G. Vocabulary. Vol. VI PDF

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Date: December 31th 2016

Source: Movie The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Word Translation Example

Protuberante, bulto.
Swelling Hinchazn, - That explains the swelling in his brain.
Grit strength, coraje, - Nobody's pissin' in your grits here, shel.
Haywire Chaotic I can give them a b and e gone haywire.
Peat Compost It's -- this is peat.
Congenital Innato It's not congenital.

Date: January 5th 2016

Source: Test A11 #1 and Reading IMDB, Sing Street and movie Dont Breathe

Word Translation Example

How long is it since Cunto tiempo ha
How long is it since he phoned you?
? pasado desde que?
Occur to [sb], pasar
It never dawned on her that her remarks
Dawn on [sb] por la cabeza,
could be offensive to others.
Around the country They are travelling around the country the
Por todo el pas
(along, through) next month.
From one side to the
Through Through a tunnel.
Along Over the length of Along a path.
Over Directly above Over a bridge.
Around At various places Around the world.
El tiempo dir, [sth] Whether or not the football player recovers
Time will tell (say)
will be revealed from his injuryonly time will tell.
Propose, suggest, The responsibilities were so overwhelming
Put forward [sth]
postularse that no-one wanted to put himself forward.
No matter which one,
Whichever Take a table or a booth, whichever you prefer.
cualquiera que sea
Lacking in flavour, The chocolate cake looked delicious, but it was
Tasteless (untasty)
soso, inspido disappointingly tasteless.
Carcajada Laughter helps people relieve stress.
To have no intention No tener la intencin I had no intention of bothering you.
of doing [sth] de hacer algo
Inclination: in favor,
Bias for [sth/sb] preferencia, His bias for attractive employees was obvious.
Film: child becomes
Coming-of-age adult, historia sobre That movie is a coming-of-age one.
la llegada a la adultez
Outcast Rejected, marginado Peter refuses to speak to his outcast son.
The old man lived in a small dwelling near the
Dwelling Vivienda, morada
Accountable for When a project fails, it's important to know
Responsable de
[sth] who is accountable.

Date: January 6th 2016

Source: Reading Dont breathe

Word Translation Example

Keep under
surveillance, The police staked out the suspect's house,
Stake out [sth]
mantener algo bajo hoping to catch him unawares.
Overpower, derrotar,
Subdue [sth/sb] Martha managed to subdue her attacker.
Podadora, Tijeras de I used pruning shears to cut back the rose
Pruning shears
podar bush.
Then beats him with a crowbar and knocks
Crowbar Palanca
him into the basement

Date: January 7th 2016

Source: Test A11 #2 and movie The Infiltrator and movie Swiss Army Man

Word Translation Example

How do you account for the fact that no one
Account for [sth] Explain, explicar
can confirm your alibi for that night?
Take account of Take into
You didnt take account of your wifes job.
[sth] consideration
The zoo kept a menagerie of endangered
Menagerie Collection of animals
African felines.
To Fall back on Rely on, resort to, Whenever I am in trouble, I know that I can
[sth/sb] informal, contar con always fall back on my friends and family.

el apoyo de
The children found the circus show
Enthralling enthralling and were speechless as they
Clerical worker assistant, There are five clerical workers working.
To Be refused entry
Negar la entrada We were refused entry that night.
(to someplace)
We're making our yearly visit to the
Yearly Annualy
grandchildren next week.
Comida sobrante,
Leftover food Would you finish up that leftover chicken?
Outstanding, without
Beyond comparison The beautiful scenery is beyond comparison.
equal, sin igual
Informal, spaceship,
Flying saucer Ive never seen a flying saucer.
platillo volante
Conrad's story was too far-fetched to be
Far-fetched believable. I find some of the characters he
writes about a little far-fetched.
To be on good terms In a friendly way,
I am on good terms with my boss.
with [sb] amistosamente

Nimble Astuto, sagaz We like to be nimble with our clients' cash.

Apron Mandril, delantal It's their fault I'm not wearing an apron,
Decide on [sth] Decidirse por algo We've decided on a date for our wedding.
Tell a secret, confiar, I already confided in Gloria. She's totally
Confide in [sb]
hacer una confidencia willing to help.
Dejar plantado, dar
Jilt [sb] calabazas, reject, Too bad you got jilted, you look so hot.

