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PO Box 212

Rock Point, Arizona, 86545

September 13, 2017

UNM Jobs
MSC11 6325
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Dear UNM Jobs Hiring Committee:

I would like to apply for a position on the Capacity Building team you advertised through My education towards a Civil Engineering degree would make me an immediate
contribution to the team.

My work experience taught me many things about the labor working environment. For three summers I
have worked for my communitys chapter house. Working for my chapter house, I learned how to work
with and under different supervisors at a time. I act professional and always get the job done with no
problems, such as; cleaning, gardening, restocking shelves, and keeping track of new inventory. Since it
was a community chapter house, my coworkers and I helped the community members that came to the
chapter house for their needs.

My volunteer experience also shows that I would be make good contributions to the capacity building
team. I have served lunch to the homeless at a shelter, and cleaned afterwards. I have made care
packages for children who were afraid of being placed in a shelter. I have helped the Salvation Army
make food boxes for the homeless for Thanksgiving. I have spent time with the elderly while making
Christmas decorations at the same time. Most of all, I know the importance of selflessness and helping
others. I work well with elders and children I have many volunteer experiences that have taught me
about community and working with the members of the community.

My skills include; great listening and understanding, I can work well in a team, I can retain new
information quickly, I can teach what I have learned, I have good note-taking skills, I can work under
pressure, and I am easy to talk to. I can make you feel welcomed when talked to. In terms of
communication skills, I can present information to an audience with ease and I can talk in a professional
manner in a workplace setting.

I am a member of the Honor Society, therefore, anything that has to do with a scholarly environment I
can get it done. I was awarded as a Chief Manuelito Scholar by my native tribe for achieving excellent
honors through high school. I would make a great asset to this capacity building team.

Thank you for this opportunity to apply for a position on this team. I look forward to hearing from this
committee and working with the team. I can be contacted by mobile at (928) 225-6198 or through my
email ( ).


Miranda Simp

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