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Various Types Yoga Asanas

Slow Neck Stretches Yoga Asana

To start with yoga, one should get started with the basic
exercises first like slow neck stretches. It is recommend to
perform few repetitions of this yogic slow neck stretches as it
eases the neck tension and strain. This yoga pose can be easily
done standing anywhere, even sitting on your chair!
Neck pain and headaches are often caused by excessive muscle
tension in the neck and shoulders, which can lead to nerve
impingement, disc misalignment and feelings of tension,
discomfort and pain in the neck and head. These symptoms can
be relieved, or at least partially relieved, with a regular
stretching routine that lengthens all of the major muscle groups
of the neck and shoulders.
Tadasana Yoga (Mountain Pose)

Stand straight and keep some distance between feet.
Hands should be hanging alongside your body.
Now while deep inhaling raise your both the arms upwards
and interlock your fingers.
Raise your heels and stand on your toes. Feel the stretch in
your body from feet to fingers of arms.
Hold this position and your breath for 10 seconds.
Now while exhaling release your pose to come to the starting
Repeat this cycle for 10 times.
One of the best yoga poses to increase height.
Stimulates nervous system.
Improves body posture and balance.
Regulate the menstrual cycle in women.
Tone your buttocks and abdomen.
Strengthens your ankles, knees, thighs, arms and legs.
Improves the function of the respiratory and digestive system.
Uttanasana (Standing Forward Fold Pose)

1. Stand straight on your mat, and rest your hands on your
hips. Inhale.
2. Exhale and gently soften your knees and bend forward,
folding from your hips. You need to counterbalance the
weight of your body. To do this, you must move your
hips and tailbone slightly back as the rest of your body
moves forward.
3. Remember to keep your knees soft as you do all of this.
This will allow your buttocks to point up and your hips
to move forward into the upper thighs.
4. Let your hands rest on the ground, next to your feet.
Your feet must be parallel to each other, and your second
and middle toes must point forward. Let your chest float
over your feet. Widen the space between your chest bone
and pubis. Feel the fold and the stretch from your hip
bone. If you feel it from the rounding of your lower
back, you are doing something wrong.
5. You must feel a stretch in your hamstrings as well, and if
you are not yet feeling it, extend your knees a little more.
6. Turn your thighs inward, and root yourself into your
heels. This will allow better alignment.
7. Your head must be left to dangle, such that the crown
reaches the floor. Look through your legs, and hold the
8. When you wish to release the pose, contract the core and
the abdomen muscles. Inhale and place your hand on the
hips. Rise slowly, ensuring there is an elongation in your
back. Let there be a distance between your pubis and
your chest bone. Slowly stand up.

1. This asana gives your back, hips, calves, and hamstrings a
good stretch.
2. It calms your mind and relieves anxiety. It also helps quiet the
3. It helps relieve headaches and insomnia.
4. This bend gives your digestive organs a good massage,
thereby improving digestion.
5. The kidneys and liver are activated.
6. The thighs and knees become strong.
7. Menopause and menstrual problems are alleviated.
8. This asana helps cure high blood pressure, asthma, infertility,
sinusitis, and osteoporosis
Trikonasana Yoga (Triangle Pose) :

1. Stand straight. Separate your feet comfortably wide apart (about
31/2 to 4 feet).
2. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees and left foot in by 15
3. Now align the center of your right heel with the center of your
arch of left foot.
4. Ensure that your feet are pressing the ground and the weight of
your body is equally balanced on both the feet.
5. Inhale deeply and as you exhale, bend your body to the right,
downward from the hips, keeping the waist straight, allowing
your left hand to come up in the air while your right hand comes
down towards floor. Keep both arms in straight line.
6. Rest your right hand on your shin, ankle, or the floor outside
your right foot, whatever is possible without distorting the sides
of the waist. Stretch your left arm toward the ceiling, in line with
the tops of your shoulders. Keep your head in a neutral position
or turn it to the left, eyes gazing softly at the left palm.
7. Ascertain that your body is bent sideways and not backward or
forward. Pelvis and chest are wide open.
8. Stretch maximum and be steady. Keep taking in long deep
breaths. With each exhalation, relax the body more and more.
Just be with the body and the breath.
9. As you inhale, come up, bring your arms down to your sides,
and straighten your feet.
10. Repeat the same on the other side.