There was a gross smell coming from the

Gross Slang, disgusting
Informal, slightly I was a little tipsy and didn't want to say
drunk, alegre something I'd regret.
Song for sleeping,
Lullaby Erin sang a lullaby to her baby.
The corpse bemuses him with its incessant
Bemuse [sb] Confuse, desconcertar
Before GPS, ship captains used to use a
Compass Brjula
compass to find their way.
Completely, totally. Robert was thoroughly fed up after a day of
Exhaustively dealing with unruly teenagers.
They project a certain tragic fragility that adds
Heft Weight, peso
heft to the proceedings
Praise, elogio. Award, The director won a special accolade for his
premio achievements in film.

Date: January 10th 2016

Source: Reading Nocturnal Animals

Word Translation Example

Take away from
Mar [sth] (Marred) perfection, daar, The accident marred the painting.
arruinar (daada)
Job: do badly, hacer Turk has been fatally shot in a botched
Botch [sth]
una chapuza robbery.

Date: January 13th 2016

Source: Movie Certain Women and Movie George Harrison. Living in the Material World

Word Translation Example

The defendant instructed me to consume
Feces US, excrement, heces
It's important that he sees you as being his
Advocate Proponent, defensor
To make small
changes in a plan, if
Wiggle room I just wanted to give him some wiggle room.
they are needed,
margen de maniobra

Engredo, arrogante, What kind of a kid was George? He was cocky.

orgulloso A cocky little guy.
UK, slang, become "The shows have been going great, with
Go Potty
insane, volverse loco everybody going potty.
Make lovable, hacerse You know, he endeared himself to me at that
Endear [sb] to [sb]
querer point.
Endow [sb] with Give abilities, otorgar Each one of them seemed to be very well-
[sth] algo a alguien endowed with their own musical capacity.
Outspoken Person: honest, "It's better to be an outspoken atheist than a
without reservation, hypocrite."
Require, involve, There's nothing mystical about it, only that
Entail [sth]
conllevar, implicar you're ignorant of what that entails.
Material, terrenal, not Because there's something earthly holding
spiritual you back.

Date: January 14th 2016

Source: Reading and Use of English Test A11

Word Translation Example

You look at your safe haven on Earth and then
Haven Shelter, refugio
you turn around
I was also looking for a shop to rent where I
Salvaged Rescatado, salvado
could sell these salvaged items.
Una experiencia This can be a painful experience due to the
A painful experience
dolorosa fact that it involves
Overnight Suddenly Everything seemed to change overnight.
Poner los pies en Within 2000 years humans will set foot on
To set foot on [sth]
algn sitio Mars.
Relacionado con la The government promised their economic
economa policies would lower the national debt.
Econmico, que no
Some people just can't learn to be economical
Economical despilfarra dinero,
with money.
Fully developed, Jane needed a ripe understanding of her
maduro subject before beginning her doctorate.
Back pockets have remained a common
As in As como feature, too, as in the metal pins used
strengthen the jeans at certain points.

Date: January 15th and 16th 2016

Source: Mistakes or Vocabulary Use of English

Word Translation Example

Volver a encontrarse It was a pleasure to catch up with everyone at
Catch up with [sb]
con alguien the family reunion.
After his wife's death from cancer, he devoted
Devote [sth] to [sth] Dedicar algo a algo
himself to fundraising for cancer charities.
If we take that road, we'll have to pay a toll;
Toll Road fee, peaje
perhaps we should try an alternative route.
Replace [sth] with Reemplazar algo por I finally replaced my old typewriter with a
[sth] algo computer.
Substitute [sth] for Reemplazar algo por She substituted wheat flour for white flour
[sth] algo when she made the cookies.
By Sharp point,
Prick [sth] The pin pricked Martha's finger.
pinchar (el dedo)
Convince [sb] of He had finally convinced his customers of the
[sth] advantages of his product.
The soldier, stripped of his promotion, was
Stripped of [sth] Privado de algo
feeling very sorry for himself.
He often gets lost because he never pays
Road signs (signals) Seales de trafico
attention to the road signs.
Fall over Tropezar He's so clumsy that he fell over his own feet.
Emma didn't want to get sunburn, so she sat in
Shade Sombra
the shade.
Swerve Cambiar de direccin I swerved to avoid hitting a deer.
I need to look up a number in the telephone
Telephone directory Gua telefnica

