Teologija Oslobodjenja K

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(*1925) ()

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: C. Boff, Theologie und Praxis: Die erkenntnistheoretischen Grundlagen der
Theologie der Befreiung (GTh FS 7), 21984; A. F. Botta/P. R. Andinach (), The Bible and
the Hermeneutics of Liberation (SBL 59), Atlanta, 2009; E. Cardenal, Das Evangelium der
Bauern von Solentiname: Gesprche ber das Leben Jesu in Lateinamerika 2, Wuppertal 1976-
1978; I. J. Mosala, Biblical Hermeneutics and Black Theology in South Africa, Eerdmans 1989;
Ch. Rowland (), The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology, Cambridge 22007; G.
O. West (), Reading Other-wise: Socially Engaged Biblical Scholars Reading with Their
Local Communities (SBL 62), Atlanta 2007; G. O. West, The Academy of the Poor: Towards a
Dialogical Reading of the Bible (Interventions 2), Sheffield 1999.

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