Erp Glossary

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EnErGy MarkEts risk ManaGEMEnt

American Style Option Bid/Ask

A Balancing
the requirement imposed by power grids or natural
American Style Option gas pipelines to ensure supply and demand be equal
an option which can be exercised at any time before over a certain period of time.
its expiry date. Barge
Ancillary Services Vessel carrying oil, usually on rivers, containing be-
any service required by a system operator to deliver tween 8,000 and 50,000 barrels.
electricity to the ultimate consumer. ancillary services Barrel (bbl)
can include regulation, spinning reserves, non-spinning a volumetric unit of measure for crude oil and petro-
reserves, and replacement reserves. leum products. one barrel is equal to 42 Us gallons.
Anthracite Coal Baseload
the highest rank of black coal with primary use in resi- the generation capacity that meets the minimum
dential and commercial heating. amount of demand throughout the entire 24 hour day
API (around-the-clock demand). Baseload power is gen-
american Petroleum institute. the aPi publishes weekly erally supplied from plants that cannot be ramped up/
information on U.s. petroleum stock gures, renery down as quickly as peaking generation plants. since
throughput, imports, exports, and stock levels. the aPi Baseload demand is generally predictable and steady,
also established the system for grading crude oils by its less expensive than peak power.
gravity (see API Gravity). Baseload Plant
API gravity a plant normally operated to take all or part of the
a scale expressing the gravity or density of liquid minimum continuous load of a system, and which con-
petroleum products, devised jointly by the american sequently produces electricity at an essentially con-
Petroleum institute and the national Bureau of stan- stant rate. a base load plant typically has relatively
dards. the higher the aPi gravity, the lighter the crude. high xed costs and low unit operating costs. tradi-
Arbitrage tionally, nuclear plants have been considered as base
the simultaneous purchase of a commodity/derivative load plants.
in one market and the sale of the same, or similar, com- Basis
modity/derivative in another market in order to exploit the price gap for the same physical commodity, but
price dierentials. in nancial markets, the practice of at two dierent geographic locations.
making a prot from temporary price dierentials Basis Swap
between two or more markets for the same asset. Basis swaps are used to hedge exposure to basis risks,
Asian Option (Average Price Option) such as locational risk or time exposure risk.
an option that is exercised against an average over a Bearish
period of time. the belief that the commodity price is going to fall.
At-The-Money Option (ATM) Bid
an option whose exercise price is equal, or close to, an indication of willingness to buy a specied amount
the current price in the underlying market. of a commodity at a specic price.
B a measure of market liquidity, also known as bid/oer.
the bid is the price level at which buyers are willing to
Backwardation buy, and the ask is the price level at which sellers are
a market where the price for nearby delivery is higher willing to sell. the tighter the spread, the higher the
than for further forward months. (the opposite of liquidity.
backwardation is contango).

