe =D) 11.76 MH ‘The percent resolution of an 8-bit DIA converter is (a) oor 1 ues6 (© v255 (D) (A) and (B) both 48. The diode used in » clippling civeuit has i, = 250 and R, =1MA. The external resistor Ris (a) s0KAa ®) 5Ka CO ee 49. Which circuit ie used as amplitude comparator? OD Bistabie {B) Monastable (C)_Astable (D) Sehinitetrigeer GREET (Ey-1z 10 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru peta DD 0 BO. Ade series mocor i connected as given below Bs w = oT ‘The per unit values of Rand I to get the sbave speed torque characteristic would be ay 0.05 @) 05,05 1) 05,00 0) 05 A200 V de shunt motor is running at 1000 rpm and drawing a curment of 10.A fee armature winding resistance is 20. It is braked by plugging. The rosistance 09 be ‘connected in series with armature to restrict armature current to 10-A, W 320 (Bh 360 © 380 (Dy 408 ‘transformer has maximum eficiency at 4c of fll load, The ratio of its ion Ins (p,) and full load copper toss (p, ), is 4 16 9 3a w ¢ o > OF SPN ‘The following conacetion of three single phase transformer bank results in (A) S-phase to 2-phiase conversion (BY S.phase ww phase (©. 2 phase to 3 phase conversion (D). ‘phaseto G-phane conversion un GREET (ey-12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru (BH The nia vate of fl), with teansform Fe) = Soy ie a) 0 m1 © 2 co &) 55, ‘The too-port parameter hy, incalled (A) opec-citsult output admittance {B)_ short-circuit input impedance (C) open-circuit reverse valtage gain (D)_ short-circuit forward current gnin GB we Terns rei sho i ta, a Din —* 0 w ua ® 30 © 40 @) 090 EB) 5%. The impedance of two element serie circuit is sepeesented hy (2010) atm coiain froquency. Ifthe frequency is doubled, the new value of impedance is ) @o-j5)a GH (40-f0)JQ_G) to-j1gjn_—D) (20—j20)0 K 5% Munity foodback control system has forward. path transfer function Ob a Te the that the steady-state error due to a unit ramp input is 0.08, the “ @ 40 © 1 © w 200s +2) ©] 4% Te treater suntion ofa nom hae the form fe) PONE) At very high frequencies the Bade gain curve has a slope of (A) -BaBloctave (B =12dBlctawe (©) GdBoctave —D)1ZABoctave GD 00. A ani Godda sytem has ope 0p transfer fonetion x One ates) W's reat focus plot intersects the jee axis at wie ® © +8 (D) does not intersect the jw axis GREET ()-12 12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru “as: [D 61. ‘The potier triangle af kyachronous generator if as chown in figure Volts ‘The segment DE rofors to field current to compensate (A) leakage reactance deep (B) armature reaction () saturation (D) resistance drop 62, Im lip test on salient pole aynchranows machine, the stator mmf alignment for oe maxinun/minimum current drawn from mains is Maximum current $ ‘Minimum current + (A) along 45° to g-axie along d-axie (B) along q-axis along 45° to d-axis (©) along doaxis alone q-axis (D) along e-anis along d-axis ‘Twa synchronous eonerators Gy. art operating in parallel and are equally sharing KYVAR (Lag component of load. To shift part of KVAR from G, to G,. while keeping terminal voltage fixed, the follawing action must be dane (A) Raive Jf, and lower If, (B) Lower If, and rnive If (C) Lower If, or raise Ij, (D) Raise if orlower if, 18 GREET (E}-12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru @ Booklet Code @. 4 Lendtine den nesting ateon (isa agen genie (2) non non gsc options {© Tinoar differential equations: (D> non lineur differvntial equations (GE) 8% AE bas poor eysiom ine 3 voltage contol bse. The dimension ofthe Jveobinn matrix willbe (ay a2 (BH 2119 © wx D) 9.21 GD) 66. The cont function af a 60 MW generators gives y(n, is the Reneratar Loading) Plo) = 225 +88, + 0.02p When 100% loading is applied, the Incremental Fuel Cast (EFC) will be (A) Ms 55 per MWh (B) Rs. 58 por MW" (©) Re. 33 per MWh (D) Rs. 88 por MW ‘The ABCD constants of «3 phen sansimistion line nee A-D=0sht Bere] as €0.002] 90:8" mho ‘The sending end voltage i 400 KV, The reesiving end voltage under no ond condition ix (a) 400 KV (By 500: KW (cy 320 KV D) 417 KV $2) Dune’ condvtors reused for BV ranemiason Kine primarily or rc te (A) Surge impedance of the line (8) FR losses (©. Wobage drop seis te ine (0) Coron los (@)_ 6% tall desequence voltages atthe fault pint n'a power spate are emul thon the fl (A) three phase fault (8) Hine to yrounad fault (C) line totine fault (D) double Hine to ground fault 70, Severe over valengen ure produced during arcing foules im power eyutom with the vouteal OD inotoed (By sadly earthed (C) earthed through a low resistance (D)_ earthed through an inductive coil GREET (B)-12 u seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru Q. Booklet Code SECTION (8), APTITUDE, the number which should come in the place of question mark? > 4 7 229 6 us 58 al (ay 452 454 (©) 446 @) 402 G3} Taentify the number which should come ih the place of question mark? (A) 64 B® © a8 @) 76 (@%)— X introduces ¥ saying, “He is the husband of the grand daughter of the father of my father". How ie ¥ related to X? (A) brother Gunde (©) cobrother — (D)bwother-in law Ravi