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Community Logs

Media Slogans

By: Carlos Ayala

SPA 435

June, 2005
1.It's all inside JC penny.

This quote was found on JC penny magazine. What do they mean by all inside, they
are saying that all they need or all I need. My perspective of all means food, clothing,
money etc. People have different interpretations about "all inside" therefore they
should not say that all inside.

2. This is one of the best movies of the year.

This quote was found on the newspaper under entertainment section. The quote
was referring to Alexander movie. I ask myself for who is the best movie. Best movie
could be a romantic movie from the 50's or an action movie from the 90's depending
to whom we are asking to define "best movie". There are people who do not like
Greek history therefore the best movie for them.

3. The year's best action adventure.

This quote was found on the L.A. times Best action for who, the best action
adventure for an adult is not the same for the best action adventure for a little boy
or a little girl. To some people best action adventure could be a trip to their home
land, and for some others could be an adventure to the L.A. Zoo etc. People have
different interpretations regarding best action adventure.

4. Still America's # 1 Movie.

The quote was found on the newspaper. When reading this quote is that they are
saying that it is the best movie from south America to North America. It means that
there is no other best movie in the Americas. What about the people who consider El
pescado del Padre Amaro the best movie. Therefore it should be the best movie for

5. One of the best pictures of the year.

The quote was found on the newspaper under entertainment section. The best
picture for who? there are different people that do not like pictures. Perhaps some
people consider a tree picture the best. Some other people may consider their family
picture the best. Therefore, best picture doesnt mean the same for most of us.
6. You'll fall in love with Bridget Jones all over again.

This quote was posted on my friends wall. Is this quote telling us that we were once
in love with Bridget Jones?. Well personally I do not fall in love with girls. What about
the people who do not have a clue to who she is, or do not even know she exist?
What about the people that are already in love with their wife or husband? Does it
mean that people have to love someone else besides their significant other?

7. Sears good life great price.

This message was given outside Sears store on a flyer. Is it that Sears offers good life
to people? People may consider good life not working, and having someone else to
pay their rent and debts. Perhaps good life could be eating non stop. What about the
ones who consider reading or sleeping good life? Great price could be from 0.1 cent
to $20.00 dollars, I dont know.

8. Divine design.

This quote was on a magazine on a furniture page. Divine design for who? perhaps
for the owners magazine. It could have different meanings for people from different
cultural groups. Some people consider the Last Supper divine design. The youth
group may argue that their girlfriend or boyfriend are divine designs for them.
Children may consider sponge bob divine. Therefore, divine design may have
different connotations for different people.

9. The classic musical comes to the big screen for the first time.

The quote was found on a newspaper under entertainment. It means that there has
not been a classic musical in the past years? What about people who considered
Grease as a classic musical, then it does not count as musical. Some others could say
that their mothers voice is a classic musical. Therefore, classic musical for the first
time is for those who make the argument on the newspaper.

10. The scariest film of 2004. (Grudge)

This quote was found on the L.A times under entertainment. I ask myself for who is
the scariest film? People may not consider that type of movie scary. Others could say
that Seed of Chucky or the exorcist from this year were the scariest ones. It may be
that other people consider their relatives film taken in Halloween the scariest one.
Therefore, what is consider scariest for some people, may be consider boring for

11. Earn more with freemont.

This quote was found on the L.A. times under business. Earn more what? When
people read this label it could mean more money with less work, more knowledge to
pass their classes with the best grade, more food, water, more adventures, more
cars etc. It seems that there is cost to earn more with Fremont. Is it that they are
going to give people more of what they need at no cost.

12. The perfect holiday gift.

This quote was found on a Macys magazine. "Perfect holiday gift" for who?. Perfect
can be a big house in Europe. What about people who do not believe in the holiday
season. A perfect gift for a three year old, is not the same for an 18 year old etc.
Perfect gift could be a nice big dinner and for other can be to have a day off from
work. Therefore, perfect gift have different meanings for everybody

13. Guarantee lowest prices in America.

This quote was on the L.A. times under business. Does it mean that they offer lowest
prices in the America continent? Lowest prices for some people can be one dollar,
for others can be five dollars. Is this quote telling people that they have guarantee
lowest prices for anything? Then it means that there is no other place in the
Americas to compete with their prices?