Bituminous Coal CNG

Bituminous Coal Cash and Carry

a black or dark brown coal used as fuel in steam-elec- an arbitrage transaction involving the simultaneous
tric power generation and manufacturing. purchase of a cash commodity with borrowed money
Black-Scholes and the sale of the appropriate futures contract.
options pricing theory derived by Fisher Black and Cash Market
Myron scholes, based on the theory that price volatil- the physical market underlying a futures or options
ity is random around a given trend. contract.
Brent Cash Settlement
the most commonly traded north sea crude oil. Brent the settlement of futures or options by paying a cash
has an aPi of about 37.5 dierence, rather than taking/making physical delivery.
British Thermal Unit (btu) CDD
the quantity of heat required to raise one pound of Cooling Degree Days. a measure of how warm a location
water one degree Fahrenheit at or near its point of is over a period of time relative to a base temperature,
maximum density. an MMbtu (-mil Btus) is roughly most commonly specied as 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
equivalent to a Mcf (a thousand cubic feet). the measure is computed for each day by subtracting
Bullish the base temperature (65 degrees) from the average
the belief that the commodity price is going to rise. of the days high and low temperatures, with negative
opposite of bearish. values set equal to zero. Each days cooling degree
Burner Tip days are summed to create a cooling degree day
the point at which natural gas is used as a fuel. measure for a specied reference period. Cooling
degree days are used in energy analysis as an indicator
C of air conditioning energy requirements or use.
Call Option Commodity Futures trading Commission
an option that gives the buyer (holder) the right but CIF
not the obligation to buy a specied quantity of an Cost, insurance and Freight. shipping incoterm refers
underlying futures contract at a xed price, on or be- to cargos for which the seller pays for the transporta-
fore a specied date. the grantor of the option is tion and insurance up to the port of destination.
obliged to deliver the future at the xed price if the City-Gate
holder exercises the option. Physical location where gas is delivered by a pipeline
Capacity to a local distribution company.
the power output rating of a generator, typically in Clearing
megawatts, measured on an instantaneous basis. the process of matching trades, settling trades and
Cap and Trade Approach (Emissions) provision of a guarantee for traded contracts. often a
the cap and trade approach establishes an aggregate service performed by exchanges.
emissions allowance capmaximum limit to emit emis- Clearing Fee
sionson all sources of emissions. the polluters must a fee charged by a clearing house for clearing trades.
limit their emissions to the established emission Close Out
allowance caps. if one of the polluters emits less than Finalizing a transaction by making an equal and oppo-
the allocated emission allowance cap, the polluter can site trade to an open position.
sell its emission allowance rights, subject to the estab- CME
lished cap, to another polluter that needs to buy emis- Chicago Mercantile Exchange
sions allowances that allow them to emit more than CNG
what its cap allows. Highly compressed natural gas, commonly used as an
automotive fuel.

Cogeneration Delta

Cogeneration Cushing
the production of both electricity and useful thermal Cushing, oklahoma. the delivery point for nyMEX
energy from the same energy source. natural gas Wti crude oil futures.
tends to be a favored fuel for combined-cycle cogen-
eration units, in which waste heat is converted to elec- D
Combination Hedging Day-Ahead Market
a risk management strategy that uses a combination Forward markets where electricity quantities and
of hedges using dierent derivative instruments. market clearing prices are calculated individually for
Combined Cycle each hour of the day on the basis of participant bids
the combination of one or more gas turbine and for energy sales and purchases.
steam turbines in an electric generation plant. an elec- Day-Ahead Schedule
tric generating technology in which electricity is pro- a schedule prepared by a scheduling coordinator or
duced from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one the independent system operator (iso) before the
or more gas (combustion) turbines. the heat is routed beginning of a trading day. this schedule indicates the
to a conventional boiler or to a heat recovery steam levels of generation and demand scheduled for each
generator for use by a steam turbine in the production settlement period that trading day.
of electricity. this process increases the eciency of Day Traders
the electric generating unit. a day trader establishes positions through buying and
Condensate selling commodities or nancial instruments several
Very high aPi crude oil, which in its natural state is in times during one trading day, without the intention of
gaseous form, but condenses to liquid upon production. carrying these positions over to subsequent trading
Congestion days. Most, if not all, of the positions established dur-
a condition that occurs when insucient transfer ing the trading day are closed out before the end of
capacity is available to implement all of the preferred the days trading.
schedules for electricity transmission simultaneously. Degree Days
Contango Degree days are measured as the number of degrees
Market situation where prices are higher for forward above or below a standardized temperature on any
delivery dates than for nearer delivery dates. (oppo- given day. in winter, traders track heating degree days
site of backwardation). week by week, or month by month, normally against a
Conway standard temperature of 65F, on the basis of how
Conway, kansas. the main propane trading hub in the many degrees of heat are required to bring the tem-
Midwest United states. perature up to 65F. in summer, the market tracks cool-
Cracking ing degree days, which are computed in the opposite
rening process to break large molecules into smaller manner. (See HDD, CDD.)
ones. Delivered Cost
Crack Spread the cost of fuel, including the invoice price of fuel,
the spread dierential which represents rening margins. transportation charges, taxes, commissions, insurance,
Credit Risk and expenses associated with leased or owned equip-
Credit risk is the risk of loss to a company due to non- ment used to transport the fuel.
payment of a bill or a loan, or to a nonperformance of Delta
a contract. When a company provides a service or the rate of change of the value of an option with
goods and expects payment later, the company respect to changes in the price of the underlying com-
assumes the credit risk of the counterparty not paying. modity.

