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KVCC IT -- Project Management Document

IT Project Manager:

1. Introduction
A high-level narrative description of the project, providing background information, areas
covered, and approach taken.

2. Goals and Objectives

An explanation of the projects goals and supporting objectives. These goals and objectives, as
well as the measures of success for each (e.g. automation, cost savings, efficiencies, etc.), will
derive primarily from the requesting department. However, listing some of the major ones will
help focus the ITs efforts. Example:

Goal Objectives

The system will It will allow users to work more efficiently and
improve job effectively, thus freeing time for those activities which
satisfaction levels add greater value
within the Institution Staff will have greater accessibility to the information
they need to do their job
The system will provide greater transparency for
decision makers at all levels

3. Scope and Schedule

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A broad explanation of the work required, broken down into phases and tasks as appropriate.
The schedule may include milestones, duration, start and end dates, and dependencies where
these are known.

Phase/Task: Schedule information

5. Out of Scope
If any related areas or tasks are defined as beyond the scope of this project, highlighting these
areas may reduce confusion and help align stakeholder expectations.

6. Risks, Constraints, Assumptions and Implications

This section is critical in outlining issues, events and conditions which may impact the project,
as well as how the project might itself impact other areas.

List major project risks, as well as early warning signs and any relevant mitigation strategies.
Also summarize known constraints that may affect the scope or schedule of the project. A list
of assumptions upon which the project plan is based will further help to clarify conditions
under which this plan might change. Implications of this project underscore potential effects
that the project or its product(s) may have on other systems or processes.

7. Roles & Responsibilities

Direct human resource requirements for the project should be listed here. The roles and
responsibilities will tie back to 3. Scope and Schedule.

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Name: Role/Responsibilities

8. Stakeholder Information and Communication

Appropriate two-way communication with stakeholders is crucial to project success, both
during and after the project.

Stakeholder(s) Information Shared Frequency Media/Method

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