PLS CADD Google Earth

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips


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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

New features have been added in PLS-CADD Version 10!

Starting with version 8 of PLS-CADD, you can now visualize your models in Google Earth using the File/Export KMZ (Google Earth) command. Here are
the step by step instructions and some tips for making best use of this feature:

Use Version 5 or newer of Google Earth You can download Google Earth here. Everything demonstrated below uses Version 10 of PLS-CADD and
Version 5 of Google Earth.

Begin in PLS-CADD - Make sure you have the 3D view open!

Select your project's coordinate system - This is also a new feature in Version 8 and can be found under Terrain / Coordinate System

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

If you do not know what coordinate system to use then contact the supplier of your survey data. Please do not ask us becuase we can only guess what
coordinate system was used on your project.

Export a KMZ - The Google Earth model is called a "KMZ" file and can be exported from PLS-CADD using the File / Export / KMZ (Google
Earth) command.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Name your KMZ - Enter a name for your KMZ and select a folder to save it in.

Select KMZ Export Options

We suggest you leave the Range to view structure from and the Tilt settings at the default values.
You can choose the offset distance for the tours (which you will see later in Google Earth). We recommend that you set this slightly larger than
your maximum conductor offset (to simulate a helicopter flying as close to the line as possible).
In some cases, the vertical datum used on your project may not be the same as used by Google Earth. If your structures are "floating" when you
go to Google Earth, you can put a negative number in here to lower the entire line. Of course the opposite is true if your line is buried.
You can opt to include any raster imagery you may have attached to your PLS-CADD project for use in Google Earth. Unfortunately, Google
Earth does not handle detailed imagery as well as PLS-CADD does, so you may need to uncheck this option if navigating your model in
Google Earth is slow.
You can have Google Earth open up automatically and zoom directly to your line by leaving the last option checked.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Finally, Google Earth! - Once you click the OK button above (assuming you have left the automatically open Google Earth option selected), you
will be taken directly to your line in Google Earth.

Make sure that Terrain is checked in the layers tree control in the lower left corner of Google Earth so that you have 3D terrain to view your line on.

Prepare to Tour - Double-click on one of the "tours" on the left hand side of the screen under the line you want to tour (more later on multiple
lines). You will be taken to the first structure on your line, hovering and ready to fly.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Tour! - Click the "Play" button to start the tour. (Alternatively, you can use Tools / Play Tour from the menu or select Cntl-Alt-P on your keyboard.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Set touring options in Google Earth - You may want to set various options in Google Earth for your tour. Under Tools / Options, under the Touring
tab, you can set the distance, tilt, and speed as well as other options. (75 to 80 degree tilts appear to work best for most lines, with the distance being
a variable depending on the size of your structures and their spacing, and you may want to up the "Play Tour Times" to something besides the default
"1" so that the tour will loop back to the beginning when it is finished. To make Google Earth's terrain model a better match for your PLS-CADD
model increase the Terrain Quality setting under the 3D tab to the highest possible setting. There are other options that you may want to investigate,
such as the cache settings. You can cache the imagery from a whole project for demonstarions later where you may not have Internet access.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

In addition to these options you will also want to:

Set the Terrain Quality to the Highest setting in the 3D View tab.
Check Allow access to local files and personal data and Show web results in external browser in the General tab if you want to be able to click
on a project name to load that project in PLS-CADD.

Enjoy the ride! - Your tour should look something like this:

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Export Multiple Lines! - You can load (File / Open) multiple KMZ files into Google Earth so that you can see multiple models at one time. Note
that each project will now appear on the directory tree on the left, and you can expand the Structure Locations tree under a particular project, click on
a specific structure, and be taken right to that structure. Imagine having your entire system modeled in Google Earth (and PLS-CADD)!

Have Fun!

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Remember that in order to see rendered structures in Google Earth, you must have used PLS-POLE and/or TOWER to model your structures in
PLS-CADD first. Otherwise, you will just see "stick structures" and wires.
If you don't have a project handy and want to immediately try this feature out, download this sample KMZ file.
If you purchase the "Pro" version of Google Earth, you can make a movie of your tour as well (Click for an example movie). However, note that the
quality isn't anywhere near as good as it is "live" in Google Earth. We recommend that you investigate the cache setting described above for offline
tours at public meetings or other places where Internet access may not be readily available.
Feel free to give us feedback on your use of this new feature and to send us any impressive KMZs!

New Features in Version 10! - Version 10 of PLS-CADD has introduced new Google Earth integration features. Many hyperlinks have been added in the
KML to allow you to quickly navigate to specific structures when in Google Earth, see information about those structures and their attributes, open the
original PLS-CADD project, and many reports can now be exported to KML including:

P.I. Report
Structure Coordinates Report
Construction Staking Report
Leg and Guy Extension Report
Terrain Clearances by Span Report
Terrain Clearances by Survey Point Report
Thermal Rating Report
Danger Tree Locator Report

Structure Navigation and Attributes - First find the Project KML in the Places menu in Google Earth.

Next, expand the Structure Locations tree by clicking on the "+" in front of that line.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Now simply find the structure number in the expanded tree and click on it in the tree and Google Earth will automatically navigate to that structure.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

To obtain the attributes of the structure, simply click on the hyperlinked structure number (red arrow below) and all attributes that are noted in
PLS-CADD under View / Display Options / Plan View Structure and Section Labels will be listed. Note that the Bill of Materials is one of those

When viewing any of the reports that support KML in PLS-CADD, you can simply right click the mouse and choose the option to "KML Export".

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

This is demonstrated for Lines / Reports / Construction Staking Table below.

Save the KMZ (a zipped KML) to your desired location and then in Google Earth do a File / Open and select the KMZ you saved. Once loaded, you
can click on any of the markers and see the attributes associated with the Construction Staking Table listed. Notice below that not only are the
geographical coordinates of the staking location given, but the pole class, pole length, base diameter, and structure weight are listed as well.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Below is an example of the KML created by right clicking from the Lines / Reports / Thermal Rating Report. Note that if markers are displayed in
the 3D view in PLS-CADD, they will be exported with the PLS-CADD model KML export as well (File / Export / Google Earth (KML).

By clicking on the thermometer symbol in Google Earth, the attributes of the thermal rating limit in each span are given.

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PLS-CADD Google Earth Integration Tips

Another KML example that is quite informational in Google Earth is the Lines / Reports / Danger Tree Locator report. This method is an excellent
way to share this sometimes critical information with those that do not use PLS-CADD, but need to have access to this information. Note that Google
Earth even has an option to get directions "To here" by simply clicking on the link.

* Note 1 - This example shows violations under both a maximum operating temperature (red conductor) as well as a moderate 6 PSF wind blowing
both ways (green conductors) with radial clearance checks performed. It should also be observed that the wind violations are considered under a
"sweeping" of the conductors under a varying wind pressure and not under the full wind pressure condition alone. There are some violations at lower
wind pressures than 6 PSF being found.
* Note 2 - Falling Tree violations were not considered in this example.
The possibilities are unlimited! - By using these new functions in PLS-CADD Version 10, information from PLS-CADD can be shared with others
for informational, construction, and vegetative purposes quickly and easily.

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