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Write down what you think each word means (be aware some words
have more than one meaning)
2. Write down what kind of word it is (e.g. Verb, Adjective etc)
3. Find each words official meaning
4. Write each word in two different sentences.
5. Find a synonym for the words.

Stirring -
getting excited.
Causing excitement or getting strong emotions.
She was stirring.
A person asked what does stirring mean.
Exciting, emotional.

Caviar -
It is a rich food.
the pickled roe of sturgeon or other large fish, eaten as a delicacy.
I ate some caviar.
Get to work the caviar is the most important food on that dish.
Fish eggs, delicacy.

Ivory -
A material and a leaf .
Noun .
elephant's tusk and a leaf.
I put some ivory in the pot so that it would have more flavour
An elephant's tusk has ivory in it.
Tusk, bone.
1. Write down what you think each word means (be aware some words have Glanced -
more than one meaning) A quick look
2. Write down what kind of word it is (e.g. Verb, Adjective etc) Verb
3. Find each words official meaning Take a brief look
4. Write each word in two different sentences. He took a brief glance before running away
5. Find a synonym for the words. I glanced and noticed a fire in the distance
- Looked, peaked
Jagged -
Stabbed Draped -
Adjective A cloth
With rough, sharp points producing Verb
This is my sentence for jagged Arrange cloth or clothing loosely or casually on or round something
My friend asked me what jagged mean I do not know how to put draped in a sentence
Rough, rugged. I heard draped in a tv show
Wrapped, clothed
Hesitated -
Worried or stuttered Admitted -
Verb Confessed
Pause in decision before saying or doing something Verb
He hesitated before saying his speech Confess to be true
She hesitated because she was nervous He admitted to breaking the lamp
Delayed, halted. I admitted to killing someone
Confessed, acknowledged
Croaky -
A croak ? remarkable -
Adjective Rememberable
Deep and hoarse voice Adjective
I woke up with a croaky voice Worthy of attention
She came to school and found out one of the teachers had a croaky voice. His play was remarkable
Husky, gruff People thought he was remarkable
1. Write down what you think each word means (be aware some words have
more than one meaning)
2. Write down what kind of word it is (e.g. Verb, Adjective etc)
3. Find each words official meaning
4. Write each word in two different sentences.
5. Find a synonym for the words.

Astound -
Shock or greatly surprised
He was astound
He asked me what astound means
Astonish, amaze

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