Delta Hedging Exchange

Delta Hedging DOE

the process whereby the grantor of an option decides United states Department of Energy
to buy or sell more/less of an underlying futures con- Downstream
tract in order to protect against being declared upon the part of the energy cycle focused on rening crude
by the options holder. if delta hedging, the grantor of oil, processing natural gas, as well as the selling and
a call option will buy more of the futures contract if it distribution of natural gas and rened products.
rises in value towards the strike price (as the probabil- Dry Gas
ity of being declared upon rises towards 100%). the natural gas which does not contain liquid hydrocar-
grantor of a put option will typically sell more of the bons. Gas is usually priced on a dry basis.
underlying futures contract if it slides in value (as the
probability of being declared upon rises towards 100%). E
Delta Neutral
a state where the grantor of an option has balanced EFP
the probability of being declared upon through buy- Exchange of futures for physical: refers to the exchange
ing/selling the underlying futures contract. of a futures position for a physical (swap) position.
Demand, Oil EIA
the rate of consumption of rened products, normally Energy information administrationan independent
measured in millions of barrels per day. agency within the U.s. Department of Energy that
Demand, Power develops surveys, collects energy data, and analyzes
the rate at which power is delivered to or by a system and models energy issues. the agency must meet the
at a given instant or averaged over a designated period, requests of Congress, other elements within the
usually expressed in kilowatts or megawatts. Department of Energy, Federal Energy regulatory
Demand Response Programs Commission, the Executive Branch, its own independ-
Demand response programs are incentive-based pro- ent needs, and assist the general public, or other interest
grams that encourage electric power customers to groups, without taking a policy position.
temporarily reduce their demand for power at certain Emission
times in exchange for a reduction in their electricity the release of gases and pollutants into the atmosphere.
bills. some demand response programs allow electric Emission Allowances Rights
power system operators to directly reduce load, while Emission allowance rights limitcapthe total amount
in others, customers retain control. Customer-con- of pollution, emissions, and/or pollutants that all pol-
trolled reductions in demand may involve actions such luting sources can emit or release. these rights limit
as curtailing load, operating onsite generation, or shift- the polluters emissions up to the cap.
ing electricity use to another time period. Energy Value Chain
Demand Side Management the process of moving from energy commodities in its
all activities or programs undertaken by an electricity raw state into energy and consists of exploration and
system or consumers to inuence the amount and tim- production, transportation and storage, rening and
ing of electricity use. processing, and distribution and sales.
Demurrage European Option
the detention or delay of a vessel in loading or unload- an option that can only be exercised on the date of
ing beyond the time agreed upon. Demurrage charges expiry. these typically trade in the otC markets.
are usually incurred for any delay. Exchange
Dierential an organized and regulated marketplace where nan-
the dierence between two prices. a large and in- cial assets, commodities, and other nancial products
creasing percentage of all oil transactions are eected are traded between. an exchange can be physical or
on the basis of dierentials, also known as spreads, electronic.
rather than outright at prices.

Exchange-Traded Grid

Exchange-Traded Free on Board (FOB)

