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Course Name: Practicum 4a Course Code: EPC4403

Instructor Name: Dr Pauline Keith

Task Title: Coursework - Plan or Proposal: 30%

Due Date: Week 5 Date Submitted:

Student Name: Aysha Hamad

Student ID: H00251026 Section:

Late Penalty:
Unless special circumstances are agreed with the course teacher regarding late submission, work
submitted 1 working day late will be deducted 10%, 2 days late 20%, 3 days late 30% and any work
submitted more than 3 days late will get a zero mark.

Academic Honesty:
Breaches of Academic Honesty will be treated with the utmost seriousness. You are reminded the
penalties for cheating or plagiarism include dismissal from the HCT.
(for more information please refer to Academic and Student Regulations, HCT Academic Honesty
Policy, Student Handbook)

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in
the text and listed those sources at the end of the assignment. I have not previously submitted
this work to the HCT. I understand that I may be orally examined on my submission.

v. 2016-09-01 1
In this year, I will be focusing at different corner in my teaching skills. As I face
straggle in my previous year in teaching practice, in different skills. So, my goals
this year is to develop my weakness in teaching practice.
My first goal is to grape the students attention while they are working. I face this
when I was teaching the third-grade students last year, when I gave them the activity
after a clear instruction, some of them start working while others ask different
question. Although that I ask them before we begin if they have any question or they
have understood and everything is clear. So, I have difficulty at grapping their
attention to make everything clear for them and easy to follow. To achieve my goal,
I will be using different strategies to grape their attention while they are working.
First, I will use the bill when I want from them to keep anything from their hand and
focus with the teacher. I will use the bill from the first day of teaching, to make the
students use of the strategy and know what the teacher aspect from them when they
hear the bill. Also, I will be asking m y MST to use the bill and this will make the
students more obvious that the bill sound mean that the teacher want to say
My second goal this year is to assess my students understanding in the math lesson
while they are solving the problem. In m y pervious TP, I had this difficulty on
assessing all the students if they able to solve the problem. I will be using the mini
white board for each student, this will help me a lot on assessing the students
individually. Which will help me to achieve the learning outcome of the lesson, and
moving step by step with the students. I need two week from the first day of
teaching to make sure that I can assess the students understanding when I will use
with them the mini white board. The second strategy is to obs erve the students while
they are working in the activity and by using my check list I will noting the
students achievement and understanding. By using the note in my check list, I will
be able to know who wants help and who able to continue for the next s tep.
Observing the students and using the check list need a time to make sure that I have
achieve my goal, so I will be working on this strategy until I achieve my goal. I need
help from my MST while I am working in my goal to give me feedback and to
observe me. This will help me to achieve my goal in shorter time.
My third goal is to develop the engaging part in the math lesson, what I mean is to
begin the lesson with a motivating activity to engage the students for the lesson. I
choose this goal because I miss this part in my previous teaching practice, and that
lead to make the students feel bored from the first ten minute of the lesson. So, I will
be working on my introduction of the lesson to make the students engage and
motived to learn. I will be searching for activities that are connected to lesson topic.
Which will help me to make the students on the same track, in detail is to find
activity that match with the lesson but in fun way. This will make the students feel
interest about the lesson. My second option to achieve my goal is to sit with the
students and know their interest. By having this information, I will make it easier to
make them engage for the lesson and motivated them to learn. For example, if I will
teach boys who interest in football, I will be asking them about which team they are
interest in. then I will be create activity that have the names of the teams and by that
I will make the lesson more fun. I need support from my MST to give some
information about the students and how I can each class motivated them. It need a
lot of work to achieve it, but with a help from the MST will make the work easier.

v. 2016-09-01 2
Possible Coursework - Plan or Proposal: Template:

Student Name: Aysha Hamad ID #: H00251026

Justify the PDP with regards to the benefits of critical reflection to professional development incorporating a diagram that clearly explains the planning / assessment

Introduce the PDP setting

Justify your professional development goals for this semester.

Previously stated development needs

Skills you personally know you need to Personal development Needs of the Comm
develop interest setting ents:
MST recommendation

In my previous TP,
my MCT told me
that I have a good
She told me that I must be with the Need to develop my transition strategy
students friendly, because I was between the activities. Develop
management but my I am interest to develop my
nervous and I was too strict with teaching
time management Also, I have time management problem I need confident and my
the students. Being friendly will model and
need to improve to read how can I be more organize to language.
make my students more more
because I design develop my time management.
comfortable. resources
three activities and
they finish before
the time.

Goal 1 (list aligning

&justification of

v. 2016-09-01 3
Concise Reflections & actuality

Goal 1: - This will help me to answer students question during the

Grapping students attention while they are working in the activity.
activity and make all the students hear the answer.

Action 1: - Bring a bill and make the students used to it, by

introduce to them what they should do when they hear
the bill.
_ connecting the sound of the bill with eyes on teacher.
- During the first week, I will be using the light when I
_ use the light on\off for taking students attention.
want form my students to be silent and focus with me.

Desired On the second week

time frame: As I will be applying my strategy in the first week I can meet my goal in
my second week.

support From the MST for sharing the same strategy to make the students use to I need this support to achieve my goal, to make the students use to the
needed it. strategy.

tools to be
used to
evidence of
the success
of the
action MST feedback, video one lesson that contain the evidence.

Evidence It was very easy to take the students attention while

(after I use the bill for the math class because my MST used they are working.
implement the bill for taking the students attention.
ation) Using strategy that the teacher used to the students
In the English lesson, I was using my MST strategy its easier, this helped me a lot on the behavioral
which is eyes on me, and they will replay eyes on

v. 2016-09-01 4
Assess students understanding during the math class on the solving the
problem. This will help me to meet the lesson learning objective.

Action 2: - By using the white bored will help me to identify the

students weakness on solving the problem.
- By observing the students while working, I can assess
- Use the mini white bored for each student.
the students if he\she able to solve the problem or not.
- Observe and use the chick list.
Desired By applying my strategies in the two week I can achieve my goal in the
time frame: third week third week.

support When my MST give the feedback, this will help me to develop myself
needed Need from the MST to observe and give me feedback on students work. until I achieve my goal.

tools to be
used to
evidence of Chick list data.
the success Students work.
of the

Evidence The students were used for the white bored, which is
(after very helpful for the teacher and I to check their work
ation) and to find who have difficulty on solving the
In the English lesson, I assess the students on their
I used the mini white bored, through my teaching
hand writing and spelling. Which helped me to focus
at the students who need help to improve their
I used the mini white bored in the English lessons to
assess students while they are working.

v. 2016-09-01 5
This will help me to have a good relationship with the students, as they
Develop my engaging part in the math lesson. will be engaged and motived to learn in fun way.

Action 3: - Connecting the learning with fun will motived the

- Find activity that connected to the lesson. students to work and learn.
- Note what the students interest in and try to link it to - If the students were boys and they interest in football
the engaging part. this will help me to find activities that they love to work
in it.

Desired After working in the activity on the last second week I can see the
time frame: Second week result.

support As the teacher taught them, she will be able to tell me about the
needed From my MST to give me idea on what does the students interest on. students inters and this could help me a lot.

tools to be
used to
evidence of
the success
of the
action Video the introduction of each math lesson.
MST feedback

(after I found that the students interest in the hands-on
implement By observing my MST in the math lesson, I collect activity, and they do well when they hear stories.
ation) information about what the students like and interest
Different activities that I found in Pinterest, for
example mash the ball for the subtraction.
I use Pinterest to find fun activities for math.

v. 2016-09-01 6
v. 2016-09-01 7

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