OPT B1plus U01 Vocab Standard

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A: Yeah, sure. Ill take my best to ask

Adjectives with -able / -ible everyone. Ill let you know tomorrow.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct (5)
adjective form of the words in brackets. B: Great, then we can take to an agreement
1 Lets be . Nobody wants to argue. on Friday. (6)
(reason) Sam: Sounds good!
2 We have to do three hours of homework every
night its ! (terror) Words connected with technology
3 I dont find that story very . Doyou?
(believe) 4 Choose the correct words.
4 This jackets so its like having two 1 How much will it cost to fix / limit your broken
different jackets. (reverse) phone?
5 Some people think you cant be if 2 Paul loves buying electronic internet / gadgets.
you dont have the latest gadgets. (fashion) 3 Are you online / uploaded again? Youre always
6 Its OK to spend time online if youre using your laptop!
about it. (sense) 4 This website invites people to fix / post their
7 I dont like video games. I think theyre favourite photos for others to see.
. (horror) 5 It will cost too much to repair / limit the laptop
8 Its not to sit so close to the screen. well have to buy a new one.
(advise) 6 Its a good idea to switch / post off the computer
when you go out.
Collocations with come, do, make 7 Do you think we should fix / limit the amount of
time we spend on screens?
ortake 8 I like trying to turn / mend broken things like
2 Complete the sentences with the correct computers and phones.
form of come, do, make or take.
1 We have to an agreement about Unit round-up
what were going to do!
2 My parents always tell me to my 5 Choose the best word (A, B or C) to
best in tests. complete the text.
3 Finally, were some progress with
this work! Be screen safe
4 OK, I your point. You dont need to There are plenty of reasons why you should
say it again! (1) the amount of time you spend
on screens. First of all, there are the (2)
5 Have you to a decision about what
effects they can have on your eyes. Then, too
you want to study at university?
much screen time can stop you from (3)
6 Can you me a favour? I want to use progress with your studies. It can also affect your
your phone. sleep.
7 Sarah always her sisters advice and Technology is a great part of our lives, but we
shes never wrong! need to be (4) in the way we use it. So,
how much screen time is (5) ? Its a good
3 Find and underline six mistakes in the idea to (6) the experts advice
dialogue. Write the correct word in each gap. and limit it as much as possible. (7) your
A: Have you made to a decision about what best to find other activities to do get some
you want to do for your birthday? fresh air, read a book or meet up with a friend.
(1) And remember that you should (8) off all
electronics an hour or more before bed.
B: Well, Im doing progress. Im having some
friends round for a movie night on
1 A fix B switch C limit
Saturday, but I havent decided on the film
yet. I was thinking of the latest James 2 A admirable B terrible C advisable
Bond film. (2) 3 A making B doing C taking
A: Oh dear. I think most people have seen it. 4 A sensible B identifiable C reversible
B: Right. I come your point. Can you make 5 A accessible B reasonable C believable
me a favour and ask people what they 6 A take B come C make
want to see? You know help me choose.
(3) (4) 7 A Take B Make C Do
8 A upload B post C turn

Optimise B1+ Optimise B1+ Teachers Resource Centre Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017.
This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class.
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