Rociar (perfume,
Spray [sb] with [sth] Patrick sprayed the table with polish.
Plazos, cuotas para The loan will be repaid in four equal
(in) Instalment(s)
pagar algo installments.
To look down on Menospreciar, mirar
It is wrong to look down on people less
[sb] To talk down por encima del
fortunate than yourself.
to [sb] hombro
Marcy had toast and a small bunch of grapes
A bunch of [sth] Un racimo de
for breakfast.
Espectador de un
The crime scene was surrounded by police,
Onlooker accidente, testigo
journalists, and onlookers.
To Start studying Empezar a estudiar I should start studying tomorrow morning.
To keep an eye on Echarle un ojo a algo, When cooking soufles, you need to keep an
[sth] vigilar eye on them so they don't fall.
To be cut out (for Estar hecho para algo,
She was never cut out to be a doctor.
[sth]) / (to do [sth]) suitable
Its high time [sb] Ya es hora de que It's high time I went to the doctor; I've
did [sth] hagas algo postponed it four times.
So as to, Hacer algo en
To do [sth] with a I worked hard with a view to applying to a
vistas de algo, con un
view to [sth] good university.
To have a chance to Tener la oportunidad Will I ever have a chance to meet him in
do [sth] de hacer algo person?
To improve the overall quality of our milk, we
To do away with Eliminar, abolish,
wanted to do away with the use of antibiotics
[sth] abolir, quitar (do .)
on our cows.
Encontrar tiempo
To get round to I never get round to surfing the Internet at
para hacer algo
(doing) [sth] night.
(get )
I should drop a line to my brother because I
To drop [sb] a line Send a message
haven't written him in a long time.
When I told my boss what had happened he
To hit the roof Get angry
hit the roof.
Call off [sth] Suspender algo The town's annual picnic was called off (put
(put off [sth]) (posponer algo) off) due to rain.
I would sooner do
Prefiero hacer algo
[sth] than do [sth] I would sooner watch football than play it.
( sooner )
To make (take) To head, ir a algn
I made my way to the exit.
[sb]s way sitio ( way)
To take the place of I took the place of the chairman the last
[sb] meeting.
To pay notice to Estar atento de algo I never pay notice to the signs when I am
[sth] ( notice) driving.
Malestar, The doctor gave the patient some painkillers
incomodidad to help ease the discomfort.
Height (heigth) Altura No, measure the width, not the height.

Date: January 17th 2017

Source: Mistakes Use of English

Word Translation Example

Popular with [sb] Popular entre alguien Watching TV is very popular with children.
Todo lo posible You can call me every name under the sun, but
Under the sun
( sun) it doesn't change the situation one bit.
Sense Sensitive Sentido Sensible My neck is sensitive and gets irritated easily.
To mistook [sth] for Confundir algo con
I mistook my bar for hers.
[sth] else otra cosa
Tuna /tjun/ Atn I like eating sandiwhces with tuna inside.
He met his death two years ago, in a plane
To meet your death Morir (.. death)
Seguir haciendo, He went on to develop his first aero-engine in
To go on to do [sth]
continuar haciendo 1915.

Date: January 18th 2017

Source: Movie Your Name

Word Translation Example

Sorry, regretful, They acted apologetic but I don't think they
arrepentido really cared.
Superar, mejorar,
Outdo [sb] The cook outdid himself last night.
Help to survive, sacar
Tide [sb] over This money will tide us over for now.
de un apuro
Upon meeting the man who had saved his
Wring [sth] Apretar, estrujar, grip
wife's life, John grasped his hand and wrung it.

