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October 2017

Its a Boy!
Last summer in Lesotho, I was working in the hangar when
we received a call about a young lady with labor
complications. She needed immediate transport from
Mokhotlong to the local hospital. I quickly got my airplane
ready and along with an intern (who is also an EMT), we
departed to pick her up.

After loading her into the airplane, it became clear that the
contractions were increasing, and there was the possibility
we would have a baby born in the airplane. Thankfully the
baby held off until we landed in Maseru, but as we were
taxiing in, I noticed the ambulance was not waiting for us as
we had requested. We shut the airplane down and moved
her to the front corner of the hanger where we helped to
deliver a baby boy. But the baby was quiet and was not
wanting to breathe. Josh (the intern) and I quickly took the
baby boy to the radio room where I began to do some chest
compressions and he worked the air bag. In the hangar our
MAF staff and some outside visitors gathered together to
pray over the baby boy while we continued to work. After
about 10 minutes, he began to breathe on his own and his heartbeat began to stabilize.

Though we no longer serve in Lesotho, my new role at MAF headquarters in Idaho is just as vital
to enabling MAF to function around the world. Just as our missionaries on the field depend on
the work we do here at headquarters, we also still need the support of many like yourselves as
we work in this new more global capacity. We look forward to sharing with you as we
transition to this new phase of worldwide ministry.

We had a blast doing the Boise River Float

with the Clarks & Thiemanns. We served with
both families for many years in Lesotho.
Kiddos Korner Prayer & Praise
Our children are doing re-
markedly well with all of the
Prayer: I will be heading back to Africa! Pray for Leslie
changes. Jackson and Caleb and the kids while I am in Uganda later this month for an
are enjoying the freedom of IT conference and to train a number of our national
riding their bikes to school. African IT staff. MAF is also involved in a global #HACK
This part of Idaho is for missions. We are hosting this event in Boise and
experiencing extraordinary helping to put on the event in Kampala, Uganda. You can
growth. Evi has taken visit for more information
advantage of this and has Praise: We found a great place to live, in a suburb called
made friends with all the other Meridian, just 20 minutes from MAF headquarters. The
new girls at her school. Please kids are adjusting well to school, church, friends and
continue to pray that our numerous other changes in our lives over the last few
children would be able to form months.
deep, meaningful friendships.
Praise: Kittens!!! In our house a house isn't a home till we
Besides school, weve been start adding a few pets to the mix. Welcome to Panda
busy establishing ourselves and Roxy!
with dentists, pediatricians,
and a prosthetist. Imagine our
surprise when we learned that
our new prosthetist was a
friend and former trainee of
our prosthetist at Texas
Scottish Rite Hospital. Some
may say that its a small world
after all, but I disagree. Our
God is just so big, that Hes
got the whole world in His

For my last flight in Lesotho, I got to take some dear friends on a

short trip to see the beauty of Lesotho from the sky. The Vander-
lindes live on a farm in South Africa and have housed our Lesotho
team in times of evacuation. Our whole family has grown to love
them dearly and appreciate their friendship. They also adopted
our dog Sunshine who is loving living on the farm and has be-
come a loved and useful member of their family.

Mailing Address:
Danny & Leslie Hulls
Support Address:
E-mail: Danny, Leslie,
Phone: (208)646-8147
Danny & Leslie Hulls
c/o MAF Evi, Caleb &
PO Box 47
Nampa, ID 83653 Jackson Hulls

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