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Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Home Office: Cedar Rapids, IA

Administrative Office: 4333 Edgewood Road NE
Cedar Rapids, IA 52499

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Policy form UL04 0607

Designed for
Valued Client


Depending on the state of issue, Your Policy may be an individual Policy or a certificate issued under a group Policy. The Policy is subject to the
insurance laws and regulations of each state or jurisdiction in which it is available for distribution. All state specific Policy features will be described in
Your Policy.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 1 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Narrative Summary
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000
Basic Life Insurance Illustration
Universal Life This illustration is provided to help You understand the life insurance Policy identified above. This illustration is based on
Form # information that You provided and on certain assumptions, some of which are not guaranteed. This illustration assumes that
UL04 0607 the currently illustrated Non-Guaranteed Elements will continue unchanged for all years shown. This is not likely to occur,
(May vary by state) and actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown.
The Freedom Accumulation UL is a Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy. This Individual Life Insurance
Policy will provide a Death Benefit if the Insured dies while the Policy is In Force. The actual amount payable in the event
of death will be decreased by any Indebtedness to the Company. Premium payments are flexible and the owner may change
the amount and frequency of premium payments.
This illustration, or any other illustration, is not considered a proper written request for Policy changes, termination of
benefits, or election of options to purchase additional insurance.

Premium The premium outlay is the amount of premium which is planned to be paid during the lifetime of this Policy. The first year
Outlay premium outlay is $8,040.00. The amount of premium that may be paid is subject to any applicable limits set by Section
7702 of the Internal Revenue Code.
This illustration assumes that all premium payments are made as planned. The amount, timing and frequency of premium
payments will affect the Policy Value and length of coverage.
Different levels of premium payments will result in different levels and periods of benefits. The premium that will guarantee
coverage of at least the guaranteed minimum death benefits for the face amount and Death Benefit Option illustrated along
with cash values for the duration of the contract is $8,447.52. This premium amount reflects the payment mode that you
have chosen, and any lump sum contributions.

Minimum Your initial Minimum Monthly Premium is $271.78. The Minimum Monthly Premium may change depending on changes
Monthly to Your Policy or riders. If the sum of the premium, less loans and withdrawals, equals or exceeds the sum of all Minimum
Premium Monthly Premiums beginning with the Policy date, Your Policy will not enter the grace period for the duration shown unless
accumulated loans exceed the Policy Value. The guarantee period You have selected is to age 65.

No-Lapse Payment of the minimum no-lapse premium assures that the Policy will remain in force during the guarantee period. The
Guarantee Specified Amount will be guaranteed regardless of Policy Value during the guarantee period, provided that the cumulative
Minimum Monthly No Lapse Premium requirements are met.
Issue Age No Lapse Period(years)
0-35 20
36-45 20
46-50 19 grading to 15
51-55 14 grading to 10
56-65 9 grading to 5
66-75 5
76-85 5
During the No Lapse Period, the Policy will not lapse even if the Net Surrender Value on any Monthly Date is insufficient to
pay for the monthly deduction due, as long as the premiums paid (net of outstanding loans and/or withdrawals) meet or
exceed the cumulative Minimum Monthly Guarantee Premium requirements to date.
If You take a cash withdrawal or a loan, if You increase or decrease Your specified amount, if You change the death benefit
option, or if You add, increase or decrease a rider, You may need to pay additional premiums in order to keep the no lapse
guarantee in effect. If the requirements of the No Lapse Guarantee are not met and the net surrender value is not enough to
meet the monthly deductions, a grace period will begin and the Policy will lapse unless sufficient payment is made.
Allowing the Policy to lapse and terminate may result in adverse tax consequences.
After the no-lapse period or if the cumulative Minimum Monthly No Lapse Premium requirements are not met, then
fluctuations in interest rates and/or Policy charges may require the payment of additional premiums to keep the Policy in
force. Guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company.

Death This illustration initially provides a Level Death Benefit as described in the Policy. The initial Death Benefit provided is
Benefit assumed to be $500,000. The actual amount payable at death may be decreased by Policy withdrawals or outstanding loans,
or increased by additional insurance benefits purchased.
This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 2 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Narrative Summary
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Specified An amount used to determine the Net Death Benefit. The Policy owner may increase the Specified Amount after the first
Amount Policy Anniversary. Decreases are available only after the third Policy Anniversary.

Death Benefit Either an Increasing or Level Death Benefit is available. Subject to certain restrictions. In addition, You may change Death
Option Benefit options after the first Policy Year.
Increasing Death Benefit: The Death Benefit is the greater of the Specified Amount plus the Policy Value or the minimum
death benefit under the applicable life insurance compliance test.
Level Death Benefit: The Death Benefit is the greater of the Specified Amount or the minimum death benefit under the
applicable life insurance compliance test.

