Braxton Phillips

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Name: Braxton Phillips

Student: Teacher comments: Next steps for

My progress against 2018
June 2017 goals.

Thinking I have done that by

learning different
strategies like
guess and check
When engaged, Braxton thinks
hard about questions and
frequently shares his ideas. He
is adept at explaining and
Using language,
and place value.

I have not done that

justifying his thinking
Although Braxton often uses
symbols and texts I have been going on his device to access music on
youtube so I am youtube, he is able to
gonna work on that. confidently communicate his
learning using ICT technology.
He has also begun coding and
understands how language is
important for this task.
Managing self I have done that and Braxton does prepare himself
by making sure I for learning each day by
look at the time checking the timetable
table everyday at however he must make sure
the beginning of that he is managing his
each block attitude towards his learning,
this sometimes gets in his
Relating to others I have done that by Braxton does work well in
letting everyone group situations. He normally
talk in group work takes on a lead role and
and making sure encourages others to
everyone has a turn. contribute. He has shown
great maturity in dance and
makes others feel valued.
Participating and I have done that by Braxton actively participates
contributing putting my ideas
with others and
in learning activities that
interest him, such as PE or
making sure I'm not music. He must ensure that he
telling people what
to do.
is working hard to participate
in all learning areas.
ATTENDANCE 332 / 366
Name: Braxton Phillips Progress Report against the National Standards at Year Level: 8
Go to teachers: Ashley Triana & Lisa Thomson Student-led conference date: 12th December 2017 3.30pm-6.30pm Report date: Friday 8th December 2017
Overall Judgement against the National Previous Goals Student Comments: Teacher Comments: Next steps for How can I help at
Standards. Progress against June 2017 goals
from June 2017 Progress against June 2017 2018 home?

Reading Reading Age 15y 6m To read one novel every I have not been doing that because Although he has not met his goal, Braxton
three weeks I have been playing games and continues to achieve above the National
My Age 12y 9m reading takes up too much of my Standard for his age in reading. Braxton has
time. enjoyed our novels we have read in class this
Reading June 2017 +39m
year. He was able to identify the key ideas in the
Variance text and succinctly summarise these. Braxton has
Oct 2017 +35m
not put as much effort into his independent
Overall teacher Above reading tasks over the last two terms. I
Judgement encourage him to work on this if he is to achieve
next year.

Writing My writing sample At Improve the vocabulary in I have done that by looking at a Braxton has made great progress in writing this
my writing by using lots of thesaurus if I don't have year and is now meeting the National Standard
Overall teacher At different and more descriptive language and when I for a year 8 student. Braxton uses paragraphs to
Judgement complex words. don't have good formed sentences. organise his ideas and is beginning to carefully
select precise vocabulary to put into his writing.
Braxton uses a variety of sentence types and
lengths in his writing.

Maths Numeracy Stage Early 8 Use lots of different I have learnt some strategies but Although Braxton is currently meeting the
strategies to help me not much for example place value National Standard for his age in maths he is
My Maths sample Below answer harder problems. capable of much more. It is disappointing that he
chose not to attend a lot of his problem solving
Overall teacher At workshops. Braxton can solve multiplication and
Judgement division problems using several different
strategies. He is beginning to make connections
between fractions, decimals and percentages.

Values: To be more consistent in I have not done that because I I agree with Braxtons comments and applaud his
Aroha using my ARISE values, have been talking back to the honesty. He will engage in his learning if it is
Respect especially respect. teachers and yelling at people. something that he wants to do. However he often
Initiative, Integrity, Industry chooses not to take part in learning tasks or
activities, especially maths problem solving
Safety sessions. Braxton is working on being more
Engagement in Learning respectful in his interactions with his peers and
teachers, he has made some progress towards
this but should keep at it.

Please refer to the Overall Teacher Judgement Moderation Sheet which will give you more information about your childs progress toward meeting the National Standards.

Student to complete Reading Contracts Completed Numeracy Contracts Completed

Summer Term 1 break Term 2 break Term 3 break Summer Term 1 break Term 2 break Term 3 break

No Yes No Yes

Student _____________________________________________________ Teacher _____________________________________________________ Parent _____________________________________________________ DP _____________________________________________________

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