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History Test: Explorers

Name: __________________________

1. What were the three motives for Europeans to go out and explore the

world? (THE THREE Gs)

a) _____________________

b) _____________________

c) _____________________

2. Why did the Europeans need to find a new route to India? (CIRCLE THE


a) They were lazy and did not like sailing for long periods of time

b) Muslim Turks captured Constantinople, renamed it Istanbul and imposed harsh

duties on trade

c) Marco Polo never actually found a route in the first place

d) The explorers were tired of this route

3. Who was Marco Polo? (LIST 2 FACTS ABOUT HIM) Page 42.

a) _____________________________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________________________
4. What are conquistadors? (CIRCLE THE BEST ANSWER)

a) A group of African men

b) A womens protest group

c) A 16th century Spanish conqueror

d) A pilot

5. Place the phrases from the word bank below into the correct column (either

under European view or Indigenous view) SEE PAGE 54 IN BOOK.


Land belongs to the country that finds it north American Indigenous people are

organized into small tribes Laws are orally transmitted Humans must dominate

nature Laws are written down Humans must live in harmony with nature

Europeans are organized into large states The land belongs to no one, private

property does NOT exist

European View Indigenous

Human beings place in



Political Power


6. Give the definition of the word barter. (Page 54)


7. What was an astrolabe? (Page 47)




8. Look at the picture on page 51 in your textbook. What are some differences

between the Spaniards and the Indigenous people? Name three.

a) ________________________________________________________________


b) ________________________________________________________________


c) ________________________________________________________________


9. What was the triangular trade? Circle the BEST answer.

a) A triangle in the sky

b) A trade route that linked Europe, Africa and America

c) A sport
d) A math equation

10. Which diseases killed millions of Indigenous people during the 16th

century? (Page 58)




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