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01999Applied Poultry Science, Inc

fitholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Laboratoryfor Physiology of Domestic Animals,
Heverlee, Belgium
Phone: + 32/16/32 16 13
F M : -k 32/16/3219 94
Hubbard-ISA, Wezep, The Netherlands
Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Laboratoryfor Physiology of Domestic Animals,
Heverlee, Belgium

Primary Audience: Researchers, Poultry Practitioners

pending on the isolation abilities and size of
the chick. After a coude of daw the chick
During the fist days of life a chick still becomes more homeothermic, Le., it can
reacts as a poikilotherm, i.e., it cannot adjust adjust its heat production to ambient tern-
its heat production to ambient temperatures. perature and, therefore, withstand a lowering
As a consequence, a lower ambient tempera- of its body temperature as a consequence of a
ture leads to a drop in body temperature, de- drop in ambient temperature.

1 To whom correspondence should be addressed


It is established that the age of the 18 days, eggs were transferred to a hatchery.
parental breeder flock has an effect upon At 506 hr after the start of the incubation
embryonic hatchability and subsequent chick process, the hatch was pulled and the chicks
survival [l, 21. Investigations with different were collected.
broiler breeder flocks [2] have shown that the In the first experiment, 22 hr after pulling
reduced hatchability displayed by eggs from the hatch, thermoregulationby the chicks was
very young breeders was associated with an tested by measuring the respiratory response
abnormal distribution of overall embryonic to low temperature conditions. The thermo-
weight; chick weights from eggs of the same regulatory response was tested in four respira-
weight were lower from young breeders than tory chambers. l k o chambers were held at a
from older breeders. temperature of Bloc,and two chambers were
Lipid metabolism is particularly intense held at a control temperature of 33C. A con-
during the last week of embryonic develop- stant air flow through the chambers was main-
ment [3,4]. Noble et al. [5] have noted that the tained. The carbon dioxide analysis was
distribution of lipids in eggs from younger performed using an infrared gas analysis appa-
breeder flocks is different from that of older ratus. Measurement of the oxygen level was
breeders. The parent age also influences the performed using a paramagnetic oxygen anal-
use of yolk lipids in the developing embryo. ysis apparatus. Both C02 and 0 2 measure-
Incubation and age of broiler breeder also ments were taken at intervals of 15 min. A
affect the fatty acid profile [6]. There is some detailed technical description of the respira-
evidence that the change from poikilothermy tion unit, the Gas Handling Unit and Data
to homeothermyin the chick can be influenced Acquisition System, is given elsewhere [9].
by the lipid composition of the yolk. This could The 0 2 consumption and C02 production
mean that the regulation of heat production was calculated by multiplying the airflow
during the first days of life may be different for through the chamber by the difference be-
chicks from young breeders versus older tween outgoing and incoming 0 2 and C02
breeder flocks. concentrations. To calculate the heat pro-
If a functional difference in thermo-
duction from the respiratory conditions, the
regulation does exist between chicks originat-
ing from breeders of different ages, it might be equation of Romijn and Lockhorst [lo] was
reflected in the properties of triiodothyronine used Hp (kJ/hr) = 160 2 (Vhr) + 5 CO, (Vhr).
(T3) metabolism, because this hormone is in- Heat production was calculated per kg of
volved in the thermoregulatory process [7,8]. metabolic body weight (MBW = body weight
Since young chicks are very sensitive to raised to the power 0.75). For every determi-
cold, their resistance to cold stress was deter- nation of thermoregulation, three chicks orig-
mined in the first experiment. Older chicks, inating from eggs produced by either the
conversely, are sensitive to heat, and their re- young or the old flocks were placed in each
sistance to heat stress was determined in a chamber under a continuous light schedule
second experiment. In both experiments the (level of lighting was 20 lux). Prior to placing,
difference in thermoregulation between body weights were measured.
chicks originating from young or old broiler Each thermoregulation trial lasted 2.5 hr.
breeder flocks was determined. The first 30 min were neglected in the calcula-
tions for metabolic activity, to allow the birds
to adapt to the environmental conditions and
MATERIALS to reach a steady state. At the end of each
First grade hatching eggs were collected thermoregulation trial, rectal body tempera-
from two Ross x Ross 208 breeder flocks that tures were taken from the birds. Blood sam-
were housed under identical conditions (con- ples were taken by decapitation of the birds for
tinuous light schedule) at two houses at the measurement of T3. Directly after completion
Center for Applied Poultry Research. Both of the first trial, a new group of birds was
flocks received the same commercial diet. placed and the procedure was repeated, re-
At day of collection,birds were 25 (young) and sulting in two repetitions/group/temperature
60 (old) wk of age. treatment. The results of the first two groups
From each flock, 175 fresh eggs were set of birds were used to calculate an average
and incubated at 37.5"C and 55% RH. At result for the first day. This procedure was
Research Report
WEYTJENS et al. 141

