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Chantal Cruz

English Dual Credit

Are you a murderer?
The definition of a murder is; a person who commits murder or kills by taking someone's

life. If you are taking a fetus life when you abort, does that not make you a murderer? Unborn

babies are considered human beings by the Federal Government. The Federal victims of violence

act protects babies from being hurt or murdered. Although this act is only legal in 38 states,

Americans should have this law passed throughout the entire nation to end abortions.

One main reason on why americans should pass this law is that this is considered murder.

Firstly, an unborn child is considered a member of the species homosapiens by the Federal

Government, which makes them a person who indeed is alive. By killing a baby who is alive is

the act of murdering. The Federal Victims of Violence act states Anybody killing or attempting

to kill an unborn child should be punished for attempting to kill a human

being.(,2017). For example, Sarah Nicole Henderson, 29 was allegedly arrested on

November 3,2017 for shooting both her daughters. She was arrested and charged with murder, if

this woman killed her daughters and got punished, so should women who kill their fetus by

aborting. Secondly, killing is also against the word of God. The sixth commandment in the bible

is Thou shall not kill. Which is applied to unborn babies, since the word Brephos means both

unborn child and an infant in Greek. Brephos is also stated in the bible, explaining that by the

time a baby is conceived it is already recognized by God, since its living. In Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and before thee camest forth out of the womb I

sanctified thee. (,2017). Even God agrees that an unborn child is considered a human

being and abortion is considered killing. Thirdly, abortions can cause psychological damage.

Medicine found that women who underwent an abortion has significantly higher anxiety scores

on the hospital Anxiety and Depression scale up to 5 years of pregnancy termination. (

BMC,2005). Studies found that young women who undergo with abortions have the highest risk
of subsequent depression. More than 173,000 American women found that women who

aborted were 154% more likely to commit suicide than women who carried them. (Southern

Medical Journal,2002) Aborting is not only killing another human being, but it causes

tremendous damage to mothers. In many cases aborting not only affects the mother, it affects the

mother's partner as well. Men whose partners had abortions found that 51.6% reported regret,

45.2% felt sadness and 25.8% experienced depression. ( Journal of social and clinical

physiology, 1998).

Women use abortion as a form of contraception, which is practically throwing away

babies for convenience. The Guttmacher Institute reported that; half of the women having

abortions have had at least one other previous abortion before. 8.10% of women who have gone

through abortions, have already undergone through two or three previous abortions before.

After abortions were legalized conceptions rose by nearly 30 percent, but births actually fell by 6

percent, indicating that many women were using abortion as a method of birth control, a crude

and drastic insurance policy. (Steven Levitt, 2017). Aborting is becoming more common in the

United States since women think it's okay to kill children every time they get impregnated, in a

way they use it as a form of birth control. Secondly, abortions significantly reduce the amount of

babies up for adoption. By killing more children mothers reduce the chances of giving them to a

family who really desires them and will give them a comfortable home.There are many families

who do not have the pleasure to conceive children of their own. Since abortion was legalized the

percent of babies in the United States given up for adoption dropped from 9% to 1% of those

born from 1996 to 2002. The number of infant adoptions also dropped massively from 90,000 to

18,000. Many women are not only taking a child's life by aborting, but their taking the chance of

couples who wish to become parents dreams come true. Thirdly, the Hippocratic Oath forbids
doctors from proceeding with an abortion. The Hippocratic Oath is a Greek medical text that all

new physicians are required to oath upon a number of gods that he/she will have a number of

professional medical practices. A section of the widely known medical oath states that; I will

not give a woman a pessary[ a device inserted into the vagina] to cause an abortion. It is against

every rule to commit abortions because they are in deed considered murder. The new version of

the Hippocratic oath still states that abortion should never be committed. Above all, I must not

play at God. (Louis Lasagna,1964).

Many argue that women have control over their own bodies, which allows them to abort.

I completely understand that since I am a women myself. However, if a mother is having sexual

interactions this means she is well aware that there might be a possibility of becoming

impregnated. She should take responsibilities for her actions and accept the consequences. An

unborn baby who is considered alive, should not be paying for a mother's mistakes. If a woman

was really in control of her body she would not get pregnant to begin with. Others argue that a

baby in a womb is not considered alive, since it is not out of the womb yet. I understand this

since you could not physically touch a child without it being out of the womb. Although, this is a

common misconception. Studies show that upon fertilization, a individual human is born and

created with a one of a kind genetic identity that does not change throughout his/her life. This

identity is unique which means that babies in the womb are considered alive, since life is given

to them upon fertilization.To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human

has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion... The human nature of the human

being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental

evidence."(Jerome Lejeune,1994). There are many that argue that when aborting, the babies feel

no pain. This is relatable ,because since babies are still in the womb many believe this.
Nevertheless, pain is detected by the first trimester. According to Kanwaljeet J. S. Anand,

MBBS, DPhil, Professor of Pediatrics, Anesthesiology and Neurobiology at the University of

Tennessee Health Science Center, "If the fetus is beyond 20 weeks of gestation, I would assume

that there will be pain caused to the fetus. And I believe it will be severe and excruciating pain.

Bernard N. Nathanson a late abortion doctor, explained that when abortion is performed on a

fetus that is 12 weeks of age when seeing an ultrasound you can see the fetus mouth opening to a

silent scream. That scream is the imaging proof that a child is being murdered. Maureen Condic,

PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy and Adjunct Associate Professor of

Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine, explains that the "most primitive

response to pain, the spinal reflex," and is developed by eight weeks gestation. Unborn children

may still be in the womb but can feel everything, so that means that they can also feel abortion or

when they are being murdered.

Finally it is evident that abortions need to end. There is proof that they are considered

murder. Children can feel when they are becoming extinct, or killed. Unborn babies may not be

out of the womb but they are considered to be alive, since they can feel everything like a born

child would. Abortion is not only bad for the fetus but it can cause severe problems to its parents

as well. There can be psychological problems and depression aboard. Abortions are also against

the word of God and the word of the Hippocratic Oath which forbids anyone from committing

the act of murder. This is also bad for society since, it leaves families who cannot consume

children of their own without the pleasure of becoming adoptive parents in their lives. Abortion

is also becoming a form of birth control, where mothers are using it as a way to dispose

children. Mothers know it's easy to just get rid of kids every time they make the mistake of

becoming pregnant. This is a severe problem in the United States that is not only dropping the
population growth, but it's dropping it by the heinous act of killing, We as Americans need to put

abortion to an end because it is indeed the act of murdering. Every murderer should be punished

for the acts they have committed, this law is allowing killers to kill in the United States and we

have to stop it. In conclusion, Abortion is considered the act of murdering and it should be


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