Futures or options that are traded on an exchange FoB prices exclude all insurance and freight charges.
such as nyMEX or iCE, with standard contracts and rules. Most oil is sold either FoB (eectively priced at the
Exercise loading port) or CiF (eectively priced at the delivery
the procedure by which an option holder takes up the port).
rights to the contract and is delivered a long (call) or FTR
short (put) futures position by the grantor at a xed Financial transmission right. Ftrs allow market par-
price. ticipants to oset potential losses related to the price
Expiry (Expiration Date) risk of delivering energy to the grid.
the last day an option may be exercised. European Fuel Switching
options can only be exercised on the expiration day. substituting one fuel for another based on price and
american options can be exercised anytime up to the availability. large industries often have the capability
expiration date. of using either oil or natural gas to fuel their operation
and making the switch on short notice.
F Futures Contract
a standardized agreement, traded on an exchange, to
Feedstock make or take delivery of a commodity at a known
raw material used in a processing plant. future date, at a price agreed upon at the time the
FERC agreement is made.
Federal Energy regulatory Commission. a U.s. federal
agency created in 1977 to regulate, among other G
things, interstate wholesale gas and transportation of
gas and electricity at just and reasonable rates. Gallon
located in Washington, DC, the FErC has jurisdiction Generally accepted across the oil industry to refer to
over interstate electricity sales, wholesale electric a U.s. Gallon. there are 42 U.s. gallons in a barrel.
rates, hydroelectric licensing, natural gas pricing, oil Gamma
pipeline rates, and gas pipeline certication. FErC is the rate of change in delta per unit change in the
an independent regulatory agency within the Depart- underlying instrument.
ment of Energy. Gasoil
Firm Gas an intermediate distillate product used for diesel fuel,
natural gas sold on a continuous basis for a dened heating fuel and sometimes as feedstock.
contract term. Gasoline
Firm Power Volatile motor fuel used in cars.
Electricity capacity intended to be available at all Generation
times during the period covered by a guaranteed com- the process of producing electricity by transforming
mitment to deliver, even under adverse conditions, but other forms of energy such as steam, heat or falling
subject to force majeure interruptions. Firm power water. also, the amount of electricity produced, expressed
consists of either rm energy, rm capacity, or both. in kilowatt-hours (kWh) or megawatt-hours (MWh).
Force Majeure Generator Capacity
Denotes circumstances beyond the control of a com- the maximum output, commonly expressed in mega-
pany, which force the breaking of a contract. watts (MW), that generating equipment can supply to
Forward Contract system load.
an agreement to make or take delivery of a commod- Grid
ity at a known future date, at a price agreed upon at the layout of a power transmission system on a
the time the agreement is made. synchronized transmission network.

HDD Kilowatt-Hour (KWh)

international Energy agency
HDD Index Swap
Heating Degree Days. a measure of how cold a loca- in the natural gas market in north america, index swaps
tion is over a period of time relative to a base temper- are often used to hedge against location price risk (a
ature, most commonly specied as 65 degrees form of basis risk). the seller receives a xed, or other-
Fahrenheit. the measure is computed for each day by wise determined, price and pays the buyer the pub-
subtracting the average of the days high and low tem- lished index value for natural gas from a specied location.
peratures from the base temperature (65 degrees), Integrated Energy Company
with negative values set equal to zero. Each day's an integrated energy company operates in all areas of
heating degree days are summed to create a heating the energy value chain.
degree day measure for a specied reference period. Interruptible Gas
Heating degree days are used in energy analysis as an Gas sold to customers with a provision that permits
indicator of space heating energy requirements or use. curtailment or cessation of service at the discretion of
Heat Rate the supplier.
a measure of eciency of a power generating unit. In-The-Money Option
Heavy Crude Oil an option which has intrinsic value. a put option is
Has an aPi gravity of less than 28 degrees. the lower in-the-money when its strike price is above the value
the aPi gravity, the heavier the oil. of the underlying futures contract. a call option is in-
Hedge the-money when its strike price is below the value of
the reduction of risk by covering anticipated commit- the underlying futures contract.
ments in the future through a swap, future or option IOC
contract, as a means to protect energy traders from international oil Company.
unexpected or adverse price uctuations. IPP
Henry Hub independent power producerUnregulated power
the standard delivery point for the nyMEX natural gas generators which, unlike utilities, have no franchised
futures contract in the Us (pipeline hub located on the retail service territories. Even a plant built by an investor-
louisiana Gulf Coast) where a number of interstate owned utility to serve its native retail load is not an iPP.
and intrastate pipelines interconnect through a header its still a utility plant. also, utilities that form aliates
system operated by sabine Pipeline. and build outside of their territories can be iPPs.
Historic Volatility ISO
the change in the absolute value of a commodity or independent system operator. an independent, federally
instrument over a certain period, expressed as a per- regulated entity established to coordinate regional
centage of the lowest price recorded in that period. transmission in a non-discriminatory manner and ensure
Hub the safety and reliability of the electric system.
a geographic location where multiple participants
trade services. K
Hydropower Plant
a plant in which the turbine generators are driven by Kilowatt
falling water. one kilowatt equals 1,000 watts. abbreviates to kW.
Kilowatt-Hour (KWh)
I the basic unit for pricing electric energy, equal to one
kilowatt of power supplied continuously for one hour
ICE (or the amount of electricity needed to light ten 100-
the intercontinental Exchange. watt light bulbs for one hour). one kWh equals 1,000
watt-hours. one kWh = 3.306 cu ft of natural gas.