repeated for a total of four days (a 4 x 2 x 2 Statistical analysis was performed using
factorial design). Genstat (analysis of variance) and SAS
The other chicks were transferred to (Means m e y Test).
cages for the second experiment. In this ex-
periment, resistance to heat was determined RESULTS
at 31, 38,45, and 52 days of age. Five animals
per group were submitted to 40C and 70% EXPERIMENT 1
RH for 4 hr. Before and after applyingthe heat The results of the statisticalevaluation are
given in Table 1.
stress, blood samples were taken to measure Body Weight (FigureI). There was a sig-
T3. Rectal temperature was measured after nificant increase (P< .oOl) in body weight in
heat stress. time independent of the origin, as expected.
T3 measurements were performed by The chicks originating from the younger
radioimmunoassay using a commercially breeder flock (YBF) had a significantly lower
available T3 antiserum (Mallinckrodt body weight (P< .001) than the chicks from
Diagnostica, Dietzenbach, Germany) in com- the old breeder flock (OBF), independent of
bination with a specific tracer (Amersham treatment or time. The chicks from the OBF
International, Slough, England). The intra- gained significantly more weight than chicks
assay coefficient of variation was 2.9% [ll]. from the YBF (P < .Ol). Temperature had

TABLE 1. Analvsis of variance


Age of Flock .0443 < .001 < .001 ,0326

Temperature .OOO1 .lo6 .001 -
, Day .OOO1 < .001 .014 .4552
Age x Temperature NS .749 .013 -
Age X Day NS .009 .163 NS
Temperature X Day NS .127 .147 -
Age X Temperature X Day NS .045 .462 -

I -33Y
-220 Y


I ~

0 ___1

24 48 72 96
hours after hatch

FIGURE 1. Average body weight of chicks originating from different age breeder flocks (Y=young, O=old) at
different temperature levels (33 or 20C). Values are means & SEM, n = 6.

no influence on the body weight of either perature both groups had a similar heat pro-
group. duction. After exposure to 2oC, heat produc-
Rectal Temperature (Figure 2). The rectal tion significantly increased in both OBF and
temperature (Tr) of chicks from both YBF
and OBF was similar at 33C. However, Tr YBF (P< .001), but this increase was signifi-
reduction after cold exposure in both groups cantly higher in chicks from OBF groups
(P< .001), was much more pronounced in the (P < .05), in absolute as well as relative terms.
YBF group (P < -001)and at the youngest ages Heat production increased by 70, 87,72, and
(24 and 48 hr after hatch). This resulted in a 63% (OBF) and 72,41,44, and 45% (YBF) at
significant age x temperature interaction
24,48,72, and 96 hr after hatch, respectively.
(P = .013).
Plasma T-j Concentration (Figure 4). At
Heat Production (Figure 3). Heat pro-
duction (Hp) per metabolic body weight of 48 hr after hatch, chicks from OBF had sig-
the chicks showed an increase over time in nificantly higher T3 values (P < .05) following
both groups (Pc.OOl). At the control tem- I cold treatment.

g 38
5 37 7



24 48 72 96

hours after hatch

FIGURE 2. Average rectal temperature after the testing period at different temperature levels (33 or 20C) of
chicks originating from different age breeder flocks (Y=young, O=old). Values are means c SEM, n = 6.

l4 T


24 48 72 96
hours after hatch

FIGURE 3. Calculated heat production (kJ/MBW/hr) at different temperature levels (33 or 20C) of chicks
originating from different age breeder flocks (Y=young, O=old). Values are means zt SEM, n=20.
Research Report
WEYTJENS et al. 143

2.50 I

0.00 I
48 72 96

hours after hatch

FIGURE 4. T3 concentration (ng/mL) in plasma after cold treatment of chicks originating from different age
breeder flocks (Y= young, 0 =old) kept at 20C.Values are means f SEM, n = 3.