Monthly Each Monthly Deduction consists of Monthly Cost of Insurance, the Administrative Charge, the General Charge, any
Deduction premium for additional benefits provided by riders and any charges for substandard premium Class rating.

Policy This is the amount of value, in this insurance Policy, before the deduction of Surrender Charges, if applicable. Policy Value
Value is shown on a Guaranteed Basis and on a Current Basis.

Cash Surrender The amount available to the Policy owner upon surrender of the Policy, or on the maturity date, provided the Insured is
Value living. The Cash Surrender Value will be affected by loans or withdrawals.

Interest The interest rate credited to Your Policy Value can be changed by the Company but not below the Guaranteed rate of 4.00%.
The Current Interest Rate is 4.50%.
If in years 11 and later the Current Interest Rate is greater than the Guaranteed Interest Rate, an additional 0.60% will be
credited to the Policy. It will not be applied to the portion of the Policy Value equal to any outstanding loan.

Rider Description(s)
Other The benefits below are automatically included within the base Policy.

Terminal Terminal Illness Accelerated Death Benefit Rider: Allows the policyowner to accelerate the death benefit if the insured
Illness becomes terminally ill. Terminal illness is determined by a condition resulting from injury or illness which has reduced life
Accelerated expectancy to not more than 12 months (not more than 24 months in GA, IL, MA, TX and WA) from the date of the
Death Benefit physicians statement. The policys benefits and values will be reduced proportionally in accordance with the benefits
Rider advanced under this rider. The maximum amount of lifetime benefits that can be accelerated for an insured is 100% of the
initial face amount or $500,000, whichever is less. Benefits may be subject to taxation.

Nursing Care Nursing Care Surrender Option Rider: If the Insured has been confined in a licensed Hospital or licensed Nursing Facility
Surrender for thirty (30) consecutive days, or has been diagnosed with a terminal condition with a life expectancy of one (1) year or
Option Rider less, then partial withdrawals as referenced in Your Policy are permitted without surrender charges. Proof of eligibility must
be received within ninety (90) days of confinement, not to exceed (1) year following the date that confinement has ceased.

Riders provide additional benefits and increase the Monthly Deduction. Additional deductions will decrease the Policy Value unless higher premiums
are paid. Periodically, You should review any riders to see if they continue to meet Your needs. The following riders are included in this illustration.
Current premiums shown are for the first year only, and may vary thereafter.

WP Monthly Benefit Waiver of Premium Benefit Rider: This extra benefit rider provides for waiver of premium in the event of the total
$670.00 disability continuously for at least six months as defined in the rider Policy. Unless the Insured is disabled, the rider will
Stop Year:13 Terminate on the Policy Anniversary following the Insureds 60th birthday. Premiums for this rider remain level as long as
Monthly Charge: it remains In Force and the rider benefit is unchanged.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 3 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Narrative Summary
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000
Definitions of Key Terms and Column Headings
Administrative Charge means an expense charge that will be deducted from the Policy Value each month.

Age means the Insured's Age at the Insured's last Birthday, unless otherwise stated.

Class means the risk Class of the proposed Insured used in preparing this illustration. The actual Class will be determined when the application is
underwritten and may vary from the illustrated Class. If so, a revised illustration will be delivered with the Policy.

Cost of Insurance means the amount the Company charges for providing life insurance coverage under the base Policy. The Cost of Insurance Rates
may be changed by the Company. Any change in the Cost of Insurance Rates will be on a uniform basis for Insureds of the same Class.

Current Assumptions illustrate the values that would result assuming Current Interest Rates and Current Cost of Insurance Rates. These
assumptions are not guaranteed.

General Charge means an expense charge, based upon the Specified Amount, that will be deducted from the Policy Value each month.

Guaranteed Assumptions illustrate the values that would result assuming Guaranteed Interest Rates and Guaranteed Cost of Insurance Rates.

Guaranteed Elements are the benefits, values, credits and charges that are guaranteed at issue.

Midpoint Assumptions illustrate the values that would result assuming Interest Rates and Cost of Insurance Rates that are the average of the current
and guaranteed rates. These assumptions are not guaranteed.

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions illustrate the values that would be generated using Current or Midpoint Assumptions. These assumptions are not

Non-Guaranteed Elements means the premiums, benefits, values, credits or charges under the illustrated Policy that are not guaranteed or cannot be
determined at issue. Non-Guaranteed Cost of Insurance Rates, Administrative Charges, Premium Expense Charges and Current Interest Rates are
subject to change by the Company.

