Summary of BBC Origins of Us 1 of 3 - Bones HDTV - DR Alice Roberts

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Julio Alberto Vsquez Vsquez

Historical foundations in health sciences

Reviewed by PhD. Erendira Julieta Cohen Fernndez

Summary of BBC Origins of Us 1 of 3 - Bones HDTV - Dr Alice Roberts

Key words: Hominids, humans, anatomical features, tools.

Abstract: Dr. Alice Roberts starts the documentary by making a comparison between
chimpanzees and modern humans. Both species have a common ancestor. By tracking
the evolution chain of hominids and correlating it with geological changes it is possible
to understand why our body has the structure and functions it currently has.
For example, it is thought that 6 million years ago the Earth became colder, so
hominids that began to walk upright got an advantage over those who couldnt, as it
was easier for them to get food. Sahelanthropus Tchadensis, followed by Orrorin
Tugenensis were the first hominids to stand upright. The angle in which the spinal cord
exits the skull of these fossils suggests this theory.
Another vital change in our evolution chain is the anatomical adaption of our
arms and hands. This characteristic derived from the freedom these limbs acquired
when we could walk upright without using them and developed our ability to make and
use tools. Homo Habilis is the first known tool maker-hominid (2.5 million years ago)
to have existed, and all the subsequent hominids got the same aility.
Homo sapiens appeared just 200 000 years ago, but we have been the most
successful humans ever.

BBC. BBC Origins of Us 1 of 3 - Bones HDTV - Dr Alice Roberts. January 28th, 2013.

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