is 7 ranks ahead of Sumit inn class of 89. If Sumit's rank is seventeenth from the last, what is Ravi's rank from the start? won B © 14 om 9 is Lo) 78) a a contain cole, “bi nig pie’ mepne “aome gnnwl jolene”, ‘nim hat tik? means “somo neal stories‘ pio lik tel? means “many good stories”. Which word in the code means ‘jokes? (A) nie B) pie (©) tik @) Bi : (8) GB There are five bus stops, A, B,C, D, Eat equal intervals, Cis not the middle stop. A and E are not terminal stops. C comes twice as many stops before 1 in upward journey as B comes after A. D is the first stop in dawnward joumey. The carrect sequence of stops in downward journey is () ABDCE ®) DAI (© DACER @) DEBAG 6 GREET (E)-12 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor Wew. recruitment .guru Q. Booklet Code Ti) Identify the odd one (A) heart, (B) liver (©) nose (D) kidneys ® (78 18, 10,6.4,3,2 @ 8 4 © a8 @ 26 ® 79, Which makes the best comparison? ‘TOMATO: MTOOTA : : 123412: tay grea (B) 123486 (© gained @) 213914 =. 80) My brother is standing 40 m South-West of my sister. [am standing 40 m South-East of my brother. I am-in which direction of my sister? (a) South +B) West (©) East (D) North-East eG) Find the next letters in series : BCZ, DEY, FOX, HIW, tA) KL (B) JKV (©) sKU @) 3KT oo) 82) Find related word Conscience : Wrong : : Police | (A) thief 8) law (©) discipline ¢D)_erime | [t) (GBA shopkeeper sells one transistor for Rs. 840 at-a gain of 20% and another for Rs, 960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is 15 15, Mii 2 (57% los B) Sv amin) GFK ain DY G5 % le (© © Sd. A boatman goes 2!km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 6 km in stationary water? (A) 40 minutes — (B) 1 hour (©) LhetSmin (Dy Vhr30min pe) ™ 85. In how many ways can the letters of the word LEADER can be arranged? (A) 72 (Ba (©) 360 Dy 720 |e) * 86, One pipe can fill a tank throe times as fast ap another pipe. If togother, the two pipes can fill the tank in 36 minutes, then the slower pipe alone will bo able to fill the tank in @) almin (B) 144 min (©) 108min @) 192 min cy (SR Wlog 27 =1.431,, then the value of log is, ; tay 0.934 0.954 1 a.995 (Dy 0.958 GREET ()-12 16 age arte ras eanis Pian Ebecees betenwettece ck Setal-one; Thiea used fer 8) oe. Sraviding a niece‘o£ kaforsation.Th Wew. recruitment .guru @. Booklet Code -x0ex<1 sl xan otherwise Hylx)=-Hy(z) for all = H,fx) = H,(-x) for all x A, (x)= -H, (2) forall x How many of the following products are necessarily zero for every value of ‘x? ile)» H(z); Hy(e)* Aye): Hile)* Hobs) @ o B21 © 2 m3 Tn the following diageam, how many triangles are there? we ® 18 u @) 1 ‘The length of the bridge, which 80 se is in 120 m long and traveling nt 45 km/hr can cross in. (A) 200 m (B) 225m ©) 25m (D) 250m If*PAPER’ is 11.20, "PEN IL! is 9.88, what will be the PEN? (A) 1280 (®) 1160 © 166 (D) 138 What is the eum of all the numbers less than 100 that can be written as the sum of 9 consecutive positive integers? wy 612 (B) 630 ©) T02 D504 " GREET (B)-12 dene ee neebd aloes: Tia wee. be: need £or Wew. recruitment .guru Q. Booklet [D] Code An observer 1.6 m tall is 2073 awny from # tower, The angle of elevation frum his eye to. the vop of the tower is 80° The height ofthe toveer ix WwW 2Lem 22m (O 472m @ 2am © #94 Tho sum of a three digit number and the number formed by reversing its digits is 968, ‘The sumof its digits 13, Find the middie digit wo @ 6 4 2 95. ABC is a throo digit number. The sum of its digits is 9, [leach of BA and BC are two digit ‘pumbers such that BA = BC— 3, How many values C can take? wy 16 ® 6 © 26 @) %6 ©) Arm const of 50 qussions Bach correct anowo fichen 1 mark aad for soch wrone smoyeee UU sari ls deduced. A canaane he sve cal mk tiimietsall Sn geeead td scene 41 maria Pind th mumber of qvestona be anewtred corey? ow 46 ® at © 4 ©) ©) 9%. When che numerator of a fraction is increased by T and denomsinator is incressed by 18, the resulting number is equivalent to the obtained when the numerator is dacreausd by 2 sand denominator is decreased by 1. The sum of numerator and denominator is 24. Find ‘the faction : 1 a a 4 oa Oy © Og * @8) Two straight lines can divide a circular disk into a maximum of four parts. Likewise, into ‘how many maximum parts can four straight lines divide a circular disk? = wou (B21 (©) 31 (D) ai 99, If (ABCD), = D'a“0+C'aly B'a*2 + A'a*3. (e4ss),(an22}, =o). then 9 is w on ® © uo om 6c) 100, Five persons namely, Yasin, Arafat, Rasheed Ali an Rehman aro to Be sated in ve out of the six seats numbered from 1 t0 6. The following table provides information ahout the ‘seria] numbors of the soats (given in the table under their name) on which each of the ‘mentioned friends ean possibly sit. Namos Yasir Arafot Rasheed Ali Rehman SeatNo, 1 BorS 280rd dor5 5or6 Thane of the seats numbered 2 or 4 is unoccupied, then the number of different ways five mentioned persons can be seated is wy 2 8 w) 4 GREET (E)-12 18 seating a Ebeceoe betereot len: cthie deanok an neebes ales thie ee Sec need Bor

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