Expense Charge is a percentage of each premium payment that is deducted from the Policy Value.

The illustrated Interest Rate of 4.50% used in this illustration is the current Interest Rate declared by the Company.

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 4 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Numeric Summary
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000
Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed Assumptions
Assumptions Midpoint Current
Premium Cash Surrender Death Cash Surrender Death Cash Surrender Death
Year Outlay Value Benefit Value Benefit Value Benefit
5 $8,040 $14,862 $500,000 $18,100 $500,000 $21,358 $500,000
10 $8,040 $45,915 $500,000 $54,913 $500,000 $63,976 $500,000
20 0 $88,575 $500,000 $135,765 $500,000 $184,305 $500,000
Age 70 0 $76,003 $500,000 $141,682 $500,000 $209,052 $500,000

Based on Guaranteed Assumptions, the illustration Terminates in year 31.

Based on Midpoint Assumptions, the illustration Terminates in year 41.

The Guaranteed column shows values and benefits provided assuming guaranteed interest of 4.00% and charges at the maximum guaranteed rate.

The Midpoint column shows values assuming an interest rate of 4.25%, which is midway between the guaranteed and current rate, and uses an average
of the current and guaranteed charges.

The Current column shows values and benefits assuming current interest of 4.50%, and that current charges will remain in effect throughout the life of
the Policy.

The Midpoint and Current columns assume Non-Guaranteed Elements will continue unchanged for all years shown. This is not likely to occur, and
actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown. The Non-Guaranteed Elements are subject to change by the Company. Future changes
to the Non-Guaranteed Elements by the Company will depend on factors such as death claims, investment earnings, administrative expenses and
overhead costs.

I have received a copy of this illustration, and understand that this illustration assumes that the currently illustrated Non-Guaranteed Elements will
continue unchanged for all years shown. This is not likely to occur, and actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown. The Agent has
told me that the results are not guaranteed.

Applicant Date

I have informed the applicant or Policy owner that this illustration assumes that the currently illustrated Non-Guaranteed Elements will continue
unchanged for all years shown. This is not likely to occur, and actual results may be more or less favorable than those shown.

Authorized Company Representative Date

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 5 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Tabular Detail
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Guaranteed Assumptions
Guaranteed Interest of 4.00%
End of Policy Year
Planned Cash Net
Premium Cumulative Policy Surrender Death
Age Year Outlay* Premium Value Value Benefit
48 1 8,040 8,040 4,756 0 500,000
49 2 8,040 16,080 9,598 0 500,000
50 3 8,040 24,120 14,516 2,931 500,000
51 4 8,040 32,160 19,502 8,757 500,000
52 5 8,040 40,200 24,542 14,862 500,000
53 6 8,040 48,240 29,623 21,017 500,000
54 7 8,040 56,280 34,740 27,214 500,000
55 8 8,040 64,320 39,890 33,440 500,000
56 9 8,040 72,360 45,052 39,676 500,000
57 10 8,040 80,400 50,211 45,915 500,000
58 11 8,040 88,440 55,359 52,129 500,000
59 12 8,040 96,480 60,493 58,338 500,000
60 13 8,040 104,520 65,613 64,538 500,000
61 14 8,040 112,560 71,288 71,288 500,000
62 15 8,040 120,600 76,948 76,948 500,000
63 16 8,040 128,640 82,584 82,584 500,000
64 17 8,040 136,680 88,186 88,186 500,000
65 18 8,040 144,720 93,730 93,730 500,000
66 19 0 144,720 91,418 91,418 500,000
67 20 0 144,720 88,575 88,575 500,000
68 21 0 144,720 85,120 85,120 500,000
69 22 0 144,720 80,962 80,962 500,000
70 23 0 144,720 76,003 76,003 500,000
71 24 0 144,720 70,110 70,110 500,000
72 25 0 144,720 63,118 63,118 500,000
73 26 0 144,720 54,862 54,862 500,000
74 27 0 144,720 45,155 45,155 500,000
75 28 0 144,720 33,758 33,758 500,000
76 29 0 144,720 20,399 20,399 500,000
77 30 0 144,720 4,752 4,752 500,000

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 6 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Tabular Detail
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Guaranteed Assumptions
Guaranteed Interest of 4.00%
End of Policy Year
Planned Cash Net
Premium Cumulative Policy Surrender Death
Age Year Outlay* Premium Value Value Benefit
78 31 0 0 0 0 0