Date: January 21th 2017

Source: Mistakes Use of English and movie Arrival

Word Translation Example

If you want to be an estate agent, you should
Estate agent Agente inmobiliario
first do a course on how to sell property.
Payment for
Fee admission. The admission fee to the zoo is cheap.
Let [sth] to [sb] Lease, rent He let the apartment for $1000 per month.
Valueless Sin valor This valueless pen is useless.
This priceless heirloom belonged to my great-
Priceless Incalculable
Stand up. Occur,
To arise (from [sth]) result (a problem, a Several complications arose from the surgery.
V. transitivo, levanter,
Raise = Lift [sth] We raised the beach umbrella by six inches.
V. intransitivo,
Rise levanter, subir, crecer The stock market rose 2% today.
en valor
A cualquier coste, a At all costs, you must finish the work by
At all costs
cualquier precio Friday.
Cancel: services; Tomorrow's match has been called off because
Cancel =/ Call off Call off: sports event, of the icy weather.
meeting To cancel a magazine subscription.
Helping Food: service, porcin I'd like a large helping of apple pie.
Its a common sight to see young people at the
A common sight Algo comn
shopping mall in the mornings.
Are you ready for the main course? Weve
Course Part of the meal, plato
ordered a three-course meal.
Derramar, vertir un
Rachel knocked the glass over and spilled the
Spill =/ Pour milk that was inside it.
Servir un liquid
The chemist poured the liquid into the beaker.
Audience: hearers,
music concert, play, The spectators were amazed to witness a
Audience =/ movie, television. grand slam.
Spectators Spectator: stadium, The audience applauded when the
event, spectacle, performance ended.
The students were disappointed when their
Yet another One more, otro ms
teacher did yet another boring lesson
To steal == To be The robbers stole her savings.
Robar, ser robado
robbed She was robbed of her savings.
To wish [sb] would Desear que alguien
I wish you would stop shouting at me.
do [sth] deje de hacer algo
Estar arrepentido de
To be sorry that [sb] I was sorry that I hadnt been able to take out
haber hecho algo
Had done [sth] the rubbish.
To make a name for Hacerse famoso, She made a name for herself after performing
yourself become famous in that theatre.
The young man claimed to be her long-lost
To claim to do [sth] Decir (claim)
Id rather do [sth] Prefiero una cosa
Id rather have pizza than anything else.
than do [sth] else antes que otra
To come down with
Coger un resfriado I last came down with a cold years ago.
(a cold)
There has been a Ha habido un Theres been a rise in the amount of food sold
rise in [sth] incremento en algo in this shop.
No haba casi
There was hardly
ningn (EN There was hardly any table in the restaurant.
any [sth]

The butcher gave Tom a prime cut of beef.

Prime Best, excellent This is prime real estate; it's a good

Date: January 22th 2017

Source: Mistakes Use of English

Word Translation Example

To be similar TO This painting is very similar to one painted by
Ser parecido a algo
[sth] Titian.
Bring: al lugar donde
est el que lo dice. "Bring some food to the party at my house."
Bring =/ Take Take: coger algo y "I'm going to take some cake to Paul's house
llevarlo al sitio que for his birthday party."
To lose touch with Perder el contacto
She has lost touch with her childhood friends.
[sb] con alguien

Date: January 24th 2017

Source: Book Advance Grammar in Use

Word Translation Example

To exercise the muscles of your upper back,
Shoulder blade Omoplato
pull your shoulder blades together.
Eugene arranged the breakfast things on a
Tray Bandeja
tray and took it upstairs.
Impressive, Adele's striking beauty made men fall at her
noticeable. En huelga feet.
A repeated event or a
Many a +[singular Many a pupil at the school will be pleased that
large number of
noun] Latin is no longer compulsory.
people or things
To be Bound to do Estar seguro, more You left your wallet on the table; someone was
[sth] likely to do [sth] bound to steal it.

Date: January 28th 2017

Source: Reading and Book #4

Word Translation Example

I'm trying to fill all the gopher burrows on my
Burrow Madriguera
Knowing that everyone was watching made
Self-conscious Cohibido
me feel very self-conscious.
Every now and then De vez en cuando I play football every now and then.
Own = belongs to you, Jane is carrying everything she possesses in
Own // Possess //
you have bought it, the bag on her back. She also possesses a good
non-personal. sense of humor.
Possess = you dont This chemical possesses several compounds.
need to own it,
something close to
I thought Evan really wanted to take the class;
Baffle [sb] Confundir, mistify
it baffles me that he didn't.
Slight idea, Amy had a hunch that something was wrong
premonicin when her sister called in the middle of the day.
Their explanation of the phenomenon simply
Plausible Believable, verosmil
isn't plausible.
Conscientious Meticuloso Ken's work is always very conscientious.
I tried to cram all my clothes into one suitcase,
Cram [sth] Meter, apiar
but then I couldn't shut it.
Refresh knowledge, Janice joined the course to brush up on her
Brush up on [sth]
repasar maths skills.
Discover something
I have hit upon a great way to save money:
Hit upon [sth] by chance, ocurrirse
stay in bed all day!
Think carefully about
He paused to mull over his various options
Mull over [sth] something, darle
before making a decision.
Read up (on/about) documentarse, I read up about Egypt before finishing my
[sth] estudiarse algo a degree.
Invent, devise an Hey Jane, I just thought up a solution to your
Think up [sth]
excuse, for example problem!
Compromise, lograr Which is more important, productivity or
Strike a balance
un equilibrio quality? It's a question of striking a balance.
On the basis that its Sunday, the supermarket
On the basis that Sobre la base de que
cant be open.
To ask someone who
Pick [sb]s brain knows a lot about a I was picking Simon's brains about
(about [sth]) subject for which computer to buy
I had the brainwave of using apricots instead
Brainwave Informal, good idea
of dates, and the cake was delicious.
The Apple computer was the brainchild of
Brainchild Idea, invento
Steve Jobs.
It was a foregone Predictable, estaba It was a foregone conclusion that Manchester
conclusion cantado United would win the match.
Bias: positive or
Bias /= Prejudice negative, compared to We should distinguish between prejudice
against [sth] any other, natural against people and active discrimination.
Prejudice: negative,
Ponder on/over Reflexionar, think
I cant stop pondering over it.
[sth] deeply
Understand, pillar, Gerald couldn't grasp the complicated concept
Grasp [sth]
coger that his teacher was trying to explain.
Understand, deducir, I gather you're not interested in going out
Gather [sth]
entender tonight.

