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Untold Debt

That is what it is. SLAVERY. All that man thought he accomplished is just that. It is a
trespass against the Almighty Creator. Now, get this. Everything is Created and belongs
to the Almighty. In Major all was created. In Minor all that now exists was stolen, is an
abstract, and extract from the original. Its what commerce refers to as the derivative.

Thus in 1964, after the war of satan, which is a spiritual war in nature commenced I
was born. The death in the physical encompasses JFK. It was this that brought about the
confession of slavery to the physical. As man was created by the Almighty,Free! It was for
this reason this Son of Man was not born a slave.

Born not slave in the state which Constituted the satan into the physical, encoded
into being. Within the New Haven or Heaven. Therefore , my enslavement by the very
state, in the very Heaven or Haven on Earth as it ends. It ends on Earth in in Heaven, as in
Heaven above, so it is below.

How much more would your father on earth be angered over the enslavement of a
son? Moreover, for all the enslaved from the beginning of the constitution extending into
before. It is for all of these injustices the prices will be levied against those that drain the life
from Creation. So, as to the pastors, publicans, lawyers, doctors, Money Changers,
Entertainment, and all those participating in the captivating. It's Over, and you lost.

As It is A matter of record. As A member or employee of the state of Connecticut

[to heal the womb of Horus] ; or re constitute satan, from which is derived from Ancient
Babylon. In other words, As the state of Connecticut constituted Horus, the same stated
Connecticut encode the Son of Man Anthony McKnight, Sr. into its body or state of
being, ie. eg. Incorporated or attached itself as a member, affixed to it through and by
Law. The wickedness is turned against satan, as it is written.

This encode by the State turned that which is born Free by Law into a slave; against not
only the Law of the State but also the Kingdom. And most importantly Creation. As enacted,
Connecticut General Statute [1993, April] 5-142(a) is the End, as the Civil Rights Act is the
Beginning of the End. Father is Mad!

The Beast is taken down by the same commerce or currency that he, it created. On
behalf of all mankind that was enslaved and their labor taken away from them, past or
present. For, the beast cannot present any payment to cover the Debt accumulated. By the
Beast's own account interest must be applied at a compounded rate of 12% Per-Annum,
extending back to the date of the Pope and the Roman Catholic Church. Through and by
their secret societies & orders decided to enslave the Chosen bloodline of the Almighty

Undisputed, the balance U>2 c <U came into the

world on October 28-9, 1964. That is the tally. The Almgihty has called in the Mark, the
Beast, and all those whom served the beast: Time. Whoa! Whoa Unto U.

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