14. La alegria de un nio es la alegria de todos.

Esta cita la escuche en el radio 97.5. Nos estan diciendo que un nio que este alegre,
puede hacer que todos esten alegres?. Que hay de aquellas personas que no les
gustan los nios. Y que hay de aquellos que talvez su alegria es irse a bailar los fines
de semana con los amigos o leventarse tarde los domingos etc. Entonces podriamos
decir que la alegria de un nio no tiene que ser siempre la alegria de todos es falso.
15. America's favorite sponge. (Sponge Bob)

This quote was on my sisters notebook. Is it really a sponge a favorite thing from
south America to North America? There are people who do not like sponges. Also
there are people who do not like to see a sponge as a cartoon. People can have
different favoritism for something else that has nothing to do with sponge bob.

16. Estoy muerta en vida.

I heard this phrase from my mother. A person can not be death and at the same time
be alive. When someone is death is the end of the persons life. Death people do not
move at all, then how people can be moving around doing their regular chores.
Therefore, the phrase should not exist because people are either death or alive, is
impossible to be both death and alive.

17. Available for your immediate occupancy.

I found this quote on the weekly magazine. The quote was referring to a residential
house. The quote is telling people that the house is waiting for the first people willing
to move in the house. People will not pay anything because as it says "available for
your immediate occupancy". It seems that they are anxious for someone to move in.
Is it really free for anyone?.

18. The world's favorite airline. (Taca)

This quote was posted on a travel agency. Is it that every person around the world
travel through this airline? Does it exist the same airline in the five continents?
People might consider Mexicana as their favorite airline. Some people have their
own favorite airline depending to where they are traveling. Therefore "favorite
airline" can be for some group, but not for the entire world.

19. Just do it.

I found this quote every time I pass to a tennis shoe store. Is it telling us to just do it,
to do what? It can be interpreted as to just planning to rob a bank. Is it that people
can just do whatever they want even if someone gets hurt? People can do many
things when reading that quote above. Therefore, "just do it" may have different
meanings for people.
20. Muere un bombero inmortal.

Esta cita la encontre en el L.A. times. Podriamos pensar como una persona
"inmortal" que nunca muere, esta muerta. Si es que el bombero es inmortal
entonces no puede estar muerto. No se puede estar en dos lugares al mismo tiempo,
estarian contradiciendo a si mismos. Pero sin embargo esta cita afirma que alguien
"inmortal" esta muerto, lo cual lo hace muy contradictorio.

21. Be all you can be.

I have seen this commercial over and over on T.V. Is telling people that they can "be
all. What about if an adult wants to be a little baby again. Is it possible that this
commercial can help an adult to accomplish their wish? It may be that some person
wants to be any type of animal. Is that possible through this commercial? Therefore,
"be all you can be" have different interpretation for the people.

22. Gifts cards to excite!

I found this quote on L.A times under holiday section. "Gift cards to excite" who?.
There are people who do not get excite by a gift card because they do not find it
excite it. Does it mean that "gifts cards" are the only way to get excite?. People might
find exciting to go the beach at night, to have a week paid to go to Cancun etc. What
about children, they most likely are going to get excite with a lot of toys than with a
gift card.

23."Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet"

This quote was found in the ranch market under the liquor section. People have
different interpretations about "happiness". No other person can decide what brings
happiness to the rest of the world. What is "happiness"? "Happiness" for some
people can be to have a luxury car 2005, to be with their family, to travel, to have
finished their studies etc. Also not all people like to smoke cigars therefore, hamlet
cigar can not be "happiness for them.
24. "What you want is Watney's."

This quote was found on the L.A. times under entertainment. Does everybody know
what Watneys is? perhaps not. How someone will want something that does not
know its meaning. People want some other things such as clothing, food, work,
harmony in the family, etc. People want different items in their life, not every one
wants the same thing therefore, "what you want" is not the same as what she or he

25. Have it your way.

I found this ad in Burger king restaurant. People have their own definition on "have it
your way". Is it that Burger King will do whatever to pleased its customers and "have
it their way". If someone wants it free because is their way to have it, is Burger King
will let them take free hamburgers? What about when someone wants an ingredient
that they do not have.

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