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AS 31 DEC 2015



Property, plant and equipment 3 631

Intangible assets 4 -
Investment properties 6 -
Investments in subsidiaries 7 1,128,699
Subordinated loan 15 54,300
Deferred tax assets 16 -
Reinsurance assets 11 -
Investments 8 6,540
Derivative financial assets 18 -
Current tax assets 89
Insurance receivables 9 -
other receivables, deposits and prepayments 10 6,673
Deferred acquisition costs 5 -
Cash and cash equivalents 25,365
total assets 1,222,297

Share capital
- ordinary Shares 19 169,309
- Irredeemable Convertible Preference
Shares 19 176,897
Reserves 20 651,237
total equity attributable to owners of the
company 997,443

Insurance contract liabilities 17 -
Deferred tax liabilities 16 29
Derivative financial liabilities 18 -
other financial liabilities -
Insurance payables 13 -
other payables and accruals 14 224,825
benefits and claims liabilities 12 -
Current tax liabilities -
total liabilities 224,854
total equity and liabilities 1,222,297
AS 31 DEC 2015

operating revenue 21 22,470

Gross earned premiums 22(a) -

Premiums ceded to reinsurers 22(b) -
net earned premiums -

Investment income 23 22,470

Realised gains and losses 24 (1)
Fair value gains and losses 25 -
Fee and commission income 26(a) -
other operating income 812
other income 23,281

Gross benefits and claims paid 27(a) -

Claims ceded to reinsurers 27(b) -
Gross change in contract liabilities 27(c) -
Change in contract liabilities ceded to
reinsurers 27(d) -
net benefits and claims -

Fee and commission expense 26(b) -

Management expenses 28 (3,043)
other operating expenses (2,533)
other expenses (5,576)

Profit before tax 17,705

Tax expense 29 (160)
Profit for the year 17,545
AS 31 DEC 2015


Profit for the year 17,545

other comprehensive income/(loss),
net of tax
items that will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
Revaluation of property, plant and equipment 20.2 -
Tax effects thereon 29.2 -
items that are or may be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss
Fair value of available-for-sale financial assets 8 -
Tax effects thereon 29.2 -
total other comprehensive income/(loss)
for the year, net of tax -
total comprehensive income for the year,
net of tax 17,545
Profit attributable to:
owners of the Company 17,545
Total comprehensive income attributable to:
owners of the Company 17,545
basic earnings per ordinary share (sen) 30(a) -
Diluted earnings per ordinary share (sen) 30(b) -
AS 31 DEC 2015

Share Preference Share revaluation fair value fun retained total

Capital Share Premium reserve reserve surplus earnings equity

at 1 January 2015 167,488 178,718 424,823 25,111 (14,493) 378,554 1,129,578 2,289,779
Revaluation of property, plant and
equipment - - - 8,947 - - - 8,947
Fair value of available-for-sale financial
assets - - - - 13,723 - - 13,723
Total other comprehensive income for
the year - - - 8,947 13,723 - - 22,670
Profit for the year - - - - - 70,550 238,321 308,871
total comprehensive income for
the year - - - 8,947 13,723 70,550 238,321 331,541
Contributions by and distributions to
owners of the Company
Conversion of Irredeemable
Convertible Preference Shares to
ordinary shares 1,821 (1,821) - - - - - -
total transactions with owners of
the company 1,821 (1,821) - - - - - -
at 31 December 2015 169,309 176,897 424,823 34,058 (770) 449,104 1,367,899 2,621,320
Note 19 Note 19 Note 20.1 Note 20.2 Note 20.3 Note 20 Note 20
AS 31 DEC 2015


cash flows from operating activities

Profit before tax 17,705
Adjustments for:
Investment income (22,470)
Interest expense 2,335
Realised gains recorded in profit or loss -
Fair value gains on financial investments recorded in profit
or loss -
Purchase of held-to-maturity (hTM) financial investments -
Maturity of hTM financial investments -
Purchase of available-for-sale (aFS) financial investments -
Maturity of aFS financial investments -
Proceeds from sale of aFS financial investments -
Purchase of designated upon initial recognition (DuIR)
financial investments -
Maturity of DuIR financial investments -
Proceeds from sale of DuIR financial investments -
Purchase of held for trading (hFT) financial investments -
Maturity of hFT financial investments -
Proceeds from sale of hFT financial investments -
Purchase of derivative financial investments -
Change in loans and receivables 4,739

non-cash items:
Change in fair value of investment properties -
Change in fair value of aFS financial assets -
unrealised foreign exchange losses -
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment 150
amortisation of intangible assets -
(Gain)/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment 1
loss on disposal of investment properties -
Impairment loss on aFS financial investments -
Property, plant and equipment written off 16
Insurance and other receivables:
- bad debts written off -
- (Reversal of)/allowance for impairment loss -
- bad debts recovered -
AS 31 DEC 2015

changes in working capital:
Change in reinsurance assets -
Change in insurance receivables -
Change in other receivables, deposits and prepayments 2,671
Change in deferred acquisition costs -
Change in insurance contract liabilities -
Change in other financial liabilities -
Change in insurance payables -
Change in other payables and accruals (9,826)
Change in benefits and claims liabilities -
cash (used in)/generated from operations (4,679)
Tax (paid)/refunded (179)
Dividends received 39,073
Interest income received 832
net cash from operating activities 35,047
investing activities
Investment in subsidiary -
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment 55
Proceeds from disposal of investment property -
acquisition of property, plant and equipment (577)
acquisition of intangible assets -
net cash used in investing activities (522)

financing activities
Dividends paid to owners of the Company (19,098)
Repayment of finance lease liabilities -
Interest paid (2,340)
net cash used in financing activities (21,438)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 13,087

Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 12,278
cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 25,365

cash and cash equivalents comprise:

Fixed and call deposits with licensed financial institutions
(with maturity of less than three months) 24,731
Cash and bank balances 634

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