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 7 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Tabular Detail
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions
Current Interest of 4.50%
End of Policy Year
Planned Cash Net
Premium Cumulative Policy Surrender Death
Age Year Outlay* Premium Value Value Benefit
48 1 8,040 8,040 5,766 0 500,000
49 2 8,040 16,080 11,745 0 500,000
50 3 8,040 24,120 17,943 6,358 500,000
51 4 8,040 32,160 24,372 13,627 500,000
52 5 8,040 40,200 31,037 21,358 500,000
53 6 8,040 48,240 37,953 29,347 500,000
54 7 8,040 56,280 45,124 37,598 500,000
55 8 8,040 64,320 52,562 46,111 500,000
56 9 8,040 72,360 60,278 54,902 500,000
57 10 8,040 80,400 68,271 63,976 500,000
58 11 8,040 88,440 78,707 75,477 500,000
59 12 8,040 96,480 89,607 87,452 500,000
60 13 8,040 104,520 100,993 99,918 500,000
61 14 8,040 112,560 113,468 113,468 500,000
62 15 8,040 120,600 126,508 126,508 500,000
63 16 8,040 128,640 140,145 140,145 500,000
64 17 8,040 136,680 154,405 154,405 500,000
65 18 8,040 144,720 169,324 169,324 500,000
66 19 0 144,720 176,669 176,669 500,000
67 20 0 144,720 184,305 184,305 500,000
68 21 0 144,720 192,241 192,241 500,000
69 22 0 144,720 200,486 200,486 500,000
70 23 0 144,720 209,052 209,052 500,000
71 24 0 144,720 217,949 217,949 500,000
72 25 0 144,720 227,180 227,180 500,000
73 26 0 144,720 236,748 236,748 500,000
74 27 0 144,720 246,637 246,637 500,000
75 28 0 144,720 256,854 256,854 500,000
76 29 0 144,720 267,407 267,407 500,000
77 30 0 144,720 278,308 278,308 500,000

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 8 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Tabular Detail
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions
Current Interest of 4.50%
End of Policy Year
Planned Cash Net
Premium Cumulative Policy Surrender Death
Age Year Outlay* Premium Value Value Benefit
78 31 0 144,720 289,574 289,574 500,000
79 32 0 144,720 301,222 301,222 500,000
80 33 0 144,720 313,286 313,286 500,000
81 34 0 144,720 325,637 325,637 500,000
82 35 0 144,720 338,198 338,198 500,000
83 36 0 144,720 350,969 350,969 500,000
84 37 0 144,720 364,036 364,036 500,000
85 38 0 144,720 377,454 377,454 500,000
86 39 0 144,720 391,297 391,297 500,000
87 40 0 144,720 405,805 405,805 500,000
88 41 0 144,720 421,114 421,114 500,000
89 42 0 144,720 437,593 437,593 500,000
90 43 0 144,720 455,640 455,640 500,000
91 44 0 144,720 475,833 475,833 500,000
92 45 0 144,720 498,316 498,316 518,249
93 46 0 144,720 522,299 522,299 537,968
94 47 0 144,720 547,868 547,868 558,825
95 48 0 144,720 575,274 575,274 581,027
96 49 0 144,720 603,971 603,971 610,011
97 50 0 144,720 634,017 634,017 640,357
98 51 0 144,720 665,466 665,466 672,121
99 52 0 144,720 698,456 698,456 705,440
100 53 0 144,720 733,021 733,021 740,352
101 54 0 144,720 769,201 769,201 776,893
102 55 0 144,720 807,051 807,051 815,121
103 56 0 144,720 846,629 846,629 855,095
104 57 0 144,720 887,994 887,994 896,874
105 58 0 144,720 931,204 931,204 940,516
106 59 0 144,720 976,388 976,388 986,152
107 60 0 144,720 1,023,629 1,023,629 1,033,865

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 9 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Tabular Detail
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000

Non-Guaranteed Assumptions
Current Interest of 4.50%
End of Policy Year
Planned Cash Net
Premium Cumulative Policy Surrender Death
Age Year Outlay* Premium Value Value Benefit
108 61 0 144,720 1,073,004 1,073,004 1,083,734
109 62 0 144,720 1,124,594 1,124,594 1,135,840
110 63 0 144,720 1,178,477 1,178,477 1,190,262
111 64 0 144,720 1,234,735 1,234,735 1,247,083
112 65 0 144,720 1,297,707 1,297,707 1,310,684
113 66 0 144,720 1,363,890 1,363,890 1,377,529
114 67 0 144,720 1,433,448 1,433,448 1,447,783
115 68 0 144,720 1,506,554 1,506,554 1,521,620
116 69 0 144,720 1,583,389 1,583,389 1,599,222
117 70 0 144,720 1,664,141 1,664,141 1,680,783
118 71 0 144,720 1,749,013 1,749,013 1,766,503
119 72 0 144,720 1,838,212 1,838,212 1,856,594
120 73 0 144,720 1,931,961 1,931,961 1,951,281
121 74 0 144,720 2,030,491 2,030,491 2,050,796

