Squad Leader Scenario Cards (English) - Version 4 PDF

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THE GUARDS COUNTERATTACK Scenario 1 Rules Introduced: Sections 1—21 VICTORY CONDITIONS To win the Soviets must completely occupy two more of the stone buildings initially occupied by the Germans than they lose of their own initial stone buildings to complete German occupation, OR have a favorable 3:1 ratio (Russian German) of unbroken squadsat game end. To be completely ‘ceupied in your favor, no enemy squad or officer can bein the building at ‘game end and your forces must have been the last o have occupied any hex Of the building with an unbroken unit. The German wins by avoiding the Soviet victory conditions TURN RECORD CHART STALINGRAD, October 6, 1942: After an extremely successful summer the Germans came upon the Volga fortress of Stalingrad. Herethe Russians had dug inand were determined 19 make a stand, Sensing total victory, the Germans threw more and more troops into the fighting. But for the frst time German infantry found the Russians their equal. Rebuffed by the stiff resistance, the Germans committed crack assault engineers. Gradually the ‘Germans cleared one block and then another, only to lose them again to sudden Russian counterattacks. By October 5, the Germans had almost taken the key Dzerhetinsky Tractor Works. However, the fighting had been so heavy that the line troops oecupying the surrounding area were exceptionally’ weak from the previous week's fighing. The Russians counterattacked with their crack 37th Guards to break the ingthe Germans had thrown around the factory and reinfore the defenders, Board Configuration A Only 3 N exo] CoH, 389th Infantry In building FS In building KS 1m building 17 te[44]78] [#2 [44]38] [te] 44]38 3 2 2 3 3 4 £4 1 #|4 A Elements of the 308th RIFLE DIVISION In building N4 In building 12 In building M2 In building N2 is ie ke] ES] [RRA Elements of the 2nd Bn, 37th GUARDS In building F3 8 2 tA SPECIAL RULES 11 In ail scenarios, units may deploy anywhere within the designated building, not justin the designated hex used to identify the building 8220003 VARIATIONS R7938 1A: Optional upon agreement of both players. THE TRACTOR WORKS Scenario 2 Rules Introduced: Sections 22—26 VICTORY CONDITIONS The side ending the game with undisputed control of atleast six hexes of the Tractor Works (IX3) wins, A side is considered to controla hex fit was the last to occupy that hex with an unbroken unit. A hex containing units of both sides in Close Combat iscontrolled by neither side, only onesie has an unbroken unit inthe Tractor Works at game end that side i the winner. neither side ends the game in control af 6 hexes of the Tractor Works or in sole possession of the building the game isa draw. TURN RECORD CHART STALINGRAD, October 6, 1942: While pushing into the indusrialarea of the city, advancing elements of the 389th Infantry have isolated acontingent of the 30Kth Rifle Division in the key Drehevinsky Tractor Works. The ‘Germans have decided to crush this island of resistance and to help, have brought up a crack team of assault engineers. However, the Russians have noted a critical weakness in the ring around the Tractor Works, and have decided to launch 2 major counterattack to relieve their garrison there Board Configuration A N Oni? shaded portion of board playable, hex cows O-GG inclusive ‘Sequential set ap Toll deo determine who moves ist 3 4[5[6]7] 8 |» Ten fe ny Dion ap con a Rena i Kamps Seeding US T1017 Aamplppe Tehamdeoy in uli 8 CC. ANG 13 AA aE | a8] 2 | | $i] 5 | es | £4 | at] aes fs] 46 ASE SE] 2 | [AB] A | As 48/48 7 2 4 12 6 3 Co A Anal Ene ato 0p in balling AM, CO, Ys 52) & ae if Smoke counters are removed from game after inital use @ da 2 Elements of two battalions of the 295th Infantry Di 4 2 = 6 eee eer eee es ES ie = fs) LA) ? 12 3 2 18 Wvision—deploy last in buildings P8, PS, Q8, RI Re | AE is 27 rai: | |e. + SPECIAL RULES 24 Germs ‘engineers’ smoke laying capacity is restricted to a total of 6 this senario 22 All Russian units in Tractor Works get fanaticism benefit 26) while in Tractor Works. VARIATIONS 2A: Optional upon agreement of both players THE STREETS OF STALINGRAD Scenario 3 Rules Introduced: Sections 27—41 VICTORY CONDITIONS Winning is based upon satisfying the victory conditions of scenarios land. If each side Tulills one vietory condition, the game isa draw. Ia player fulfils one vitory condition and draws the athe, it wins. A decisive or double victory is achieved when a player fulills both vetory conditions, TURN RECORD CHART STALINGRAD, October 6, 1942: This scenario joins Scenario I and 2 together as one combined game. Inaddition to the normal wo player same, this seenario makes for a good team game for fou players. Board Configuration | VARIATIONS 3A: Utilize Sewer Movement; Section 27 3B: Utilize Armor Support: Sections 28-41 IC: Usilize both Sewet Movement & Armor Support 3D: Optional upon agreement of both players SPECIAL RULES 3.1 Use exact Order of Battle and setup instructions provided in Scenarios and 2; setting up Scenario | forces prior to deploying Scenario 2eounters, All units may move on borh halves of the board 32 Only Russians may utllze Sewer Movement (27) 3.3 German armor may delay entry one turn and thereafter enter on any ‘southern or eastern edge hex. ie 2 "3(4[5]6] 7] 12, 12 g 75 6/- 3 2 TOS 6/- Enter on Turn 3 during the German Movement Phase on road hex Y10 and/or GGS-GO6. * Eaton Tun 2 during the Rusia Movement Phase on rod bx 1 AFTERMATH Both the German and Soviet attacks jumped off at about the same ime, and the entire area erupted in bloody street fighting. Utilizing overwhelming numbers the Soviets overran the strungout German defenders, but at so high a cost that by the time they reached the Tractor Works, their reinforcement value was much abated. The assault enginesrs had done their ‘work and another chunk ofthe factory was taken, but they too had taken heavy casualties and their attack soon petered out witha die hard group of Russians still hanging on toa corner of the Works. The overall result was that the Russians had recaptured a few city blocks, but were still being eroded in the factory. Neither side, despite desperate efforts with high asualtes, was able to achieve a decisive result that day, In essence, it wasa ‘draw with both sides pouring fresh troops into those exact same blocks ‘where many more men would die in the days ahead, THE HEDGEHOG OF PIEPSK Scenario 4 Rules Introduced: Sections 42—46 VICTORY CONDITIONS The Soviet player wins by being the last to occupy exclusively, with an unbroken unit all stone buildings on hoard 3. The German wins hy avoiding Russian victory conditions TURN RECORD CHART PIEPSK, Central Russa, Nov. 14,1941: Despite aheavy beating, the Soviet army was sill holding the field, and in some areas, giving better than they fol. However, the German ranks were thinning oUt as their manpower Fesources wer called upon time and again tight just one more bale. Very flten, an entire section of the line would be held by occupying the main village in that area with remnants of baitle weary company. With winter approaching, possession ofthese small towns became ericial as they were foften the only shelter for miles around. Piepsk was one such village tarrisoned by Co, A of the 3rd Bn, 72nd Infantry Regiment, Knowing that the German defenses were sparse, remnants of the Russian 169th Rifle Regiment were set to attack and overwhelm the hardpressed defenders at dawn. German sts up fst 3] 4]5 Board i : Configuration