1. Strengthens the legs, knees, ankles, arms and chest
2. Stretches and opens the hips, groins, hamstrings, calves,
shoulders, chest and spine
3. Increases mental and physical equilibrium
4. Helps improve digestion
5. Reduces anxiety, stress, back pain and sciatica
Dhanurasana Yoga (Bow Pose) :


First of all lie down in prone position

Exhale, bend your knees and hold the ankles with hands
While inhaling raise the thighs, head and chest as high as
Try to maintain weight of the body on lower abdomen. Join the
ankles. Look upward and breathe normally.
While exhaling, bring down the head and legs up to knee joint.
Maintain this position as long as you can hold and slowly come
back to the original position.

1. It helps to strengthen the back as well as the abdominal

2. This asana helps to stimulate the reproductive organs.
3. Practicing this asana helps to widen and open up the
neck, chest, and shoulders.
4. The legs and arm muscles are toned.
5. It adds flexibility to the back.
6. This asana is a great stress buster.
7. Menstrual discomfort is relieved with regular practice.
8. This asana also helps people with renal disorders.
Kapalbhati Yoga Asana

First sit on the Padmasana and close your eyes and keep the
spine straight.
Now take a deep breath (inhale deeply) through your both
nostrils until your lungs are full with air.
Now Exhale through both nostrils forcefully, so your
stomach will go deep inside. As you exhale you feel some
pressure in your stomach.

While the process of exhaling there is a hissing sound, at

this point try to think that your disorders are coming out of
your nose.
Repeat this process for 5 minutes.
It Generates heat in the system to help dissolve toxins and
waste matter.
Adds luster and beauty to your face.
Improves digestion, Improves the function of kidneys and
Daily practice of kapalbhati can cure the all intestinal
It helps reduce stress in the eyes, thus curing dark circles
around the eyes.
Improves the blood circulation problem in whole body
It also helps in regaining poise in emotions.
Baddha Konasana Yoga (Bound Angle Pose)

Sit in the Dandasana (Staff Pose).
Now Bend your knees and join the soles of your feet.
Now hold your feet or ankles.
Move your heels to the groin as so much as doable.
Breathe out and let down your knees to the ground.
Your arms and shoulders should be relaxed.
Now press the sitting bones within the floor and let the
crown of your head pointing towards ceiling to elongate the
Press the sitting bones in the floor and let the crown of the
head point to the ceiling to lengthen the spine.
Assume that your knees moving like the wings of the
Hold this Pose for upto 2 minutes.
After that return in Dandasana (Staff Pose).
It stretches groin and inner thighs.
Increases the flexibility of knees, ankles, feet and hips.
Opens pelvic region.
Best prenatal exercise and relieves in menstrual issues.
Especially beneficial in urinary disorders.
Cut down the tension from the groin part and gap up the
hips and inner thighs.
Beneficial for the lumbar region.
Useful in flat feet, high blood pressure.
Very beneficial in infertility and asthma.
Eagle Twist Yoga Posture

Stand straight on both feet. Raise the right leg and wrap it
around the left leg
The right thigh should be over the left thigh and the right
feet will touch the calf muscles from behind
Similarly wrap the right hand around the left hand.
Now place the palms together to resemble the beak of an

Try to maintain the balance and slowly bend the left leg
and lower the body until right toes touch the ground.
Try to remain in this pose for long as you can maintain the

Concentrate on balancing the body pose

Now straighten the left leg and unwrapthe right leg. Also
release the right arm and come to normal standing position,
Relax for sometime and repeat the same process.
It enhances the sense of balance of the body.
It also strengthen the muscles of the legs.
It can loosen the joints of the legs
It alleviates sciatica and rheumatism in the leg joints.
Sirsasana (Headstand Pose)

1. Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
2. Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head
touches the palms.
3. Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the
head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
4. After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually
and slowly straighten the legs.
5. Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you dont fall
6. Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and
7. Relax the whole body as much as possible.
8. Close the eyes
9. Breathe slowly and deeply.
10. This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for
a comfortable length of time. Come back by flexing the knees
and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.

1. Sirsasana supplies an enriched oxygenated blood to the brain
cells thus provide nourishment to the billions of brain cells.
2. It helps to rejuvenate, revitalize and increases the effectiveness
of brain cells.
3. It induces calmness thus prevents headache and migraine.
4. It controls various types of glandular and nervous disorders
related with pituitary glands.
5. The pose has a significant positive influence in relieving
diabetes. It acts directly on the pituitary gland by improving the
blood supply thus has been great help in combating diabetes.
6. It is extremely beneficial in combating sexual disorders such as
prostrate problems hydrocele, leucorrhea, spermatorrhea, and all
general menopausal and menstrual ailments.

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