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B-52 Stratofortress Italeri 1/72

B-52 Stratofortress Stratosferska Tvrava , je jedan od najznaajnijih i najpoznatijih

stratekih bombardera dugog doleta na mlazni pogon u istoriji borbene avijacije. Nastao je
poetkom 50. godina dvadesetog veka u proizvodnim pogonima fabrike Boeing. Jedan je od
simbola iz perioda hladnog rata, koriten je kao oslonac strateke vazduhoplovne komande
za noenje nuklearnih glava, u sluaju rata sa SSSR-om. Takoe je simbol rata u Vijetnamu.
Pouzdanost i relativno niski trokovi odravanja, su razlog zato je ovaj avion ostao u
upotrebi toliko dugo. Naime, korien je za napade na Irak 1991., Avganistan 2001. i niz
drugih akcija u kojima su uestvovale vojne snage SAD. Napravljeno je vie verzija ovog
aviona, ali je najmasovnija verzija G koja je i uestvovala u Zalivskom ratu 1991. godine.
Italerieva maketa B-52 G u razmeri 1/72, posveena je upravo jednoj od akcija vojnih snaga
SAD. Radi se o specijalnom izdanju povodom 25 GODINA RATA U ZALIVU, gde je ovaj
avion uestvovao. Velika i atraktivna kutija sa crteom B-52 u poletanju na zadatak. Svetlo
siva plastika sa urezanim panelima deluje prilino kvalitetno. Kokpit je poprilino detaljan i
reljefan, a i sa nalepnicom za instrument tablu, ali kada se sastave polutke trupa i stavi
kabina, malo od toga e se videti. Trup je dat iz etiri dela to se moe i videti na
fotografijama koje idu uz recenziju. Po duini spojevi su korektni, po irini takoe. Ono to
bih moda zamerio su spojevi delova za ram, naroito krila i trupa, Spojeni poprilino
dugakim delom plastike to e oteati skidanje sa rama. Takoe se mora biti izuzetno
precizan da ne dodje do oteenja. Prozirni delovi su precizno odliveni bez zamuenja. Tabla
sa dekalima je povelika i puna, jer sadri oznake za etiri verzije. Takoe su date i etiri
eme farbanja to se moe videti na sastavnici. Boje su standardno za Italeri po FS I Italeri
Acrylicpaint pa ko ta vie voli. Ova maketa je poprilino velika dugaka i iroka, 67,4 sa
rasponom krila od 78,3cm to zahteva posebno mesto na polici i u maketarskoj vitrini.
Preporucio bih je svakom maketaru kao deo stvaranja istorije ratne avijacije, jer ovaj avion je
uestvovao i jo uvek uestvuje u tome. Hvala Italeriu na ustuplejnoj maketi.

B-52 Stratofortress Italeri 1/72

B-52 Stratofortress is one of the most significant and known strategic long range jet
bombers in the history of military aviation. It was developed in early 50-ies of XX century in
Boeing production plant. One of the symbols of the Cold war was used as one of the main
resources of the strategic bomber command for carrying and delivery of nuclear warheads in
case of all-out war with USSR. It is also a symbol of Vietnam War. Reliability and relatively
low maintenance cost are the reasons why this plane stayed in active service for so long.
Namely, it was used in attacks on Iraq in 1991, Afghanistan 2001, and a series of other
actions involving US forces. Many versions of this jet were produced, but the largest one in
numbers is the G version, which took part in action during Gulf War in 1991.
Italeri model of B-52 G in 1/72 scale is dedicated just to one such action of US forces. This is
actually a special edition marking the 25th anniversary of Gulf War. Large and attractive box
with a drawing depiction B-52 during takeoff is packed with parts in quality light grey plastic
with panel lines in negative. Cockpit is rather detailed and with relief and has an instrument
panel given as decal. But when cockpit and fuselage are assembled there is not much of that
detail to be visible. Fuselage is given in four parts which is obvious form the photos of the kit.
Both on long side and short side the fit is great. The thing I would like to be different are the
connection pins to the tree, which is why there needs to be a very precise cut when removing
parts from trees. Transparent parts are very nice without fogging. Decal sheet is rather full
and large with markings for four different units as well as painting instructions given in FS
and Italeri codes, so it is left to modeler to choose the pints and decals. The model jet is
rather large with length of 67,4 and wing span 78,3 cm, which requires a special position on
the shelf. I would recommend this model to any modeler as a model symbolizing history of
military aviation, since the jet took part and still does in various missions. I would like to
thank Italeri for providing the kit.

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