Landed Cost, Crude Oil Moving Average

L Long Position
When a trader buys a commodity, in the hope that its
Landed Cost, Crude Oil value will go up, he/she is said to be long.
the price of crude oil at the port of discharge, includ_
ing charges associated with purchasing, transporting, M
and insuring a cargo from the purchase point to the
port of discharge. the cost does not include charges Margins
incurred at the discharge port (e.g., import taris or a deposit paid on a futures transaction. initial margin
fees, wharfage charges, and demurrage). is paid, followed by top-ups as the position develops.
Lifting Margins are paid to the exchange.
the act of loading petroleum or petroleum products Marginal Cost Pricing
at a terminal or transfer point. a system of pricing designed to ignore all costs except
Light Crude Oil those associated with producing the next increment
Has an aPi gravity higher than 33 degrees. the higher of power generation. sometimes referred to as incre-
the aPi gravity, the lighter the crude oil. mental cost pricing.
Light Ends Mark-to-Market
Group of petroleum products with the lowest boiling to revalue futures/option positions using current mar-
temperatures, including gasolines and distillate fuels. ket prices to determine prot/loss compared to cur-
Lignite rent market prices. the prot/loss can then be paid,
a type of brown coal with low heating value primarily collected, or simply tracked daily.
used for electricity generation. Market Risk
Liquefaction Facilities the risk that the value of an assetcommodity, energy
Facilities where natural gas is cooled down under high source, or energydecreases.
pressure to create lnG. Megawatt (mw)
LLS a unit of electrical power equal to one million watts or
light louisiana sweet. a Us crude oil. one thousand kilowatts.
LMP Megawatt-Hour (MWh)
locational Marginal Pricing. a method of pricing the cost one million watt-hours of electricity. a unit of electri-
of congestion into electricity prices. lMP aims to encour- cal energy which equals one megawatt of power used
age the ecient use of the transmission system by assign- for one hour.
ing costs to users based on the way energy is delivered. Mineral Rights
LNG the ownership of the minerals beneath the earth's sur-
liqueed natural gas. natural gas converted to a liquid face with the right to remove them. Mineral rights may
state by pressure and severe cooling, and then be conveyed separately from surface rights.
returned to a gaseous state to be used as fuel. lnG is MMbtu
moved in tankers, not via pipelines. lnG is predomi- one million British thermal units.
nantly methane and articially liqueed; not to be MMcf
confused with nGls (natural gas liquids). one million cubic feet of natural gas.
Load Mont Belvieu
the amount of electricity delivered or required at any Mont Belvieu, texas. the main propane trading hub
specic point or points on a system. the load of an along the United states Gulf Coast.
electricity system is aected by many factors and Moving Average
changes on a daily, seasonal, and annual basis, typi- the mean of prices over a pre-dened period, for
cally following a pattern. system load is usually meas- instance, the previous ve days. the moving average
ured in megawatts (MW). for dierent time periods can be charted to generate
short- and medium-term buy/sell signals.