Date: January 29th and 30th and 31th 2017

Source: Test A12 #5

Word Translation Example

To try to do somethin
To have a crack at g although you are no He didnt win the tennis championships, but he
[sth] t certain that you will plans to have another crack at in the next year.
We want you to get the most out
To get the most out Sacar el mximo
of our products and have a positive experience
of [sth] partido a algo
when dealing with LTC.
Billy stood crossly at the top of the stairs and
Crossly Con ira, angry
stomped his foot.
Variation: chance Three-player chess is a variation of chess in
Variety: a group of which three people play against each other.
Variation =/ Variety
things that have same There was a huge variety of food to choose
qualities from.
To have (the) Tener suficiente
I didnt have enough strength to lift the box.
enough strength fuerza
To warn [sb]
Avisar de algo a I warned them against crossing the park alone
alguien at night.
(doing) [sth]
Existencia His existence is awful.
Sarajevo was the starting point of the First
Starting POINT Punto de partida
World War.
When I must choose between coffee and tea, I
Latter Mentioned second
prefer the latter.
Probability present: must; [might,may,could]; cant.
Probability past: must have; [might have, may have, could have]; cant have.
Advantage: desirable An advantage is a good feature or quality that
Advantage =/ quality. something has.
Benefit Benefit: helpful result A benefit is an advantage you get from a
or effect situation.

Shout/Scream Farther/further Hard/Hardly

Dinner/Supper/Meal/Snack Fee/fare/tax Carpet/mat/rug

Classic/Classical Intelligent/Smart/Clever Holiday/Vacation

Custom/Habit Also/as well/Too Convince/Persuade

Girl/Lady/Woman On/In/At Apology/Excuse

Shade/Shadow In time/On time Actual/present/current/presently

Grow up/Bring up/Raise In the nick of time Deadly/Fatal/Lethal

May/Might Wake/awake/sleep/asleep Beach/coast/shore

All/Whole/Every Rob/Thief/Steal Accurate/exact/precise

Automobile/car/vehicle Disease/Illness Angry/Upset

Die/dead/died Alllow/let/permit Award/reward/prize


Travel / Trip / Journey /

View/Sight World/Earth
Voyage / Excursion
Territory/Area Season/Period Fare/Ticket/Fee
Miss/Lose Bring/Take/Go Keep/Book
Arrive/Reach Live/Stay Border/Line/Edge
Length/Distance Guide/Lead Native/Home

Tourist season Temporada de

It can be quite busy during the tourist season.
(period) turistas
To fall head over
Enamorarse After knowing him for just two weeks I'd fallen
heels [for[sb]]/[in
perdidamente head over heels.
love with [sb]]
A bote pronto, sin
Off the top of my Off the top of my head, I can't remember the
pensarlo mucho,
head name of that actor.
I always work bank holidays I get paid
Bank holiday Fiesta nacional
Arrange for [sb] to Organizar, make They arranged for a babysitter to take care of
do [sth] preparations the children.
For MTV, the original idea of music television is
A distant memory Un recuerdo lejano
a distant memory.
Mirar con desagrado, Be careful about sneering at someone; your
Sneer at [sth/sb]
make scornful face at face could freeze that way.
Become stuck,
Lodge (v.i.) A piece of paper lodged in the printer.
atascarse, alojarse
Informal, Volar,
The tickets were snapped up the morning they
To be snap up venderse muy rpido,
were put on sale.
sacar de las manos
Lush Vegetation: abundant The valley was filled with lush vegetation.
To sob your heart
To cry very much That child is always sobbing is heart out!
Agitado, agitated, Dana was frantic when she heard that a
anxious hurricane would hit the city.
Hard work will wear you out if you do not take
Wear [sb] out Exhaust, agotar, tire
Excursin, viaje,
Outing I think it's too cold for an outing today.
Win over [sb] Persuade They used MTV to win over fans.

