All About Me Survey

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All About Me Survey

Name: Nathan Jendreas


People I live with: Mom,Dad,Sister

Pets I have: none

If I had one wish it would be: to have two million dollars

If I had a million dollars, I would: buy a nice car

One thing that Im really good at:sports

After I graduate high school, to be a pizza man

One place Id like to visit: Disney world

Something else you should know about me: I play sports

My All-Time Favorites (Answer at least 10 of them for your Website)

1. Candy

2. Movie spiderman

3. Song Enter sandman

4. Musical group Yoo gabba gabba

5. Color red

6. Car White van

7. Professional athletic Da bears


8. Actor/Actress John Cena

9. Board game/video Call of duty black ops 2


10. TV show Scooby doo

11. Outdoor activity Take a walk

12. Hobby Sleep

13. Book none

14. Other

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