EXPERIMENT 2 weight. The chicks from YBF have a much

After heat stress the Tr was significantly lower body weight than chicks from OBF,
greater in chicks from OBF compared to resulting from a faster weight gain in OBF
chicks from YBF (P < .05) and increased with chickens. This is in agreement with results
age (Figure 5; P < .001). Chicks originating from Shanaway [2]. The same traits have been
from a young breeder flock thus seem to be reported in turkeys for both absolute and
more resistant to heat. relative poult weight [12].
After heat stress, the T3 concentration in It is well known that the metabolism per
plasma decreased similarly in both groups kg of body weight of young chickens increases
(data not shown). independently to ambient temperature and
The difference between chicks originating body weight until 5-6 days posthatch. This in-
from OBF or YBF is obvious in their body crease in Hp is concomitant with an increase

42.5 young
f 42
f 41.5

40 I
31 38 45 52
days after hatch

FIGURE 5. Average rectal temperature after the testing period of chicks originating from different age breeder
flocks (Y=young, O=old). Values are means f SEM, n=5.

in Tr and is linked with a progressive replace- may also be related to a different hatching
ment of yolk material by active body mass [13]. time, since incubation time decreases with the
But in this experiment there is a great differ- age of the breeder flock, meaning that eggs
ence in Hp after cold exposure in OBF and from young flocks hatch later [14]. Another
YBF chicks. Both groups increase their Hp, explanation for the observed difference could
especially chickens from OBF. This increase be that the embryo has a different amount of
in Hp is sufficient to maintain the Tr at a iodine in the yolk, depending on the age of the
normal level for chickens from OBF, but not mother, since 81% of the iodine in the yolk is
for chickens from YBF. transferred to the embryo during incubation
The lowering of Tr at 20C, especially [15]. However, results of Daugeras-Bernard
during the first few days posthatch, is well et&. [16], who injected different amounts of
known [A, but the fact that this was much more iodine into the yolk, failed to show any differ-
pronounced in the YBF group, as illustrated
ence in circulating thyroid hormone concen-
by a significant age of flock x temperature
interaction, points to a less well developed trations between control and treated embryos.
The difference in thermoregulatory ca-
thermoregulatory ability in chicks hatched
pacity between OBF and YBF chicks is re-
from young broiler breeders. This was also
reflected in the lower potential increase in versed when applying heat stress at an older
heat production in this group at 20C. age. After a few weeks, chicks display more
Since chicks from OBF have si&icantly sensitivity to heat by raising their body tem-
higher T3 values at least at 48 hr after hatching, perature in response to a higher ambient
and as T3 is known to be involved in the emer- temperature [17]. At this point, chickens
gence of thermoregulation [J, this may be a from young broiler breeders seem to be more
functional link for explaining, at least in part, resistant to heat stress, as seen in a lower Tr.
the observed differences in thermoregulatory However, reacting to a higher ambient tem-
ability between chicks originating from par- perature by lowering Tr doesnt necessarily
ents of different ages. This difference in T3 imply better thermoregulation.

1. Posthatch chicks from OBF are more resistant to cold, and after a few weeks of age, chicks
from YBF seem to be more resistant to heat. This implies a great difference in the
thermoregulatoryability of broiler chickens depending only on the age of the donor breeder
flock. This should be considered as an additional factor in thermoregulatoryexperiments.
It also has possible practical husbandry implications.
2. Obtaining chicks from the appropriate age breedei flock may yield better results when
there is potential for heat or cold stress of the chicks.

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