Date: February 2nd and 3rd and 4th 2017

Source: Test A12 #7

Word Translation Example

In the dim light, Alison could just make out the
Dim Tenue, sombro
shapes of the furniture in the room.
While mom and dad have dinner, the baby is
Nursery Cuarto del beb
sleeping in the nursery.
Achievement, hazaa,
Feat The new building was a feat of engineering.
Exclude = not include
Exclude =/ Avoid Avoid = stay away I exclude meat in my diet for health reasons.
You can use tinned tomatoes in place of fresh
In place of En lugar de, instead of
ones in this recipe.
To comment on
Comentar algo She refused to comment on the allegations.
Have/Start a family Formar una familia Id like to graduate and then have a family.
Meet with sbs Estar con la The new law seemed to meet with everyones
approval aprobacin de alguien approval.
He rounded off his speech with a joke, leaving
Round off [sth] Rematar, end
the audience in a good mood.
An attempt at doing In intento de hacer His first attempt at producing a mouse was in
[sth] algo 1964.
A household name Un nombre conocido He became a household name 10 years ago.
I've never actually seen the Grand Canyon up
High above Desde lo alto close; I've only seen it from high above in an
Talk [sb] into doing Persuade [sb] to do I talked my mum into letting me go to the
[sth] [sth] concert.
To make a point of
To be important I always make a point of arriving on time.
Put [sb] through to Poner al telfono a
Operator, could you put me through to Mr Jan?
[sb] alguien

Una perspectiva de Its giving historians fresh insights into trade
An insight into [sth]
algo and diet in the ancient world.

Date: February 20th 2017

Source: Book Cosmos

Word Translation Example

Abarcar, incluir, The reorganization plan encompasses all
Encompass [sth]
include employees.
We'll have to wade through the stream to get
Wade Walk through water
back to the car.
Dampen [sth] Its enough to dampen our toes or, at least
Odds Probability These odds are called compelling.
Compelling The court did not find the evidence compelling.
From this vantage you can see all the way
Vantage Viewpoint. Advantage
down the beach.
The performers strewed candy at the end of
Strewn [sth] Scatter, esparcir
the show.
Informal, estar bien I have a few dollars tucked away for a rainy
Be Tucked away
guardado, obscured day.
Lleno de, containing
Brimming with [sth] The glass was brimming with champagne.
Speck Small spot, manchita Tony noticed a speck of dirt on his trousers.
Feebly Weakly, dbilmente Shining feebly by
The hairs on Steve's head had become
Sparse Escaso, disperse
increasingly sparse over the years.
That flimsy jacket won't be warm enough when
Flimsy Delgado, ligero
the sun goes down.
The weary travelers thought they could see a
Glimmerings Destello, parpadeo
glimmering in the distance.
I wanted the big piece of chicken, but my
Puny Very small, diminuto
parents gave me the puny one.
Irrisorio, The hotel workers earned a paltry wage for
insignificante their hard work.
Multitud, A swarm of people stood in front of the
muchedumbre embassy, waving banners in protest.
Poignantly Poignantly beautiful and rare
Garner [sth] Conseguir, obtener, She garnered praise from all her colleagues for
ganar working so hard. When you can garner enough
support, put the idea forward.
Musings And his musings on that subject
Dead reckoning and followed coastlines as far
Dead reckoning Informal, clculo a ojo
Rose's daring attempt to cross the canyon on a
Daring Osado, temerario
tightrope was a success.
Sorprendente The startling rise in crime worries parents in
Startling prescience
premonicin the area.
My mother's harsh criticism obliterated my
Obliterate [sth] Destroy, arrasar
Tom lived in a lavish apartment in the center of
Lavish Esplndido, generoso
Dank Fro y hmedo Greg decided not to rent the dank apartment.
Dominar, tener The political advisor holds sway over the mind
Hold sway
influencia of the President.
Stuart is quickly irritated by humdrum tasks
Humdrum Montono, aburrido
and craves excitement.
Mite caro The rat was covered in little mites.


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