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School College Teacher First observation Report MST

Year3 Semester2

Name of the student: Grade level: 1

Juwaher Rashed Ali ALnaqbi
Unit / lesson title: Changing Date of the observations:
Shape. 3nd observation
Competency Area: E G S M US

A- Commitment to the Profession

B- Planning for Learning

C- Managing Learning
D- Implementing Learning
E- Assessment
F- Reflection on Practice
Strengths of the lesson:

Carefully planned lesson. The teacher had demonstrated an ample knowledge in lesson
planning. The consistency and connection of all parts of the lessons proves it. Effective use
of time.
1. The teacher had successfully started the lesson.
2. The lesson is in taking into consideration the prior learning of the students.
3. Good role modelling of the instruction for activities.
4. Good pace using time.
5. Wonderful engaging activities.
6. I can see student led learning. Allowing children to answer own queries.
7. I love the surprises. The children truly love it.
8. Incorporating values to the lesson is helpful. Integrative learning.
9. The students had fully understood the lesson.
Successfully achieved the lesson objectives.

Behavior Management:
The teacher was effective and to settle behavior issues. The use of diverse styles in
managing behavior had fully helped her to have a successful lesson.

Areas for development:

Make sure all students are listening while giving your instructions.
Juwaher allows them to finish their sentence. They will value it more if you
allow them to speak up.
Make sure that though the children are engaging, they must not howl or shout.
Tell children to lower down their voices when they start to talk too loud.
Make students understand that they are not allowed to speak in Arabic during
Non-Arabic class.
Make sure to allow almost of the students answer questions or do activities.

Students reflection on the feedback:

I will tell children to lower down their voices when they start to talk too loud.
I will make students understand that they are not allowed to speak in Arabic
during Non-Arabic class.
I will give students time to finish their sentence.

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