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 10 of 11 State: PA
Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company

Freedom Accumulation UL
Flexible Premium Adjustable Life Insurance Policy
Supplemental Footnotes
Valued Client Monthly Premium: $670.00
Female Age 47 Preferred Elite Death Benefit Option: Level
Riders: WP Initial Specified Amount: $500,000
Tabular Detail Supplemental Footnotes
* Even if the Premium Outlay is zero, Monthly Deductions continue. Depending on actual results, additional premiums may be needed to
avoid Termination of the Policy.

If the planned premium payment is insufficient to provide the coverage desired, this illustration will show the Death Benefit to be expired (as indicated
by 0). This means that the Policy and any Riders will lapse unless a higher premium is paid, a higher interest rate has been credited, benefits are
reduced, or mortality charges are more favorable than currently assumed.

The tax code defines a life insurance contract for federal income tax purposes. The illustrated policy satisfies the definition of life insurance for federal
income tax purposes using the Guideline Premium Test (GPT). The GPT requires that the premiums paid on a life insurance policy must not exceed the
maximum guideline premium limitation, calculated as set forth in IRC Section 7702. The limitation is equal to the greater of (a) the Guideline Single
Premium or (b) the cumulative sum of the Guideline Annual Premiums. Additionally the GPT requires that a certain minimum margin be maintained
between the death benefit and the Policy Value.

To ensure compliance with federal income tax law, Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company will monitor the level of death benefit and
premiums, and reserves the right to adjust the death benefit and limit or refund any amount of premium, to preserve the qualification of the policy as a
life insurance contract. As provided in the policy, Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company will automatically adjust the death benefit to maintain
the required minimum margin between the Policy Value and the death benefit in order to preserve the qualification of the policy as a life insurance
contract. Please note that the death benefit may increase and then decrease to maintain the minimum margin. Increasing the death benefit may increase
the cost of insurance charges for the policy. Changes or transactions that reduce benefits may require a distribution of cash from the policy to you in
order to maintain the status of the policy as a life insurance contract. If your policy is not a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), some or all of a
distribution that is required due to a benefit reduction in the first fifteen policy years may be taxable as ordinary income, while such distributions in later
years will be non-taxable to the extent of your basis in the policy. If your policy is a MEC, a distribution in any year will be taxable as ordinary income
to the extent of gain in the contract.

Under the GPT, distributions required as a result of a requested change or transaction may be required in the year of the change and in future years

Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company and its agents cannot give tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your personal tax advisor,
attorney or accountant.

Amounts withdrawn or borrowed from a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC), or the pledge of a MEC, prior to the death of the Insured will be
taxable to the extent of any gain in the contract. In addition, if the owner is not yet 59 1/2 or if the owner is not an individual (such as a trust, for
example), the taxable amounts may be subject to a 10% penalty tax. Under the Federal Income Tax Law, a life insurance contract becomes a MEC
when actual premiums paid exceed a specified 7-Pay premium limit applicable initially for the first seven policy years and may also become a MEC
when there are certain reductions in policy benefits. New 7-Pay premium limits for succeeding seven-year periods may be established for the policy as a
result of certain changes in policy terms or benefits. All MECs issued by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company and its affiliates to the same
owner during any calendar year will be treated as one MEC. If there is an IRC Section 1035 Exchange of a life insurance contract that is not a MEC for
another life insurance contract, the cash value in the existing contract will be reflected in the 7-pay premium limit calculation for the new contract
following the exchange. If the original policy was a MEC, the new policy received in exchange will also be a MEC. You should consult with and rely
on your qualified tax advisor as to the implications of any withdrawal, loan, surrender, pledge, exchange or collateral assignment of a life insurance

Based on the premium payments and activities illustrated, this policy will not become a Modified Endowment Contract (MEC).
Target: $5,211.46 GL Single: $103,172.08
7-Pay: $23,379.03 GL Annual: $8,447.62

This is an illustration only, not an offer, contract, or promise of future policy performance. Non-guaranteed rates and values shown are
illustrative only and may not apply to an actual policy. Coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
This illustration is not valid without all 11 pages.

Agent: BASIL P ALEYAS Ver: (

November 29, 2017 4:10 pm UL04 0607 Page: 11 of 11 State: PA

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