Naked Option PADD


Naked Option Oer

a short option position in which the writer does not an indication of willingness to sell a specied amount
have the underlying commodity. of a commodity at a specic price.
Naphtha O-Peak Demand
straight-run gasoline fraction, often used as a petro- the time of the day when a power system would
chemical feedstock or blended further/mixed with experience its lightest load.
other materials to make high-grade motor gasoline or OPEC
jet fuel. the organization of the Petroleum Exporting Coun-
National Energy Board tries. Group of crude-producing countries which has
the Canadian regulatory body which oversees inter- used its collective weight of production since oPEC
provincial natural gas trade and pipelines. located in was founded in 1960 in an attempt to inuence oil
Calgary, alberta. prices. Member countries include: algeria, indonesia,
Natural Gas iran, iraq, kuwait, libya, nigeria, Qatar, saudi arabia,
naturally occurring gas, predominantly methane, but UaE, Venezuela.
usually contains some proportions of ethane, propane Open Interest
and butane. open interest is the number of open contracts on a
NERC given future or options contract. longs or shorts that
north american Electric reliability Corporation. a have not been closed out are oi. short-covering/
nonprot corporation formed in 2006 established to prot-taking will tend to reduce oi.
develop and maintain mandatory reliability standards Options
for the bulk electric system, with the fundamental goal a contract under which the writer of the option gives
of maintaining and improving the reliability of that system. someone the right but not the obligation to buy or sell
nErC consists of regional reliability entities covering an underlying commodity. options can be over-the-
the interconnected power regions of the contiguous counter or exchange-traded.
United states, Canada, and Mexico. OPIS
NGL oil Price information service.
natural gas liquids. Can include ethane, propane, butane, Out of the Money Option (OTM)
isobutane and natural gasoline/condensate. not to be an option with an exercise prices lower than the cur
confused with lnG, liqueed natural gas. lnG is arti- rent market level of the underlying instrument. such
cially liqueed methane, not the heavier fractions an option has no intrinsic value, but does have time
dened as nGls. value, as price changes in the underlying might bring
NOC it back into the money.
national oil Company. Over the Counter (OTC)
NWE Bilateral markets in which contracts for futures, op-
oil and petrochemicals market abbreviation for north- tions and swaps are written on a tailor-made basis.
west Europe.
new york Harborthe delivery point for the nyMEX
gasoline and heating oil contracts. PADD
NYMEX Petroleum allocation for Defense District. a group of
new york Mercantile Exchange. also known in the ve geographic areas in the Us used in reference to
energy industry as the ny Merc. petroleum distribution.

Peak Demand Regulatory Risk

Peak Demand Proved Undeveloped Reserves (PUD)

