Análisis de Artículo Científico

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Anlisis de artculo cientfico

El siguiente articulo cumple con los criterios de IMRD

1. Titulo:
A fascinating example of microalgal adaptation to extreme crude oil
contamination in a natural spill in Arroyo Minero, Ro Negro, Argentina.
2. Abstract:
Nowadays, accidental spills of crude oil are one of the most worrisome
environmental problems. Usually, the crude oil spills rapidly inhibited
photosynthesis of microalgae (the main primary producers of aquatic
ecosystems) causing a severe damage to inland waters ad marine ecosystems.
In order to add knowledge about microalgal response to crude oil spill, here
we study a fascinating example of extreme contamination by crude oil spills
continuously (at least since 1915) in Arroyo Minero, Nirihuan de Arriba, Ro
Negro, Argentina. This study is changing our pre-conceived ideas on the
adaptation of microalgae to crude oil. Astonishingly, a high biomass of
microalgae proliferates in contact with crude oil. In contrast with the paradox
of the plankton (which predict that more than 30 microalgal species would
coexist in the same water body) only four species were detected in the crude
oil spill area.
They are cosmopolitan mesophile species and not extremophile ones (as
would be expected). The most abundant species was the Chlorophyta
Scenedesmus obtusus. Other abundant species seems to be a new
Scenedesmus species. The other two species Symploca dubia Cyanobacteria
and Chlamydomonas dinobryonis Chlorophyta are new records for flora of
Argentina. These species were isolated maintained in clonal laboratory
cultures and characterised. They are resistant to crude oil of Arroyo Minero
and to analytical petroleum special standard. In contrast similar species
isolated from areas without crude oil contamination were destroyed by
3. Palabras Claves:
Adaptation; Crude oil spill; Microalgae; Chlamydomonas dinobryonis;
Scenedesmus obtusus; Symploca dubia.
4. Titulos de cuadros y figuras importantes
Si contiene figuras importantes en relacin al tema de investigacin
contaminacin minera.
5. La primera oracin de la introduccin a que se refiere esta
Trata lo que hoy en da, estamos viviendo a nivel mundial la extincin de
animales y contaminacin de la biosfera terrestre.
6. La primera y segunda oracin del ltimo prrafo dela introduccin, a
que se refieren estas.
La primera oracin trata: sobre la proporcin del derrame de crudo en el
Arroyo del Ro Minero y que hay abundante biomasa de micro algas que viven
en contacto con el petrleo crudo.
La segunda oracin trata: sobre el objetivo principal del estudio el cual
describe la primera comunidad conocida de micro algas que viven en forma
permanente en el ambiente contaminado por el crudo.
7. Identificar en el texto frases como: surprising, unexpected, in contrast
with previos work, has seldom been addressed, we hypothesize that,
we propose, we introduce, we develep, the data suggest.

No encontr la frase surprising sino sufijo surprisingly

No encontr la frase unexpected
No encontr la frase in contrast with previos work
No encontr la frase has seldom been addressed
No encontr la frase we hypothesize that
No encontr la frase we propose
No encontr la frase we introduce
No encontr la frase we develep
No encontr la frase the data suggest
8. Identifique en el texto oraciones con distintos niveles de anlisis
(narrativo, interpretativo y critico)
Yo logre identificar los tres niveles no en bastante proporcin pero si lo hay.
9. En que seccin del articulo encontr estos estilos.
En el abstract (Narrativo), en conclusiones (interpretativo y narrativo),
discusin (Critico), resultados (interpretativo y narrativo).

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