Lololololol Gorgon's Head

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Once upon a time, there was this king named Acrisius.

King Acrisius of Argos came home from

Delphi with a heavy heart for he received a dreadful oracle. According to this oracle, he will not have a
son but a grandson from whose hands he will be killed.

King Acrisius was frightened. He hid his only daughter Danae from the sight of all men. He locked
her up inside a house of bronze sunk underground.

One day, Zeus appeared in front of Danae through the roof partly opened and changed himself in
the form of the shower of gold. He beheld the maiden and afterwards, a son was born to Danae and
named him Perseus.

She kept her baby a secret from her own father. But days have come and King Acrisius learned
about her secret.

The King ordered his people to have a chest built for Danae and child Perseus. Danae and her child
were put inside the chest and sent adrift the sea. It tossed upon the waves until it reached the Island of
Seraphos where a fisherman named Dictys noticed the chest and took it. When he opened the chest, he
saw the pitiful mother with the helpless child. Dictys let them live in together with his wife.

Dictys's brother, King Polydectes was captivated with Danae's beauty and married her. But
Polydectes felt jealous over the love that Danae was giving to Perseus.

To get rid of Perseus, Polydectes sent him to a dangerous adventure that put his life in peril.

Polydectes: The time has come, Perseus, it is time for you to win glory for yourself in some bold adventure.

Perseus: Hmmm what adventure would that be?

Polydectes: I think, you must cut off Medusas head. That would be a great idea! Plus, that would give you
the greatest fame.

Medusa, one of the three Gorgons, has a snaky hair and metal-scaled skin. Looking straight in
Medusas eye can turn mortals into stone.

Despite the danger, Perseus accepted Polydectes challenge. But he didnt know where to look for
the gorgons. Then one day he met Hermes.
Hermes: Perseus, I support you with this whole adventure thing but without the winged sandals, magic
wallet and helmet of invisibility, youll be dead!

Perseus: How can I have these?

Hermes: Hmmm, Ill take you to these gray women but theyre unlikely to tell ya.

Perseus: Can I force them to tell me?

Hermes: Fortunately, yes, by snatching the eye that they have been sharing as they pass it to one another.

Perseus: Thanks Hermes youre the best!

Hermes: Oh, by the way, youll need this cool curved sword. Medusas scales are hard as metal.

Then there came Athena.

Athena: Hermes, you cant just easily attack Medusa with that sword! Here Perseus, take my awesome
shield and use it. You will see Medusa reflected as in a mirror. Dont look directly at the monster or else
you might end up like a statue instead.

As Persues travelled, he saw the three gray women passing the eye to one another. He crept
quietly towards them, waited till one had taken the eye from her forehead, and snatched it away as she
passed it to her sister. Without that eye, they are weak so they immediately told Perseus the way to the
Nymphs of the North, where he can find what he was looking for.

As Perseus reached the place, the Nymphs heard the reason why he needed those things. Then
they became eager to give the winged sandals, the helmet of invisibility, and the magic wallet.

Perseus then headed to the Island of Gorgons. He could see men and beasts turned into stone
everywhere. He also saw the three asleep Gorgons. But which ones Medusa?

Athena: Perseus! Medusas the one lying closest to the seashore. Go down there and attack her!

With one swift of his sword and with the help of his shield as mirror, Medusa was beheaded and
her head was put inside the magic wallet. The Gorgon sisters awakened, for they heard the rattle of
Medusas scales as the severed body thrashed about. They turned their snaky heads and when they saw
Perseus, they roared with fury. Flapping their great wings, they set off in pursuit. But they could not
outstrip the winged sandals. Over lands and people, the hero flew, on and on

While Perseus was making his way back home, he noticed a beautiful lady chained on the cliff.
She was Andromeda, daughter of an Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia.

Andromeda told Perseus that her mother boasted that she was the most beautiful than 50 lovely
daughters of Nereus. That made Nereus angry. As a revenge to her mother Cassiopeia, Andromeda
suffered the punishment.
At any moment, the serpent will be on its way to devour Andromeda so Perseus told Andromeda's

Perseus: Dont worry! I will rescue your daughter. But in exchange for that, let me marry her.

The king and queen agreed at once. The monster was coming. Perseus sprang into the air and
shot high up in the clouds. The monster attacked it in fury then Perseus swooped like an eagle from the
sky, hits the beasts right shoulder and there goes down the beast! But wait, its coming back up. It turned
around and around like some fierce wild boar in the midst of baying hounds. As he avoids the snapping
jaws, Perseus kept on striking the beast. Red blood poured from the monsters mouth. Nows for the
finale. He braced himself and drove his sword four times into the monsters side.

As the creature sank to its death, Perseus heard shouts of joy from the shore. Andromeda is safe
and married Perseus that same day. While the celebration's on-going, someone appeared. It was Phineas,
with a javelin in his hand, and his troop.

Phineas: No man shall take my bride! Andromeda is mine!

He almost killed Perseus with the javelin he's holding with his troops almost doing the same.
Perseus don't want to have a fight but Phineas pushed him to the limits. He first asked all of his friends to
close their eyes as he then showed to everybody the head of Medusa.

Everybody that sought the head turned to stone except for Phineas as he forces himself not to.
Cannot resist anymore, he saw it and ended up a statue.

When Perseus got back to Seraphos, King Polydectes didnt believe at first that Perseus got the
Gorgons head. But Perseus was forced to do it, though he really didnt want to show them. In a blink of
an eye as Perseus showed the Gorgon, everyone turned to stone except Perseus, Danae together with
Dictys and his family of course.

With that opportunity, Perseus with Andromeda, his mom and the fisherman's family got off the
island and went back to Argos.

At that time, there was a discus-throw competition at Larissa. Perseus joined in, threw the discus
and accidentally hit an old man in the audience leaving the poor man dead. It was learned that his
grandfather, King Acrisius, was the one hit by the discus.

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