the maximum load during a specied period of time. Proved reserves that are expected to be recovered
Peak Load from new wells on undrilled acreage, or from existing
the maximum electrical load demand in a stated wells where a relatively major expenditure is required
period of time. on a daily basis, peak loads occur at for recompletion.
midmorning and/or in the early evening. Put Option
Peak Load Plant (Peaker) an option that gives the holder the right, but not the
a plant usually housing low-eciency, quick response obligation, to sell a specied quantity of the underly-
steam units, gas turbines, diesels, or pumped-storage ing at a xed price, on or before a specied date. the
hydroelectric equipment normally used during the max- grantor of the option has the obligation to take deliv-
imum load periods. Characterized by quick start times ery of the underlying instrument if the option is exercised.
and generally high operating costs, but low capital costs. Puts/Call Ratio
Peaking Capacity the ratio of puts to calls in an options market; often
Capacity of generating equipment normally reserved used as an indicator of investor sentiment.
for operation during the hours of highest daily, weekly,
or seasonal loads. R
Chemicals derived from petroleum; feedstocks for the Rack Price
manufacture of plastics and synthetic rubber. the price of petroleum products at a renery or whole-
Physical Delivery sale loading rack. rack-pricing is eectively cash and
Generally, the satisfaction of a commodity contract by carry at the rack.
physical delivery at a specic point. in the futures mar- RBOB
ket, the transfer of ownership of an underlying com- reformulated Blendstock for oxygenate Blending.
modity between a buyer and seller to settle a futures Blended with oxygenates to produced nished motor
contract following expiry. gasoline.
Posted Price Rened Products
outright, non-market-related price requested by a rened products are crude oil based products that
seller of crude oil or products. Eectively, the list price. have been rened in a renery. the products usually
Premium include gasoline, kerosene, distillates, liqueed petro-
the price paid by an option holder to an option grantor. leum gas, asphalt, lubricating oils, diesel fuels, and
Prompt residual fuels.
a prompt cargo describes a cargo available for imme- Renery, Oil
diate lifting (one to two days). a plant, usually comprising distillation units and a
Proved Developed Producing Reserves variety of additional specialist units, for the manufac-
Proved reserves that can be expected to be recovered ture of rened products from crude oil. See Refined
from currently producing zones under the continua- Products.
tion of present operating methods. Regasication Facility
Proved Reserves a facility that accepts deliveries of lnG and processes
those quantities of oil and gas, which, by analysis of it back to gaseous form for injection into the pipeline
geoscience and engineering data, can be estimated system.
with reasonable certainty to be economically pro- Regulatory Risk
duciblefrom a given date forward, from known reser- the risk associated with the potential for laws related
voirs, and under existing conditions, operating methods, to a given industry, country, or type of security to
and government regulationsprior to the time at change and impact relevant investments. also called
which contracts providing the right to operate expire. political risk.

Reverse Tolling Swap

Reverse Tolling Spread-Trading

When a gas pipeline recalls gas used for electric gen- Buying one instrument/commodity and selling an-
eration and diverts it to end-use markets when gas other, with a view to proting from the change in the
prices are higher than power prices. gap between the two markets.
Rho Stop-Loss Order
the rate of change of the value of an option with Buy or sell orders put in through a broker, which are
respect to the risk-free rate of interest. automatically triggered if the price moves above or
Roll Over below a certain level.
the transfer of a position from one futures period to Storage, Oil
another involving the purchase (sale) of the nearby typically onland tankage facilities for short- or long-
month and simultaneous sale (purchase) of a further- term storage of crude oil products.
forward month. Storage, Natural Gas
Facilities used to store natural gas which has been
S transferred from its original location. Usually consists
of natural geological reservoirs like depleted oil or gas
Settlement Price elds, underground salt domes, aquifers, or in rare
a price established at the close of a trading day used cases, abandoned mines.
to calculate the settlement of futures contracts. Straddle (long)
Short Position the simultaneous purchase of a put and a call option
When a trader sells a commodity he/she doesnt own, with dierent maturities. this is a bet that volatility will
with a view of buying it cheaper at a later date, he/she increase; the rise in the value of one option will oset
is said to be short. the non-productive premium paid by the other option.
Sour/Sweet Crude Straddle (short)
Denitions which describe the degree of a given crudes the simultaneous sale of a put and a call with dierent
sulfur content. sour crudes are high in sulfur, sweet maturities, with a view that volatility will decrease.
crudes are low. Strangle
Sour/Sweet Gas Buying call and buying put with the same maturity.
sour gas is natural gas which contains lethal hydrogen Strike Price
sulde, and must be puried before being injected into the price at which an option holder has the right to
a pipeline. sweet gas is gas found in its natural state buy or sell an underlying commodity and/or nancial
which does not need to be puried to remove sulfur- derivative.
bearing compounds. Sub-bituminous Coal
Spark Spread a type of coal whose properties are between lignite
the cost dierence of converting natural gas into elec- and bituminous coal. its primary use is power generation.
tricity. is a measure of potential prot for generating Swap
electricity on a particular day. an exchange of streams of payments over time ac-
Spot Market cording to specied terms of the contract. Generally
a market where the commodity being traded is for one party agrees to pay a xed price in return for
immediate delivery. receiving a oating price from another party. if the
SPR oating price rises, the buyer of the swap receives a
United states strategic Petroleum reserve. payment from the seller of the swap equal to the cur-
Spread rent market price minus the xed price of the swap. if
the dierence between two prices, either across time the oating price falls, the buyer of the swap pays the
or between commodities or instruments. seller of the swap the oating price of the swap minus
the current price of the swap.

