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Lesson 5

Title: Lesson 5 DRA Testing

Lesson Overview: This lesson is used as a summative assessment at the end of the series of

four lessons. Students will undergo individual DRA testing to test fluency and


Resources or Materials Needed: The teacher will be providing and administering the tests.

The materials needed are leveled books and correlating test packets (See Appendix I).

Lesson Objective: Given the strategies that have been taught throughout the unit, teachers

will administer DRA test to each student. Students should be able to successfully pass the

DRA with an 80% proficiency rate in fluency and comprehension.

Time: 90-120 minutes

Lesson Plan 5

Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activity

Students will be asked a series of questions about their individual reading engagement.

Students will be introduced to a pre-determined leveled text and complete a picture walk

through the book.

The teacher will introduce the story, and give instructions for reading the story that are

included on the test itself (Appendix I).

Step 2: Assessment

Students will be assessed on oral reading fluency and will be marked down for miscues

and omissions during oral reading by doing a running record on the sheet provided.
Following the reading of the story, students will be asked a series of questions that relate

to the story to test their comprehension. Their answers to the questions will help the

teacher grade them on a number scale from 1-4.

The scores for this test will gauge a students reading level, as well as, their ability to

fluently read and comprehend a grade level text.

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