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Mahdi Alabbas

Prof. Russell Winfrey

UWRT 1102
Annotated Bibliography

1- Batrawy, Aya. Study finds Saudi government still tolerates hate speech. The
Washington Post, 26 Sept. 2017,
b573-8ec86cdfe1ed_story.html?utm_term=.f4b818d3201d. Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.

Summary: This study/report by Human Rights Watch shows how the Saudi government uses the
educational and religious systems to spread their ideas about the minorities, those ideas turn to be
hate speech against the minorities. It also shows how the Saudi government tried to spread that
there is only one righteous ideology, which is Wahhabism or what it called today the radical
Islam. The results of spreading the hate speech reflected in courts until it became inquisition
for the minorities. In schools, children will learn to hate those who practice Islam differently to
conservative Sunnis, such as, Shiites and Sufis, who are also prime target of Saudi-sponsored
hate speech and intolerant rhetoric. The report found that the religion curriculum for the 2016-
17 schoolyear does not mention Shiites by name, but that it uses veiled language to stigmatize
Shiite religious practices. And thats the only different that happened recently, and it happened
to avoid foreign media's criticism. In the eastern region Shiites suffered more after Sunni-led
kingdom and Shiite-led Iran severed ties last year. Even though they have nothing to do with
that. The religious education textbooks criticize other ideologies and religions practices and
describe them as a form of polytheism.

2- Chomsky, Noam. PUBLIC RELATIONS. Media Control: The Spectacular

Achievements of Propaganda, Seven Stories Press, 2006.

Summary: In general, this book talks controlling the media and changing people minds
by spreading propagandas. For example, in order to convince people to go to war,
American government used the strategy of tension, which means using fear to control
people mind. In this case, the American government spread that the Russian, Vietnamese,
North Korean, and Iranian are enemies, and if we settle down, then they will attack.
Basically, the people became supporters of wars. In chapter 4 Public Relations the
author represents the role of the public relations industry in controlling the public. The
author shows how the propaganda became the alternative solution for breaking knees.
The alternative solution was to create chaos between the strikers and the public by
presenting the strikers as an evil that must be eliminated in order to keep the common
interest. The author also presents "Mohawk Valley formula" and how to use it to break
strikes. That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that
nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. And here is the idea of
propaganda its an empty concept, but its useful to control people. One last thing is the
questions that follow the propaganda campaign, such as, Do you support our policy? in
which there is only one answer for them, which is YES.
Mahdi Alabbas
Prof. Russell Winfrey
UWRT 1102

3- Kenyon, Georgina. Future - The man who studies the spread of ignorance. BBC, 6 Jan.
ignorance. Accessed 11 Sept. 2017.

Summary: This article tells one of the earliest stories about the term agnotology. The story
starts when a secret memo from Tobacco industry revealed to the public. Doubt is our product
since it is the best means of competing with the body of fact that exists in the mind of the
general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy. That was the gist of the
reveled memo, creating an aura of doubt and ignorance among the public, which lead to an
endless whirlpool of chaos. Ended up with thousands of sterile dialogues to prove whether
smoking caused cancer or not. Ignorance is not just the not-yet-known, its also a political ploy,
a deliberate creation by powerful agents who want you not to know. The author shows the
charm of the propaganda, which is creating third views between the two opposing views and that
results in a state of incomprehension. This balance routine has allowed the cigarette men, or
climate deniers today, to claim that there are two sides to every story, that experts disagree
creating a false picture of the truth, hence ignorance.

4- Karlin, Mark. Misinforming the Majority: A Deliberate Strategy of Right-Wing

Libertarians. Truthout, 9 July 2017,
misinforming-the-majority-a-deliberate-strategy-of-right-wing-libertarians. Accessed 11
Sept. 2017.

Summary: The article gives an overview of the new segmentation of ideas that have
been witnessed in the leadership of the new president of America. The primary focus has
been to create a divisive way of administration that allows the primary subjects who are
non-Americans to face great segregation in terms of work and livelihood. It is a problem
that has been condemned by many political analysts as being a challenge that may not
create any political soberness but outright criminal era. The idea is that what one drives,
eats and wears should not be a subject of discussion as each and every one in a nation has
a choice on what to do and what not to do. The issue will remain a calamity as many term
it as the primary source of all infirmity and crime. As the scholars command the removal
of the devastating moves towards the new rule of law the results are confirmed by how
things are taking a new twist in the society. In that way, the world will be a free area to
live at any given moment in the present age that defines democracy as the basic life
amenity to adore under all cost.
Mahdi Alabbas
Prof. Russell Winfrey
UWRT 1102

5- Kerr, Simeon. Saudi Arabia to launch global PR offensive to counter negative press.
Financial Times, 11 Sept. 2017,
cde3f882dd7b. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.

Summary: The counter offensive ideologies that have been marked by the article is a
symbol of how processes are now taking the right route to a different society that is able
to offer the required form of rule of law. The move by Arabic states gives a new gesture
on how some of the ethnically created embargos have to be avoided under all cost. The
idea is that the Arabic states are now aware of the utterances that have been a major
drawback to their kingdoms with a primary focus being to stop all forms of nuisance that
has been witnessed on how Europe and America takes actions against the serenity of the
Arabic nations. The new regulations that have seen some of the states being unable to
travel to Europe and America have geared the moves of many Arabic nations to team up
and create a way of acting against all offensive messages that have been part of the day to
day activities of many European countries. It is a way to resolve the many issues that
faces the Arabic kingdoms in the world.

6- Proctor, Robert N. Agnotology: A Missing Term to Describe the Cultural Production of

Ignorance (and Its Study). Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance,
Stanford University Press, 2008.


7- Stoller, Paul. Social Engineering and the Politics of Ignorance. The Huffington Post, 3
July 2012,
th_b_1644348.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.


8- York, Jillian C. Silicon Valley Should Just Say No to Saudi Arabia. Electronic Frontier
Foundation, 22 Sept. 2017,
say-no-saudi. Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.

Mahdi Alabbas
Prof. Russell Winfrey
UWRT 1102

9- The 'new' Saudi Arabia is still a dungeon. The Washington Post, 20 Sept. 2017,
dungeon/2017/09/20/69874810-9cae-11e7-9083-fbfddf6804c2_story.html. Accessed 26
Sept. 2017.


10- Saudi Arabia: Religion Textbooks Promote Intolerance. Human Rights Watch, 13 Sept.
intolerance. Accessed 26 Sept. 2017.


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