- 10 -
Swaption Volatility

Swaption Transparent Pricing

an option to purchase (call swaption) or sell (put transparent pricing relates to the access to available
swaption) a swap at some future date. information on the trading of commodities and nan-
cial assets. Good transparency allows the public and
T other market participants to see the range of the
transaction prices, the transaction volumes, and the
Take-or-Pay prices and volume available for transactions.
a clause in an energy (natural gas, electricity, crude Turnaround, Renery
oil) supply contract which provides that a minimum scheduled events wherein an entire process unit is
quantity of energy be paid for, whether or not delivery taken oine for an extended period for revamp and/or
is accepted by the purchaser. renewal.
Unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal U
units (Btu).
Theta Unconventional Gas
the rate of change of the value of an option with natural gas that cannot be produced using current
respect to time. technologies.
Throughput Upstream
the volume of energy owing through a pipeline, ren- the part of the energy value chain focused on the ex-
ery or terminal. ploration and production of crude oil and natural gas.
Time Value USGC
the time component in a premium for an option. typ- Market abbreviation for United states Gulf Coast.
ically the time value of an option declines as it moves
closer to expiry. V
Tolling Arrangement
an arrangement whereby a party moves fuel to a VaR
power generator and receives kilowatt hours (kWh) in Value-at-risk. the Var of a portfolio is the worse loss
return for a pre-established fee. Under this contractual expected to be suered over a given period of time
arrangement, raw materials or intermediate products with a given probability. the time period is known as
stream from one company to the production facility of the holding period, and the probability is known as the
another company in exchange for the equivalent vol- condence interval. Var is not an estimate of the
ume of nished products and payment of a processing worst possible loss, but the largest likely loss. For ex-
fee. ample, a rm might estimate its Var over 10 days to
Tolling Fee be Us$100 million, with a condence interval of 95%.
a fee paid for use of electric generation assets used this would mean there is a 5% chance of a loss larger
to convert fuel to power. than Us$100 million in the next 10 days.
Transmission Vega
the network of high voltage lines, transformers and the rate of change of the value of an option with
switches used to move power from generators to the respect to the volatility of the underlying instrument
distribution system. also used to interconnect dier- (sometimes referred to as kappa).
ent utility systems and independent power producers Volatility
together into a synchronized network. transmission is the degree to which a particular price has uctuated
considered to end when the energy is transformed for in the past or is expected to in the future.
distribution to the consumer.

- 11 -
VPP WTI (West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil)

VPP Wet Gas

Volumetric Production Payment. VPPs are debt- natural gas containing signicant nGl components.
nancing structures in which the Buyer advances natural gasoline, butane, pentane and other light
funds to the seller in exchange for a non-operating in- hydrocarbons can be removed by chilling and pressure
terest that is paid from a specic portion of production. or extraction.
WTI (West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil)
W Wti crude is deemed to be traded at Cushing, okla-
homa. traders typically refer to the nyMEX light
Watt sweet Crude futures contract as the Wti contract.
a measure of real power production or usage equal to
one Joule per second. the rate of energy transfer
equivalent to one ampere owing under a pressure of
one volt.

1. Incisive Media. Commodity Risk Management and Trading Glossary, 2013.
2. Mercatus Energy Advisors. Energy Hedging & Risk Management Glossary, 2012.
3. North American Electric Reliability Corporation. Glossary of Terms Used in Reliability Standards, 2015.
4. PDC Energy. Glossary of Terms, 2015.
5. Standard & Poors. Volumetric Production Payment (VPP) Transactions.
6. US Energy Information Agency.
7. Vivek Chandra.
8. Wiley. Foundations of Energy Risk Management, 2009.

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