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Augustine 1

Olivia Augustine

Mr. Mac

Projects P1

06 Dec 2017

The Run for Renewable Energy

It was a cold January evening, and the sun was slowing sinking into the waterfall. The

water from Niagara Falls rushed down with great power as mist gently hit my face. I stood

observing its strength, and wondered how I could utilize it for energy. Someday it will come to

me. With the sun fully tucked away behind Niagara Falls, I started on my walk home. As the

sound of water became more distant, I noticed my face was still being hit with water. Oh great,

now I have to walk home in the rain. The rain came pouring down harder and harder with each

step I took. Suddenly, I came across a strange patch of the path that was dry. I stopped to take a

break from the rain and behind me I heard thunder. Jolting my head towards the noise, the sky lit

up and lightning struck nearly twenty feet behind me. The lightning vanished and the thunder

followed as if it was all in my head. Turning around to continue my walk, something caught my

eye. Behind me stood a tall wooden door, a piece a paper attached at the handle flapped in the

wind. Slowly approaching the door, I removed the note from the handle and it read, The answer

you seek lies inside, complete the task at hand and be rewarded with the prize. Holding the note

in my hand, I turned the handle and took a step inside.

Immediately I began to fall, my surroundings darkening and my body falling further and

further. Suddenly, I hit a soft cushion, landing on an unfamiliar bed in a strange room. Looking

around the small room, my eyes were drawn towards the poster on the wall. Dearest Nikola,
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Welcome to your new home, Maui, one of the eight Hawaiian islands located in the middle of

the Pacific Ocean. You will soon come to notice it is no longer 1895, the year is 2017. Currently,

Maui is running on nonrenewable energy sources and they need your help to make them

self-sustainable. Head to the little yellow house down the street and ask for Frey. When you have

completed the task, your answer will be revealed. Good luck! Nonrenewable energy? I could

not believe my eyes, it was 2017 and the world was still running on nonrenewable energy.

Opening the door to my room, I walked through the living room and stepped outside. My

jaw gaped, I had entered a whole new world, the cars passing by were huge, holding four

passengers. Up the street, a group of teenagers rode down the sidewalk on foreign wooden

boards talking and laughing. I strolled down to the little yellow house at the end of the street and

rang the doorbell. Straightaway, a young man with short brown hair opened the door, Ahh,

Nikola Tesla, youre here! he spoke.

That is me, you must be Frey. I replied.

Yes, please come in!

I stepped inside and followed him to a room, he sat down in a chair and pressed buttons

controlling a big screen until directed to a note.

Noticing my widened eyes, Frey spoke, Its a computer, theyre used for finding


Hmm, sounds interesting. Frey sat in front of the computer explaining to me the problem.

He told me about all kinds of renewable energy from types Maui already had like wind and solar

energy, to types other places in the world had such as geothermal and hydroelectric energy.
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Whats the problem? If Maui already has sustainable energy, cant you just install more

windmills and put solar panels on every house? I said.

The problem is they are very expensive systems to install but, now that youre here, you

can help us. If you can win the Lahaina Pali Trail Run, they will donate enough money to install

solar panels on every home in Maui.

So why do you need me?

Im not eligible to compete, you and Wade Selby were the only two names on the list. If

Wade wins, hes going to use the money to take down the windmills and buy out all of the solar

energy companies. he said.

What do you mean not eligible?

He glanced down to floor and I followed his gaze to the boot on his leg.

Oh I hadnt noticed. When is the race?

The race is next week Sunday, you only have eight days to train, we better get started.

Frey handed me a workout schedule and I began training. The first day of training was

difficult, I ran three miles along the beach. Each day that followed, I ran two more miles. By the

sixth day, I had to run thirteen miles and my legs were beat. I could hardly walk, let alone run.

Unsure of how I would compete in two days, I pushed through my run and passed out as soon as

I was home. The next day was my final day of training, I woke in a hurry to the pounding of my

door. Oh no, I overslept and I am late for my last day of training, Frey is going to be mad. I

quickly threw on some clothes and tied my running shoes, opening the door I ran to the car and

got in.
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It wasnt until I noticed we were headed into town that I realized Frey wasnt driving. I

looked to my left and saw an unfamiliar head of long blonde hair. The head turned and I caught a

glimpse of his face, it was Wade Selby. Wade was notorious for hating sustainable energy and

tomorrow hed be running the race against me. That was, if I could escape from wherever he was

taking me.

Wade?! I said in shock.

Haha, thats right Tesla, I know who you are and I will to make sure you cant win!

How are you going to do that?

Im taking you to a secret location you wont escape! he chuckled.

I had to think fast, how could I escape Wade and where was he taking me? All of a

sudden it hit me, he has to race tomorrow too but he wants to make sure Im not there.

Tomorrow, he will stop by the secret location to make sure Im still there, when he does that, Ill

sneak into the trunk of his car and leave behind a decoy. Its the perfect plan, now all I had to do

was wait. That night, I planned my escape and assembled the fake Tesla. The next morning, just

as Id assumed, Wade showed up to make sure I was still there. I swiftly snuck out and crawled

into the trunk of his car. He returned to the car with a smug look, thinking he had won the race.

His car pulled up to the Lahaina Pali Trail and I sneakily crept out of the trunk. Hiding behind

his car, I watched Frey pull in with a sad look on his face. He could not find me. I slipped away

from the crowd unnoticed and made my way to Frey. Seeing me, he sighed in relief, I thought

you were gone! Thank goodness youre here, lets go win a race!

With Frey by my side, we approached the start of the race. Wades eyes locked on mine

and he bubbled with anger, What! How did you get here? he said.
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I chuckled and Frey spoke, Let's get this race started, shall we?

The starter fired a blank and Wade and I took off. It was clear he was a runner, Wade ran

with grace, quickly pulling ahead of me. I didnt let his skill intimidate me, I kept a steady pace

and thought of who I was running for. I was running for the community.

Throughout the race, I caught up to Wade and even passed him for a mile but now we

were in the home stretch. Wade had been ahead of me for the past half-mile, I could not let him

beat me. I knew the future of Maui relied on this race. My feet took control of my body and I ran

faster than I had ever run before. With the finish line in sight, my heart pounded, Wade was still

ahead of me, how could I win? Then, as if someone heard my cries, Wades feet entangled

themselves and he tripped, falling to the ground. This was my chance, my feet picked up again

running faster and I crossed the finish line first. I did it! I beat Wade! I can return back to New


At the end of the race, I was thanked by what seemed like the whole island for saving

their future.

Walking out to the parking lot, I saw Frey, he greeted me with a smile, Thank you so

much for everything! I think we should head back to your house, there is something waiting for


The two of us climbed into his car and he drove back to my house. Standing outside the

house I noticed something, the front door was the same door I saw that night I was transported

here. Outside the door a note read, Your answer lies back home, congratulations Nikola! It was

finally time to head home, I said my goodbyes to Frey, opened the door, and stepped inside. I

closed the door behind me and turned my head to see I had been standing on the path to my
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house, the faint sound of Niagara Falls behind me, it hit me. Hydroelectric power! The kind of

sustainable energy Frey told me about when we met, I was going to use hydroelectric power to

harness its energy. I had found my answer.

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